What Is Good For Constipation? Constipation Causes, How Does It Pass?

Constipation is a medical condition in which bowel movement is slow and stool is difficult to pass. However, it is not a life-threatening condition and will pass with some dietary changes. What is good for constipation? Eating foods rich in fiber, drinking plenty of water, and consuming foods such as plums, apricots and figs are good for constipation. Some drugs, such as laxatives, are also good for constipation, but their use is not recommended due to both their side effects and the short duration of their effects.

what is good for constipation
What is good for constipation?

What is Constipation?

A person who has less than three bowel movements in a week is considered constipated. Everyone's bowel movement frequency varies. This depends on your eating habits.

What Causes Constipation?

  • Not drinking enough water or fluids
  • Insufficient fiber intake
  • irritable bowel syndrome,
  • Colon cancer,
  • physical inactivity,
  • Excessive alcohol consumption
  • Stress,
  • Pregnancy,
  • Use of certain medications, such as antidepressants and antacids
  • Sudden change in diet or activity level
  • spinal cord injury,
  • multiple sclerosis,
  • Stroke,
  • weak pelvic muscles,
  • dyssynergia,
  • Diabetes,
  • hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism,

Some people are more likely to be constipated. Some conditions increase the risk of constipation. For example;

  • Taking medications such as narcotic blood pressure medications, antidepressants and antacids,
  • Be woman,
  • Being an older adult
  • Having an eating disorder
  • to be depressed
  • not getting enough sleep
  • Not doing physical activity
  • Not drinking enough water

Constipation Symptoms

  • Slow bowel movement
  • Stomach ache,
  • hard stool,
  • Constant desire to go to the toilet
  • Bloating in the stomach,
  • Difficulty passing stool
  • feeling of vomiting,

Side Effects of Constipation

Occasional constipation is not as dangerous as persistent constipation. There are some side effects that can occur if the problem is not immediately resolved. If constipation becomes persistent, it can cause:

  • Anal fissure (anal fissure)
  • Rectal prolapse (breech prolapse)
  • Swelling of the veins in the anus
  • Fecal impaction (hardening of the stool)
  • Bowel stricture (narrowing)
  • Colon cancer

Considering that constipation has too many side effects, it should be treated as soon as possible.

What Is Good For Constipation?

What are the foods that relieve constipation?

Foods That Are Good For Constipation

The most effective ways to overcome this problem are to exercise, drink plenty of water, and eat a healthy and fiber-rich diet. Foods that relieve constipation can be an instant solution to this problem. 

  • Apple

Appleis a good source of fiber. A small apple (149 grams) provides 4 grams of fiber. Fiber helps stool formation by passing through the intestines and promotes regular bowel movement. Apples also contain a special type of soluble fiber called pectin, which has a laxative effect. Pectin improves digestion and relieves constipation.

  • Erik

Erik Used as a natural laxative. Plums, whose 28-gram serving contains 2 grams of fiber, are also a good source of sorbitol. Sorbitol is a type of sugar alcohol that cannot be digested by the body. It relieves constipation by drawing water into the intestine and activates the intestines. 

Prunes are more effective for constipation. Contains soluble and insoluble fiber. Drinking prune juice as a morning and evening snack helps to stimulate bowel movement. Drink prune juice regularly to prevent constipation and keep the colon clean.

  • Kiwi

Kiwi, It is rich in fiber. This indicates that it is an excellent nutrient to ensure regular bowel movement. One medium kiwifruit (76 grams) contains 2,3 grams of fiber.

Kiwi. It promotes movement in the digestive tract and helps create a bowel movement. Kiwi speeds up intestinal transit time, reduces laxative use, and improves constipation.

  • Flax seeds

Flax seedsIts high fiber content and ability to improve bowel irregularity definitely make it a standout in the treatment of constipation. One tablespoon (10 grams) contains 3 grams of fiber, including a mix of soluble and insoluble fiber. In this way, it relieves constipation.

  • poverty
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povertyhelps relieve constipation in different ways. First, it is rich in fiber. One medium pear (178 grams) contains 6 grams of fiber and corresponds to 24% of daily fiber needs. Pears are also high in the sugar alcohol sorbitol, which acts as an osmotic agent to draw water into the intestines and induce a bowel movement.

  • Beans

Each type of bean, which has different varieties, contains high amounts of fiber. Thus, it helps to improve bowel movement. In this way, it is effective in relieving constipation.

  • Artichoke

Researches, artichokeIt shows that it has a prebiotic effect and says that it can also be beneficial for intestinal health. Prebiotics are a special type of fiber that improves digestive health by feeding the good bacteria in the colon. Consuming prebiotics relieves constipation. Artichokes are a particularly good source of prebiotics and increase the number of beneficial bacteria in the gut. 

