What Is Bloating, Why Does It Happen, How Is It Eliminated? Bloating Foods

Your bloating There are many reasons. These are usually harmless conditions such as indigestion and gas in the stomach and intestines. Bloating problem can be easily treated at home. However, the pain that occurs with the swelling It is alarming and may be a sign of some serious situations.

In the article "What is bloating", "causes stomach bloating", "bloating symptoms", "food that causes bloating in the stomach", will be discussed.

What are the Causes of Bloating?

It is an event that every person experiences from time to time. generally Causes of bloating It can be listed as follows;


Gas buildup in the stomach and intestines is one of the most common causes. Other possible symptoms are:

Excessive burping

- Excessive swelling

Feeling an intense urge to have a bowel movement

- Nausea 

Caused by gas swelling It manifests itself from mild discomfort to intense pain. You experience a feeling of being stuck in the stomach. Gas can be caused by the following reasons:

Vegetables such as cauliflower, broccoli, and cabbage

Stomach infection

Chronic diseases such as Crohn's disease


In most cases, gas will pass by itself after a few hours.

causes of stomach bloating

Indigestion, bloating

Indigestion, sometimes called dyspepsia, is a condition in which discomfort or pain occurs in the stomach. Most people experience brief episodes of indigestion from time to time. Indigestion is caused by:

Eating too much

Excessive alcohol

Medicines that irritate the stomach, such as ibuprofen

A minor stomach infection

Frequent indigestion that does not appear to be associated with food or other obvious causes may be a sign of a more serious condition. Possible causes include stomach ulcer, cancer, or liver failure. 


Stomach infections can cause gas that can accompany:

- Ishal

- Vomiting

- Nausea

- Abdominal pain 

These are usually Escherichia coli or a Helicobacter pylori It is caused by bacteria such as bacteria or a viral infection such as norovirus, rotavirus.

Stomach infections usually go away on their own after a few days. However, some people may become severely dehydrated or continue to get worse within a few days.

if swellingThese people should definitely see a doctor if they have the following symptoms:

- Fire

Bloody stools

Severe and frequent vomiting

Bacterial growth in the small intestine (SIBO)

The stomach and intestines are home to a variety of bacteria that help digest food. When these bacteria are out of balance, an increase in harmful bacteria can occur in the small intestine. This is known as bacterial overgrowth or SIBO in the small intestine.

sibo bloatingcan cause frequent diarrhea, and there may be difficulties in digesting food and absorbing nutrients. For some people, SIBO can cause osteoporosis or weight loss for no reason.


Eating salty foods, food intolerance, and changes in hormone levels may be signs of excess water retention in the body.

For this reason, some women feel comfortable just before their menstrual period or in early pregnancy. swelling lives.

Due to fluid retention chronic bloatingcan also cause a more serious condition such as diabetes or kidney failure. if swelling If it does not pass, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

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Food intolerances

Some people swell after eating certain foods. For example; lactose intolerance or who are allergic to gluten, or celiac disease people with. Swelling It usually resolves spontaneously, but there may also be diarrhea or stomach pain. 

Chronic disorders

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and chronic bowel diseases such as Crohn's disease bloating why could it be. Both IBS and Crohn can cause gas, diarrhea, vomiting, and unintentional weight loss.


Gastroparesis is a disease that affects normal gastric emptying. Stomach muscles do not work properly, causing food to pass through the stomach and intestines more slowly. The symptoms are as follows:

- Nausea and bloating

- Constipation

- Getting full very quickly while eating

Loss of appetite


- Vomiting

Pain and discomfort

Other conditions, such as diabetes or hypothyroidism, also often cause gastroparesis. 

Gynecological disorders

In some women, endometriosis, cramping and bloating why could it be. This happens when the lining of the uterus connects to the stomach or intestines.


Constipation often bloating causes. Causes of constipation include:


- Lack of fiber in the diet

Food intolerance


Certain bowel diseases

Nutrient deficiencies, including magnesium

Some medications

Conditions That Can Make Bloating Worse

Underlying health conditions

Some chronic conditions can cause bloating, such as Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, or diverticulitis. Some types of cancer can cause a blockage in the intestines.

Anyone who experiences a sudden or worsening increase in gas output should see a doctor.

Gall bladder problems 

Gallstones and cholecystitis can cause extra gas. 

Bloating and constipation in the stomach

Stool can make excess gas difficult to expel, causing more build-up and discomfort.

Gastroenteritis and other intestinal infections

A viral, bacterial, or parasitic infection of the digestive system, or food poisoning, can cause gas buildup. Examples include Escherichia coli (E.coli) infection, amebiasis and giardiasis.


These can disturb the normal intestinal flora or bacterial flora in the gut, causing bloating.


Regular and extreme use of laxativesincreases the risk of flatulence.

Other causes include pregnancy, hernia, pancreatitis, Hirschsprung's disease, premenstrual syndrome, endometriosis, and others.

If there are signs of poisoning or obstruction, or if there is blood in the stool, immediate medical attention is required.

How to relieve bloating?

Gas and what it causes stomach bloating it is usually not a serious problem. In most cases, the problem is resolved with dietary changes.

Bloating and Nutrition

Avoiding foods that can cause gas bloating in the stomach can be prevented. Carbohydrate-containing foods that are easier to digest include:

- Banana

- Citrus

- Grape

- Lettuce

- Rice

Yogurt, but those with lactose intolerance should be careful.

What Is Good For Stomach Bloating?

