What is Lactose Intolerance and Why? Symptoms and Treatment

Lactose disease it is a very common situation.  Lactose intolerance People with milk experience digestive problems when they drink milk, and this negatively affects their quality of life.

Lactose is a type of sugar found naturally in the milk of most mammals.

Lactose intolerance alias lactose sensitivity or sensitivity, It is an unfavorable condition in which symptoms such as stomach pain, bloating, gas and diarrhea caused by lactose digestion are seen.

The lactase enzyme in humans is responsible for breaking down lactose during digestion. This is especially important in babies who need lactase to digest breast milk.

what is lactose sensitivity

As children get older, they usually produce less lactase.

70% of adults, perhaps more, do not produce enough lactase to properly digest the lactose in milk.

After surgery in some people lactose intolerancecan also cause gastrointestinal diseases such as viral or bacterial infections.

What is lactose sensitivity?

Lactose intolerance, aka lactose sensitivityis a digestive disorder caused by the inability to digest lactose, the main carbohydrate in dairy products.

Swelling, diarrhea and may cause various symptoms such as abdominal cramps. People with lactose intolerance cannot make enough of the lactase enzyme needed to digest lactose.

Lactose is a disaccharide, meaning it consists of two sugars. Each one simple candiesis a molecule made up of glucose and galactose.

The enzyme lactase is needed for lactose to break down glucose and galactose, which is then absorbed into the bloodstream and used for energy. 

Without enough lactase enzyme, lactose passes through the gut undigested, causing digestive problems.

Lactose is also found in breast milk and almost everyone is born with the ability to digest it. Therefore lactose intolerance It is very rare in children under the age of five.

What are the Causes of Lactose Intolerance?

Two fundamentals with different causes the type of lactose intolerance vardır.

Primary Lactose Intolerance

Primary lactose intolerance is the most common. This is because lactase production decreases with age, so lactose is absorbed. 

Lactose intoleranceThis form of can be caused in part by genes because it is more common in some populations than others.

Population studies, lactose sensitivity It estimated that it affected 5-17% of Europeans, 44% of Americans, and 60-80% of Africans and Asians.

Secondary Lactose Intolerance

Secondary lactose intolerance is rare. Celiac disease It is caused by ailments such as stomach problems or a more serious problem. This is because inflammation in the intestinal wall causes a temporary decrease in lactase production.

What are the Symptoms of Lactose Intolerance?

Stomach Pain and Bloating

Stomach pain and bloating, both in children and adults lactose sensitivityIt is the most common symptom of.

When the body cannot break down lactose, it passes undigested from the intestine until it reaches the colon.

Carbohydrates such as lactose cannot be absorbed directly in the colon but can be fermented and broken down by the naturally occurring bacteria that live there, known as microflora.

This fermentation, short chain fatty acidsBesides, it causes the release of hydrogen, methane and carbon dioxide gases.

The increase in acid and gas can cause stomach pain and cramps. Pain usually occurs around the navel and in the lower half of the abdomen.

The feeling of bloating is caused by increased water and gas in the gut, which causes the intestinal wall to stretch and bloating occurs. The frequency and severity of stomach pain and bloating can vary significantly between individuals.

Bloating, discomfort, and pain can result in nausea or vomiting in some people. This is rare, but in some cases it has also been seen in children. 

Any stomach pain and bloating, lactose intolerance sign is not. In some cases, these symptoms can also be caused by overeating, other digestive problems, infections, medications, and other illnesses.


Lactose intoleranceIncreases the volume of water in the colon, causing diarrhea. It is more common in infants and young children than adults.

Intestinal flora consists of fermented lactose, short-chain fatty acids and gases. Most, but not all, of these acids are reabsorbed back into the colon. Residual acids and lactose increase the amount of water the body releases into the colon.

In general, there must be more than 45 grams of carbohydrates in the colon to cause diarrhea. 

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Finally, lactose intoleranceThere are many other causes of diarrhea. These are nutrition, other digestive disorders, medications, infections, and inflammatory bowel disease.

Gas Increase 

The fermentation of lactose in the colon increases the production of hydrogen, methane and carbon dioxide from gases.

