What Is Irritable Bowel Syndrome? Symptoms and Herbal Treatment

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)affects 6-18% of people worldwide. Irritable bowel syndrome or restless bowel syndrome Also called condition, it refers to changes in the frequency or pattern of bowel movements.

Changes in diet, stress, poor sleep, and gut bacteria can trigger symptoms of the ailment.

Triggers are different for each person; this makes it difficult to identify foods or sources of stress people should avoid.

What is IBS?

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)is a prolonged gastrointestinal disorder characterized by abdominal bloating, irregular bowel movements, mucous stools, and the like.

This condition is also known as spastic colitis, nerve colon, and mucous colitis. Irritable bowel syndrome It is a chronic condition, but its symptoms may change over time.

The cause of irritable bowel syndrome is uncertain.

What Causes IBS?

Irritable bowel syndromeFactors that can play an important role in triggering are:

Nutrition - Chocolate, alcohol, milk, caffeine, etc. Certain foods, such as certain foods, may worsen symptoms in some people.

Environmental factors such as stress

Hormonal changes

Problems with the nervous system - some problems with the nerves in the digestive system

Serious infections such as gastroenteritis

Changes in the microflora of the gut

What are Irritable Bowel Syndrome Risk Factors?

Some factors also irritable bowel syndrome It can increase the risk of developing:


It is more common in those under the age of 50.


Women are more likely to be affected.

Family history

In any of the close family members irritable bowel syndrome if there is, there is a high probability of developing the condition.

Mental disorders

Anxiety ve depression disorders like irritable bowel syndrome may increase the risk of developing it.

What are the Symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome?

Pain and Cramps

Abdominal pain irritable bowel syndrome It is the most common symptom and a key factor in diagnosis.

Normally, the gut and brain work together to control digestion. It happens through the signals released by hormones, nerves and good bacteria living in the intestines.

Irritable bowel syndromeNda these coordinated signals are disrupted, causing an uncoordinated and painful tension in the muscles of the digestive system.

This pain often occurs in the lower abdomen or the entire abdomen, but is less likely to be in the upper abdomen. The pain usually subsides after a bowel movement.


Diarrhea having an effect irritable bowel syndromeis one of the three main types of the syndrome. Irritable bowel syndrome it affects roughly a third of their patients.

A study in 200 adults found that those with IBS with diarrhea had an average of 12 bowel movements per week, more than twice the number of adults without IBS.

The rapid work of the bowels can also result in a sudden urge to have a bowel movement. 

Some patients define it as an important source of stress by avoiding some social situations due to the fear of sudden-onset diarrhea.

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Irritable bowel syndrome It can cause both diarrhea and constipation. Constipation predominantly IBS, irritable bowel syndrome It is the most common type affecting approximately 50% of patients.

The alternating communication between the brain and the gut can speed up or slow down the normal transit time of stool. If transit time slows, the intestine absorbs more water from the stool and becomes difficult to pass.

Constipation is defined as less than three bowel movements per week. "Functional" constipation means chronic constipation that is not explained by any other disease.

Functional constipation irritable bowel syndrome is not related and is very common. Functional constipation differs from this ailment in that it is not usually painful.

Whereas, irritable bowel syndromenext Constipation causes abdominal pain due to bowel movement.

Irritable bowel syndromeNda constipation often causes a feeling of incomplete bowel movement. This causes unnecessary stress.

Altered Constipation and Diarrhea State

Mixed or altered constipation and diarrhea irritable bowel syndrome It affects about 20% of living patients.

Diarrhea and constipation in IBS include chronic, recurrent abdominal pain.

This type of IBS tends to be more frequent than others and more severe with severe symptoms.

Changing irritable bowel syndrome symptoms vary from person to person. Therefore, this situation requires an individualized treatment approach rather than one-dimensional treatment recommendations.

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Changes in bowel movements

Stool that moves slowly in the bowel usually absorbs water from the bowel and dries the stool. This, in turn, creates hard stools that can further increase the symptoms of constipation.

The rapid movement of stool through the intestine leaves some time for water to be absorbed, causing loose stools with diarrhea.

