What Are the Most Common Food Intolerances?

Unlike some food allergies, food intolerancesis not life-threatening. However, it can be very troublesome for those affected.

Food intolerances it is extremely common and increasing. 20% of the world's population food intolerance It is estimated that it may be.

Food intolerancesDiagnosis can be difficult due to the wide range of symptoms. The most common in the article food intolerancesThe symptoms that occur and which foods should be avoided by people with this intolerance will be explained.

What is Food Intolerance?

The term "food hypersensitivity" refers to both food allergies and food intolerancesRefers to. One food intoleranceis not the same as a food allergy, but some symptoms may be similar.

Actually, food allergies ve food intolerancesIt can be difficult to distinguish between them, in such a situation it is best to consult a doctor. 

A food intolerance When it does occur, symptoms usually begin within a few hours of eating the sensitized foods.

However, symptoms may not show themselves for up to 48 hours and may last for hours or even days, making irritating foods particularly difficult to detect. 

What's more, for those who consume sensitive foods frequently, it can be difficult to associate symptoms with a particular food.

Food intolerancesAlthough the symptoms are different, it mostly affects the digestive system, skin and respiratory system. Any food intolerance The symptoms encountered in the event are:

- Diarrhea



- Headache

- Nausea

- Tiredness

Abdominal pain

Runny nose

Food intolerancesTo treat the disease, the uncomfortable foods are avoided and a specially regulated elimination diet is made. Elimination dieteliminates intolerance-related foods for a while until symptoms subside. Later, while the symptoms are monitored, foods removed from the diet are added again one by one.

This type of diet helps people identify which foods are causing symptoms. 

Most Common Food Intolerances

lactose allergy

Lactose Intolerance

Lactose is a sugar found in milk and dairy products. It is broken down in the body by an enzyme called lactose, which is necessary for the proper digestion and absorption of lactose.

Lactose intoleranceis caused by a deficiency of lactose enzymes, which causes an inability to digest lactose and digestive symptoms. Symptoms of lactose intolerance include:

Abdominal pain


- Diarrhea

- Gas

- Nausea

Lactose intolerance is extremely common. In fact, it is estimated that 65% of the world's population has difficulty digesting lactose.

Lactose intolerance can be diagnosed in a number of ways, including a lactose tolerance test, lactose breath test, or stool PH test.

If you think you may have a sensitivity to lactose, stay away from lactose-containing dairy products such as milk and ice cream.

Kefir, old cheeses, and fermented products are less of a nuisance to those with lactose intolerance, as they contain less lactose than other dairy products.

celiac disease what to eat

Gluten Intolerance

Gluten is the general name for the proteins found in wheat, barley and rye. Various conditions are associated with gluten, such as celiac disease, non-celiac gluten sensitivity, and wheat allergy.

Celiac disease It involves an immune response, so it is classified as an autoimmune disease. When people with celiac disease are exposed to gluten, their immune system attacks the small intestine and can cause serious damage to the digestive system.

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Wheat allergies are often confused with celiac disease due to similar symptoms. While celiac disease is caused by an abnormal immune response specifically against gluten, wheat allergies produce an antibody in wheat that produces an allergy to proteins.

However, many people experience sensitivity symptoms even with a negative test for celiac disease or wheat allergy.

Non-celiac gluten sensitivity, gluten intoleranceIt is known as a mild form of the disease and is estimated to affect 0.5 to 13% of the population. Symptoms of non-celiac gluten sensitivity are similar to those of celiac disease and are as follows:


Abdominal pain

Diarrhea or constipation

- Headache

- Tiredness

- Joint pain

Skin rash

Depression or anxiety


Celiac disease and non-celiac gluten sensitivity are managed by a gluten-free diet. It is necessary to have a diet free of gluten-containing products:

- Bread

- Pasta

- Cereals

- Beer

- baked goods

- Crackers

Sauces, especially soy sauce

They are foods that should be avoided.

how caffeine is excreted in the body

Caffeine Intolerance

Caffeineis a bitter chemical found in a wide variety of beverages such as coffee, soda, tea, and energy drinks. It is a stimulant, meaning it reduces fatigue and increases alertness when consumed.

