Benefits, Harm, Calories and Nutritional Value of Yogurt

Yoghurtis a food that has been consumed by humans for hundreds of years. It is one of the most popular fermented milk products produced by adding live bacteria to milk. 

It has been consumed by humans since ancient times; Used as part of snacks, sauces and desserts.

In addition, yoghurtContains beneficial bacteria and acts as a probiotic. Therefore, it provides much more various benefits than the milk it is derived from.

The goal of this process is to test the role and privilege manipulation in order to access the resources of a yogurthas been found to reduce the risk of heart disease and osteoporosis and aid weight loss.

In the article “benefits of yogurt ”,“ yogurt damages ”,“ which diseases is good for yogurt ”,“ how does yogurt weaken? "the nutritional value of yoghurt, "how many calories in yoghurt", "amount of yoghurt protein" ve "Yogurt properties" as "information about yogurt " It is given.

Yogurt Nutrition Value

The table below ingredients in yogurt It provides information about. 100 grams of plain ingredients of yogurt It is as follows;

Yoghurt contentQuantity
Su                                        88%                               
Protein3.5 g
Carbohydrate4.7 g
Sugar4.7 g
Lif0 g
Fat3.3 g
Saturated2.1 g
Monounsaturated0.89 g
Polyunsaturated0.09 g
Omega-30.03 g
Omega-60.07 g

Yogurt Protein

Yogurt made from milk is a rich protein is the source. 245 grams contains approximately 8,5 grams of protein. 

Proteins in yogurt It is part of two families, whey and casein, depending on their solubility in water.

To water-soluble milk proteins whey While they are called proteins, insoluble milk proteins are called casein. 

Casein and whey are both excellent quality, rich in essential amino acids and have good digestive properties.


The proteins in yogurt the majority (80%) are in the casein family, the most abundant of them being alpha-casein. 

Casein, calcium and increases the absorption of minerals such as phosphorus and lowers blood pressure.

Whey protein

Whey, found in dairy products and protein in yogurt It is a family of smaller proteins that make up 20% of its content.

It is very high in branched chain amino acids (BCAAs), such as valine, leucine, and isoleucine. 

Whey proteins have long been a popular supplement among bodybuilders and athletes.

Fats in Yogurt

The amount of fat in yogurtdepends on the type of milk made. Yoghurt; It can be produced from any type of milk, whole milk, low-fat milk or skim milk. 

The fat content can range from 0,4% in nonfat yogurt to 3,3% or more in full-fat yogurt.

Most of the fat in yogurt is saturated (70%), but also unsaturated fat also includes. 

Milk fat is a unique type that contains 400 different fatty acids, depending on the variety of fatty acids it provides.

Ruminant Trans Fats

Yoghurta so-called ruminant trans fats or milk trans fats trans fat includes family. 

Unlike trans fats found in some processed food products, ruminant trans fats are thought to have beneficial health effects.

Yoghurtthe most abundant trans fats, conjugated linoleic acid or CLA'is. Yogurt contains a higher amount of CLA than milk. 

CLA has a variety of health benefits, but large doses taken through supplements can produce harmful metabolic consequences.

Yogurt Carbohydrate

Said carbohydrates in yogurtcalled lactose (milk sugar) and galactose simple sugar is in the form.

Yogurt lactose its content is lower than milk. Because yogurt bacteria Its fermentation results in lactose purification. When lactose is broken down, it forms galactose and glucose. 

Glucose is mostly converted into lactic acid and its sour smell is added to yogurt and other fermented dairy products.

Most commercial yogurts contain a significant amount of added sweetener, usually sucrose (white sugar), along with a variety of sweeteners. That's why, yogurt sugar ratio It is highly variable and can range from 4.7% to 18.6% or more.

yogurt carbohydrate

Yogurt Vitamins and Minerals

Full-fat yogurt contains almost every nutrient needed by humans. 

However, there are various types of yogurt and their nutritional value can vary greatly.

The goal of this process is to test the role and privilege manipulation in order to access the resources of a nutritional value of yogurt fermentation It depends on the types of bacteria used in the process. 

The following vitamins and minerals are found in particularly high amounts in yogurt made from whole milk.

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What vitamin does yogurt contain?

Vitamin B12

It is a nutrient found in foods of animal origin.


