What is Resistant Starch? Foods Containing Resistant Starch

Not all carbohydrates are the same. Carbohydrates such as sugars and starches have different effects on our health.

Resistant starchis a carbohydrate that is considered a type of fiber. Consumption of resistant starch increase can be beneficial for our cells as well as for bacteria in the gut.

Studies have shown that the way foods such as potatoes, rice and pasta are prepared. resistant starch content has shown that you can change it.

In the article resistant starch It describes the things to know about.

What is Resistant Starch?

Starches are made up of long chains of glucose. Glucose is the main building block of carbohydrates. It is also an important source of energy for the cells in our body.

Starchare common carbohydrates found in grains, potatoes, beans, corn, and other foods. However, not all starches are processed in the same way in the body.

Normal starches are broken down into glucose and absorbed. Therefore, glucose or blood sugar in the blood increases after eating.

Resistant starch It is resistant to digestion, so it passes through the intestines without being broken down by the body. Yet it can be broken down and used as fuel by the bacteria in our gut.

This could also benefit the health of cells. short chain fatty acids It produces. Resistant starchThe main sources of peanut include potatoes, green bananas, legumes, cashews, and oats.

Effects of Resistant Starch on the Body

Resistant starchprovides many important health benefits. It can be used for bacteria in the large intestine as it cannot be digested by the small intestine cells.

Resistant starch prebioticThat is, it is a substance that provides "food" for the good bacteria in the intestines.

Resistant starchencourages bacteria to form short-chain fatty acids such as butyrate. Butyrate is the best source of energy for cells in the large intestine. In addition resistant starch It can reduce inflammation and effectively change the metabolism of bacteria in the intestines.

This is what scientists resistant starchIt leads them to believe that can play a role in preventing colon cancer and inflammatory bowel disease.

You can also reduce blood sugar spikes after a meal and improve insulin sensitivity, or see how well the insulin hormone brings blood sugar to the cells.

Problems with insulin sensitivity are a major factor in type 2 diabetes. Improving the body's insulin response by eating well can help combat this disease.

As well as potential blood sugar benefits resistant starch It can help you feel full and eat less food.

In one study, researchers, resistant starch or tested how healthy an adult man ate after consuming the placebo. Participants resistant starch It was found that they ate about 90 fewer calories after consuming them.

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Other research resistant starchshows that it increases feelings of fullness in both men and women. Feeling full after a meal can reduce calorie intake.

Over time, resistant starch It can also aid weight loss by increasing satiety and reducing calorie intake.

Resistant Starch Types

Resistant starchThere are 4 different types. 

Type 1

It is found in grains, seeds and legumes and resists digestion as it is attached to fibrous cell walls. 

Type 2

It is found in some starchy foods, including raw potatoes and green (unripe) bananas. 

Type 3

It occurs when some starchy foods, including potatoes and rice, are cooked and chilled. Cooling, some of the digestible starches by retrogradation resistant starchconverts into s. 

Type 4

It was shaped by a man-made chemical process. 

However, this classification is not so simple because several different resistant starch type can be found. Depending on how the food is prepared, resistant starch the amount varies.

For example, letting a banana mature (turn yellow), resistant starches breaks down and turns it into normal starches.

Benefits of Resistant Starch

In the body resistant starchbehaves very similarly to some types of fiber. These starches pass through the small intestine without being digested and feed the bacteria in the colon.

Because digestive bacteria play a very important role in overall health, it's important to feed them and keep them healthy.

Improving digestion and colon health

Resistant starch When it reaches the colon, it feeds healthy bacteria that convert these starches into several different short-chain fatty acids. These fatty acids contain butyrate, an essential component for colon cells.

Butyrate reduces inflammation levels in the colon. In doing so, it helps protect against problems with the digestive system such as ulcerative colitis and inflammatory colorectal cancer.

In theory, butyrate can also help with other inflammatory problems in the gut such as:

- Constipation

- Diarrhea

Crohn's disease


While these potential benefits are promising, most of the research to date has involved animals rather than humans. High-quality human studies are required to support these claims.

Improving insulin sensitivity

Eating resistant starchmay help increase insulin sensitivity in some people. This potential benefit is crucial because lower insulin sensitivity may play a role in various disorders such as obesity, diabetes, and even heart disease.