Irritable bowel syndrome it can also cause mucus to accumulate in the stool; this constipation is not usually seen with other causes of constipation.

Blood in the stool could potentially be a sign of another serious medical condition and requires a visit to a doctor.

Blood in the stool may be red but is often very dark or black.

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Gas and Bloating

Irritable bowel syndrome Altered digestion in patients leads to more gas production in the intestine. This causes uncomfortable bloating.

337 irritable bowel syndrome In one study involving his patients, 83% found swelling and cramping. Both symptoms are in women and varying irritable bowel syndrome It was found to be more common in types.

Food Intolerance

Irritable bowel syndrome of persons with Close to 70% report that certain foods trigger symptoms.

Two-thirds of IBS patients should avoid consuming certain foods. Sometimes these people should try to avoid too much food.

It is unclear why these foods trigger symptoms. Food intolerance It is not allergic and trigger foods do not cause measurable differences in digestion.

While trigger foods are different for everyone, foods containing lactose and gluten and gas-producing foods such as FODMAP are among the foods that trigger the situation the most.

Fatigue and Difficulty Sleeping

Irritable bowel syndrome More than half of their patients report symptoms of fatigue. 

A study of 85 adults found that the intensity of symptoms increased the severity of fatigue.

Irritable bowel syndromeNda Difficulty falling asleep, frequent waking and feeling of tiredness due to insomnia in the mornings.

In a study of 112 adults with IBS, 13% reported poor sleep quality.

Another study of 50 men and women found that those with IBS slept about an hour, but felt less energetic in the morning than those without IBS.

Poor sleep triggers more severe gastrointestinal symptoms the next day.

Anxiety and Depression

Irritable bowel syndrome, anxiety ve depression It is also linked with.

It is unclear whether IBS symptoms are an expression of mental stress. IBS symptoms such as anxiety and digestion reinforce each other in a vicious circle.

In a large-scale study of 94.000 women and men irritable bowel syndrome The probability of having an anxiety disorder was over 50%, and the probability of having a mood disorder such as depression was greater than 70%.

Another study compared the stress hormone cortisol levels in patients with and without IBS.

When given the task of public speaking, irritable bowel syndrome those experienced more changes in cortisol suggesting greater levels of stress.

In addition, another study found that anxiety-reducing therapy reduced stress and IBS symptoms.

How to Understand Irritable Bowel Syndrome?

Irritable bowel syndromeThere is no specific laboratory or imaging test to diagnose this. The doctor will likely start with an analysis of your entire medical history.

This includes a physical exam and stool test, upper endoscopy, breath test, x-ray, etc. to rule out the possibility of other medical conditions. tests such as.

When other conditions have been ruled out, your doctor irritable bowel syndrome can use any of the following diagnostic criteria for:

Manning Criteria

It focuses on incomplete bowel movements, mucous stools, changes in stool consistency, and pain that eases after passing stool. The more symptoms you present, irritable bowel syndrome the higher the risk.

Roman Criteria

It includes abdominal pain and discomfort that occur at least once a week for an average of three months. This symptom can be diagnosed even more clearly by any of the following factors - discomfort and pain during the passage of stool, changes in bowel movements, or changes in the consistency of passing stools.

IBS Type

To prescribe the appropriate treatment irritable bowel syndromecan be classified into one of three types depending on symptoms: Constipation predominant irritable bowel syndrome, diarrhea predominant irritable bowel syndrome and mixed irritable bowel syndrome.

There is no cure for irritable bowel disease. Prescribed treatments are usually aimed at alleviating the symptoms of the condition.

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Irritable Bowel Syndrome Medical Treatments for

Treatment irritable bowel syndrome It can help alleviate the symptoms and enable the person to continue their normal life as much as possible. 

Irritable bowel syndrome One of the main ways to manage symptoms is to make changes in diet and avoid foods that are known to trigger a reaction. 

Depending on the symptoms, the doctor may prescribe some medications:

- Laxatives - To treat constipation symptoms

Fiber supplements to help with mild constipation

Antidiarrheal drugs

Pain medications

SSRIs or Tricyclic antidepressants that help with depression while helping with pain and constipation

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Anticholinergic medications such as dicyclomine to help with painful stomach cramps and diarrhea

Irritable Bowel Syndrome Diet

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) Some foods can also trigger irritating digestive symptoms.

