What Is Quinoa, What Does It Do? Benefits, Harm, Nutritional Value

Quinoais a type of grain that grows in South America that nobody noticed for centuries. 

It was not South Americans who noticed this grain, it was noticed by people living in the rest of the world and has been called a superfood.

Those who are health conscious keep quinoa in a private place and consume it. For those who don't know "What does quinoa mean, how to eat, what is it good for", "what to do with quinoa", "benefits and harms of quinoa", "quinoa values", "quinoa protein and carbohydrate ratio" Let's give information about.

What is Quinoa?

QuinoaIs the seed of the "Chenopodium quinoa" plant. Quinoa grown for food in the Andes 7000 years ago was believed to be sacred. Although now known and cultivated around the world, the majority is produced in Bolivia and Peru. 

Its high nutritional content and health benefits were noticed after it was selected as the "International Year of Quinoa" by the United Nations in 2013.

QuinoaOne of the reasons why it is so popular is that it is a gluten-free grain. Those with celiac disease and wheat allergy can easily consume it. 

how much is quinoa calories

What Are The Kinds Of Quinoa?

There are more than 3000 varieties, the most grown and popular types are white, black and red quinoais. There are also three color variants, all of which are a mix. White quinoa is the most consumed of these.

The nutritional content of quinoa It varies according to the colors. A study examining red, black, and white varieties found that black quinoa had the lowest fat content, while the highest omega-3 fatty acid and carotenoids content.

Red and black quinoa Vitamin E its value is almost twice that of white. The same study analyzing the antioxidant content found that the darker the color, the higher the antioxidant capacity.

Nutritional Value of Quinoa

Baked quinoa It contains 71,6% water, 21,3% carbohydrate, 4,4% protein and 1,92% fat. One cup (185 grams) of cooked quinoa contains 222 calories. 100 grams of cooked The nutritional content of quinoa is as follows:

Calories: 120

Water: 72%

Protein: 4.4 grams

Carbs: 21,3 grams

Sugar: 0,9 grams

Fiber: 2,8 grams

Fat: 1,9 grams

quinoa protein ratio

Quinoa Carbohydrate Value

carbohydratesconstitutes 21% of cooked quinoa.

Approximately 83% of carbohydrates are in starch. The remainder consists mostly of fiber and a small amount of sugar (4%), such as maltose, galactose and ribose.

QuinoaIt has a relatively low glycemic index (GI) score of 53, which means it won't cause a rapid rise in blood sugar.

Quinoa Fiber Content

Cooked Quinoais a better source of fiber than both brown rice and yellow corn.

Fiber, cooked quinoaand 10-80% of these are insoluble fibers such as cellulose.

Insoluble fiber has been linked to a reduced risk of diabetes.

Also, some of the insoluble fiber can be fermented like soluble fiber in the gut, feeding friendly bacteria.

Quinoa It also provides resistant starch that feeds beneficial bacteria in the gut, promotes the formation of short chain fatty acids (SCFAs), improves gut health and reduces disease risk.

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Quinoa Protein Content

Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins and proteins are the building blocks of all tissues in our body.

Some amino acids are considered essential because our bodies cannot produce them, making it necessary to get them from food.

In dry weight quinoaProvide 16% protein, higher than most grains like barley, rice and corn.

Quinoais considered a complete protein source, which means it provides all nine essential amino acids.

Amino acid usually lacking in plants lysine in terms of extremely high. Same time methionine and histidine, which makes it an excellent source of plant-based protein.

QuinoaProtein quality is comparable to casein, the high-quality protein in dairy products.

Quinoa It is gluten-free and therefore suitable for people who are sensitive or allergic to gluten.

Quinoa Oil Content

100 grams of cooked quinoa Provides about 2 grams of oil.

Similar to other cereals, quinoa oil mainly palmitic acid, oleic acid ve linoleic acidconsists of.

Vitamins and Minerals Found in Quinoa

QuinoaIt is a good source of antioxidants and minerals, providing more magnesium, iron, fiber, and zinc than many common grains.