Actually, lactose intolerance In people with intestinal flora, it is very good at fermenting lactose into acids and gases. This leads to more lactose being fermented in the colon, which increases gas.

The amount of gas produced can vary from person to person due to differences in the yield of intestinal flora and gas reabsorption rate of the colon.

Interestingly, gases produced from lactose fermentation have no odor. In fact, the smell of gas is not caused by carbohydrates but from the breakdown of proteins in the gut.


Constipationis a condition characterized by hard, sparse stools, incomplete bowel movements, stomach upset, bloating, and overstretching. 

It, lactose intolerancebut it is a much more rare symptom than diarrhea. 

When bacteria in the colon cannot digest lactose, they produce methane gas. Methane is thought to slow the time it takes to move through the gut, causing constipation in some people. 

Other causes of constipation include dehydration, lack of dietary fiber, some medications, irritable bowel syndrome, diabetes, hypothyroidism, Parkinson's disease and hemorrhoids countable.

Other Symptoms for Lactose Sensitivity 

Lactose intoleranceAlthough gastrointestinal symptoms are considered to be primary, some case studies have indicated that other symptoms may be present.

- Headache

- Tiredness

Loss of concentration

Muscle and joint pain

Mouth ulcers

Urinary problems


However, these symptoms lactose intoleranceare not identified as the true symptoms of the disease because it may have other causes.

In addition, some people with milk allergies may mistakenly experience their symptoms. lactose intolerancecan be attributed to it. In fact, up to 5% of people are allergic to cow's milk, and this is more common in children.

With a milk allergy lactose intolerance is not related. However, they often occur together, making it difficult to identify the causes of the symptoms. 

Milk allergy symptoms include:

Rash and eczema 

Vomiting, diarrhea and stomach pain



How to Understand Lactose Intolerance?

Lactose intoleranceBecause the symptoms of s are more general, it is necessary to make an accurate diagnosis before eliminating dairy products from your diet.

Health professionals often use a hydrogen breath test lactose intolerancediagnose. 

Treatment of lactose intolerance It usually involves restricting or avoiding high-lactose foods such as milk, cheese, cream, and ice cream.

However, lactose intolerance People can tolerate 1 cup (240 ml) of milk, especially when spread out throughout the day. This equates to 12–15 grams of lactose.

In addition, lactose allergySince those who have had better tolerate fermented dairy products such as cheese and yogurt, they can meet their calcium needs from these foods without causing symptoms.

Lactose Intolerance Diagnostic Tests

Diagnosing lactose intoleranceThere are three main tests that help:

Lactose Tolerance Blood Test

It involves observing the body's response to high lactose levels. It is measured for blood glucose levels two hours after a high lactose diet.

Glucose levels should ideally rise. Unchanged glucose levels indicate that the body is unable to digest lactose.

Hydrogen Breath Test

This test also requires a high lactose diet. The doctor will check your breathing at regular intervals for the amount of hydrogen released. For normal individuals, the amount of hydrogen released is, lactose intolerance it will be very low compared to the ones.

Stool Acidity Test

This test is used in babies and children. lactose intolerancediagnose. Undigested lactose ferments and produces easily detectable lactic acid along with other acids in the stool sample.

How Is Lactose Intolerance Treated?

Avoid lactose-containing milk and dairy products

Dairy products are beneficial for the bones, linked to a reduced risk of type 2 diabetes and obesity. But, lactose intolerance People with milk may have to eliminate dairy from their diet, so they may be potentially deficient in some nutrients.

Which Foods Contain Lactose?

It is found in lactose, dairy, and dairy-containing foods.

Dairy Foods Containing Lactose

The following dairy products contain lactose:

Cow's milk (all types)

- Goat milk

Cheese (including hard and soft cheeses)

- Ice Cream

- Yoghurt

- Butter

Occasional Lactose Containing Foods

Because they're made from milk, the following foods may also contain lactose:

Biscuits and cookies

- Chocolate and confectionery, boiled sweets and candies

Bread and pastries

- Cakes

- breakfast cereals

- Instant soups and sauces

Pre-sliced ​​processed meats, such as sausages

Ready meals

- Crisps

- Sweets and cream

People with lactose intolerance may consume some milk 

All dairy products contain lactose, but this lactose intolerance does not mean that people cannot fully consume it.

