What is Pecan Walnut? Benefits, Harm and Nutritional Value

Nuts are nutritious snacks. Pecans It is also a delicious and healthy dried fruit. It is obtained from the walnut tree native to North America and Mexico. Pecan walnut treeis a large deciduous tree belonging to the Hickori family. 

A typical pecanshas an oily rind that is golden brown on the outside and beige inside. The inner fruit occupies 40% to 60% of the space inside the shell. This part has a grooved surface but is slightly more oval in shape. 

PecansIt has a sweet, rich and fatty taste and texture that can be attributed to high levels of monounsaturated fats. PecansIts oil content is over 70%, and it is the highest among all nuts. 

PecansAvailable in a variety of sizes including mammoth, extra large, large, medium, small, and dwarf.

Its rich oily flavor makes it suitable for use in both savory and sweet dishes. It can be sprinkled on desserts, especially ice cream.

It is also widely used in desserts and cakes. Walnut paste, bread, toast, etc. It is a popular paste for

Nutritional Value of Pecan Walnut

Pecans Contains important nutrients. It is a good source of fiber, especially with copper, thiamine and zinc. 28 grams pecans It has the following nutrient content:

Calories: 196

Protein: 2,5 grams

Fat: 20,5 grams

Carbs: 4 grams

Fiber: 2,7 grams

Copper: 38% of the Daily Value (DV)

Thiamine (vitamin B1): 16% of the DV

Zinc: 12% of the DV

Magnesium: 8% of the DV

Phosphorus: 6% of the DV

Iron: 4% of the DV

VirginIt is an essential mineral involved in many areas of health, including nerve cell function, immune health, and the production of red blood cells.

Vitamin B1 is needed to help nourish the body to convert carbohydrates into energy.

Zinc, pecansIt is another essential mineral found in it, essential for immune function, cell growth, brain function, and wound healing.

PecansIt consists of about 60% monounsaturated fats and 30% polyunsaturated fats. 28 grams raw pecans Provides 20 grams of oil; 11 grams of this is monounsaturated fat, 1.7 grams of saturated fat, and the remainder is polyunsaturated fat. Same serving size pecans Provides 1 gram of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA).

Pecans protein and 28 grams provides 2.5 grams of this nutrient. This amount meets 5,6% of the daily protein requirement in adult women and 4,6% in adult men.

Flavonoids are basically a large group of plant-based substances. These act as antioxidants, fighting inflammation that leads to cardiovascular disease and other chronic diseases.

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100 gram pecansProvides 34 milligrams of flavonoids, which is quite high compared to other nuts.

What Are the Benefits of Pecan Walnut?

Good for heart health

Pecansprevents some types of cancer by reducing the risk of coronary heart disease. It is rich in fiber that protects heart health.

Also The Turkish oleic acid It contains phenolic antioxidants that are healthy for the heart and help prevent coronary artery disease and stroke. 

According to the research pecansMay help prevent coronary heart disease by blocking the unwanted oxidation of blood lipids.

Balances blood sugar

Some research, pecansHe stated that because of its fiber content, it can support blood sugar control.

Although nuts contain mainly water-insoluble fiber, they also contain some soluble fiber. Soluble fiber dissolves in water, forming a gel-like material that moves through the body without being digested and slows the absorption of sugar into the blood.

A small study in 26 overweight adults over 4 weeks pecans found that eating improves the body's ability to use insulin effectively. Insulin is the hormone that carries sugar from the bloodstream to cells.

This research was also found to improve the function of beta cells in the pancreas, which are responsible for insulin production.

Supports brain health

PecansIt is packed with nutrients that can benefit brain function, including mono and polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Especially monounsaturated fatty acidshas been associated with decreased mental decline and inflammation.

Nutrition high in vitamin E, Alzheimer's disease and dementia It has been associated with lowering the risk by up to 25%.

This is because vitamin E and other antioxidants in plant-based foods help reduce oxidative stress caused by inflammation, protecting cells and therefore the tissues of vital organs such as the brain.

Prevents oxidative stress

Pecans, oxidative stress and loaded with antioxidants, important compounds that help protect against inflammation.

Some research shows that antioxidants may play a central role in overall health, helping prevent chronic conditions such as heart disease, cancer, and diabetes.

A study conducted at Loma Linda University in California, pecans found that levels of antioxidants in the bloodstream increased within 24 hours after eating. Other research shows that eating nuts can lower the risk of heart disease and cancer.

Improves digestion

PecansThe fiber in it supports colon health and facilitates regular bowel movements. It cleans the gastrointestinal system, allowing the colon to work with higher efficiency. It also prevents constipation, reduces the risk of colitis, colon cancer and hemorrhoids.

It reduces the risk of breast cancer

Pecanscontains oleic acid, a fatty acid that has been found to reduce the risk of breast cancer. 

It is beneficial for bone and dental health

PhosphorusAfter calcium, it is one of the most abundant minerals in the body. About 85% of phosphorus is found in bones and teeth, while the other 15% is found in cells and tissues. 