Dairy products are sources of calcium in an easily absorbed form.


Yogurt is a good mineral that plays an important role in biological processes. phosphorus is the source.


Also called vitamin B2. Dairy products are the main source of riboflavin.

Does yogurt contain vitamin D?

A nutrient not naturally found in yogurt is vitamin D, but some yogurts Vitamin D strengthened with. 

Vitamin D improves bone and immune system health and reduces the risk of certain diseases, including heart disease and depression.

Yogurt Sugar Supplement

Many yoghurt variety Contains high amounts of added sugar, especially those labeled low in fat. 

Excessive sugar intake is associated with a variety of health problems, including diabetes and obesity.

For this reason, it's important to read food labels and avoid brands that list sugar in ingredients.

Probiotic Yogurt

Probioticsare live bacteria that have beneficial health effects when consumed. These friendly bacteria are found in fermented dairy products such as live and active cultured yogurt.

The main probiotics found in fermented dairy products; lactic acid bacteria and bifidobacteriadir. Probiotics have many beneficial health effects, depending on the type and the amount taken;

Immune system

Studies show that probiotic bacteria improve immune function.

Lower cholesterol

Regular consumption of certain probiotic types and fermented dairy products can lower blood cholesterol.

Vitamin synthesis

Bifidobacteria, thiamine, niacinIt synthesizes or makes available various vitamins such as vitamin B6, vitamin B12, folate, and vitamin K.

Digestive system

Fermented milk containing bifidobacteria benefits digestive health and can reduce the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome.

Protection against diarrhea

Probiotics protect against diarrhea caused by antibiotics.

Preventing constipation

Many studies state that regular consumption of yogurt fermented with bifidobacteria can reduce constipation.

Improved lactose digestibility

Probiotic bacteria improve lactose digestion, symptoms of lactose intolerance It is stated that it reduces.

These benefits may not apply to every yogurt because probiotic bacteria are heat treated (pasteurized) in some types of yogurt.

Probiotic bacteria in heat-treated commercial yogurts are dead and do not provide any health benefits. For this reason, it is necessary to choose yoghurt with active or live culture. Or you can ferment it yourself at home.

How is Yoghurt Made and Produced?

Making yoghurt For this reason, bacteria that ferment lactose, the natural sugar found in milk, are called "yogurt cultures". 

Bu yogurt fermentation the process produces lactic acid, a substance that allows milk proteins to coagulate and yogurt adds flavor and texture.

It can be made from all kinds of milk. Skim milk varieties are considered skimmed, while those made from skimmed milk are considered full-fat.

Without colorant plain yogurtIt is a tangy, flavorful white, thick liquid. Unfortunately, most trademarks contain additional ingredients such as sugar and artificial flavors. These have no health effects.

On the other hand, plain, sugar-free ones have many benefits. Therefore, home leavened natural yoghurt It has science-proven health benefits.

What Are the Benefits of Yogurt?

the damages of yogurt

High in protein

This dairy product provides about 200 grams of protein per 12-gram serving. Proteinsupports metabolism by increasing the number of calories burned throughout the day.

Getting enough protein is also important for appetite regulation because it increases the production of hormones that provide satiety. This automatically reduces the number of calories taken during the day.

Good for digestion

Some common items of yoghurt typescontains live bacteria or probiotics that are part of the starting culture or added after pasteurization. When these are consumed, they help regulate the digestive system.

Unfortunately, many products go through a heat treatment that kills the beneficial bacteria they contain while being pasteurized. 

You received yogurt Watch out for live and active cultures listed on the label to ensure they contain effective probiotics.

Bifidobacteria ve Lactobacillus comic yoghurtSome probiotic strains found in the colon are reported to reduce the disturbing symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), a common disorder affecting the colon.

In one study, IBS patients regularly consumed fermented milk or Bifidobacteria they ate yogurt containing. 

After just three weeks, they reported improvements in bloating and stool frequency.

Some studies have also found that probiotics protect against antibiotic-associated diarrhea and constipation.

Strengthens the immune system

Especially regularly containing probiotics eating yogurtIt strengthens the immune system and reduces the likelihood of a disease occurring.

Probiotics are known to reduce inflammation that has been linked to a variety of health conditions, from viral infections to intestinal ailments.

