What Is Lutein and Zeaxanthin? What Are Their Benefits?

Lutein and zeaxanthinare two important carotenoids, which are the pigment produced by plants that give fruits and vegetables a yellow and reddish color.

They are very similar in structure to the arrangement of their atoms, with a slight difference.

Both are powerful antioxidants and have a range of health benefits. They are best known for their eye protection properties. They are also known to fight chronic diseases.

What is Lutein and Zeaxanthin?

Lutein and zeaxanthin are two types of carotenoids. Carotenoids are compounds that give foods their characteristic color. They act as antioxidants and play a vital role in a variety of body functions, including improving eye and skin health.

Lutein and zeaxanthin It is found mainly in the macula of the human eye. They are xanthophylls that play different roles in biological systems - as important structural molecules in cell membranes, as short-wavelength light filters, and as guardians of redox balance.

Both of these antioxidants have a similar structure and have a range of health benefits.

What Are the Benefits of Lutein and Zeaxanthin?

They are important antioxidants

Lutein and zeaxanthinare powerful antioxidants that defend the body against unstable molecules called free radicals.

When free radicals are excessive in the body, they can damage cells, contribute to aging and lead to the progression of diseases such as heart disease, cancer, type 2 diabetes and Alzheimer's disease.

Lutein and zeaxanthin protects the body's proteins, fats and DNA from stressors and even is another important antioxidant in the body glutathionehelps recycle flour.

In addition, their antioxidant properties can reduce the effects of "bad" LDL cholesterol, thereby reducing plaque buildup in the arteries and the risk of heart disease.

Lutein and zeaxanthin It also works to protect the eyes from free radical damage.

Our eyes need a lot of oxygen, which encourages the production of harmful oxygen-free radicals. Lutein and zeaxanthin these free radicals cancel out, so they can no longer damage eye cells.

These carotenoids work better together and fight free radicals more effectively when combined, even at the same concentration.

Supports eye health

Lutein and zeaxanthinThey are the only dietary carotenoids that accumulate in the retina, particularly in the macula region at the back of the eye.

Because they are found in concentrated amounts in the macula, these are known as macular pigments.

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The macula is necessary for vision. Lutein and zeaxanthinIt works as important antioxidants in this area by protecting the eyes from harmful free radicals.

These antioxidants decrease over time eye healthIt is thought to disrupt.

Lutein and zeaxanthin it also acts as a natural sunscreen by absorbing excess light energy. They are thought to specifically protect the eyes against harmful blue light.

Eye conditions that lutein and zeaxanthin can help include:

Age-related macular degeneration (AMD)

Lutein and zeaxanthin consumption can protect AMD progress against blindness.


Cataracts are cloudy patches in the front of the eye. Lutein and zeaxanthin Foods rich in nutrients can slow meal formation.

 Diabetic retinopathy

In animal diabetes studies, lutein and zeaxanthin Supplementing has been shown to reduce oxidative stress markers that damage the eyes.

Retinal detachment

Rats with retinal detachment given lutein injections had 54% less cell death than those injected with corn oil.


This is an inflammatory condition in the middle layer of the eye. Lutein and zeaxanthincan help reduce the inflammatory process.

For eye health lutein and zeaxanthinAlthough supportive research is promising, not all studies show benefit.

For example, in some studies lutein and zeaxanthin No association was found between early-onset age-related macular degeneration intake.

While there are many factors related to eye health, it is sufficient for eye health in general. lutein and zeaxanthinIt is very important to find.

Protects skin

Son yıllarda lutein and zeaxanthinIts beneficial effects on the skin have been discovered. Its antioxidant effects protect the skin from the sun's harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays.

One two-week animal study, 0.4% lutein and zeaxanthin showed that rats that received nutrient enriched with food had less UVB-induced dermatitis than those that received only 0.04% of these carotenoids.

Another study in 46 people with mild to moderate dry skin found that those who took 10 mg of lutein and 2 mg of zeaxanthin significantly improved skin tone compared to the control group.

Also The Turkish lutein and zeaxanthin It can protect skin cells from premature aging and UVB-induced tumors.

Foods Containing Lutein and Zeaxanthin

The bright color of many fruits and vegetables lutein and zeaxanthin Although it provides green leafy vegetablesare also found in large amounts.

