Benefits, Calories and Nutritional Value of Apricots

Apricot ( Prunus armeniaca ) stone fruitsis one of them. It is round, yellow and orange in color, smaller than a peach.

Scientifically called Prunus armeniaca apricotis full of nutrients. Vitamin A in the fruit improves eye health and immunity, while the fiber in its content protects digestive health. Fiber is good for the heart by regulating blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

How many calories in apricots

The various antioxidants present in the fruit fight inflammation and even promote the health of the skin and hair. 

In the article “What does apricot mean "," how many calories of apricot "," properties of apricot "," apricot vitamin value " and vebenefits of apricots " will be informed about.

Nutritional Value and Calories of Apricot

Apricot fruitis very nutritious and contains many essential vitamins and minerals. 2 fresh apricot It has the following nutrient content:

Calories: 34

Carbs: 8 grams

Protein: 1 grams

Fat: 0,27 grams

Fiber: 1,5 grams

Vitamin A: 8% of the Daily Value (DV)

Vitamin C: 8% of the DV

Vitamin E: 4% of the DV

Potassium: 4% of the DV 

Also, this fruit is a good beta carotene, powerful antioxidants that help fight free radicals in our body, lutein and zeaxanthin is the source.

Since the peel contains a lot of fiber and nutrients apricotIt is best to eat them with their shells.

What Are the Benefits of Apricot?

High in antioxidants

Apricot vitamin as; It is a source of many important antioxidants, including vitamins A, C, and E. also beta carotene It contains.

What's more, so-called flavonoids are known to protect against diseases, including diabetes and heart disease. polyphenol It contains high levels of antioxidants.

The main flavonoids found in this fruit are; chlorogenic acids, catechins and quercetin. 

These compounds work to neutralize free radicals, harmful compounds that damage cells and cause oxidative stress. Oxidative stress causes many chronic diseases such as obesity and heart disease.

Reduces inflammation

Inflammation is actually a completely normal response triggered by the immune system to keep out foreign invaders and protect the body from injury.

On the other hand, chronic inflammation can wreak havoc on the body, contributing to diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and rheumatoid arthritis.

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Some research, apricotIt has found that sage may have powerful anti-inflammatory properties to help protect against disease.

Especially apricot kernel It is believed to be effective in relieving inflammation. In an animal study, rats apricot kernel oil extract Giving herb helped protect against ulcerative colitis, a type of inflammatory bowel disease.

Other anti-inflammatory foods include green leafy vegetables, beets, broccoli, blueberries, and pineapple.

It is beneficial for eye health

ApricotIt has many compounds essential for eye health, including vitamins A and E.

Vitamin A plays a vital role in preventing night blindness, a condition caused by a lack of light pigments in the eyes, while vitamin E is a fat-soluble antioxidant that is effective in protecting the eyes from direct free radical damage.

Beta carotene, which gives the fruit its yellow-orange color, acts as a precursor to vitamin A, which means the body can convert it to this vitamin.

Other carotenoids found in the fruit are lutein and zeaxanthin. These carotenoids, found in the retina of the eyes, protect against oxidative stress. 

It benefits the intestines

This delicious fruit is beneficial for the intestines.  One cup (165 grams) of sliced ​​apricots Contains 3.3 grams of fiber. The fibers are both soluble and insoluble.

The soluble type is water soluble and contains pectin, gums and long sugar chains called polysaccharides, while the insoluble type is insoluble in water and contains cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin.

Apricot It is particularly high in soluble fiber, which is important for maintaining healthy blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

Fiber delays the movement of food in the digestive tract and feeds beneficial gut bacteria. A healthy gut microbiome lowers the risk of obesity.

High in potassium

Apricotis high in potassium, a mineral that also acts as an electrolyte. It is responsible for sending nerve signals to the body and regulating muscle contraction and fluid balance.

Two apricots (70 grams) provides 181 mg of potassium. Because potassium works in conjunction with sodium to maintain fluid balance, adequate intake helps prevent bloating and maintain healthy blood pressure.