Irritable bowel syndromeThe foods that trigger this are different for everyone, so it is not possible to make a single list of foods to avoid.

Irritable bowel syndrome The foods that can trigger symptoms in patients with disease are as follows;

What Shouldn't People with Irritable Bowel Syndrome Eat?

Insoluble fiber

Dietary fiber adds volume to the diet and helps keep the intestines healthy in general. Foods high in fiber include:

Whole grains 

- Vegetables

- Fruits

There are two types of fiber found in foods:

- Insoluble

- Soluble

Most plant foods contain both insoluble and soluble fiber, but some foods are higher in one type.

- Concentrated in soluble fiber, beans, fruit and oat products.

Insoluble fiber is concentrated in whole grain products and vegetables.

Soluble fiber is a great choice for most people with IBS. Wheat bran It is stated that insoluble fibers such as can worsen pain and swelling.

Fiber tolerance is different for individuals. Foods rich in insoluble fiber may worsen symptoms in some people, but others with IBS do not have any problems with these foods.

Additionally, some foods high in soluble fiber, such as beans, irritable bowel syndrome For some people, it can cause problems.

What does gluten intolerance mean


Found in gluten, rye, wheat, and barley, and Irritable bowel syndrome It is a group of proteins that can cause problems in some people.

In some people's bodies celiac disease There is a severe immune reaction to gluten known as In some gluten intolerance can. 

Studies show that a gluten-free diet, irritable bowel syndrome shows that it can improve IBS symptoms in about half of people who have it.


Milk, irritable bowel syndrome It can cause problems in people who have it.

Many dairy products are high in fat, which can cause diarrhea. Switching to low-fat or skimmed dairy products can reduce symptoms.

Many people with IBS lactose intolerance It is thought to be.

Fried foods

High fat content of fried foods, irritable bowel syndrome For those who have it, it may pose particular difficulties in the system.

Frying food actually changes the chemical structure of the food, making it difficult to digest, leading to unpleasant digestive symptoms.


pulse They are generally a great source of protein and fiber but can cause IBS symptoms. It contains compounds called oligosaccharides that are resistant to digestion by intestinal enzymes. It increases gas, bloating and cramping.

Caffeinated drinks

Caffeinated drinksIt has a stimulating effect on the intestines that can cause diarrhea.

Coffee, carbonated drinks and energy drinks that contain caffeine irritable bowel syndrome It can be a trigger for people with

Processed foods

Processed foods It contains a lot of added salt, sugar and fat.

Examples of processed foods are:


- Pre-prepared frozen meals

Processed meats

Deep-fried foods

Eating too much of these ingredients can cause health problems for anyone. In addition, usually irritable bowel syndrome they contain additives or preservatives that may trigger their flare-up.

Sugar-free sweeteners

Just because it's sugar-free doesn't mean it's good for your health - especially irritable bowel syndrome When it is concerned.

Sugar-free sweeteners are common in:

Sugar-free sugar

- Chewing gum

Most diet drinks


Commonly used sugar-free sweeteners are:

Sugar alcohols

Artificial sweeteners

Natural zero-calorie sweeteners such as stevia

Research sugar alcohols, especially irritable bowel syndrome It indicates that it is difficult to be absorbed by the body in people with:

- Gas

Digestive discomfort

Laxative effects

Common that can cause IBS symptoms sugar alcohols includes sorbitol and mannitol.

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Chocolate can trigger IBS because it's typically high in fat and sugar, often containing lactose and caffeine. Some people experience constipation after eating chocolate.


Alcoholic beverages are a common trigger for people with IBS. It can also cause dehydration, which can affect digestion.

Beer is a particularly risky option because it often contains gluten, and wines and mixed drinks can contain high amounts of sugar.

Garlic and onion

Garlic and onions flavor dishes perfectly, but these can be difficult for the intestines to break down, causing gas.

Painful gas and cramping can be caused by raw garlic and onions, and even cooked versions of these foods can be the trigger.

