What is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder? Causes and Natural Treatment

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)is a behavioral state that includes inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity.

It is one of the most common ailments in children, but it affects many adults as well.

ADHDThe exact cause of is not clear, but research shows that genetics plays an important role. In addition, other factors such as environmental toxicity and nutritional deficiencies in infancy can also be influential in the development of the condition.

ADHDIt is believed to be caused by low levels of dopamine and noradrenaline in the region of the brain responsible for self-regulation.

When these functions are disrupted, people struggle to complete tasks, perceive time, focus and prevent inappropriate behavior.

This, in turn, affects the ability to work, study well at school, and maintain appropriate relationships that can reduce the quality of life.

ADHD It is not seen as a curative disorder and is intended to reduce symptoms rather than treatment. Generally, behavioral therapy and medication are used.

Dietary changes will also help manage symptoms.

Causes of ADHD

According to several international studies, ADHDhas a relationship with genetics. Additionally, there are concerns about environmental factors and diet, which many researchers believe increase risk and worsen symptoms in many cases.

Refined sugar, artificial sweeteners and chemical food additives, nutritional deficiencies, preservatives and food allergies Causes of ADHDd.

A partial cause in children is related to apathy or forcing children to learn in a way they are not ready to learn. Some children learn better by seeing or doing (kinesthetic) rather than hearing.

What are the symptoms of ADHD?

The severity of symptoms can vary greatly from person to person, depending on environment, diet, and other factors.

Children may exhibit one or more of the following ADHD symptoms:

Difficulty concentrating and reduced attention

Easily distracted

- Getting bored easily

Difficulty organizing or completing tasks

Tendency to lose things

- disobedience

- Difficulty following instructions

Fidgety behavior

Being sedentary or silent is extreme difficulty


Adults, the following ADHD symptomsIt may indicate one or more of:

- Difficulty focusing and concentrating on a task, project or conversation

Overwhelming emotional and physical restlessness

Frequent mood swings

- A tendency to anger

Low tolerance for people, situations and the environment

Unstable relationships

Increased risk for addiction

ADHD and Nutrition

The science behind the effects of nutrients on behavior is still fairly new and controversial. Still, everyone agrees that certain foods affect behavior.

For example, caffeine can increase alertness, chocolate can affect mood, and alcohol can completely change behavior.

Nutritional deficiencies can also affect behavior. One study concluded that consuming essential fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals caused a significant decrease in antisocial behavior compared to placebo.

Vitamin and mineral supplements can also reduce antisocial behavior in children.

Behaviorally, as foods and supplements are known to affect behavior ADHD symptomsIt seems plausible that it could also affect.

Therefore, a good amount of nutritional research suggests that foods and supplements ADHD examined the effects on it.

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Many studies have shown that children with ADHD often have unhealthy eating habits or malnutrition. This led to the thought that supplements could help improve symptoms.

Nutrition research shows that various supplements, such as amino acids, vitamins, minerals, and omega 3 fatty acids ADHD symptoms examined the effects on it.

Amino Acid Supplements

Every cell in the body requires amino acids to function. Among other things, amino acids are used in the brain to make neurotransmitters or signal molecules.

Especially phenylalanine, tyrosine ve tryptophan The amino acids are used to make the neurotransmitters dopamine, serotonin and norepinephrine.

ADHD It has been shown that there are problems with these neurotransmitters, as well as blood and urine levels of these amino acids.

Therefore, several trials have shown that amino acid supplements in children ADHD symptomsHow it affected.

Tyrosine and s-adenosylmethionine supplements gave mixed results; some studies have shown no effect, while others have shown modest benefit.

Vitamin and Mineral Supplements

Iron ve zinc deficiencies in all children ADHD It can cause cognitive impairment regardless of whether it is present or not.

However, ADHD lower levels of zinc in children with magnesium, calcium ve phosphorus It has been reported.

Many trials have examined the effects of zinc supplements, and all reported an improvement in symptoms.

Two other studies have shown that iron supplements ADHD evaluated the effects on children. They found improvements, but still more research is needed.

The effects of mega doses of vitamins B6, B5, B3 and C have also been studied, but ADHD symptomsNo improvement has been reported.

However, a 2014 study of a multivitamin and mineral supplement found an effect. Adults in the supplement area after 8 weeks compared to the placebo group ADHD showed a convincing improvement in rating scales.

Omega 3 Fatty Acid Supplements

Omega 3 fatty acids plays an important role in the brain. Children with ADHD generally Children without ADHDhave lower levels of omega 3 fatty acids than.

What's more, the lower your omega 3 levels are, Children with ADHD The more learning and behavioral problems increase.

Many studies also suggest that omega 3 supplements, ADHD symptomsfound that it caused moderate improvements in Omega 3 fatty acids reduced aggression, restlessness, impulsivity and hyperactivity.

ADHD and Elimination Studies

People with ADHDIt's also stated that eliminating problem foods can help improve symptoms.

Studies have examined the effects of eliminating many ingredients, including food additives, preservatives, sweeteners, and allergenic foods.

Elimination of Salicylates and Food Additives

In the 1970s, Dr Feingold prescribed a diet for his patients that eliminated some of the substances that produced a response for them.

Found in many foods, medicines and food additives in the diet salicylateIt was free of sludge.

While dieting, some of Feingold's patients noted improvement in behavior problems.

