What are the Benefits, Harms and Nutritional Value of Artichoke?

Artichoke is it fruit Is it a vegetable what do you think?

This is a question everyone is wondering. Generally considered a vegetable artichokeIt is also used as a vegetable in the kitchen, but it is actually a kind of thistle. 

This herb originated in the Mediterranean and has been used for centuries for its potential medicinal properties.

“What are the benefits of artichokes” If you ask, the most well-known ones are that it lowers blood sugar, improves digestion, and benefits heart and liver health. Because artichoke extractIt is popularly used as a supplement.

“What are the benefits of artichokes”, “how to eat artichokes”, “what is the use of artichoke”, “does artichoke weaken”, “what are the side effects of artichoke” Here are the most frequently asked questions and their answers… “what is artichoke” Let's start with the answer to the question and give a brief information about this useful vegetable.

What is an artichoke?

Artichokescientific name ofCynara scolymus”, a plant belonging to the sunflower family. It may sound unbelievable, but over 40, 140 of which are commercial artichoke variety there is. best known green artichoke.

The most powerful weapon of plants is their antioxidant capacity. ArtichokeAntioxidant activity of the flower heads of the flower heads is the highest among vegetables. This is attributed to the fact that it is rich in bioactive agents apigenin and luteolin.

ArtichokeAlthough the base is the most consumed part, you should also eat the leaves. leaves artichokeIt is the part where almost all of the strongest nutrients in the world are stored.

Produced for heart and liver health artichoke extract supplementsIt is produced from the leaves of the plant. Leaf extracts of artichoke, protects the liver and is anti-carcinogenic, antioxidantexhibits antiviral and antibacterial effects.

What is the Nutritional Value of Artichokes?

ArtichokeIt has a nutrient content that provides powerful nutrients. Cooked and raw artichokesAlthough the nutritional content of the nut is close to each other, there are some differences. 

In the table below, a medium size the artichoke The nutrient content (128 grams raw, 120 grams cooked) was compared: 

 raw artichokesBoiled Artichokes
Carbohydrate             13,5 gram                       14,3 gram                          
Lif6,9 gram6,8 gram
Protein4 grams3,5 gram
Fat0,2 gram0,4 gram
C vitamin25% of the RDI15% of the RDI
Vitamin K24% of the RDI22% of the RDI
thiamine6% of the RDI5% of the RDI
Vitamin B25% of the RDI6% of the RDI
Niacin7% of the RDI7% of the RDI
Vitamin B611% of the RDI5% of the RDI
folate22% of the RDI27% of the RDI
Iron9% of the RDI4% of the RDI
Magnesium19% of the RDI13% of the RDI
Phosphorus12% of the RDI9% of the RDI
Potassium14% of the RDI10% of the RDI
Calcium6% of the RDI3% of the RDI
Zinc6% of the RDI3% of the RDI

ArtichokeIt has low fat content, but is rich in fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. It provides high amounts of folate, vitamin C and vitamin K, as well as magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and important minerals such as iron.

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Calories in one medium artichoke 60, so it is a low-calorie vegetable.

What are the Benefits of Artichoke?

Artichoke When you say it, many people think of its benefits for the liver. Yeah, artichoke It is a useful vegetable for the liver. But that's not all. ArtichokeIt has many other benefits to the body. Request benefits of eating artichokes...

  • Effect on cholesterol

Artichoke leaf extract has a positive effect on cholesterol. It reduces “bad” LDL cholesterol and triglycerides. Regularly eating artichokesIt raises “good” HDL cholesterol, which is beneficial to raise.

  • regulating blood pressure

Artichoke Extractlowers high blood pressure. Because this herb is a good source of potassium, which helps regulate blood pressure.

  • Artichoke liver health

Artichoke leaf The extract protects the liver from damage and promotes the growth of new tissues. It also increases the production of bile, which helps remove harmful toxins from the liver.

Some studies have been done on this. In a study of obese people with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, daily for two months artichoke extract Those who took the extract had reduced liver inflammation and less fat accumulation than those who did not take the extract.

The reason for this artichokeThe antioxidants in cynarin and silymarin are thought to have an effect.

  • Digestive health

Engineer, nourishes friendly intestinal bacteria, reduces the risk of bowel cancer, relieves constipation and diarrhea. The mechanism behind these benefits is that it helps digestion and is a source of fiber. 

Although all vegetables provide some fiber, fiber content of artichokes it is truly magnificent. Prebiotic It contains inulin, a type of fiber that acts as Inulin improves intestinal bacteria. This in turn relieves indigestion symptoms such as bloating, nausea and heartburn.

  • Irritable bowel syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) It affects the digestive system and causes stomach pain, cramps, diarrhea, constipation and bloating.

People with this condition artichoke leaf extractIf they consume this juice, they will notice that the symptoms of the disease are reduced.

  • Lowering blood sugar

Artichoke ve artichoke leaf extract helps lower blood sugar. Lowering blood sugar is very important for diabetics.

E.g; in one small study, boiled in one meal eating artichokes, reduced blood sugar and insulin levels 30 minutes after a meal. 

  • anticancer effect

ArtichokeOne of the most notable benefits is that it inhibits cancer growth. The routine found in the plant, quercetinSome antioxidants, such as silymarin and gallic acid, are thought to have the potential to prevent cancer. For example, silymarin may help prevent and treat skin cancer.

  • Slimming with Artichoke

Artichoke It is rich in fiber. This is very important when it comes to weight loss because fiber rids the body of waste, sugar, toxins and excess cholesterol. Do you know that all of these cause weight gain?