Interestingly, the chlorophyll in dark green vegetables, lutein and zeaxanthin it masks their pigment so the vegetables appear green in color.

Major sources of these carotenoids include kale, parsley, spinach, broccoli, and peas. 

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Orange juice, melon, kiwi, red pepper, zucchini and grapes too lutein and zeaxanthinand good sources of durum wheat and maize. lutein and zeaxanthin located.

In addition, egg yolk is an important lutein and zeaxanthin source because the high fat content of the yolk enhances the absorption of these nutrients.

Oils increase the absorption of lutein and zeaxanthin, so using olive oil in green salad is a good idea.

Below is a list of foods rich in these antioxidants.

FoodLutein & Zeaxanthin Amount in 100 grams
Cabbage (cooked)19.7 mg
Winter Squash (cooked)1.42 mg
Yellow sweet corn (canned)        1,05 mg
Spinach (cooked)11.31 mg
Swiss chard (cooked)11.01 mg
Green peas (cooked)2.59 mg
Arugula (raw)3,55 mg
Brussels Sprouts (cooked)1.29 mg
Broccoli (cooked)1.68 mg
Zucchini (cooked)1.01 mg
Egg yolk fresh (raw)1.1 mg
Sweet potato (cooked)2,63 mg
Carrots (raw)0.36 mg
Asparagus (cooked)0.77 mg
Green beets (cooked)1.82 mg
Dandelion (cooked)3.40 mg
Cress (cooked)8.40 mg
Turnip (cooked)8.44 mg

Lutein and Zeaxanthin Supplements

Lutein and zeaxanthinCommonly used in the form of nutritional supplements to prevent vision loss or eye disease.

It is usually made from marigold flowers and mixed with waxes but can also be made synthetically.

These supplements are particularly popular among older adults who are concerned about eye health impairment.

In the eyes lutein and zeaxanthin due to their low level, age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and cataracts go hand in hand, while higher blood levels of these carotenoids are linked to an up to 57% reduced risk of AMD.

Lutein and zeaxanthin Supplementing with also improves the overall antioxidant status, which may offer greater protection against stress relievers.

How Much Lutein and Zeaxanthin Should Be Taken Daily?

Take advantage of the local knowledge by visiting our lutein and zeaxanthin There is no recommended nutritional intake for

What's more, what the body needs lutein and zeaxanthin its amount may depend on the amount of stress it is in. For example, since smokers tend to have lower levels of carotenoids compared to non-smokers, more lutein and zeaxanthinMay need a.

Those who use the supplements average 1--3 mg per day lutein and zeaxanthin They are estimated to receive. However, more than that may be needed to reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration (AMD).

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It was found that 10 mg of lutein and 2 mg of zeaxanthin caused a significant reduction in the progression to advanced age-related macular degeneration.

Similarly, supplementing with 10 mg of lutein and 2 mg of zeaxanthin elevates the overall skin tone.

Lutein and Zeaxanthin Side Effects

Lutein and zeaxanthin supplements There appears to be very few side effects associated with it.

In a large-scale eye study, lutein and zeaxanthin supplementshas had no side effects for five years. The only side effect identified was some skin yellowing that was not considered harmful.

However, one case study found crystal development in the eye of an elderly woman who supplemented with 20 mg of lutein per day and also followed a high lutein diet for eight years.

After he stopped taking the boost, the crystals disappeared in one eye but remained in the other.

Lutein and zeaxanthinhas an excellent security profile.

Research estimates that lutein is safe at 1 mg per kilogram of body weight and zeaxanthin at 0.75 mg per kilogram of body weight daily. For a 70kg person this equates to 70mg of lutein and 53mg of zeaxanthin.

In a study in rats, daily doses up to 4,000 mg / kg body weight, the highest dose tested. lutein or zeaxanthin No adverse effect was found for.

Lutein and zeaxanthin Although there are very few reported side effects of supplements, whether very high intakes will have potential side effects needs to be investigated further.

As a result;

Lutein and zeaxanthinThey are powerful antioxidant carotenoids that are found in high amounts in dark green vegetables and can also be taken in supplement form.

Daily doses of 10mg lutein and 2mg zeaxanthin can improve skin tone, protect the skin from the sun, and reduce the progression of age-related macular degeneration and cataract.

Many of these antioxidants' other benefits are still being researched.

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