In addition to cleaning waste from the body, phosphorus and calcium support the health of bones and teeth. This mineral is also vital for the growth and repair of cells and tissues, and for the production of DNA and RNA. 

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Finally, it also prevents muscle pain that may occur due to exercise.

Has anti-inflammatory benefits

PecansKnown for its anti-inflammatory benefits magnesium rich in terms. Studies have proven that increasing magnesium intake reduces inflammatory markers in the body such as CRP (C-reactive protein), TNF (tumor necrosis factor alpha), and IL6 (interlukin 6). 

It also reduces inflammation in the artery walls, thus reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease, arthritis, Alzheimer's disease, and other inflammatory conditions.

Lowers blood pressure

PecansIt has been determined by studies that the magnesium in it helps to lower blood pressure. Pecans Although it cannot cure hypertension, it helps to lower it.

Reduces stroke risk

Studies have proven that consuming 100 milligrams of magnesium daily reduces the risk of stroke by 9%. Pecans It is a good source of magnesium.

Has anticancer properties

Pecans, polyphenolic antioxidant ellagic acid, vitamin E, beta-carotene, lutein and zeaxanthin It is rich in phytochemicals such as.

These compounds play an important role in removing toxic oxygen free radicals, thus protecting the body from diseases, cancer and infections. 

Ellagic acid has anti-proliferative properties that prevent certain carcinogens such as nitrosamines and polycyclic hydrocarbons from binding to DNA, thus protecting the human body from cancers.

Strengthens the immune system

Pecansrich in antioxidants manganese is the source. This trace mineral helps boost immunity and protects nerve cells from free radical damage. Adequate manganese intake is vital for nerve conduction and brain function.

May reduce PMS symptoms

Thanks to its rich manganese content pecanscan reduce PMS symptoms such as mood swings and cramps.

Manganese when consumed with calcium, PMS symptoms and can help improve mood and reduce pain during menstruation.

Does Pecan Walnut Weaken?

Researches, pecans It has been shown that a diet consuming nuts such as nuts helps to lose weight. This is because eating nuts increases satiety and speeds up metabolism.

PecansMost of the carbohydrates in XNUMX are fiber that travels through the intestinal tract without being digested, reducing hunger and appetite.

Skin Benefits of Pecan Walnut

PecansLike many other nuts, it is rich in nutrients such as zinc, vitamin E, vitamin A, folate and phosphorus, which play an important role in maintaining good skin. PecansThe skin benefits are as follows:

Prevents skin problems

Nutrition is important for maintaining the health of the skin and preventing skin problems. Toxins inside the body can cause skin cracking, dullness, and excess fat. 

Pecans It is a good source of fiber that can work wonders for the skin. It improves the appearance of the skin by helping to remove toxins and waste from the body.

Helps keep skin clean

Pecanscontains zinc that helps maintain skin health by protecting against infections. On the other hand it contains Vitamin Ais an essential antioxidant for the skin.

Has an anti-aging effect

Pecansellagic acid, vitamin A and Vitamin E Contains a large number of antioxidants, including These antioxidants fight and eliminate free radicals that cause premature skin aging.

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Therefore pecans It can prevent signs of aging such as fine lines, wrinkles and pigmentation.

Benefits of Pecan Walnut to Hair

Just like skin, healthy hair is a reflection of a healthy body. Therefore, sufficient vital nutrients are needed to protect the health of hair follicles and to prevent hair problems. Nutritional value of pecansmakes it beneficial for hair health.

Stimulates hair growth

PecansIt is an excellent source of L-arginine, an amino acid that when applied topically helps treat male pattern baldness and promotes healthy hair growth. 

Live blood flow throughout the body and to the hair follicles is vital for healthy hair growth and scalp. L-arginine is beneficial in this regard by making the artery walls more flexible and less prone to blood clots that can block blood flow.

Prevents hair loss

Anemia is one of the common causes of hair loss. It is caused by a lack of iron in the blood. Which is a good source of iron pecanscan help improve the iron level in the blood and therefore combat hair loss.

What Are the Harms of Pecan Walnut?

PecansAlthough there are a variety of potential health benefits, there are also some downsides to consider.

First, those who are allergic to other nuts such as almonds, cashews, chestnuts, and walnuts. pecans should avoid eating.

Pecansappears safe for most people, but some may experience an allergic reaction to it. In the case of walnut allergy, the immune system reacts to the proteins in the walnut and causes symptoms such as hives, vomiting, swelling of the throat, shortness of breath, and dizziness due to the release of a chemical called histamine.

PecansIt is high in calories and can cause weight gain when eaten in excess. Therefore, those trying to lose weight should pay attention to the amount they eat.

As a result;

PecansIt is a nut rich in many essential nutrients, including fiber, copper, thiamine, and zinc.

It has been linked to many potential health benefits, including maintaining blood sugar control, heart health, and brain function.

It is nutritious and high in calories, so it should be consumed in moderation.

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