Incredible Health Benefits of Parmesan Cheese

Parmesan cheeseIt is one of the healthiest cheeses made from cow's milk. It has a sharp and slightly salty taste. This Italian cheese goes through a traditional production process of 1000 years.

It is grated and used in foods such as spaghetti, pizza and Caesar salad. Parmesan cheeseIt has many health benefits.

It is the rich nutritional content of cheese that reveals these health benefits.

What is Parmesan?

Parmesan cheeseIt is a hard Italian cheese. It goes through a long aging process of about two years on average. It is also possible to find varieties of cheese with an extra sharp taste that have waited three or even four years.

"Parmesan cheese” is the English name for cheese. original Italian name Parmigiano-Reggiano'Stop.

Nutritional value of Parmesan cheese

100 g parmesan cheese It is 431 calories. The nutritional content is as follows: 

  • 29 g total fat, 
  • 88 mg of cholesterol, 
  • 1.529 mg sodium, 
  • 125 mg of potassium, 
  • 4.1 g total carbohydrates, 
  • 38 grams of protein, 
  • 865 IU of vitamin A, 
  • 1.109 mg of calcium, 
  • 21 IU of vitamin D, 
  • 2.8 mcg of vitamin B12, 
  • 0.9 mg of iron
  • 38mg of magnesium.

What Are the Benefits of Parmesan Cheese?

Naturally lactose free

  • Lactose is an essential part of cheese making. Parmesan cheese almost lactose free.
  • Approximately 75% of the world's population cannot digest lactose, which is the main carbohydrate type in milk. 
  • to this situation lactose intolerance is called. People with this condition experience diarrhea, abdominal pain, gas and bloating after lactose enters their bodies.
  • Parmesan cheese, 100 calorie portion contains a maximum of 0.10 mg of lactose, so those who are lactose intolerant can safely eat it.
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Strengthens bones and teeth

  • Parmesan cheeseup to 100 mg per 1.109 grams of calcium it is found that; this is a very high rate. 
  • With such a high calcium content, it strengthens bones and teeth. 
  • It also works with calcium to reach the highest bone mass and maintain bone health. Vitamin D also includes.

muscle building

  • Parmesan cheesecontains the necessary amount of protein to repair and maintain the body's tissues and muscles. 
  • Protein, skin, muscles, organs, that is, it is found in every cell in our body. It is very important for the regenerative functions and maintenance of the body.

healthy sleep

  • Parmesan cheese tryptophan includes. The body uses tryptophan to make niacin, serotonin, and melatonin. Therefore eating parmesan cheeseimproves sleep quality. 
  • Serotonin promotes healthy sleep. Melatonin provides a happy mood. This reduces the stress level and relaxes. As a result, it makes falling asleep easier.

Eye health

  • Parmesan cheese100 grams of it contains 865 IU of vitamin A. Vitamin A It is very important for eye health. 
  • The human body needs vitamin A for the health of the skin and hair, a strong immune system, healthy growth and reducing the risk of some types of cancer.
  • According to research, getting high levels of antioxidants such as vitamin A along with zinc, age related macular degenerationnu reduces the risk of development.

Nervous system

  • Parmesan cheeseAnother benefit is that it helps the nervous system to function properly. 
  • This is because they play an important role in the production of red blood cells and the functioning of the brain. Vitamin B12 is the content.
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Digestive health

  • Parmesan cheesehelps the growth of gut bacteria probiotics and full of nutrients. 
  • A healthy gut effectively fights bacterial infection and improves digestion.

Liver cancer

  • According to research done, Parmesan cheesecontains a compound called spermidine, which inhibits the proliferation of damaged liver cells. 
  • With this feature, it prevents liver cancer.

Is Parmesan Cheese Harmful?

  • Parmesan cheesehas a high sodium content. If consumed in excess, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, kidney stoneincreases the risk of stroke and heart disease.
  • Parmesan cheese Because casein is a dairy product high in protein, it is not suitable for people with casein allergy or cow's milk allergy. 
  • In case of casein allergy, symptoms such as rash, skin irritation, breathing problems, asthma attacks, gastrointestinal problems, anaphylactic shock occur.
  • Those who are allergic to casein or cow's milk, Parmesan cheese should not eat milk and dairy products such as
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