Benefits and Harms of Apple – Nutritional Value of Apples

Apple is one of the most consumed popular fruits in the world. Research has revealed many things about the benefits of apples. Eating apples protects against heart diseases, prevents cancer, is good for bones and fights asthma.

It is the fruit of the apple tree (Malus domestica), which originates from Central Asia and is grown all over the world. It is rich in fiber, vitamin C and various antioxidants. It is also a very filling fruit, given that it is low in calories. It has many benefits for skin and hair.

Apples are eaten with or without the peel. It is also used in various recipes, juices and beverages. There are apple varieties with different colors and appearances.

How Many Calories in Apple?

A medium size elma It is 95 calories. Most of its energy comes from carbohydrates. 

what are the benefits of apple
benefits of apple

Nutritional Value of Apple

The nutritional value of a medium-sized apple is as follows:

  • Calories: 95
  • Carbs: 25 grams
  • Fiber: 4 grams
  • Vitamin C: 14% of the RDI.
  • Potassium: 6% of the RDI.
  • Vitamin K: 5% of the RDI.
  • Manganese, copper, vitamins A, E, B1, B2, and B6: Below 4% of the RDI.

Carbohydrate value of apple

Apple, which consists mostly of carbohydrates and water; such as fructose, sucrose, and glucose simple candies rich in terms of Despite its high carbohydrate and sugar content, glycemic index is low. It has glycemic index values ​​ranging from 29 to 44. Foods with a low glycemic index, such as apples, are good for many ailments by providing blood sugar control.

Fiber content of apple

A medium-sized, fiber-rich Apple contains about 4 grams of fiber. Some of the fiber content consists of both insoluble and soluble fibers. Soluble fiber is beneficial for health through its effect on beneficial bacteria in the gut. Fiber provides satiety and aids weight loss, while lowering blood sugar and improving the function of the digestive system.

Vitamins and Minerals in Apple

Apple contains many vitamins and minerals. The most abundant vitamins and minerals in the fruit are:

  • C vitamin: Also called ascorbic acid C vitaminIt is an antioxidant commonly found in fruits. It has many important functions in the body.
  • Potassium: This is the main mineral in the fruit. High potassium Its intake is beneficial for heart health.

Plant compounds found in apples

Apples are high in various antioxidants, which have many health benefits. Its main features are:

  • Quercetin: Quercetin found in some plant foods has anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, anti-cancer and antidepressant effects.
  • Catechin: Catechin, a natural antioxidant in green tea is abundant. It has been shown to improve brain and muscle function in animal studies.
  • Chlorogenic acid: The chlorogenic acid in coffee lowers blood sugar and helps weight loss.
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Benefits of Apple

  • It is a rich source of nutrients

The benefits of apples lie in its organic compounds. It is rich in phytonutrients and flavonoids such as quercetin, phloridzin, epicatechin, and various other polyphenolic compounds.

Apple is a rich polyphenol is the source. To reap the benefits of an apple, eat it with the skin. Half of the fiber content and most of the polyphenols are found in the peel.

  • Protects from heart diseases

Apple protects from heart diseases. Because it contains soluble fiber, which lowers blood cholesterol levels. It also contains polyphenols with antioxidant effects. One of these polyphenols is a flavonoid called epicatechin, which lowers blood pressure. Flavonoids reduce the risk of stroke by 20%.

Flavonoids also lower blood pressure, reducing LDL oxidation. Thus, it prevents heart diseases.

  • Protects from diabetes

Studies show that eating apples protects against diabetes known as type 2 diabetes. Even eating just a few apples a week has a protective effect.

  • Nourishes gut bacteria

Apple, prebiotic It contains pectin, a type of fiber that acts as a Pectin feeds the good bacteria in the gut. During digestion, the small intestines cannot absorb fiber. Instead, it goes to the large intestine, where it will support the growth of good bacteria. At the same time, it turns into other beneficial compounds that return to all parts of the body.

  • Prevents cancer

The benefits of apples range from cancer prevention. Studies have shown that it prevents cancer. In a study of women, those who ate apples had a lower death rate from cancer. The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects of apple reduce the risk of cancer.

  • Fight asthma

Being rich in antioxidants, apples protect the lungs from oxidative damage. Apple eaters have a lower risk of developing asthma. In the peel of the fruit quercetin It contains a flavonoid called a flavonoid that helps regulate the immune system and reduce inflammation. This positively affects asthma and allergic reactions.

  • Useful for bones

Eat fruitincreases bone density. Because antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds in fruits increase bone density and strength. One of these fruits is apple. Apple eaters lose less calcium from their bodies. Calcium is the most important mineral for bone health.

  • Protects the stomach from the side effects of drugs

Pain medications damage the lining of the stomach. Especially dried apple protects stomach cells from wounds that may occur due to painkillers. Chlorogenic acid and catechin are two useful compounds that provide the benefits of apples.