It does this by blocking the receptors for adenosine, a neurotransmitter that regulates the sleep-wake cycle and causes drowsiness. Most adults can safely consume up to 400 mg of caffeine a day without any side effects. This is about the amount of caffeine in four cups of coffee.

However, some people are more sensitive to caffeine and experience reactions even after consuming small amounts. This hypersensitivity of caffeine has been linked to genetics as well as its ability to metabolize and secrete caffeine.

Caffeine sensitivity is different from caffeine allergy, which involves the immune system. People with caffeine hypersensitivity may experience the following symptoms after drinking small amounts of caffeine:

Rapid heart rate

- Anxiety

- Irritability



People sensitive to caffeine should minimize their intake by avoiding caffeine-containing foods and beverages, including coffee, soda, energy drinks, tea, and chocolate.

What is salicylate intolerance

Salicylate Intolerance

Salicylates are natural chemicals produced by plants as a defense against environmental stressors such as insects and disease. 

Salicylates have anti-inflammatory properties. In fact, foods rich in these compounds have been shown to protect against certain diseases such as colorectal cancer. 

These natural chemicals; It is found in a wide variety of foods such as fruits, vegetables, teas, coffee, spices, nuts, and honey. Besides being a natural component of many foods, salicylates are often used as a food preservative and can be found in medicines.

While excessive amounts of salicylate can cause health problems, most people will have no problem consuming normal amounts of salicylates found in foods. 

However, some people are extremely sensitive to these compounds and reactions develop when they consume even small amounts.

Salicylate intolerance symptoms are as follows:

Nasal congestion

Sinus infections

- nose and sinus polyps


- Diarrhea

Intestinal inflammation (colitis)

Skin rash

While it is impossible to completely remove salicylates from the diet, those with salicylate intolerance should avoid cosmetics and medications that contain salicylate, as well as spices, salicylates such as coffee, raisins, and oranges.

Histamine Intolerance

Amines are produced by bacteria during food storage and fermentation and are found in a wide variety of foods. Although there are many types of amines, histamine is often associated with food-related intolerances.

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Histamine is a chemical substance in the body that plays a role in the immune, digestive and nervous systems. 

It helps protect the body against infection by immediately creating an inflammatory response to allergens. It triggers sneezing, itching and watering of the eyes to potentially expel harmful invaders.

Histamine is easily metabolized and excreted in insensitive individuals. However, some people are unable to break down histamine properly, causing it to build up in the body.

The most common cause of histamine intolerance is impaired function of the enzymes responsible for the breakdown of histamine - diamine oxidase and N-methyltransferase. Histamine intolerance symptoms include:

Skin irritation

- Headache


- Anxiety

Abdominal cramps

- Diarrhea

Low blood pressure

People who cannot tolerate histamine should avoid these foods:

Fermented foods

- Cured meats

- dried fruits

- Citrus

- Avocado

- old cheeses

- smoked fish


- Drinks like buttermilk

Fermented alcoholic beverages such as beer and wine

fodmap list

FODMAP Intolerance

FODMAPs are the abbreviation for fermentable oligo-, di-, mono-saccharides and polyols. These are short-chain carbohydrate groups that can naturally cause digestive upset in many foods.

FODMAPs are poorly absorbed in the small intestine and travel to the large intestine where it is used as fuel for intestinal bacteria. Bacteria break down and "ferment" FODMAPs that produce gas and cause bloating and discomfort.