Here quinoaThe main vitamins and minerals in:


Found in high amounts in whole grains, this trace mineral is essential for metabolism, growth and development.


Often found in protein-rich foods, this mineral is essential for bone health and various body tissues.


Copper is important for heart health.


Folate, one of the B vitamins, is essential for cell function and tissue growth and is considered particularly important for pregnant women.


This essential mineral performs many important functions in our body, such as carrying oxygen in red blood cells.


Magnesium is essential for many processes in our body.


This mineral is important for overall health and participates in many chemical reactions in our body.

Other Plant Compounds Found in Quinoa

QuinoaContains many plant compounds that contribute to its taste and health benefits:


These plant glycosides, quinoa seedsIt protects against insects and other threats. They are bitter and are usually eliminated by soaking, washing or roasting before cooking.


This powerful polyphenol antioxidant can help protect against a variety of diseases such as heart disease, osteoporosis, and certain types of cancer.


This polyphenol antioxidant can reduce the risk of chronic diseases, including cancer.


This precursor to steroids also acts as an antioxidant in the body.

Phytic acid

This antinutrient reduces the absorption of minerals such as iron and zinc. Phytic acidcan be reduced by soaking or sprouting quinoa before cooking.


In sensitive individuals, it can bind with calcium, reduce intake and increase the risk of kidney stone formation.

Bitter quinoa varieties are richer in antioxidants than the sweet varieties, but both are good sources of antioxidants and minerals.

What Are the Benefits of Quinoa?

Contains plant compounds such as quercetin and kaempferol

These two plant compounds known to have beneficial effects on health are found in large quantities in quinoa. Typical like cranberry quercetin even higher than the foods that have content.

These important plant compounds have been found to have anti-inflammatory, antiviral, anti-cancer and anti-depressant effects in animal studies.

Has higher fiber content than most grains

QuinoaAnother important benefit of is that it has a high fiber content. It contains 17-27 grams of fiber per cup, which is twice the value of most grains.

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Especially boiled quinoaThere is also more fiber, which helps absorb excess water.

Part of the fiber is a type of fiber called soluble fiber, which helps to lower blood sugar levels, lower cholesterol, increase satiety and lose weight.

It is an excellent food for those with gluten sensitivity.

Quinoa It is not a gluten-reduced or removed product like other foods. Naturally, it does not contain gluten.

Contains high protein and essential amino acids

Protein is made from amino acids. Some of them are called basic because we cannot produce them and we must get them with the help of food. If a food contains all the essential amino acids, it is considered a complete protein.

In many plant foods "lysineSome essential amino acids such as ”are insufficient. However, quinoa is an exception. Because it contains all the essential amino acids. Therefore, it is an excellent source of protein. It contains more protein than most grains.

With 8 grams of quality protein per cup, it is an excellent plant-based protein source for vegetarians as well.

It has a low glycemic index that provides blood sugar control

Glycemic indexis a measure of how quickly foods raise blood sugar levels. It is known that eating foods with high glycemic index can promote hunger and contribute to obesity.. These foods cause type 2 diabetes and chronic heart conditions.

The glycemic index of quinoa It is 52 and belongs to the category of low glycemic index foods. However, it should not be forgotten that the carbohydrate content is high.

Contains important minerals such as iron and magnesium

Quinoa contains high amounts of iron, magnesium, zinc and potassium. However, there is a problem as follows; It also contains a substance called phytic acid that reduces the absorption of these minerals. If you soak the quinoa before cooking, the phytic acid content will decrease.

Has beneficial effects on metabolic health

It is not accidental that quinoa improves metabolic health, given its high content of beneficial nutrients.

In studies on this, it has been found that quinoan significantly lowers blood sugar, insulin and triglyceride levels. It has also been found to prevent the negative effects of fructose. 

Contains high amounts of antioxidants

Antioxidants fight aging and many diseases by neutralizing free radicals. Quinoa It contains high amounts of antioxidants.