Studies show that in some cases, probiotics can help reduce the duration and severity of the common cold.

yogurt Its immunogenic properties are due to its magnesium, selenium and zinc content.

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Provides protection against osteoporosis

Yoghurt; calciumIt contains some important nutrients that protect bone health such as protein, potassium, phosphorus.

All of these vitamins and minerals are particularly useful in preventing osteoporosis, a condition characterized by weakening of the bones.

Lowers blood pressure

High blood pressure, also called hypertension, is one of the main risk factors for cardiovascular disease. Studies, regular eating yoghurtshows that it can lower blood pressure in hypertensive patients. 

Does Yogurt Lose Weight?

Yoghurthas several properties that can aid weight management. It works to increase the levels of appetite-lowering hormones such as calcium, protein YY and GLP-1 found in this fermented dairy product.

Various studies, yoghurt found that its consumption positively affected body weight, body fat percentage and waist circumference. One study suggested that consuming full-fat dairy products could reduce obesity.

natural yoghurt

Benefits of Yoghurt to Skin

Moisturizes skin

If your skin needs moisture, to rejuvenate it yogurt face mask you can use.


  • 4 tablespoon of yoghurt
  • 1 soup spoons of cocoa
  • 1 teaspoon of honey


Put all the ingredients in a bowl and mix until the consistency is even. Apply the mask on your face and neck and wait 30 minutes. Rinse with cold water and pat dry.

When yogurt is applied topically, it increases the moisture content of the treated area. This makes the skin more elastic and increases radiance.

Reduces wrinkles and fine lines

As time passes, your skin begins to show signs of aging. You can combat wrinkles and fine lines by using a yogurt mask weekly.


  • 2 tablespoon of yoghurt
  • 1 tablespoon of oats


Add the oats to the yogurt and mix to get an even consistency. Apply to your face and neck and massage in gentle, circular motions. Wait 15 minutes, then rinse with cold water.

Yogurt has lactic acid that works well as a peeler. Reveals brighter and younger skin by removing the top dead cell layer.

Fights acne

Yogurt is considered an effective home remedy for fighting acne. Using plain yogurt regularly can help get rid of acne breakouts.


  • 1 tablespoon of yoghurt
  • Cotton ball


Dip cotton balls in yogurt and apply to the affected areas. Keep it on overnight and wash it off with cold water in the morning.

YoghurtThe high amounts of zinc and lactic acid found in ta, make it a powerful treatment for acne.

Fades blemishes and pigmentation

Acne and pimples can leave scars that take a long time to disappear. Using yogurt and lemon juice together will help get rid of them faster.


  • 1 tablespoon of yoghurt
  • ½ teaspoon of lemon juice


Yoghurt and mix the lemon juice in a bowl. Apply the mixture on the affected areas. Avoid getting it in your eyes because it may hurt. Wait 15 minutes and rinse with cold water.

The reason yogurt helps fade spots and correct uneven pigmentation is because of its lactic acid content. 

Lactic acid removes the top layer of the skin that promotes the growth of new skin cells. This effectively reduces the appearance of pigmentation.

Reduces dark circles

The way to reduce dark circles, the biggest cause of which is insomnia, is to use yogurt.


  • 1 teaspoon of yoghurt
  • Cotton ball


Dip cotton in yogurt. Gently rub it under your eyes. Let it sit for 10 minutes and then rinse.

YoghurtHelps reduce dark circles as it has anti-inflammatory properties that reduce puffiness. The lactic acid in it also reduces persistent dark circles.

Soothes sunburn

Sunburn is caused by the sun's UV rays. It damages the skin, causing a rash and sometimes blisters. 

Using yogurt topically can help heal sunburned areas.

Applying yogurt to sunburned areas cools it down. This is because it is rich in zinc and has anti-inflammatory properties.

weight loss with yogurt

Benefits of Yogurt to Hair

Reduces hair loss

Hair loss It may occur for some reason. One of these is that the hair follicles are not nourished properly. 

Using yogurt full of nutrients that are good for your hair can help stop hair loss.


  • ½ cup of yogurt
  • 3 tablespoons of ground fenugreek seeds


Mix yogurt and fenugreek seeds. Apply it to your hair strands using a brush. After waiting an hour, rinse with a mild shampoo.

Due to the presence of B5 and D vitamins, yogurt helps nourish the hair follicles. This prevents hair loss.

