Benefits, Harm and Nutritional Value of Spinach

Scientifically "Spinacia oleracea " known as spinachbelongs to the amaranth family.

SpinachIt originates in Persia but is now mostly produced in the USA and China. It is loaded with nutrients and antioxidants and is known to be very healthy.

Eating spinachhelps eye health, reduce oxidative stress, prevent cancer and lower blood pressure.

Spinach Nutritional Value

By weight, spinach It contains 91.4% water, 3.6% carbohydrates and 2.9% protein. 100 grams spinachThere are 23 calories. Here Nutritional profile of 1 cup of raw spinach:

Total Calories: 7

Protein: 0.86 gr

Calcium: 30 mg

Iron: 0,81 gr

Magnesium: 24 mg

Potassium: 167 mg

Vitamin A: 2813 IU

folate: 58 micrograms


SpinachMost of the carbohydrates found in ta are made up of fiber. It also contains 0.4% sugar, the majority of which consists of glucose and fructose.


Spinachis high in insoluble fiber, which can benefit health in many ways.

Insoluble fiber adds volume as food passes through the digestive system. This helps prevent constipation.

Vitamins and Minerals

Spinach It is an excellent source of many vitamins and minerals:

Vitamin A

Spinach, To vitamin A It is high in convertible carotenoids.

C vitamin

C vitamin It is a powerful antioxidant that strengthens skin health and immune function.

Vitamin K

Vitamin K necessary for blood coagulation and a spinach leaf It provides more than half of your daily needs.

Folic acid

It is also known as folate or vitamin B9. It is necessary for normal cell function and tissue growth and is very important for pregnant women.


Spinach it is an excellent source of this essential mineral. Iron It helps create hemoglobin, which brings oxygen to the body's tissues.


Calciumis essential for bone health. This mineral is also an important signaling molecule for the nervous system, heart and muscles.

Spinach ayrıca potassiummagnesium and B6, B9 and Vitamin E It contains many vitamins and minerals.

Plant Compounds

SpinachContains several important plant compounds including:

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Lutein improves eye health.


This antioxidant reduces the risk of cancer and chronic diseases.


Spinach It contains nitrate in amounts that can improve heart health.


This antioxidant prevents infection and inflammation. Spinach, quercetinIt is one of the richest food sources.


Like lutein, zeaxanthin is beneficial for eye health.

What are the Benefits of Spinach?

Good for skin, hair and nails

SpinachVitamin A protects the skin from UV radiation. It fights oxidative stress. Spinach Regular consumption protects the health of the skin.

Spinach Contains vitamin C. Several studies have shown that vitamin C can increase collagen synthesis. Magnesium and iron in vegetables are also thought to support hair health.

iron deficiency may cause hair loss. A rich source of iron spinachhelps combat hair loss.

Spinach also a mineral that helps treat brittle nails biotin It contains.

Spinach helps slimming

Some studies spinach shows that it can suppress hunger. Overweight women, 3 grams for 5 months spinach extract experienced 43% greater loss of body weight after consuming it.

Women's desire to eat sweets also decreased by 95%.

Reduces cancer risk

SpinachGlycoglycerolipids play a role in cancer prevention. They can achieve this by potentially inhibiting tumor growth.

According to some studies, spinachvitamin A reduces the risk of breast cancer. 

Helps treat diabetes

Spinach It increases the feeling of satiety, thus reducing post-meal glucose responses. This has been attributed to the high fiber and water content in the vegetable.

Vegetables also contain nitrates. These compounds, insulin resistanceIt has been found to help prevent niacin. It can also alleviate inflammation, which is a primary risk factor for diabetes.

It helps to adjust the blood pressure level

SpinachNitrates in jewelry improve endothelial function and can acutely lower blood pressure levels, thus improving heart health.

Nitrates also remove arterial stiffness that can lead to high blood pressure levels.

Magnesium in vegetables also regulates blood pressure levels. This mineral relaxes and dilates blood vessels, thus promoting blood flow.