Bloating in the stomach Other ways to reduce it include:

Eating smaller meals

Symptoms often improve when a person eats four to six small meals each day instead of three large ones. Mint tea might help. 

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Slow eating

Digestion starts in the mouth, so food should be chewed thoroughly before swallowing.

Avoiding chewing gum and carbonated drinks

Chewing gum causes people to swallow more air. This increases bloating. 

Not smoking

Smoking causes people to breathe more and also irritates the digestive system. 

Selection of low-lactose dairy products 

Eliminating foods high in lactose can improve symptoms. 

To exercise

Activity improves the functioning of the digestive system and this helps reduce gas and bloating.


These can reduce symptoms in some people.

Stomach Bloating Treatment

If dietary changes aren't enough to relieve swelling, over-the-counter medications can help. for example activated charcoal tabletsIt is stated that the gut absorbs the gas in the intestines and reduces the symptoms of bloating.

However, it is necessary to consult a doctor first, because coal can also absorb some of the active substances. Not all healthcare professionals recommend the use of coal because its benefits are unclear.

Bloating Foods

foods that cause bloating

"Causes of bloating" we mentioned. Now too gas and bloating foodsLet's see what happened.

Bloating Foods


Beans it is a type of legume. It contains high amounts of protein and healthy carbohydrates. It is also very rich in fiber.

However, most types of beans contain sugar called alpha-galactosides - which belong to the group of carbohydrates called FODMAPs. FODMAPs (fermentable oligo-, di-, mono-saccharides, and polyols) are short-chain carbohydrates that escape digestion and are fermented by intestinal bacteria in the colon. Gas is a byproduct of this process.

For healthy people, FODMAPs provide fuel for beneficial digestive bacteria and do not pose any problems.

However, for individuals with irritable bowel syndrome, another type of gas is created during the fermentation process. It, swellingcan cause serious discomfort with symptoms such as gas, cramps, and diarrhea.

Soaking the beans before cooking is a good way to reduce the FODMAPs in the beans. You should change the water you soak several times.


causes of bloating

Lentil are also legumes. It contains high amounts of protein, fiber, and healthy carbohydrates as well as minerals such as iron, copper and manganese.

Due to its high fiber content, it can cause bloating in sensitive individuals. This is especially true for people who are not used to eating large amounts of fiber.

Like beans, lentils contain FODMAPs. These sugars are responsible for excessive gas production and your bloating constitutes the reason. Soaking lentils before cooking makes them easier to digest in the digestive tract.

Carbonated Drinks

Carbonated drinks It is another common cause of bloating. These drinks contain high amounts of carbon dioxide. When you drink one of these drinks, a large amount of gas is swallowed.

Some of the gas is trapped in the digestive system and is irritating swelling and may even cause cramps.


WheatSince it contains a protein called gluten, it has been a very controversial food in recent years. Despite the controversy, wheat is still widely consumed.

It is an ingredient in most breads, pasta, and pizza, as well as baked goods such as cakes, biscuits, pancakes, and waffles.

For people with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity, wheat causes major digestive problems. This swellinggas, diarrhea, and stomach pain. Wheat is an important source of FODMAPs.

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Broccoli and Other Cruciferous Vegetables

Among the cruciferous family of vegetables, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, Brussels sprouts and others are found. These are very healthy.

It contains many important nutrients such as fiber, vitamin C, vitamin K, iron and potassium. However, it does contain FODMAPs, so some people bloating they can cause. Cooking cruciferous vegetables makes it easier to digest.


Onionare root vegetables with a unique, strong flavor. Onions are one of the major sources of fructans. These bloating It is soluble fibers that can cause.

Therefore, onion, swelling and other digestive ailments. Cooking the onion reduces these digestive effects.


Harpis a widely consumed cereal grain. It is rich in fiber and contains high amounts of vitamins and minerals such as molybdenum, manganese and selenium, which means it is very nutritious.

Due to its high fiber content, barley, which is a whole grain, is used in people who are not used to eating too much fiber. bloating why could it be. Also, barley contains gluten. This causes problems for people with gluten sensitivity.


Rye is very nutritious and an excellent source of fiber, manganese, phosphorus, copper and B vitamins. However, rye contains gluten. Due to its high fiber and gluten content, sensitive individuals cause of swellingcomes at the beginning of.

Dairy products

Dairy products are highly nutritious and excellent sources of protein and calcium. Many dairy products are available, such as milk, cheese, cream cheese, yoghurt and butter.

However, approximately 75% of the world's population cannot break down the sugar lactose in milk. This condition is known as lactose intolerance. If you can't tolerate lactose, milk can cause major digestive problems.

symptoms swelling, gas, cramps, and diarrhea.


Appleis one of the most consumed fruits in the world. They are high in fiber, vitamin C, and antioxidants, and have a variety of health benefits.

But apple for some people swelling and other digestive problems. Responsible for this is fructose (a FODMAP) and its high fiber content. 


Garlic Used incredibly popular, both as a flavoring and as a health remedy. Like onion, garlic too bloating Contains fructans, which are FODMAPs.

If you are allergic to other compounds found in garlic, you may experience symptoms such as bloating and gas. However, cooking garlic can reduce these effects.

Sugar alcoholsexcessive swelling

Sugar alcohols are used as sugar substitutes in sugar-free foods and chewing gum. Commonly used; xylitol, sorbitol and mannitol. Sugar alcohols are also FODMAPs.

They can cause digestive problems as they reach the intestines unchanged where the intestinal bacteria feed them. Consuming high amounts of sugar alcohol, swellingcan cause digestive problems such as gas and diarrhea.

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