These carbohydrates also have osmotic properties, meaning they draw water into the digestive system, causing diarrhea and discomfort. The symptoms of a FODMAP intolerance are as follows:


- Diarrhea

- Gas

Abdominal pain

- Constipation

FODMAP intolerance is very common in patients with irritable bowel syndrome. Indeed, 86% of people diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome experience a reduction in digestive symptoms following a low-FODMAP diet. Foods rich in FODMAPs include:

- apple

Soft cheeses

- Honey

- milk


- Bread

- Beans

- lentils

- Beer

Sulfite Intolerance

Sulfites are chemicals used primarily as preservatives in foods, beverages and some medicines. It can also be found naturally in certain foods, such as grapes and old cheeses.

Sulfides are added to foods such as dried fruit to delay browning and wine to prevent spoilage caused by coppers.

Most people can tolerate sulfites found in foods and beverages, but some are sensitive to these chemicals.

Sulfite sensitivity is very common in people with asthma, but people without asthma also cannot tolerate sulfites. Common symptoms of sulfite sensitivity include:

Swelling of the skin

Nasal congestion


- Diarrhea



Sulfides can cause respiratory constriction in sulfite-sensitive asthmatic patients and, in severe cases, can cause life-threatening reactions.

Examples of foods that may contain sulfites include:

- Dry fruit

- wine

Apple cider vinegar

Canned vegetables

Foods such as pickles

- Spice

- Crisps

- Beer

- tea

Fructose Intolerance

Fructose is a type of FODMAP, a simple sugar with sweeteners such as honey, agave, and fruits and vegetables such as high fructose corn syrup.

Fructose consumption, especially from sugar-sweetened beverages, has risen dramatically over the past half century and has been linked to an increase in obesity, liver disease and heart disease.

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In addition to the increase in fructose-related diseases, fructose malabsorption and intolerance have also increased. Fructose intolerance fructose is not effectively absorbed into the blood.

Instead, malabsorbut fructose leads to digestive upset where it is fermented by gut bacteria and circulates in the gut. Symptoms of fructose malabsorption include:

- Gas

- Diarrhea

- Nausea

Abdominal pain

- Vomiting


People with fructose intolerance are often sensitive to other FODMAPs and may benefit from a low-FODMAP diet. To relieve symptoms related to fructose malabsorption, the following high-fructose foods should be avoided:

- Soda

- Honey

Apple juice and apple cider vinegar

- agave nectar

Foods containing high fructose corn syrup

Certain fruits, such as watermelon, cherries, and pears

Certain vegetables, such as sugar peas

What are the sugar alcohols

Other Food Intolerances

Listed above food intolerances are the most common.

However, there are other foods and ingredients that people can be sensitizing:


Aspartame is a common artificial sweetener used as a sugar substitute. Although research is conflicting, some studies have reported side effects such as depression and irritability in people with sensitivity.


Some people have trouble digesting egg whites, but are not allergic to eggs. Egg intolerance can cause symptoms such as diarrhea and abdominal pain.


Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is used as a flavor enhancing additive in foods. More research is needed, but some studies show that large amounts can cause headaches, hives and chest pain.

Food colorings

Food colorants such as Red 40 and Yellow 5 have been noted to cause hypersensitivity reactions in some people. Symptoms include swelling of the skin and nasal congestion.


People who are sensitive to yeast often experience less severe symptoms than those with a yeast allergy. Symptoms are typically limited to the digestive system.

Sugar alcohols

Sugar alcohols It is often used as a zero calorie alternative to sugar. They can cause major digestive problems in some people, such as bloating and diarrhea.

As a result;

Food intolerances It is different from food allergies. Most of them do not trigger the immune system and their symptoms are less severe. However, it can adversely affect health and should be taken seriously.

Many people are intolerant or hypersensitive to foods and additives such as dairy products, caffeine, and gluten. 

If you suspect that you are intolerant to a particular food or food additive, consult your doctor about testing and treatment options.

Food intolerance are generally less serious than food allergies, but can negatively affect their quality of life. 

Therefore, to prevent unwanted symptoms and health problems food intolerancesIt is necessary to know.

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