It is beneficial for eye health

Spinachtwo important antioxidants that affect vision lutein and zeaxanthinincludes. These compounds fight reactive oxygen species and reduce the risk of cataracts and age-related macular degeneration.

In a study eating spinach regularlyincreased macular pigment optical density.

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Strengthens bones

Spinach It is rich in vitamin K and calcium, two important nutrients needed to strengthen bones.

Low calcium intake leads to osteoporosis. It is linked to low bone mass, rapid bone loss and high fracture rates. Spinach contains calcium and helps counteract this condition.

Improves digestion

Spinach Contains fiber. Studies show that fiber can make you feel full for longer. It also supports intestinal health as it helps food pass through the digestive system.

Helps treat asthma

Oxidative stress plays a role in asthma. SpinachContains vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant that can fight oxidative stress. This helps cure asthma.

Lutein and zeaxanthin in vegetables are also beneficial in asthma treatment. Anecdotal evidence suggests that eating spinach may prevent developing asthma.

Supports fetal development

Spinach, an essential nutrient for fetal development folic acid includes. This food reduces the risk of defects in the unborn child's nervous system.

Improves brain function

SpinachIt has anti-stress and anti-depressive effects. These effects, spinach It can be attributed to its ability to reduce corticosterone levels (a hormone involved in stress responses) in the blood.

SpinachOther nutrients in the diet, namely vitamin K, folate, lutein and beta-carotene (vitamin A), also support brain health and slow cognitive decline.

Strengthens muscles

Spinach While it won't give you muscle like Popeye, it certainly helps build muscle mass. It is rich in many nutrients such as calcium and iron, which strengthens the muscles and allows them to grow. Therefore spinach It is added to many protein drinks and post-workout smoothies.

Reduces inflammation

SpinachIt is one of the best anti-inflammatory foods as it is rich in plant compounds such as lutein. This powerful compound reduces inflammation in tissues, which reduces joint pain and other disorders such as arthritis.

Strengthens immunity

Spinach One of the most important benefits is that it strengthens the immune system. SpinachIt contains a good amount of vitamin C, which plays an important role in boosting immunity. When consumed regularly, it helps prevent colds, coughs and other problems, especially in young children.

Prevents acne

Spinachis a green vegetable rich in chlorophyll. This cleans the internal system and prevents bacteria from reproducing. It also expels toxins through the excretory system. This acts on the skin and prevents acne breakouts.

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Has anti-aging properties

Thanks to many nutrients such as Vitamin A, it helps the skin look younger. SpinachIn addition to eliminating the dullness of the skin, it also increases its elasticity. It eliminates fine lines, wrinkles and other signs of aging.

UV protection

Among the many foods that provide UV protection to the skin spinach tops the list. Especially dark green leafy vegetables contain antioxidants to prevent cell damage caused by sun exposure. 

How to Pick and Store Spinach?

The healthiest fresh spinach is to take. You should also keep in mind the following points:

Choose those with bright green leaves. Do not take brown or yellow or pale leaves.

Keep the spinach in the original bag or container and simply wash it before use. Store the remaining spinach in the same bag in the refrigerator without moistening.

- Wrapping the bag in a clean towel can provide extra protection.

What Are Spinach Side Effects?

Spinach It is full of essential nutrients. But overeating spinachmay cause some side effects.

Kidney Stones
This is the most common concern with this vegetable. Large amount of spinach oxalate contains (just like beets and rhubarb). These can bind with calcium in the urinary tract, leading to calcium oxalate stones. Therefore, individuals with kidney disease / stones should stay away from this vegetable.

Blood thinning medications
SpinachVitamin K plays a role in the formation of blood clots. Therefore, if you use blood thinners, you should be careful about your vitamin K intake. Are high in vitamin K spinachmay interfere with medications (including Warfarin) that aid blood thinning.

As a result;

Spinachare among the most important foods you can eat regularly. It is full of vital nutrients and keeps most diseases at bay. However, those with kidney disease should eat carefully.

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