  • Kefir

KefirIt is a probiotic and fermented milk beverage. This probiotic drink contains healthy gut bacteria that can help relieve constipation. Probiotics increase stool frequency, improve stool consistency, and speed up bowel movements. With these effects, it is good for constipation.

  • FIG

Fig is a fruit that promotes bowel movement, provides fiber and is excellent for constipation. Half a cup (75 grams) of dried figs contains 30 grams of fiber, which meets 7.5% of the daily fiber requirement.

  • Lentil

LentilIt is a fiber-packed legume. In this way, it relieves constipation. Half a cup (99 grams) of boiled lentils contains 8 grams of fiber. Also, eating lentils increases the production of butyric acid, a type of short-chain fatty acid in the colon. It increases the movement of the digestive system to support bowel movements.

  • Chia seeds

28 gram chia seeds It consists of 11 grams of fiber. The fiber in chia seeds makes up about 40% of its weight. With this feature, it is the richest fiber food. In particular, it is a good source of soluble fiber, which absorbs water to form a gel that softens and moistens stool for easy passage.

  • Oat bran

bran, It is the fiber-rich outer sheath of the oat grain. While not as widely consumed as oats, oat bran contains much more fiber. 31 grams of oat bran provides about 5 grams of fiber. Although oatmeal and oat bran come from the same oat groats, they differ in texture and taste.

  • Hot drinks

Warm liquids stimulate the intestines and relieve constipation. According to studies, warm water has a positive effect on bowel movements.

  • Apricot

ApricotIncreases bowel frequency and contraction. These effects have been observed in animal experiments.

  • Blueberries

Like all fruits blueberries It is also rich in fiber, which relieves constipation.

  • Brussels sprouts and cabbage

This mini cabbage is a good source of fiber and adds bulk to stool. In this way, it is good for constipation. Cabbage also ensures the smooth passage of stool. Its rich fiber content is also effective.

  • Grape

Grape It is rich in fiber and helps relieve constipation.

  • Grapefruit

The extract of the fruit has laxative properties that can help relieve constipation. GrapefruitIt contains about 154 grams of fiber per 2,3-gram serving. But keep in mind that grapefruit juice can interfere with some medications. Therefore, if you are taking any other medication, consume grapefruit with caution.

  • Orange

One big size juicy orange It provides about 81 grams of fiber for 4 calories. Additionally, oranges (and citrus fruits in general) contain a flavonol called naringenin that can work as a laxative.

  • Quinoa

QuinoaContains twice as much fiber as most other grains. Therefore, it works in relieving constipation.

  • Misir

MisirIt is an excellent source of insoluble fiber, the type of fiber that the body cannot digest. This fiber acts like a scrub brush, cleans the colon and is effective in resolving constipation.

  • Spinach

One cup spinach It provides 4 grams of fiber. It also contains magnesium, a mineral that helps shrink the colon and attracts water to clear things up.

  • Popcorn
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Popcorn is a high-fiber, low-calorie snack. It helps to add volume to the stool. It allows the colon to empty. Eat a bowl of unsalted popcorn every day for constipation relief.

Fruit Juices Are Good For Constipation

Prune Juice


  • 5 or 6 prunes
  • Half a teaspoon of honey
  • half a teaspoon of powder
  • 1 cup of warm water

How is it done?

  • Soak the plums in a glass of warm water for 5 minutes.
  • When the plums are soft, remove the stems and toss the plum pieces together with the water into a blender.
  • Add honey and cumin powder.
  • Blend all the ingredients until they have the consistency of juice.
  • Pour the juice into a glass and enjoy the drink.

Dried plumcontains fiber and sorbitol, which help speed up bowel movement. Honey is a natural antibacterial agent, has antioxidant properties and helps to remove toxins from the body. Cumin ensures the preservation of intestinal health and also contributes to the taste of the juice.

Pear Juice


  • 2 pear
  • 2 teaspoons of lemon juice
  • 1 pinch of black salt

How is it done?

  • Peel the pears and put them in the blender.
  • Turn it a turn and pour the juice into a glass.
  • Add lemon juice and a dash of black salt.
  • Mix well before drinking.

poverty; It is rich in fiber and contains almost twice as much sorbitol compared to prunes. Since sorbitol facilitates bowel movement, drinking pear juice will help treat constipation.

Apple juice 


  • 1 apples
  • Half a teaspoon of fennel powder
  • Half a glass of water

How is it done?

  • Cut the apple and throw it in the blender.
  • Add water and spin one turn.
  • Pour the apple juice into a glass.
  • Add fennel powder and mix well.

Apple It is rich in fiber, minerals and vitamins. It also has a mild laxative effect. Fennel powder is rich in fiber and therefore helps keep water in stool and facilitates bowel movement.

Orange juice


  • 1 cup chopped orange
  • 1 pinch of black salt

How is it done?