  • Protects the brain in old age

Apple, especially when eaten with the peel, reduces the mental decline that occurs in the elderly. Apple juice concentrate reduces harmful reactive oxygen species (ROS) in brain tissue. Thus, it prevents the mind from regressing. It also helps maintain acetylcholine, which decreases with age. Low acetylcholine level Alzheimer's diseaseis the reason.

  • Good for digestion

The fiber content of the apple helps the digestive process to proceed in its normal course. Eating apples regularly stimulates bowel movement. It prevents constipation and various stomach ailments. The fiber found in apples adds bulk to stool and allows food to pass through the digestive tract smoothly. Eating apples regularly also prevents diarrhea. 

  • Improves respiratory problems
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One of the benefits of apple is that it protects the respiratory system from inflammation. As mentioned above, it prevents asthma. Apple has a tremendous anti-inflammatory capacity. Eating five or more apples a week improves lung function.

  • Protects from cataract disease

Apples are rich in antioxidants that reduce the effect of free radicals on vision. Antioxidants reduce the risk of developing cataracts.

Benefits of Apple for Skin
  • Giving shine to the skin is one of the benefits of apples.
  • It removes age spots and wrinkles, which are signs of premature aging.
  • It helps the skin look young.
  • It sheds dead skin cells.
  • Helps heal acne.
  • It reduces the appearance of dark circles under the eyes.
  • Moisturizes the skin.
Benefits of Apple for Hair
  • Green apple promotes hair growth.
  • It prevents hair loss.
  • It protects the health of the scalp.
  • It reduces dandruff.
  • It makes the hair shine.

Benefits of Apple Peel

Did you know that the peel of the apple, which is an important fruit in terms of nutritional value, is as nutritious as its flesh? The peel of the apple provides skin, hair and health benefits in many ways. 

  • Apple peel is a food store

Apple peel is a storehouse of nutrients. If you remove the peel while eating the apple, you will not benefit from the real nutritional value of the fruit. The nutritional value of 1 medium apple peel is as follows:

  • Calories: 18 calories
  • Saturated Fat: 0gr
  • Trans fat: 0 g
  • Polyunsaturated fat: 0 g
  • Monounsaturated fat: 0 g
  • Cholesterol: 0 mg
  • Sodium: 0 mg
  • Potassium: 25 mg 
  • Total carbs: 1 grams
  • Fiber: 2 grams
  • Protein: <1 gram
  • Vitamin C - 1%
  • Vitamin A - 1%

There are also small amounts of other vitamins and minerals in apple peel. We can list the benefits of apple peel as follows.

  • The peel of the apple contains vitamins C and A. Vitamin A is great for vision and skin health. Vitamin C strengthens immunity.
  • Apple peel also contains vitamin K and folate. Due to its folate content, pregnant women are advised to eat apples with their peel.
  • The choline found in the bark is very useful for creating new body cells.
  • Calcium and phosphorus are also found in apple peel. These two minerals are very important for bone and dental health. It also has adequate amounts of zinc, sodium and magnesium.
  • Apple peel contains fiber just like the fruit itself. The fiber found in its peel is in both soluble and insoluble form.
  • It allows the fat tissue to melt.
  • It is beneficial for bowel movement.
  • It protects from heart diseases and digestive diseases.
  • It reduces the risk of diabetes.
  • Apple peel is a natural source of antioxidants. Antioxidants such as phenolic acid and flavonoids are found in the peel of the apple.
  • It fights harmful cells that cause cancer. It reduces the risk of liver, breast and colon cancer.
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Does Apple Lose Weight?

One of the benefits of apples is that it helps to lose weight. We can list the weakening properties of the fruit as follows;

  • It is a low calorie fruit.
  • The water content is high.
  • It keeps you full due to its high fiber content.

These features show that the apple weakens.

Harms of Apple
  • Apple is generally a well tolerated fruit. However, because it contains FODMAPs, which are carbohydrates known to affect the digestive system, irritable bowel syndrome It can cause problems for people with
  • It also contains fructose. This too fructose intolerance It creates problems for people with
  • Apple can cause bloating. 
  • If you are allergic to any Rosaceae fruit, such as plums, pears, apricots, apples will likely cause allergies as well. Those who are in this situation should stay away from apples.
How to Store Apples?

Store apples on the fruit shelf of the refrigerator to keep them fresh for a long time. It usually stays fresh for at least a month.

  • How many apples are eaten per day?

Eating 2-3 small apples or 1 medium apple a day is an ideal amount.

  • When should apples be eaten?

It is recommended to consume apples 1 hour after breakfast or 1 hour after lunch.

  • Can you eat an apple on an empty stomach?

Eating apples on an empty stomach is not recommended due to its high fiber value. Consuming it early in the morning can cause bloating.

To summarize;

Apple is a nutritious fruit. It protects from some diseases. Eating apples regularly improves heart health and reduces the risk of cancer and diabetes. Eating it with the peel will maximize the benefits of the apple.

Apples are a good source of antioxidants, fiber, water and various nutrients. By keeping it full, it reduces the amount of calories to be taken daily. Therefore, along with a healthy and balanced diet Eating apples helps to lose weight.

References: 1

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