Has moisturizing properties

Like most fruits, apricotNaturally, its water content is high, which helps regulate blood pressure, body temperature, joint health and heart rate.

One glass (165 grams) sliced ​​fresh apricotsprovides approximately 2/3 cups (142 ml) of water.

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Since most people do not drink enough water, eating fresh fruit helps meet daily needs. If you are dehydrated, your blood volume drops and forces the heart to work harder to pump blood.

Eating apricotsmakes up for the loss of both water and electrolytes after exercise, as this fruit contains a good amount of water and potassium. 

Protects the liver

Some data apricotIt can help protect the liver from oxidative stress. According to research, this is due to the high antioxidant content of the fruit.

Can help treat diabetes

ApricotIt is very low in calories and carbohydrates (one fruit contains only 17 calories and 4 grams of carbohydrates), which is important for diabetics. It can be part of a diabetes diet. Its fiber content regulates blood sugar levels.

Apricothas a low glycemic index – which means it has a lasting effect on blood sugar levels and doesn't raise levels too quickly. The fruit is also rich in vitamin E, which acts as an antioxidant that improves blood sugar levels.

Helps to lose weight

Fiber keeps you full for a long time and contributes to healthy weight loss. ApricotNutrients in pineapple stimulate certain brain cells (called tanycytes) that make you feel full and control appetite.

The fruit can also boost metabolism and ultimately aid weight loss.

Strengthens bone health

Apricotimportant for bone development and health calcium It is also rich in terms of More importantly, potassium is also important for the proper absorption and distribution of calcium – and apricot It is also rich in potassium.

Studies also show that apricots can reverse bone loss and even alter bone metabolism in postmenopausal women.

 Effective in respiratory diseases

Asthma, cold and flu are respiratory diseases. Research on asthma has established an inverse association between flavonoids and asthma symptoms.

ApricotVitamin E plays a role here. It acts as an antioxidant and fights free radicals. This process strengthens immunity, prevents problems such as colds and flu.

Apricot it is also rich in beta-carotene, which helps treat fever.

Improves blood circulation

The fruit contains plenty of iron, which helps in the transport of oxygen in the blood and also improves blood circulation. Eating apricotsmakes you feel energetic. 

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apricot sugar ratio

Benefits of Apricot for Skin

Eating apricots is beneficial for the skin. The main causes of wrinkles and skin damage are environmental factors such as the sun, pollution and cigarette smoke.

Research shows a direct link between exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light, sunburn, and the risk of melanoma, a deadly form of skin cancer.

ApricotContained in antioxidants fight some of these skin damages.

Vitamins C and E, both found in this fruit, provide many benefits to the skin. Vitamin C in particular provides protection against UV damage and environmental pollutants by neutralizing free radicals.

In addition, it provides elasticity to the skin. collagen It also helps formation, prevents wrinkles.

ApricotAnother nutrient, beta carotene, provides protection against sunburn.

Hair Benefits of Apricot

apricot oilVitamin E contained in it supports healthy hair growth and prevents hair loss. This vitamin, in combination with fatty acids, acts as a preservative, preventing damage from free radicals.

apricot oilContains vitamins A and E that support skin health and repair. Therefore, dry scalp, psoriasisIt is a great home remedy for problems like dandruff and eczema. 

How and Where Is Apricot Used?

Both fresh and dry apricot it is a quick and tasty snack. You can use this delicious fruit in food in different ways:

- It is eaten fresh as a snack.

- It is sliced ​​and added to yoghurt and fruit salads.

- Jam and preserves are made.

- It is added to desserts such as pies, cakes and pastries.

- It can be used instead of peach and plum desserts.

As a result;

Apricot It is a delicious fruit full of vitamins, fiber and antioxidants. It is beneficial for eyes, skin and intestines. It can be eaten fresh or dried and added to yoghurt and fruit salads.

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