Benefits of Lemon – Lemon Harms and Nutritional Value

Lemon, scientific name Citrus, is a sour citrus fruit. Containing an excellent ratio of vitamin C and fiber, lemon benefits include reducing the risk of heart disease, cancer and kidney stones.

This fruit, which is too sour to be eaten alone, is used in different recipes. It is usually mixed with other fruits and consumed in the form of juice. Lemonade is a beverage that is obtained from this fruit and is enjoyed by everyone.

What is lemon?

Lemon is a small evergreen tree from the Rutaceae plant family. Thanks to the vitamins and nutritional value it contains, the benefits of lemon have become popular all over the world. The origin of the lemon is not known for certain, but it is thought to have been first cultivated in parts of Assam, Northern Burma or China. Lemon-producing plants are grown only in warm seasons and warm regions.

Nutritional Value of Lemon

The fruit contains high amounts of vitamin C and also provides other powerful nutrients. Juice 5% to 6% citric acid and its pH value is 2.2.

benefits of lemon
Benefits of lemon

How many calories in lemon?

A medium-sized lemon is about 20-25 calories in calories. Below is the nutritional value of a lemon without a peel;

  • 24 calories
  • 7.8 grams carbohydrates
  • 0.9 grams of protein
  • 0.3 grams of fat
  • 2.4 grams of dietary fiber
  • 44.5 milligrams of vitamin C (74 percent of daily need)
  • 116 milligrams of potassium (3 percent DV)
  • 0.5 milligram iron (3 percent DV)
  • 0.1 milligram vitamin B6 (3 percent DV)

Additionally, it contains small amounts of thiamine, folate, pantothenic acid, calcium, magnesium and copper.

Lemon carbohydrate value

Carbohydrate content primarily consists of simple sugars such as fiber, glucose, fructose and sucrose.

Lemon fiber content

The main fiber in the fruit is pectin. Pectin Soluble fiber, such as sugar and starch, slows down the digestion of sugar and lowers blood sugar.

Vitamins and minerals in lemon

The vitamins and minerals in lemon are as follows;

  • C vitamin: It is an essential vitamin and antioxidant for immune function and skin health.
  • Potassium: Potassium It protects against heart diseases by lowering blood pressure level.
  • Vitamin B6: It enables the conversion of food into energy.
  • Magnesium: Magnesiumis an essential mineral for skin elasticity. It helps slow the aging process of the skin and protects skin cells from oxidative stress.
  • Calcium: The top layer of the skin calcium contains and is essential for a healthy skin. People with calcium deficiency often have dry skin.

Plant compounds found in lemons

Plant compounds are natural bioactive substances found in plants, some with powerful health benefits. The plant compounds in this fruit have beneficial effects on cancer, heart disease and inflammation. The main plant compounds found in the fruit are:

  • Citric acid: It is citric acid and helps prevent the formation of kidney stones.
  • Hesperidin: It strengthens blood vessels and is an antioxidant that can prevent atherosclerosis.
  • Diosmin: It is an antioxidant used in some drugs that affect the circulatory system. It reduces chronic inflammation in blood vessels.
  • Eriocitrine: It is an antioxidant found in its peel and juice.
  • D-limonene: It is found in its shell. It is the main component of essential oils found in the fruit and is responsible for the fruit's fragrance.

Many of the plant compounds in lemons are not found in high amounts in its juice, so it is necessary to eat the fruit itself to get the maximum benefits.

Benefits of Lemon

The benefits of lemon are the same as other citrus fruits. It comes from plant compounds, fiber and vitamins.

  • Good for the heart

Consuming fruits rich in vitamin C reduces the risk of heart disease. in blood C vitamin Low blood levels increase the risk of stroke, especially in people who are overweight or have high blood pressure.

Citrus fruitsFiber isolates from blood lowers cholesterol levels. Lemon oil oxidizes LDL cholesterol particles.

  • Prevents kidney stones

The citric acid contained in this fruit helps prevent kidney stone formation, increasing the volume of urine.

  • Prevents anemia

Anemia is usually caused by iron deficiency. This fruit contains a small amount of iron. But it is an excellent source of vitamin C and citric acid, which can increase the absorption of iron from other foods. In other words, it helps to prevent anemia by increasing the absorption of iron in foods.

  • Reduces cancer risk

This benefit of lemon, which helps reduce the risk of many types of cancer, such as breast cancer, is mainly due to plant compounds such as hesperidin and d-limonene. It has antiviral and antibacterial properties. It has an antibiotic effect and contains phytochemicals that help prevent cancer.

  • Improves digestive health

Lemon is mostly soluble fiber and simple candies It consists of about 10% carbohydrates. Pectin, the main type of fiber, is a form of soluble fiber. Soluble fiber improves gut health and slows the digestion of sugars and starches. These effects help lower blood sugar.

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It is necessary to drink the fruit, which facilitates digestion and bowel movements, in the form of a glass of warm lemon juice in the morning to relieve constipation.