One study, 15-30 grams each day resistant starch It found that overweight or obese men who ate these starches increased insulin sensitivity compared to men who did not eat these starches.

However, the female participants did not experience these effects. Researchers want more research to determine the reason for this difference.

Helps feel full

Eating resistant starchcan help people feel full. A study from 2017 found that 6 grams per day for 30 weeks resistant starch found that eating helped reduce the hormones that cause hunger in overweight healthy people. Resistant starch eating also increased compounds that help a person feel less hungry in the morning.

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Resistant starchInclusion of the diet can aid weight loss efforts by increasing the amount of time a person feels full after a meal. Feeling full can prevent unnecessary snacking and excessive calorie intake.

The amount of resistant starch increases after the food is cooked and cooled.

When foods are cooled after cooking, it is a kind of resistant starch occurs. This process is called starch retrogradation.

Some starches form when they lose their original structure due to heating or cooking. If these starches are then cooled, a new structure is formed. The new structure is resistant to digestion and provides health benefits.

What's more, by reheating previously chilled foods, research resistant starchshowed that it increased even more. With these steps resistant starchIt may increase in common foods such as potatoes, rice, and pasta.


Potatois the common source of the most consumed starch in many parts of the world. However, whether potatoes are healthy or not is debatable. This may be partly due to the potato's high glycemic index.

While higher potato consumption has been associated with an increased risk of diabetes, this is because consuming processed forms such as french fries instead of cooked or boiled potatoes.

The way the potatoes are cooked and prepared determines their health effects. For example, cooling potatoes after cooking resistant starch can increase their amount significantly.

One study found that potatoes cooled overnight after cooking, resistant starch revealed that it triples its contents.

Additionally, studies in 10 healthy men show that potatoes are high in resistant starch the amount resistant starch showed that it caused a smaller blood sugar response than carbohydrates that were not present.


It is estimated that rice is a staple food for around 3.5 billion people worldwide, or more than half of the world's population.

Cooling the rice after cooking, it contains resistant starch By increasing the amount, it can benefit health.

A study freshly cooked white rice compared with white rice that had been cooked previously, refrigerated for 24 hours after cooking, and then reheated.

Cooked and then cooled rice 2.5 times more than freshly cooked rice resistant starch contained.

Researchers also tested what happens when both types of rice are eaten by 15 healthy adults. They found that cooked cold rice caused less blood sugar response.


Pasta is usually produced using wheat. It is a dish consumed all over the world.

Resistant starch Little research has been done on the effects of cooking and cooling pasta to increase its quantity.

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However, some research has shown that the cooling process after cooking is really resistant starch has shown that it can increase its content. A study, resistant starchrevealed that when pasta was heated and cooled, it increased from 41% to 88%.

Other Foods Containing Resistant Starch

In addition to potatoes, rice and pasta, other foods or additives resistant starch Its content can be increased by cooking and then cooling. Some of these foods are oats, green bananas, barley, peas, lentils, and beans.

High content of resistant starch Some foods are:

Rye bread

- Cornflakes

Puffed wheat cereals

- Oat

- Muesli

- raw banana

- Haricot bean

- lentils

Increasing your consumption of resistant starch without changing your diet

Based on research, without changing your diet resistant starch There is a simple way to increase your intake.

Consume potatoes, rice and pasta regularly and cook them a few days before consumption and refrigerate them. To cool these foods in the refrigerator for a night or a few days, resistant starch can increase the content.

Resistant starchConsidering that is a type of fiber, it is a simple way to increase your fiber intake. However, we know these foods are freshly cooked in their best form.

In this case, try to find a way out. Sometimes you can choose to chill these foods before eating them, but other times you can cook them fresh.

Resistant Starch Side Effects

Resistant starch It acts similarly to the fibers in the body and is a part of many everyday foods. Therefore, there is usually little risk of side effects when eating resistant starch.

However, at higher levels resistant starch food can cause mild side effects such as gas and bloating. 

In some people resistant starch There may be allergies or reactions to certain foods that are high in sugar.

As a result;

Resistant starch It is a unique carbohydrate as it resists digestion and provides various health benefits.

Some foods more than others resistant starchThe way you prepare your food can affect the quantity, too.

In potatoes, rice and pasta resistant starchYou can increase the heat by cooling it after cooking and reheating it later.

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