  • Put the oranges in the blender and whirl one round.
  • Pour the juice into a glass.
  • Add a pinch of black salt and mix well before drinking.

Orange; It is a rich source of vitamin C, minerals and fiber. Fiber helps retain water and stimulates bowel movement by adding bulk to stool.

Lemon juice


  • Half a lemon
  • 1 cup of warm water
  • 1 teaspoon of honey
  • Half a teaspoon of ground cumin

How is it done?

  • Add the lemon juice, honey, and cumin powder to a cup of warm water.
  • Mix well before drinking.

Limon; rich in fiber and vitamin C, it not only treats constipation but also strengthens the immune system. Cumin powder is extremely helpful in keeping the digestive system healthy. Honey is full of antioxidants that help flush out toxins.

Grape juice


  • Fresh black grapes
  • Ginger
  • Black salt
  • Half a glass of water or according to the desired consistency

How is it done?

  • Wash fresh grapes.
  • Add the grapes, ginger and juice to the juicer.
  • Turn it a turn and pour the juice into a glass.
  • For adding black salt.

GrapeContains water and fiber, which are important for hydrating the body and adding bulk to stool. It also contains sorbitol, a sugar alcohol that retains more water and facilitates the passage of stools. It is a natural laxative to treat constipation.

Cherry juice


  • 1 cup of fresh cherries
  • 2 teaspoons of lemon juice
  • Half a glass of water
  • Black salt

How is it done?

  • Wash the cherries well and remove the seeds.
  • Mix in a blender by adding the desired amount of water and lemon juice.
  • Add black salt to flavor it.

Kiraz Contains polyphenols, water and fiber. The fiber content of the cherry helps to collect stool and facilitates its excretion from the body.

Constipating Foods
What are constipating foods?
Constipating foods – unripe bananas
  • Unripe banana
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Ripe bananas help prevent constipation, while unripe bananas have the opposite effect. In other words, it is one of the fruits that cause constipation. Because unripe bananas are more resistant starch that is, it contains a compound that is difficult for the body to digest.

  • Alcohol

Alcohol is a common cause of constipation. Drinking too much alcohol increases the amount of fluid lost through urine. This causes dehydration. If you don't drink enough water, the risk of constipation increases because you lose too much water through urine.

  • Gluten-free foods

Gluten; It is a protein found in grains such as wheat, barley and rye. One of the constipating foods is thought to be gluten. Also, some people are allergic to gluten. When someone with celiac disease consumes gluten, their immune system attacks and severely damages their gut. Chronic constipation is one of the common symptoms of this condition.

  • Processed grains

Foods obtained as a result of processing grains such as white bread, white rice and white pasta are less nutritious. It is also a constipating food. This is because the bran and germ parts of the grain are removed during processing. Specifically, bran contains fiber, a nutrient that adds bulk to stool and helps it move along. Therefore, people experiencing constipation should reduce their consumption of processed grains.

  • Milk

Milk is another common cause of constipation for some people. Infants and children are at particular risk, possibly due to sensitivity to proteins found in cow's milk.

  • Red meat

Red meat can cause constipation for a number of reasons. For one, they contain less fiber, which adds bulk to stools and helps them move together. Second, red meat indirectly reduces a person's total daily fiber intake by replacing high-fiber options.

If you fill most of your plate with meat during a meal, you will reduce the amount of fiber-rich vegetables, legumes and whole grains you can eat.

  • Fried or fast food

We can put fried or fast food on the list of constipating foods. This is because these foods are high in fat and low in fiber. This is a situation that slows down digestion, as in red meat.

Fried and ready-to-eat foods further lower the water content of the stool, causing it to dry out. There may be problems with the bowel's pushing function. This happens when you eat too much salt. The body absorbs water from the intestines to compensate for the extra salt in the bloodstream, which unfortunately causes constipation.

  • Processed and frozen foods

Such foods contain preservatives. It is high in sodium or sugar content. Added flavor and color. To digest all these complex artificial additives, the digestive system must work hard. This weakens the digestive system. It leads to various intestinal problems, including constipation. In case of constipation, stop consuming these foods.

  • Caffeine

Energy drinks, black coffee, cream coffee, caffeinated coffee, tea, hot chocolate, soda, etc. Caffeine-containing beverages are constipation-inducing beverages. Caffeine draws water from the colon when consumed in excess. But when consumed in a limited way, caffeine stimulates bowel movement. Therefore, be mindful of the amount of caffeine you consume daily.

  • Trabzon Persimmon

Trabzon PersimmonIt is a delicious fruit full of nutrients. There are two types, sweet and sour. The sour one can cause constipation. This is because it contains a lot of tannins, which slows the movement of food through the digestive tract and reduces intestinal secretions. Be sure to eat the sweet variety to avoid constipation.

References: 1, 2, 3

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