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Lactose intolerance Most people can tolerate small amounts of lactose. For example, some people can tolerate small amounts of milk in tea, but cannot tolerate the amount they get from a bowl of cereal.

Lactose intolerance It is thought that those who have it can tolerate 18 grams of lactose by spreading it throughout the day.

When the natural parts of some milk varieties are eaten, they are also very low in lactose. For example, butter, It contains only 20 grams of lactose per 0,1-gram serving.

Interestingly, yoghurt lactose intolerance It produces fewer symptoms than other dairy products in people with

Lactose Exposure

Your lactose intolerance Including lactose in your diet on a regular basis, if available, will help the body adapt.

So far, few studies have been done on this, but early studies yielded some positive results.

In a little work, lactose intolerance Nine people who were, experienced a three-fold increase in lactase production 16 days after consuming lactose.

Tighter trials are needed before firm recommendations can be made, but it may be possible to train the gut to tolerate lactose.

Probiotics and Prebiotics

Probiotics, are microorganisms that benefit when consumed.

Prebiotics, these are types of fiber that act as foodstuffs for bacteria. They feed on bacteria so they thrive. 

Although small, in most studies, both probiotics and prebiotics lactose intolerance symptomsIt has been shown to reduce. 

Some probiotics and prebiotics, lactose intolerance it is more effective for people who have it than others.

One of the most beneficial probiotics is often found in probiotic yogurts and supplements. bifidobacteriad. 

How should a lactose-free diet be?

A lactose-free diete is an eating pattern that eliminates or limits lactose, a type of sugar in milk.

While most people are aware that milk and dairy products typically contain lactose, there are many other food sources of lactose.

In fact, many baked goods, confectionery, cake mixes contain lactose.

lactose-free diet

Who should be fed lactose-free?

Lactose is a simple type of sugar found naturally in milk and dairy products. It is usually broken down by an enzyme in the small intestine, lactase.

However, many people cannot produce lactose, which makes them unable to digest the lactose in milk.

In fact, it is estimated that about 65% of the world's population is lactose intolerant, meaning they cannot digest lactose.

Lactose intolerance For those, consuming lactose-containing products can trigger negative side effects such as stomach pain, bloating, and diarrhea.

Lactose-free diets can minimize symptoms for those with this condition.

What to Eat in a Lactose-Free Diet?

As part of a healthy lactose-free diet, you can eat the foods listed below without problems:


Apple, orange, strawberry, peach, plum, grape, pineapple, mango


Onion, garlic, broccoli, cabbage, spinach, arugula, kale, zucchini, carrots


Beef, lamb, beef


Chicken, turkey, goose, duck

sea ​​products

Tuna, mackerel, salmon, anchovies, lobster, sardines, oysters


Egg yolk and egg whites


Beans, kidney beans, lentils, dried beans, chickpeas

Whole grains

Barley, buckwheat, quinoa, couscous, wheat, oats


Almonds, walnuts, pistachios, cashews, hazelnuts


Chia seeds, flax seeds, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds

Milk alternatives

Lactose-free milk, rice milk, almond milk, oat milk, coconut milk, cashew milk, hemp milk

Lactose-free yogurts

Almond milk yoghurt, soy yoghurt, cashew yoghurt

Healthy Oils

Avocado, olive oil, sesame oil, coconut oil

Herbs and spices

Turmeric, thyme, rosemary, basil, dill, mint


Water, tea, coffee, juice

lactose allergy

Which Foods to Avoid in Lactose-Free Diet?

Lactose is primarily found in dairy products, including yogurt, cheese, and butter. However, there are also other convenience foods.

Dairy products

Some dairy products contain low amounts of lactose and can be tolerated by many people with lactose intolerance.

For example, butter contains only trace amounts and is unlikely to cause symptoms for those with lactose intolerance unless very high amounts are consumed. 

Some types of yogurt also contain beneficial bacteria that can help digest lactose.

Other dairy products that usually contain low amounts of lactose include kefir, old or hard cheeses.

These foods may be tolerated by those with mild lactose intolerance, but those with milk allergies or those who avoid lactose for other reasons have a hard time tolerating them.