Treat diabetes

Quinoa contains magnesium that regulates diabetes. Diabetics can use it as a nutritional supplement. Magnesiumregulates the sugar level by helping the secretion of insulin.

Prevents constipation

It is also effective for constipation thanks to the fibers it contains. These fibers facilitate the passage of food through the intestines.

Good for asthma

It is also effective in reducing respiratory diseases. Quinoa It is good for asthma due to its riboflavin content, which has the property of relaxing the blood vessels leading to the lungs.

Provides cholesterol control

It helps to control cholesterol levels thanks to the fibers it contains.

Relieves migraine

Sometimes magnesium deficiency in the body can lead to migraine headaches. QuinoaThe magnesium contained in it helps prevent this.

Provides tissue regeneration

Quinoa Thanks to lysine, it regenerates damaged skin cells and tissues. It is used in the treatment of ligament tears and skin bruises.

Balances blood pressure

QuinoaThe presence of riboflavin in has a relaxing effect on blood vessels. It also provides energy by reducing stress in the body.

Gives power

QuinoaVitamins and minerals in it provide energy. It increases the metabolic rate. Since it does not contain gluten, it is a great food source for those with gluten allergies.

Does Quinoa Weaken?

Less calories are needed to lose weight than burned. Some foods make this process easier by reducing appetite. Quinoa It is a food with these properties.

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The high protein value speeds up the metabolism and cuts the appetite. Its high fiber content increases satiety and helps to consume fewer calories. 

Benefits of Quinoa to Skin

Reduces skin injuries

Quinoa collagen It contains a substance called lysine, which helps the production of wounds, thus allowing the wounds to heal quickly.

Makes you look young

It has tightening properties thanks to collagen synthesis. Its riboflavin compound destroys detention bags.

Helps reduce acne

Quinoa, acne Reduces the production of chemicals associated with it. It prevents the formation of acne due to its sebum content.

Benefits of Quinoa to Hair

It is effective in preventing dandruff

QuinoaIt cleans the scalp by moisturizing the large amounts of iron and phosphorus minerals. In this way, dandruff is not only removed from the head, but also dandruff formation is prevented.

Acts as a hair tonic

QuinoaIt is rich in various vitamins and minerals. Thanks to a type of amino acid in its content, it strengthens the hair follicles and makes the hair strands durable. In this way, it acts as a hair tonic when used daily.

Prevents hair loss

Thanks to the amino acids it contains, it provides hair growth by nourishing the hair. Hair lossIt adds volume to the hair by stopping.

How to Select and Store Quinoa?

Quinoa seeds are usually sold in airtight packs or containers. The most common available quinoa type white but in some places black and tricolor quinoa seeds are also available.


- Quinoa When purchasing, choose fine and dry grains. They should look and smell fresh.

- Well packaged and well sealed to ensure optimum freshness and shelf life quinoa buy it.


- Store grains in a cool, dry place in an airtight container with a tightly closed lid. A properly sealed container is essential to maintain freshness and reduce the possibility of infestation. That way, when stored away from sunlight and heat, it stays fresh for months or more than a year.

- cooked quinoashows tissue loss and when it breaks down, it gains mold. Baked quinoaDo not allow to remain at room temperature for more than 2 hours.

How to Use Quinoa?

Quinoa It is a grain that is easy to prepare and use. You can find it in health food stores or supermarkets. QuinoaIt is recommended to wash well to avoid a bitter taste, depending on the type.

What Are the Side Effects of Quinoa?

Digestive Issues

Quinoa Because it is rich in fiber, eating too much can lead to gas, bloating, and diarrhea. This is especially true if you are not used to eating a lot of fiber.

Kidney stone

QuinoaContains varying amounts of oxalic acid. While this acid is excreted in the urine, it can also bind with calcium and cause kidney stones in sensitive people. 

As a result;

QuinoaIt contains more nutrients than most other grains and is relatively high in quality protein. It is rich in vitamins, minerals and plant compounds as well as antioxidants.

Quinoa It is gluten-free and can help lower blood sugar levels and lose weight.

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