Zero Calorie Foods – Weight Loss Is Not Hard Anymore!

The phrase zero-calorie foods may sound strange to you. Because every food, even if it is very low, has a calorie. Except for water, there is no food or drink that has zero calories. 

Then why are some foods classified as "zero-calorie foods"? Zero-calorie foods, also known as negative-calorie foods, have calories, albeit low. The fact that they are touted as zero-calorie means that they burn more calories during digestion. Calories burned are equal to or greater than calories consumed. For example; If a mushroom has 5 calories and the body takes 10 calories to digest it, it's a zero-calorie food.

Zero-calorie foods are the foods that should be included in your diet to create a healthy diet and lose weight regularly. These are low calorie. They stand out with their long-term retention feature.

Now let's look at the list of zero-calorie foods.

Zero Calorie Foods

what are zero calorie foods


One of the zero calorie foods cucumber it is low calorie. It is also a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. It keeps you full for a long time due to its high water content.


There are 100 calories in 42 grams of grapefruit, which contains an antioxidant called naringenin, which helps break down liver fats. Grapefruit It plays an important role in removing water from the body and reducing swelling.


CeleryEach stalk is 3 calories. A bowl of celery meets one-third of daily vitamin A, vitamin K, fiber and potassium needs. In addition, celery reduces the risk of ovarian cancer in women. Moreover, it is one of the zero-calorie foods.


Among the zero-calorie foods, the apple has the most fat burning potential. A medium-sized apple contains 100 calories, it takes 120 calories to digest it.

Apple The pectin in the peel is a metabolism booster and is rich in fiber. It reduces the desire to eat apples in the evening.


One and a half cups of cooked asparagus is 1 calories. Asparagus a natural substance that helps to excrete water diuretictruck. It contains high doses of vitamins A, K and B complex. It is also a zero-calorie food that allows more calories to be burned during digestion.

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Despite being a natural dessert, watermelon is a low-calorie food. A bowl of watermelon is 80 calories. 

Watermelon It provides weight loss thanks to an amino acid called arginine in its content. However, it is necessary to consume watermelon carefully because the sugar content is high.


Half bowl broccoli It is 25 calories. A bowl of broccoli contains as much vitamin C and fiber as an orange. 

It provides plant-based protein that helps build muscle while reducing the risk of colon cancer.

Green leafy vegetables

Green leafy vegetablesThey are low-calorie and zero-calorie foods. There are 4 calories in a cup of cress and it contains antioxidants (lutein and beta carotene) effective in fighting cancer. 

SpinachIt has 4 calories per cup. It contains excellent sources of vitamin K, calcium, selenium, potassium, zinc and phosphorus. Green leafy vegetables prevent osteoporosis, cancer and heart diseases.


It strengthens the immune system, provides calcium absorption with its high vitamin D content. 100 calories are required to digest mushrooms, which are 22 calories per 30 grams. Mantar You can make delicious meals such as soup, salad and pizza.


Red, green and yellow beaver It is a powerful food source for nutrition. A compound called capsaicin helps burn more calories.

There are only 100 calories in 30 grams of pepper. However, peppers, which are rich in vitamin C, contain potassium, folic acid, lycopene and fiber.


It contains plenty of fiber. Improves eye and bone health. One cup of pumpkin is 15 calories.

Green pumpkin

There are 100 calories in 17 grams. PumpkinManganese helps process fat, carbohydrate and glucose in the body.


A serving of turnip, which is a source of potassium, calcium and fiber, has 28 calories. Turnip, which has anti-inflammatory effects, contains plant compounds that are effective in fighting cancer.

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Green tea

It has no calories when drunk without sugar. It contains antioxidants that reduce the risk of heart diseases and cancer. It is a metabolism accelerator. It helps to burn fat in the body, especially abdominal fat.


Two of these vegetables, which are an excellent food source for the eyes, contain 50 calories. Carrot as well as antioxidants, folate, potassium and magnesium It is very rich in terms of 

Due to its diuretic effect, it reduces edema by removing excess sodium in the body.


It is unthinkable for this plant, which is essentially water, to gain weight. There are 8 calories in a cup. Iron and a good source of magnesium.


If you want your metabolism to work fast during the day, it can be squeezed into hot water in the morning. limon for. 

Lemons are rich in vitamin C and contain antioxidants that strengthen the immune system. There are 100 calories in 29 grams.


It is a zero-calorie food that adds flavor to your meals without taking calories. Garlic There are only 100 calories in 23 grams and contains fats that break down fat cells.


It is rich in fibers that are necessary to burn sugar in the body, and the vitamin C in its content acts as an antioxidant to strengthen the immune system.

One serving apricot It is 40 calories and ensures that more energy is spent in the digestive process.


High in fiber tomatois one of the healthy and zero-calorie foods that should be included in the diet program. There are 100 calories in 17 grams of tomatoes.


It is one of the best zero-calorie foods for weight loss. 100 calories per 25 grams cabbageIt gives a feeling of satiety due to swelling in the stomach. It is known to prevent cancer and heart diseases.


There are 100 calories in 43 grams. Besides being low in calories, beetContains betalain, an antioxidant that prevents premature aging.


There are 100 calories in 25 grams. Being an anti-inflammatory food cauliflower It is a beneficial food for the digestive and cardiovascular system.

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There are other nutritious but low-calorie foods

Most zero-calorie foods are nutritious. It is low in calories and because of its high water content, there are other foods you can eat without consuming too many calories most of the time.

While not counted among zero-calorie foods, other nutrient-rich and low-calorie foods include:


  • 150 grams is 84 calories and contains a good amount of vitamins C and K, as well as a source of the mineral manganese.


  • 75 grams of potatoes are 58 calories. It is a good source of potassium, vitamin B6 and C.


  • A 125 gram bowl is 64 calories. It is a good source of vitamin C and manganese. 

Foods that are a source of protein but low in calories and rich in nutrients include:


  • An 85-gram serving is 121 calories. It contains 17 grams of protein and is loaded with omega 3 fatty acids and vitamins.

Chicken breast

  • An 85-gram serving has 110 calories and contains 22 grams of protein.


  • A 170-gram serving of fat-free yogurt contains 100 calories and 16 grams of protein.


Eggs provide 78 calories and contain 6 grams of protein and many vitamins, minerals and unsaturated fats.

To summarize;

Zero-calorie foods are nutrient-rich foods that allow more calories to be burned than consumed. If you consume these foods in your diet, you will not only lose weight, but you will also be doing something beneficial for your health.

References: 1

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