Broccoli and cauliflower

Broccoli ve cauliflower They can trigger symptoms in people with IBS.

When the intestines break down these foods, it causes gas and sometimes constipation even for people without IBS.

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Cooking vegetables makes them easier to digest, so cook broccoli and cauliflower if eating raw irritates the digestive system.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome What to Eat?

Many doctors recommend that people with IBS follow a low-FODMAP diet. This diet focuses on limiting foods rich in certain types of carbohydrates.

FODMAPmeans fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides and polyols. These are fermentable, short-chain carbohydrates.

Research shows that the small intestine cannot easily absorb foods containing FODMAPs, according to Harvard Medical School. They can cause bloating, gas, and stomach pain.

Foods containing FODMAPS include:

Most dairy products

Certain fruits, such as apples, cherries, and mangoes

Certain vegetables such as beans, lentils, cabbage, and cauliflower

Wheat and rye

High fructose corn syrup

Sweeteners such as sorbitol, mannitol and xylitol

While avoiding the above foods, you can consume other foods with low FODMAPs.

Fish and other meats

- Egg

Butter and oils

Hard cheeses

Lactose-free dairy products

Certain fruits, such as bananas, blueberries, grapes, kiwi, oranges, and pineapples

Certain vegetables such as carrots, celery, eggplant, green beans, cabbage, squash, spinach, and potatoes

- Quinoa, rice, millet and cornmeal

Pumpkin seeds, sesame and sunflower seeds

What Is Good For Irritable Bowel Syndrome?

Irritable bowel syndrome There are some natural remedies to alleviate the symptoms. Request irritable bowel syndrome herbal therapy

Peppermint Oil Capsules

Consume 6-180 mg of peppermint oil capsules daily for about 200 months. Consult a doctor for the correct dosage. You can take 1-2 capsules a day.

Mint oil, irritable bowel syndrome It can alleviate the general symptoms experienced by their patients and improve their quality of life. This may be due to their anti-inflammatory activity.


Patients who experience severe constipation, diarrhea, gallstones, or GERD should avoid taking peppermint oil capsules.

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Take probiotic supplements daily, after consulting the doctor.

Alternatively, you can consume probiotic-rich foods such as yogurt or kefir.

You can take this 1-2 times a day or as directed by your doctor.

According to a published study, probiotics irritable bowel syndrome It has a beneficial effect on their symptoms and can be used to alleviate them.


Acupuncture is an alternative medicine treatment that uses one or more needles at specific acupuncture points all over the body to relieve disease symptoms. 

This therapy Irritable bowel syndrome It is an option to treat symptoms. However, you should only get this treatment from a trained acupuncturist.

Slippery Elm

Add a tablespoon of slippery elm powder to a glass of boiling water.

Mix it well and let it sit for 5-7 minutes. Let it cool for a while. For the mixture. You can also add honey to the mixture for flavor.

You can drink this 1-2 times a day or as prescribed by the doctor.

Slippery elm powder, with its antioxidant structure, is a herbal remedy that helps in the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease. Therefore, irritable bowel syndrome It is an effective remedy to manage symptoms.

Artichoke Leaf Extract

Consume the artichoke leaf extract supplement daily after consulting your doctor for the appropriate dosage.

Artichoke Leaf Extract, irritable bowel syndrome It can help treat symptoms and improve patients' quality of life.

Irritable bowel syndrome It has been found to be as good or even better than other available treatments for managing their symptoms.

Aloe vera

Consume 60-120 ml of aloe vera juice once a day. Before doing this, consult a doctor and make sure this medication is not affecting other medications you are using.

You can drink this once a day or as prescribed by your doctor.

Aloe vera juice drinking, irritable bowel syndrome It can help alleviate your symptoms. These benefits may be due to its anti-inflammatory and laxative effects. However, this remedy should only be used for short-term treatment.

Tips for Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Exercise regularly.

- Get enough sleep and rest.

Drink plenty of fluids.

- Avoid caffeine and alcohol.

- Stop smoking.

- Manage your stress level.

- Limit milk consumption.

- Eat small meals more often than large meals.

Those who have irritable bowel syndrome can share their experiences with us.

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