Diuretic and Natural Diuretic Foods and Beverages

DiureticsThey are substances that increase the amount of urine produced and help get rid of excess water in the body.

This excess water "edema"Or" water retention "is called. It can cause swelling in the legs, ankles, hands and feet.

Various factors, some serious health conditions such as kidney disease and heart failure can cause edema in the body.

However, many people may also experience mild edema due to hormonal changes, things like the menstrual cycle, or due to longer periods of inactivity, such as during a long flight.

If you experience water retention or sudden and severe water retention due to a health condition, you should consult a doctor immediately.

In cases of mild edema that are not caused by an underlying health condition, some food, drink, and herbs will help to remove excess water retained in the body.

In the article "What are diuretic foods", "What are diuretic drinks", "What are diuretic plants" questions will be answered. 

What Are Diuretics?

Diureticshelps to remove excess sodium from the body. Therefore diureticsin hypertension and electrolyte disturbances It appears to be widely used to treat.

DiureticsHelps increase potassium, calcium, magnesium, chloride or bicarbonate excretion depending on the species.

Diureticsyou should never overuse it. Continuous use is due to metabolic abnormalities, decreased extracellular fluid volume, orthostatic hypotension, diuretic hypokalemiaIt can cause food, prerenal azotemia, glucose and lipid abnormalities, and renal cell carcinoma.

Under no circumstances to lose weight diuretic you shouldn't take it. It harms your physical and mental health, which may require more than medical care to heal.

What are Natural Diuretics?

Natural diureticshelps to get rid of water weight and remove toxins without causing electrolyte imbalance.

Water weightis water retained in the body due to the high amount of salt. 

What Are Natural Diuretic Foods?


Coffeeis a popular beverage with some health benefits. Mainly due to its caffeine content a natural diureticTruck.

High doses of caffeine between 250-300 mg (approximately the equivalent of 2-3 cups of coffee) diuretic effect is known to be. This means that drinking a few cups of coffee can cause an increase in urine production.

It is unlikely to see this effect with caffeine from a cup of coffee.

In addition, if you are a regular coffee drinker, you will likely develop a tolerance to caffeine's diuretic properties and will not have any effect.

Dandelion Extract

Dandelion extract, also known as "Taraxacum officinale," is often diuretic effects It is a popular herbal supplement consumed because of it.

Dandelion plantpotential due to its high potassium content diuretic It is shown as. Eating foods rich in potassium allows the kidneys to pass more sodium and water.

Horse tail

Horsetail is derived from the horsetail plant and has been diuretic has been used as a tea and is commercially available in both tea and capsule form. Some research has been done on its diuretic effect.

One small study in 36 men found that horsetail was as effective as hydrochlorothiazide as a diuretic drug.

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Although ponytails are generally considered safe, they are not recommended for long-term use. It should also not be taken by people with a pre-existing health condition such as kidney disease or diabetes.

parsley benefits


Parsley It has been used as a diuretic among the people for a long time. Brewed as tea and drinking this tea several times a day reduces the amount of water retained in the body.

Studies in rats suggest that it can increase urine flow and that a mild diuretic effect He found that he could show. 

However, parsley is an effective diuretic There is no human study investigating how effective it is.


Hibiskus is a family of plants that produce beautiful and brightly colored flowers. Part of this plant, known as calypso, was used to make a medicinal tea commonly referred to as "roselle" or "sour tea.

Although there is limited evidence, hibiskus teaIt has been noted to have a number of health benefits, including lowering blood pressure in people with hypertension.

Also The Turkish diuretic as well as in mild fluid retention situations.


Relative of the rose family hawthorn fruit It is a powerful diuretic. It can reduce fluid accumulation, which means it can improve symptoms of congestive heart failure. Studies have shown that the plant's nutrients increase urine excretion and flow.

Hawthorn fruit can also act as a diuretic and help treat kidney problems. Diuretic Tea of ​​the fruit can be consumed for its effect.

cumin side effects


Often the indispensable spice of meat dishes cuminOld therapies where herbs such as Ayurveda in India were used as medicine uses it for a variety of medicinal purposes, including digestive disorders, headaches, and morning sickness.

In Moroccan medicine, natural diuretic used as. In a study in rats, it was found that given cumin extract in liquid form, it significantly increased urine output in 24 hours.

Cumin diuretic To use it, make the following mix:

Add a teaspoon of cumin seeds to a glass of water.

Add a pinch of Ceylon cinnamon powder.

Boil the water for 10 minutes.

- Cool to room temperature, strain and drink.

Drink 250 ml of this mixture twice a day for three days.

Green and Black Tea 

Both black and green teas contain caffeine and diuretic functions as.

In rats, black teaIt has been shown to have a mild diuretic effect. This has been attributed to its caffeine content. However, as with coffee, you can develop a tolerance to the caffeine in tea.

In other words, when consumed long-term and too much, you develop immunity. It, diuretic effectIt means that it only occurs in people who do not regularly drink tea.

Black seed

Black seed, diuretic effects It is a spice with medicinal properties, including

Animal studies have shown that black seed extract can reduce urine production and blood pressure in rats with high blood pressure. This effect can be partially explained by its diuretic effects.


Cucumber It is low in calories and high in water content and minerals that help remove toxins without causing an electrolyte imbalance in the body. Cucumbers are also loaded with dietary fiber that helps increase satiety.


Cranberry juice is a very powerful natural diureticStop. Mostly urinary tract infectionsIt is used in. 

Cranberry is a food store. It consists of 88% water, organic acids, vitamin C, flavonoids, catechins and other bioactive compounds.