Dairy products that should be avoided as part of a lactose-free diet include:

- Milk - all types of cow's milk, goat's milk and buffalo milk

Cheese - especially soft cheeses such as cream cheese, cottage cheese, mozzarella

- Butter

- Yoghurt

- Ice Cream

Fat milk

- Sour cream

- Whipped cream

Fast foods

In addition to being found in dairy products, lactose can be found in many prepared food products.

Checking the label will help determine if a product contains lactose.

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Here are foods that may contain lactose:

- Fast foods

Cream-based or cheese sauces

- Crackers and biscuits

- Bakery and desserts

Creamy vegetables

- Candies, including chocolates and candies

- Pancake, cake and cake mixes

- breakfast cereals

Processed meats such as sausages

- Instant coffee

Salad dressings

How to understand the lactose in foods?

If you're not sure whether a particular food contains lactose, check its label.

If there are additional milk or dairy products that can be listed as milk solids, whey or milk sugar, it contains lactose.

Other ingredients that show that a product can contain lactose include:

- Butter

Fat milk


Condensed milk


- Curd

Evaporated milk

- Goat milk


- Milk by-products

Milk casein

- Milk powder

Milk sugar

- Sour cream


Whey protein concentrate

Note that although it has a similar name, ingredients such as lactate, lactic acid, and lactalbumin have nothing to do with lactose.

Herbal Treatment for Lactose Intolerance


Individuals with lactose intolerance often lack vitamins B12 and D. Therefore, it is necessary to obtain these vitamins from sources other than dairy products.

Foods rich in these vitamins include fatty fish, soy milk, egg yolk, and poultry. You can also take additional supplements after consulting a doctor.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Mix a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of warm water. For the mixture. You should drink this once a day.

Apple cider vinegar When it enters the stomach, it becomes alkaline and helps digest milk sugar by neutralizing stomach acids. This helps prevent symptoms such as gas, bloating, and nausea.

Lemon Essential Oil

Add a drop of lemon essential oil to a glass of cold water. Stir well and drink. You should drink this once a day.

Lemon essential oil helps digestion by neutralizing stomach acids and thus lactose intoleranceIt alleviates digestive problems caused by.

Mint oil

Mix a drop of peppermint oil in a glass of water. For the mixture. You should drink this at least once a day. Mint oil It relaxes digestive functions. It helps digestion and relieves bloating and gas.

Lemon juice

Add the juice of half a lemon to a glass of water. Mix well and add honey. Consume the lemon juice. You should drink this once a day.

Although lemon juice is acidic, it becomes alkaline when metabolized. This action has a neutralizing effect on stomach acids, reducing gas, bloating and nausea.

Aloe Vera Juice

Consume half a glass of fresh aloe vera juice every day. You should drink this 1-2 times a day.

Aloe veraIts anti-inflammatory properties help soothe an uncomfortable stomach. Aloe vera also restores the pH balance of the stomach thanks to its magnesium lactate composition.

Kombucha Tea

Consume a glass of kombucha daily. You should drink this once a day.

KombuchaThe probiotics in it restore a healthy gut flora that supports bowel function. Probiotics, lactose intolerance It has a beneficial role in alleviating indigestion symptoms associated with metabolic disorders such as

Bone Broth

Bone juice, lactose intolerance It contains calcium, a nutrient that can be lacking. Bone broth also contains gelatin and collagen, which help your gut handle lactose better.

In Conclusion;

Lactose intolerance it is a very common situation. The most common symptoms include stomach pain, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, gas, nausea, and vomiting. 

Other symptoms such as headache, fatigue and eczema have also been reported, but these are less common and may be the result of other ailments. Sometimes people mistakenly notice a milk allergy symptom such as eczema. lactose intoleranceConnects to the. 

Lactose intolerance symptomsIf you have, the hydrogen breath test can help determine if you have a lactose malabsorption disorder or if your symptoms are caused by something else.

Lactose intolerance treatmentIt involves reducing or eliminating sources of lactose from the diet, including milk, cream, and ice cream.

But, lactose intolerance Many people who have it can drink 1 glass (240 ml) of milk without experiencing symptoms.

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