What are the Benefits and Harms of Cabbage?

When we say cabbage, we think of vegetables in many different colors and shapes. For example; Green leafy cabbage is among the low-calorie vegetables. It is widely consumed in salads. The benefits of cabbage undoubtedly come from the substances, vitamins and components it contains. 

Cabbage contains plenty of dietary fiber, protein, folate, niacin, pyridoxine, riboflavin, thiamine, vitamins C and K. Cabbage, which is also rich in sodium and potassium, also contains calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus and zinc.

One serving or one cup of collard greens provides 91.7% of vitamin K needs. It also contains plenty of a combination of C and B vitamins. 

Now let's look at the benefits of cabbage. 

benefits of cabbage
What are the benefits of cabbage?

The benefits of green cabbage 

Green cabbage contributes to our health in a wide range with the help of vitamins and minerals it contains. The most important feature of cabbage is that it is a powerful antioxidant. This feature helps to maintain the health of all internal organs, especially the liver. Likewise, it protects the skin and skin health covering a large part of the body.

Regular consumption of cabbage prevents acne because cabbage is rich in sulphur, which is good for acne. Cabbage also has skin cleansing properties. Boiling the cabbage and washing your face with its water cleans the skin from oils and dead cells in a short time. 

Protects from cancer

  • It has a protective feature against cancer-causing cells. 
  • It slows down the spread of cancer cells and prevents cancer cells from harming other cells with the help of a very rich amount of substances and components it contains. 

Strengthens the immune system

  • Green cabbage, which is very rich in vitamin C, helps strengthen the immune system of the person.
  • It also prevents free radicals. 

Good for infectious diseases

  • With the help of abundant amino acids and other substances contained in cabbage, infectious diseases are eliminated. 

Protects eye health

  • Green cabbage reduces the risk of macular degeneration of the eyes for its beta carotene content.

Reduces the risk of Alzheimer's disease

  • Regular consumption of cabbage can prevent the emergence of mental illnesses. 
  • It can prevent Alzheimer's disease, which is especially common in old age. 
  • Protects brain health.

Cabbage weakens?

  • One cup of cooked cabbage contains 33 calories. Especially the cabbage soup diet makes it easier to lose weight. 
  • Since it increases the movement of the intestines, it also makes it easier to pass stool.
  • Relieves constipation problems. 

Benefits of cabbage juice 

Cabbage juiceIt is obtained by cooking cabbage and the water obtained contains a very rich vitamin and mineral complex. Therefore, cabbage juice prevents many diseases as well as helps to protect health in general. We can list the benefits of cabbage juice as follows;

  • Many health experts argue that it accelerates the estrogen metabolism process in the body and reduces the risk of diseases such as breast cancer, lung cancer, prostate cancer, stomach cancer and colon cancer.
  • Cabbage juice is a very effective bowel cleanser. This feature can provide the treatment of colitis. The chlorine and sulfur contained in this vegetable are also vital for the large intestine. 
  • Cabbage juice also makes an incredible contribution to the regular and healthy functioning of the digestive system. It helps to get rid of obesity and weight problems, as well as relieves the problem of constipation.
  • Cabbage juice can also be used for skin and skin inflammations. It can be applied to the skin and can solve inflammation problems in a short time.
  • Cabbage juice, which contains plenty of folic acid and iron, is good for anemia and can eliminate anemia problems.
  • Cabbage juice also cleans the blood and removes vascular congestion.
  • It also protects skin health. The skin can be washed with this water. Adding lemon to cabbage juice and applying it to the skin is beneficial. It helps to remove acne and black spots. 
  • It removes wrinkles and gives the skin a natural shine and elasticity.
  • Another feature of cabbage juice is that it protects hair health. Cabbage can be applied to the hair as a gruel or boiled and the juice can be applied to the hair. This application helps us to have healthy, soft and shiny hair. 
  • Apart from that, it helps hair fall out and grow faster.
  • Cabbage juice also protects eye health.
  • Regular consumption of cabbage juice also protects cardiovascular health.
  • Consumption of 15 glass of cabbage juice a day for 1 days both ensures the protection of cardiovascular health and strengthens the defense system to fight diseases. 

Benefits of red cabbage 

We mentioned that there are many varieties of cabbage. One of them is Red cabbage. Although it provides the same health benefits as other types of red cabbage in general, it contains some substances and vitamins more intensely. Therefore, the health benefits differ slightly.

  • Red cabbage strengthens the immune system.
  • Thanks to this feature, red cabbage, which is very effective against free radicals, both protects the health of the skin and keeps the internal organs healthy.
  • Red cabbage, which is beneficial for skin and hair health, can be boiled and applied to the skin.
  • It promotes fat burning and aids weight loss. 
  • It is beneficial for the digestive system. Contains plenty of fiber, protects stomach health.
  • Red cabbage, which is very rich in calcium, protects bone health. 
  • It can cure ulcer cases. Protects stomach health.
  • It is beneficial for the brain and nervous system. Since it is effective on the nervous system, it makes it easier to fight stress and depression.
  • It reduces the risk of catching all types of cancer.
  • Protects cardiovascular health.
  • It reduces the risk of mental illnesses caused by old age.
  • Thanks to this feature of red cabbage, which regulates blood pressure, it also contributes to heart health.
  • Red cabbage also contains lactic acid, which is good for muscle pain.

The benefits of Brussels sprouts 

One of the unique vegetables of the cruciferous family. Bsprouts Its health benefits are similar to other types. It is possible to briefly list the benefits of Brussels sprouts as follows; 

  • Brussels sprouts, which contain high amounts of fiber, are good for cholesterol and indirectly protect cardiovascular health. 
  • Recent clinical studies have revealed that Brussels sprouts protect DNA.
  • Brussels sprouts, which is an effective antioxidant, is an important substance for body health in general.
  • It can relieve inflammation and infection problems. For this, boiling water can be applied to the skin as well as consumed by drinking it for intestinal and digestive system inflammation.
  • It provides protection against cancer. It reduces the risk of developing cancer.
  • It protects bone health as it contains vitamin K.
  • In general, it is beneficial for the digestive system. Contains beneficial dietary fibers for all organs that make up the digestive system. 
Harms of cabbage 

We talked about the benefits of cabbage. There is no information that this healthy vegetable has any harm. 

  • Some health experts argue that gout patients should not consume it. 
  • Excessive consumption of cabbage can cause dehydration.
  • Cabbage juice, which is an effective diuretic, can cause irritation in the urinary tract when consumed in excess. 
  • Likewise, it is recommended that people who have diarrhea problems do not consume cabbage juice temporarily. 

References: 1, 2, 3

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