Soon, Feingold began addressing children diagnosed with hyperactivity in diet experiments. He claimed 30-50% improved on diet.

Although the review concludes that the Feingold diet is not an effective intervention for hyperactivity, ADHD encouraged more research on food and additive destruction.

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Eliminating Artificial Colorants and Preservatives

Not acknowledging the effect of the Feingold diet, the researchers focused on looking at artificial food colors (AFCs) and preservatives.

This is because these substances ADHD It is thought to affect children's behavior, regardless of whether they are or not.

One study followed 800 children with suspected hyperactivity. Of these, 75% recovered on an AFC-free diet and relapsed once AFCs were given.

In another study, 1873 children AFC and sodium benzoate They found that hyperactivity increased when consumed.

While these studies show that AFCs can increase hyperactivity, many claim that the evidence is not strong enough.

Prevention of Sugar and Artificial Sweeteners

Soft drinks are linked to excessive hyperactivity and low blood sugar ADHD are common in those.

What's more, some observational studies suggest that sugar intake in children and adolescents ADHD symptoms found that it was associated with.

However, no effect was found when looking at the relationship between sugar consumption and behavior in one review. Neither trial showed an effect on the artificial sweetener aspartame.

In theory, sugar is more likely to cause inattention than hyperactivity, as blood sugar imbalances can cause low levels of attention.

Elimination Diet

Elimination Diet, ADHD It is a method that tests how people who have symptoms react to food. It is applied as follows:


A very limited diet consisting of low-allergenic foods that are likely to cause adverse effects is followed. If the symptoms improve, the next step is passed.


Foods suspected of causing adverse effects are reintroduced every 3-7 days. If symptoms return, the food is described as 'sensitizing'.


A personal diet protocol is recommended. It avoids sensitizing foods as much as possible to minimize symptoms.

Twelve different studies tested this diet, each lasting 1-5 weeks and covering 21-50 children. In 11 of the studies, a statistically significant decrease in ADHD symptoms was found in 50-80% of the participants, while the other found an improvement in 24% of the children.

Most of the children who responded to the diet reacted to more than one food. While this reaction varied individually, the most common culprit foods were cow's milk and wheat.

The reason why this diet is not effective for every child is unknown.

Natural Treatments for ADHD

It is important to include new foods in the diet as well as eliminate dangerous triggers.

Fish Oil (1.000 milligrams daily)

Fish oilnext EPA / DHA is important for brain function and has anti-inflammatory effects. It is noted that supplementation reduces symptoms and improves learning.

B-Complex (50 milligrams daily)

Children with ADHDespecially Vitamin B6 May need more B vitamins to help build serotonin,

Multi-Mineral Supplement (including zinc, magnesium and calcium)

It is recommended that anyone with ADHD take 500 milligrams of calcium, 250 milligrams of magnesium, and 5 milligrams of zinc twice a day. All of them play a role in relaxing the nervous system, and a deficiency can aggravate the symptoms of the condition.

Probiotic (25--50 billion units daily)

ADHD It may be due to digestive issues, so taking a good quality probiotic daily will help maintain gut health.

Foods that are Good for ADHD Symptoms

Unprocessed Foods

Due to the toxic nature of food additives, it is best to eat unprocessed, natural foods. Additives such as artificial sweeteners, preservatives and colorants found in processed foods ADHD patients may be problematic for.

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Foods High in B Vitamins

B vitamins help maintain a healthy nervous system. It is necessary to eat organic wild animal products and lots of green leafy vegetables.

ADHD symptomsConsume tuna, banana, wild salmon, grass-fed beef and other foods rich in vitamin B6 to help your health.


Tryptophan is an essential amino acid that helps the body synthesize proteins and produce serotonin. Serotonin plays an important role in sleep, inflammation, emotional mood and much more.

ADHDImbalances in serotonin levels have been noted in many people suffering from Serotonin, ADHD symptomsTwo of them are related to impulse control and aggression.


SalmonWhile it's rich in vitamin B6, it's also packed with omega 3 fatty acids. A clinical study showed that lower levels of omega 3 fatty acids had more learning and behavioral problems (such as those associated with ADHD) than men with normal levels of omega 3. Individuals, including children, should consume wild salmon at least twice a week.

Foods ADHD Patients Should Avoid


This is most kids and ADHD is the primary trigger for some adults. Avoid all kinds of sugar.


Some researchers and parents report that behavior worsens when their children eat gluten, which may indicate sensitivity to the protein found in wheat. Avoid all foods made with wheat. Look for gluten-free or even grain-free alternatives.

Cow milk

Most cow's milk and dairy products from it contain A1 casein, which can trigger a similar reaction with gluten and therefore must be eliminated. If problematic symptoms occur after eating milk, discontinue use. However, goat milk does not contain protein and ADHD is a better option for many people.


Some studies, kafeinin some ADHD symptomsAlthough these studies have not been confirmed, it would be wise to minimize or avoid using caffeine. Additionally, caffeine's side effects such as anxiety and irritability ADHD symptomscan contribute to.

Artificial Sweeteners

Artificial sweeteners are bad for health but Those living with ADHD For, the side effects can be devastating. Artificial sweeteners create biochemical changes in the body, some of which can damage cognitive functions and emotional balance.


Soy is a common food allergen and ADHDcan disrupt the hormones that cause

ADHD patients can write comments about what they do to reduce symptoms.

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