Studies have found that cranberries can help reverse insulin resistance and reduce fat accumulation.

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WatermelonIt is a rich source of lycopene, a powerful antioxidant. It helps scavenge harmful free oxygen radicals, reduces body fat, and helps maintain normal cell function and division. 

It is also high in dietary fiber and water content, which increases satiety levels, promotes gastric emptying and improves skin health.

Consuming it regularly can help lower toxin levels in the body and significantly improve overall health.

what is celery


Celery It is a negative calorie food. Because celery requires more calories than the actual calories it contains to metabolize it. 

It is also a good source of antioxidants and has anti-inflammatory properties. That's why it's a popular food for weight loss. 

Its high fiber content prevents you from feeling hungry quickly.


Lemonade is a refreshing summer drink that helps cleanse the body of toxins, maintain electrolyte balance, strengthen immunity and lose weight. Provided that you drink sugar free.

Coriander Seeds

Coriander seed has LDL or bad cholesterol lowering properties. It also has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, anticonvulsant and antioxidant properties.

Coriander seed diuretic Use the following recipe to remove toxins and toxins from the body:

Add half a teaspoon of crushed coriander seeds to a glass of water.

Boil the water for 5-10 minutes (keep the lid closed).

- Remove from heat, cool to room temperature, strain and drink.

Consume this mixture once a day for 3 days.

beet juice calories

Green leafy vegetables and Beets

Green leafy vegetablesAlso, nitrate, which is present in abundance, can prevent heart diseases, regulate blood pressure, and protect vascular and circulatory systems.

Greens such as spinach, kale, lettuce, kale, broccoli and watercress, which help detoxify the body diuretic It has a high nitrate content that gives it its feature.

Beets and beetroot greens are excellent sources of nitrate and potassium - both maintain blood pressure.


Pumpkin ( Cucurbita maxima ) and its seeds have been used to treat urinary tract infections, bladder infections and even prostate disorders.

Seed oil with fruit diuretic It has properties and can also treat urination problems such as nocturia.


Do not consume these foods without consulting your doctor. It can interact with medications you are currently using or may worsen a medical condition.

Benefits of Natural Diuretics

Lowers blood pressure

HypertensionThis is when blood pushes against the artery walls with too much force, putting extra pressure on the heart muscle and causing it to weaken over time. 

DiureticsIt is one of the first methods of defense against high blood pressure and can help excrete extra sodium through the urine to lower blood pressure.

For high blood pressure natural diuretic using it can also be an effective treatment option. A few natural diuretichas been linked to low blood pressure levels.

For example, a large analysis of 13 studies found that green tea lowers both systolic and diastolic blood pressure.

Another review showed that some herbs, including hibiscus and ginger, have potent blood pressure lowering properties.

Reduces bloating

Edema Fluid retention, also known as fluid retention, is a common condition characterized by the accumulation of fluid in tissues that causes symptoms such as swelling. 

For water retention natural diuretic foods eating is an easy and effective way to lose water weight and prevent bloating.

For example, watermelon is an excellent natural diuretic for edema, thanks to its high water content. Such as plenty of fruits and vegetables natural diuretics eating can expel excess water and prevent fluid from accumulating in the body.

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It can prevent kidney stones

Kidney stones are hard mineral deposits that form in the kidneys and cause symptoms such as pain, nausea, vomiting, and blood in the urine.

It is recommended to increase fluid intake, cleanse the kidneys and aid in kidney stone removal. Similarly, diuretics It is also sometimes used to help prevent kidney stone formation. 

Some common items of natural diuretic foodscan help prevent kidney stone symptoms. Lemon, for example, can help increase hydration and also provide citric acid, which increases urine volume to prevent kidney stone formation.

Reduces the symptoms of PCOS

Polycystic ovary syndrome or PCOS is a disorder that occurs when women produce high levels of male hormones, leading to symptoms such as irregular periods, weight gain, depression, and acne. 

Diuretics It is often used as a traditional treatment for PCOS that works by removing excess water and androgen hormones from the body to reduce symptoms.

Some common items of natural diureticsIn addition to promoting proper hydration and improving the body's ability to expel extra hormones and fluids effectively, it also has anti-androgenic effects.

Green tea, for example, is rich in epigallocatechins, which are catechins that can help inhibit the conversion of certain sex hormones to reduce the risk of PCOS symptoms.

Side Effects of Natural Diuretics

In general, natural diuretics are a safe alternative to diuretic medications. 

For most people, natural diuretic foods It has minimal risk of side effects. Any negative side effects or swelling, rash  or like hives  food allergy symptoms  If you experience it, stop consumption and consult a doctor.

Diuretic herbs and supplementsshould be used in moderation to avoid negative side effects. If you have underlying health problems such as diabetes, kidney disease or liver problems. natural diuretics Consume with caution.

Other Ways to Reduce Edema

Other methods that can help reduce water retention in the body include:

Workout planner

Physical activity can help get rid of extra fluid by increasing blood flow to tissues and sweating.

Increase your magnesium intake

Magnesiumis an electrolyte that helps with fluid balance. Magnesium supplements have been shown to help reduce fluid retention in women with premenstrual syndrome.

Consume foods rich in potassium

Potassium Eating foods rich in foods can increase urine production and lower sodium levels and water retention.

Pay attention to hydration

Some people think dehydration can increase the risk of water retention. It is necessary to drink water to be able to remove the water from the body.

Consume less salt

A high-salt diet can promote fluid retention.

Have you tried the natural diuretics mentioned in the article? What changes have occurred in your body? You can share your observations with us.

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