Treat dandruff

Bran It is a common problem but can be prevented by the use of topical yogurt. 


  • ½ cup of yogurt


Massage your scalp with yogurt. Let it rest for 20 minutes and rinse with a mild shampoo.

One of the main causes of dandruff is fungus. Fungal infection can cause flaky skin on the scalp. 

Yogurt, a natural antifungal, helps to relieve all dandruff symptoms.

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What are the harms of yogurt?

Especially lactose intolerance Some people should exercise caution when it comes to consuming yogurt, as it may cause adverse effects in those with a milk allergy or milk allergy.

Lactose Intolerance

Lactose intolerance is a digestive disorder caused by the inability to digest lactose, which is the main carbohydrate found in dairy products.

It causes various digestive symptoms such as abdominal pain and diarrhea after consuming dairy products. Therefore, those with lactose intolerance yoghurt they must be careful about.

Yogurt Allergy

Dairy products contain casein, a type of protein, and whey. These proteins cause allergic reactions in some people. 

Yoghurt Since it is made from milk, it should not be consumed in allergic situations.

Yogurt allergy symptoms; skin problems such as eczema, urticaria, facial swelling and redness; redness and itching with swelling of the mouth, lips, and tongue; stomach pain, vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, runny nose, sneezing, difficulty breathing, cough or even anaphylaxis in severe cases.

Does yogurt cause bloating?

Some people have trouble digesting lactose, which can cause bloating.

Best Yogurt?

Plain, unsweetened varieties are best. yogurt Half-fat or full-fat is a personal preference. Full-fat varieties contain more calories, but that doesn't mean they're unhealthy.

You should also buy products containing live and active cultures to make sure probiotics are present. The best yoghurt is what you do at home.

Does Yogurt Weaken? 

Yoghurt; It is a delicious and healthy food. But many people slimming with yogurtNot very aware that it is possible.

A study by the International Journal of Sports, Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism found that women who ate three servings of yogurt each day lost more fat than a similar group that followed a low-calorie diet.

Women who ate yogurt regularly were actually eating more calories than the low-calorie group, but burned more calories than those on a low-calorie diet. Why is that? Thanks to yoghurt's fat burning feature ...

How Does Yogurt Lose Weight?

One of the reasons yogurt burns fat is that it's a good source of calcium. Adequate calcium intake triggers fat burning in the body. Also, getting more calcium directly belly fatit melts.

Foods with high protein content are very important in the slimming process because they help you feel full, thus reducing the risk of consuming too much carbohydrate.

Eating foods rich in calcium and protein together, such as yogurt, accelerates the slimming process because these two food groups increase metabolic rate, improve digestion and intestinal health.

Also, yogurt contains active cultures that provide beneficial bacteria for digestion. These bacteria increase resistance to various food-borne diseases such as salmonella and help weaken as they play a role in the health of intestinal bacteria.

Eating yoghurt every day By strengthening the immune system, it reduces general inflammation. It is also known to lower LDL "bad" cholesterol.

Does Fruit Yogurt Make You Weight Loss?

Full-fat yogurts or flavored varieties are very high in calories. Plain and low-fat yogurt should be preferred for weight loss.

Will Eating Only Yogurt Make You Weight Loss?

If you try to lose weight by eating only yogurt, you will be on a shock diet and this is not healthy at all. It is wrong to try to lose weight with a single food group. For this reason, you should consume yogurt with other foods to lose weight.

Will Eating Yogurt Before Bedtime Weight Loss?

Eating before bed Even if it is yoghurt, it is not a preferred condition in the slimming process. Because you can get it instead of losing weight. Eating and drinking should be finished 2-3 hours before going to sleep.

Which Yogurt Makes You Weight Loss?

Nonfat yogurts don't have the essential fat needed for weight loss. Plain and low-fat yogurt is the most suitable type to be used for weight loss.

Ferment your yogurt yourself, as the active culture content of the ready-made products dies during the process.

 As a result;

Yogurt is a food product made by milk fermentation. Natural with active or vibrant cultures probiotic yogurtIt is the healthiest of all dairy products, especially when no sugar is added.

While it helps reduce the risk of some diseases, it also benefits digestive system health and weight control. It can reduce the risk of osteoporosis and lower blood pressure.

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