What is Simple Sugar, What Is It, What Are The Harms?

There are three main macronutrients you can get from the food we eat: carbohydrates, protein and fat. Carbs that our body likes to burn first for energy (because they're the most easily accessible) include starches, cellulose, and sugar, which can be simple or complex.

Simple candiesIt is a type of carbohydrate. Simple candiesare carbohydrate molecules that contain only one or two sugar molecules, also called saccharides. 

Too much Eating simple sugars can contribute to health problems such as obesity, diabetes, and chronic inflammation, so it's best to eat complex carbohydrates whenever possible.

Simple candies It occurs naturally in fruits and milk or is produced commercially and is also added to foods to sweeten, prevent spoilage, or add texture.

In the article, “What are simple candies?” And how does it affect our health? You will find information about 

What is Simple Sugar?

Carbohydrate; They are molecules containing single, double or multiple sugar molecules called saccharides. It provides four calories per gram and is the preferred energy source in the body.

There are two main types of carbohydrates: simple and complex (complex) carbohydrates. The difference between them is in the number of sugar molecules they contain.

simple sugary foods

What does simple sugar contain?

Simple carbohydrates - simple candies Also known as - contains one or two sugar molecules whereas complex carbohydrates have three or more sugar molecules. Simple sugarcan be mono or disaccharide. 


Monosaccharides are the simplest carbohydrates because our body cannot break them down anymore. Apart from fructose, the body absorbs them quickly and easily. There are three types of monosaccharides: 


Found naturally in vegetables, fruits, honey, and processed foods, glucose is the primary source of energy for all life forms. All other carbohydrates are converted to glucose as our bodies digest them.


Fruit sugar Also known as fructose, it is primarily found in fruits and root vegetables such as sweet potatoes, carrots, and honey. When fructose is used as a commercial sweetener, it is usually derived from sugar cane, sugar beet and corn. Fructose binds with glucose to make sucrose, the type of table sugar you'll find in your candy cane.

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Galactose occurs naturally in a few foods, such as milk, avocados, and sugar beets. When galactose binds with glucose, lactose or milk sugar creates.


Disaccharides consist of two sugar molecules (or two monosaccharides) bonded together. Our bodies have to break down bound monosaccharides before they can be absorbed. There are three types of disaccharides: 

Sucrose (glucose + fructose)

Sucrose - table sugar - is a natural sweetener derived from sugar cane or beets. It is added to foods during processing and occurs naturally in fruits and vegetables. 

Lactose (glucose + galactose)

Also known as milk sugar, lactose is found in milk and dairy products. 

Maltose (glucose + glucose)

It is found in malt beverages such as maltose, beer, and malt liquors. 

Negative Effects of Simple Sugars

Simple candiesIt is found naturally in healthy natural foods, including all vegetables, fruits, and milk. When you eat fresh vegetables, fruits and unsweetened dairy products, in their natural form simple candies you will get.

In that case, as long as you don't overdo it, simple candiesis unlikely to have a significant adverse effect on health.

The problem is the food simple candies appears when added. This means sugar added to coffee or desserts made with sugar, or fructose in soda, hidden sugar in foods like ketchup and sauces. Added simple candiesIt is easy to overload the body with alcohol, and this can lead to a host of health problems.

There are several serious health problems associated with eating (or drinking) too much simple sugar. Many of these health problems are caused by what you eat. simple candies occurs when it comes from processed foods rather than whole foods. Request negative effects of simple sugars on the body...

Too much sugar is harmful to health

The word sugar has a negative connotation in many people. Fruits and vegetables naturally contain sugar and are beneficial for health. However, added sugar, such as sugary drinks, candies, and sweets, causes many health problems.

Increasing added sugar consumption causes an increase in the risk of obesity, heart disease and cancer.

causes obesity

Obesity has a rising bar in the world with the change of dietary habits and food consumed. It can cause serious health risks, including diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.

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In addition, treatment of obesity it is extremely costly. Compared to people with a healthy weight, people who are obese spend thousands of dollars each year on healthcare.

The cause of obesity is widely debated and there is no single underlying factor. The consumption of too much sugar and sugary foods is thought to play an important role.

Sugary foods and beverages are very high in calories and cause weight gain over time. In addition, sugary foods are so delicious that they make it easier to overeat, which further increases the risk of gaining weight. 

triggers heart disease

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the world. It is most commonly caused by atherosclerosis - this means that plaques build up on the inner walls of blood vessels leading to the heart, causing narrowing and hardening. This reduces blood flow that can lead to a heart attack.

Some studies have shown that eating too many calories from added sugar can lead to high triglycerides, a known risk factor for heart disease. 

Increases the risk of cancer

The consumption of sugary foods increases inflammation and oxidative stress. Little of inflammation and oxidative stress is decisive, most harm.

Too much can lead to various diseases, including cancer. Sugar is also thought to increase the risk of cancer by increasing the levels of some hormones. 

Causes metabolic damage

Drinking sugary drinks can contribute to fatty liver disease and metabolic syndrome, which increases the risk of diabetes, according to a study published in Diabetes Care in 2014.

Simple candies Because they are easily digested, the body absorbs them quickly and raises blood sugar much faster than complex carbohydrates.

When you eat a lot of processed food or use fructose and other simple candiesDrink more than the healthy amount when you drink beverages sweetened with simple sugar you consume, and this can lead to insulin resistance and eventually type 2 diabetes.

May cause inflammation

Simple candiesConsuming too much is directly associated with low-grade inflammation. Drinking just one can of regular soda a day causes an increase in uric acid (especially in overweight people), which triggers inflammation. Common inflammatory diseases include inflammatory bowel disease, allergies, auto-immune disease, and asthma.

Simple Foods High in Sugar

Simple candiesThere are many foods that are high in blood sugar, but some of the most common include:

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– Table sugar

– Maple syrup

- Honey

– Dates

- watermelon

- pineapple

- apple

Carbonated drinks

- Ice Cream

- milk

– Sugary cereals

- Sports drinks

- Candy

– Sauces like ketchup

-Peanut Butter

Pay attention to food labels!

There may be added sugar in foods that you would never have anticipated. For example; ketchup… Reading the ingredient list on the food package helps you identify added sugar. The names of the sugar are: 

- Anhydrous dextrose

- Brown sugar

- Powdered sugar

Corn syrup

- High fructose corn syrup (HCFS)

- Honey

- Maple syrup

- Sugar cane

- agave nectar

- raw sugar 

Simple sugar isn't all bad

We know that sugar is harmful to our health when consumed in excess. However, every crime should not be attributed to sugar.

Studies show that sugar only becomes dangerous to health when it contains too much of your diet or if you consume more calories from sugar than you need.

Simple candiesIt occurs naturally in a wide variety of healthy foods such as fruits, vegetables, and milk.

These foods, simple sugar-containing foodsIt also provides important nutrients that are beneficial to your diet, such as vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fiber.

As a result;

Simple candiesare carbohydrates with one (monosaccharide) or two (disaccharide) sugar molecules.

Many healthy foods, such as fruits and vegetables, naturally contain sugar and should be eaten as they benefit your health. However, added sugar is linked to obesity and an increased risk of heart disease and cancer.

You can find out how much added sugar a product contains by looking at the nutritional values ​​or by reading the ingredient list.

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