What is Salicylate? What Causes Salicylate Intolerance?

Salicylate allergy or salicylate intolerance are not well-known types of sensitivities. Most people haven't even heard of it. Only what happened to him knows. So what is salicylate? Why do some people have a salicylate intolerance?

What is salicylate?

Salicylate, It is a chemical derived from salicylic acid. It is naturally found in certain foods. It is also synthetically added to products such as aspirin, toothpaste, and food preservatives. 

Plants naturally produce salicylates to defend against harmful elements such as insects and fungi, disease. Natural salicylate is found in a wide range of foods, including fruits, vegetables, coffee, tea, nuts, spices and honey. 

what is salicylate
What is salicylate?

What is salicylate intolerance?

Both natural and synthetic forms cause adverse reactions in some people. Compared to foods, medications such as aspirin contain higher amounts of salicylates. Therefore, salicylate intolerance is mostly against drugs.

Food intolerances are conditions that are difficult to diagnose. Salicylate intolerance, gluten intolerance or a lactose intolerance not as common. But for some people it is a really big problem.

What causes salicylate intolerance?

Consuming excessive amounts of salicylates triggers unwanted reactions in some people. People who are sensitive to salicylate experience side effects when they eat a food containing salicylate or use a product containing small amounts of this chemical. These individuals have a reduced ability to properly metabolize and excrete salicylate from their body.

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Salicylate intolerance, asthmaIt is linked to a variety of conditions, including rheumatoid arthritis and inflammatory bowel disease. It is thought to be caused by leukotrienes linked to excessive inflammation production.

Who gets salicylate intolerance?

  • Salicylate intolerance is more common in adults with asthma. It is estimated that 2-22% of adults with asthma are susceptible to this compound.
  • Those with food allergies and inflammatory bowel disease are also likely to be susceptible.
Salicylate intolerance symptoms

Salicylate intolerance causes a variety of symptoms that mimic allergies and other illnesses. Salicylate intolerance is difficult to diagnose as some of the symptoms seen may be signs of other allergies.

The most common signs of salicylate intolerance occur in the respiratory tract. The skin and intestinal tract are also affected. Its symptoms are:

  • Nasal obstruction
  • Sinus infection and inflammation
  • Nasal and sinus polyps
  • Asthma
  • Diarrhea
  • Gas
  • Abdominal pain
  • Intestinal inflammation (colitis)
  • Skin rashes
  • Tissue swelling

The amount of salicylates that trigger a reaction may differ depending on the person's ability to break them down. For this reason, some may experience symptoms even after minor exposure to this chemical. Others can tolerate larger amounts.

What foods contain salicylate?

Foods containing salicylates It is as follows:

  • Fruits: Grape, apricot, blackberry, blueberry, cherry, cranberry, pineapple, plum, orange, tangerine, strawberry and guava.
  • Vegetables: Broccoli, cucumber, okra, chicory, radish, watercress, eggplant, zucchini, spinach, artichoke and beans.
  • Spice: Curry, anise, celery, dill, ginger, cinnamon, clove, mustard, cumin, thyme, tarragon, turmeric and rosemary.
  • Other resources: Tea, wine, vinegar, sauce, mint, almond, water chestnut, honey, licorice, jam, gum, pickles, olives, food coloring, aloe vera, salty chips, crackers and fruit flavors.
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Where is salicylate used?

Salicylate can also be found in non-food products:

  • Mint flavored toothpaste
  • Perfumes
  • Shampoos and conditioners
  • Mouthwash
  • Lotions
  • Medicines

The drugs with the most salicylates are aspirin and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).

How is salicylate intolerance treated?
  • There are no laboratory tests to diagnose salicylate intolerance. But some tests can be done to rule out an allergy.
  • People with known sensitivities to aspirin and other drugs containing salicylates should avoid these drugs. 
  • But sensitivity to aspirin and other drugs does not mean that salicylate-rich foods should be avoided.
  • This is because drugs such as aspirin contain much higher amounts of salicylates than foods, and sensitivity is often dose dependent.
  • If susceptibility is suspected, a elimination diet is the preferred treatment option.

References: 1

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