Another feature of fiber is that it can expand in the intestines. This means it will keep you full for a long time.

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attenuation of fiberThere are other effects as well. One of them is to speed up metabolism. When metabolism accelerates, fat burning increases.

  • boosting immunity

When we think of immunity C vitamin income. ArtichokeIt also has plenty of vitamin C. 

Artichoke In addition, because it is a good source of prebiotics, it strengthens the intestinal flora and the strengthening of the intestinal flora also improves immunity.

Artichokeof iron and protein Its content is also important in immunity. It strengthens the body's defense against diseases and ensures the regeneration of cells.

  • strengthening bones

phosphorus mineralworks with calcium to strengthen bones. ArtichokeThese two important minerals are also found. They are also antioxidants known to keep bones strong. lutein and zeaxanthin It is also rich in terms of

  • Brain function

Artichokealso found Vitamin K protects neurons in the brain from damage. This has a significant effect on the body – reducing the risk of Alzheimer's. 

Artichoke It helps to dilate blood vessels, that is, it allows more oxygen to reach the brain.

  • Anemia

Iron-rich foods anemia due to iron deficiencyprevents it. Artichoke is one of these foods.

  • Lead toxicity

Lead is a dangerous heavy metal that can adversely affect human health. It accumulates in the liver, kidney and other organs; May cause physical, mental and reproductive disorders.

Studies with rats, artichokeIt has been determined that the antioxidant activity of the drug helps to reduce the concentration of lead in the blood and liver.

Benefits of Artichoke for Skin

ArtichokeIt is a super source of antioxidants. The most important antioxidant it provides is vitamin C. The benefits of this for the skin are as follows;

- Artichoke It aids in detoxification, which improves the appearance of the skin as toxins are removed from the body.

– It makes the skin look young.

- Artichokeantioxidants in skin health oxidative stress Prevents. 

- Extract of artichoke leafreduces the damage caused by UV rays.

Benefits of Artichoke for Hair

ArtichokeIt revitalizes the hair and gives it a shiny look. Request artichoke A hair mask recipe prepared with;

  • Artichoke hair mask

green artichoke leavesBoil for half an hour. Let cool and then strain. Massage your scalp with this mixture. 

Leave it on your hair overnight and wash it off with warm water in the morning. This mask improves the appearance of the hair; bran and relieves scalp dryness.

olive oil artichoke recipe

How to Eat Artichokes?

ArtichokeCleaning and cooking may seem difficult, especially for first-timers, but it is not as difficult as it seems.

Boiling, grilling, frying or sautéing, artichoke They are different ways of cooking. Filling it with rice, stuffed artichokes can also be done.

“On the Internet”artichoke recipes” You can find many delicious recipes when you search. 

ArtichokeYou can eat both the leaves and the head. After cooking, you can remove the outer leaves and dip in the sauce and eat.

Artichoke Tea

artichoke tea, artichokeIt is brewed from the leaves, stems and roots of the artichoke tea Although it may sound distant and different, the tea of ​​this vegetable was used by the ancient Greeks and Romans as a remedy for health conditions.

How to make artichoke tea?

brewing artichoke tea it takes some time. 

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  • 4 artichokes
  • 5 liters of water
  • 2 teaspoons of honey (optional)
  • 1 sprig of rosemary (optional)
  • 1 lemon (optional)

How is it done?

- Prior to artichokeUnfold and cut, leaving only the vegetable. ArtichokeThrow them in and boil the water. Boil for about 20 minutes. 

– Close the lid while it is boiling. After cooking, open the lid and artichokeSoak them in water for another 20 minutes. This allows more nutrients to come out.

- Later on artichokeremove them. 

– Squeeze the juice of a lemon and add it to the tea. You can also use honey or another sweetener. You can add a sprig of rosemary to boost the overall flavor. 

- artichoke tea It can be drunk at most twice a day. It does not stay in the refrigerator for more than three days. 

eating artichokes

Artichoke Juice

Artichoke juice It is an excellent source of vitamin C. It also prevents the formation of toxins in the liver. 

In terms of benefits for the liver artichoke For those who want to consume artichoke juice is another alternative. Artichoke juiceIt also has a diuretic effect.

While the health benefits are plentiful, you won't like the taste, quite bitter. It can be mixed with other vegetable juices.

For squeezing the artichoke juicePut it in the juicer along with the other vegetables and extract the juice. The choice of vegetables is entirely up to you.

How to Select and Store Artichokes?

Artichoke Selection

best artichoke, the head is solid. The base should be meaty.

Artichoke Storage

Artichokecan be stored in the refrigerator. The vegetable should be loosely wrapped in a plastic or aluminum film. 

fresh artichokes It will last up to a week in the refrigerator, however, it should be consumed as soon as possible. you wash artichokeDo not put them in the refrigerator because the moisture will cause the vegetables to spoil.

What are the Harms of Artichoke?

Eating artichokes generally safe but artichoke extract pillTaking it may cause some side effects. Artichoke extract pill and capsuleThe side effects are as follows; 

Potential allergies

Some people artichokeMay be allergic to a or its extracts. The risk is higher for anyone allergic to plants from the same family, such as chamomile, sunflower, chrysanthemum, and marigold.

Pregnant or breastfeeding women

As its safety in pregnant or breastfeeding women is unknown artichoke capsuleIt is recommended that they avoid it. 

People with bile duct obstruction or gallstones

Those with these conditions, as it can promote the movement of bile artichoke extractshould avoid.

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