  • Strengthens immunity

Vitamin C present in lemon improves immunity. Studies have shown that this vitamin can reduce the duration of colds that occur due to a weak immune system. Lemon also has a protective effect against asthma. Mixing lemon with honey also helps to relieve cough. Lemon, which is good for the flu, is useful for cough, sore throat and even ear infections.

  • Improves liver health

Lemon has antioxidant properties that may improve liver health. It prevents liver damage. It has a detox effect in the body and cleans the liver.

  • Helps heal acne

The citric acid found in lemons has antiseptic properties that eliminate acne-causing bacteria. Studies show that vitamin C has anti-inflammatory properties and acne vulgaris shows that it can be used in the treatment of conditions such as But lemon can cause side effects in some people. These are problems such as burning, stinging, itching and redness. Therefore, it is necessary to use lemon with caution.

  • Relieves gout and arthritis

One of the benefits of lemon is its anti-inflammatory effect, which reduces inflammation. Therefore, it reduces the likelihood of gout and arthritis.

Is Lemon Fattening?

Lemon is a fruit that helps to lose weight. Generally detox watersThe fruit used in medicine cleanses the body. The pectin fiber in its content expands in the stomach and provides satiety for a longer time. However, since there is no pectin in its juice, drinking lemon juice instead of eating lemon does not provide satiety in the same way. It is stated that the plant compounds in the fruit may also help with weight loss. You can use lemon to lose weight as follows;

  • Water with lemon juice: Slice 1 lemon. Drop the slices into the pitcher of water. You can also put ice in it to cool it down. You can drink lemon water before meals and half an hour after meals.
  • Lemon peel: Boil the peel of 1 lemon in 1 liter of water for 5 minutes. Let rest for half an hour and strain into a bottle. You can drink this water once or twice a day.
  • Lemon and honey: Squeeze lemon into 1 glass of water. Add 1 tablespoon of honey and mix. Drink the mixture early in the morning on an empty stomach or before going to bed.
  • Lemon and ginger: Crush the ginger root. Add 1 cup of boiling water and let it brew for a few minutes. Strain the liquid into another glass and squeeze the lemon. You can drink this 2 to 3 times a day.

Benefits of Lemon for Skin

Active substances in lemon; It helps to overcome skin problems such as dark spots, pigmentation, blackheads, acne, acne. Benefits of lemon for skin; It is due to the vitamins, minerals and some powerful plant compounds in its content. The benefits of lemon for the skin are as follows;

  • Removes acne and blackheads. For this, cut the lemon in half, drop a few drops of honey on the half and apply it to the areas with blackheads. Wash it off with cold water after waiting for 5 to 10 minutes.
  • The citric acid in lemon juice lightens skin blemishes. and it gradually disappears.
  • Balances oily skin. Applying a cotton swab or ball dipped in lemon juice to the face is an easy and effective way to remove oil from the skin. Do this before going to bed. Wash your face when you wake up in the morning.
  • Strengthens nails. Use olive oil and lemon juice to strengthen weak and brittle nails and prevent yellowing.
  • Heals lip cracks. Slice a lemon for cracked lips and rub a lemon slice on your lips at bedtime and wash off the next morning.
  • It is used for face and body cleansing. Mix lemon juice, yogurt and lavender oil. Massage your face and body with this to remove dirt and bacteria.
  • Lightens the color of the elbows and knees. If your elbows and knees seem a little darker than the rest of your skin, rub those areas with half a lemon.
  • Lemon contains vitamin C and citric acid, both of which help brighten and lighten skin over time.
  • It reduces itching. For this, squeeze the juice of half a lemon. Add 1 teaspoon of water. Soak a cotton ball in this mixture and apply it to the itchy areas.
  • Shrinks enlarged pores. Combined with tomato, you can make a pore-shrinking face mask. Mix 1 teaspoon of lemon juice with 2 teaspoons of tomato extract. Apply this all over your face. Wash off after 15 minutes. Pores will be visibly reduced.
  • Eliminates acne and acne scars. After applying lemon juice to your face, cover your face with plastic wrap. Make holes for your eyes, nose and mouth. Let the plastic wrap remain for at least thirty minutes before washing. If you are only treating acne scars and there is no active acne breakout, you can leave the plastic on for a few hours. People with sensitive skin should not try this. Wash your face thoroughly after using lemon juice.

Does it hurt to rub lemon on the face?

  •  Do not use the whole lemon directly on your face. Applying too much acid to the skin disrupts natural oil production and harms the skin's normal pH balance.
  • Do not apply lemon juice to open cuts, wounds or lesions. Only use on acne scars.
  • Do not confuse lemon juice treatments with many other skin care products. Products containing benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid should only be used when you are not using a lemon juice treatment.
  • Lemon juice can make your skin photosensitive. This causes discoloration and discomfort. Wash your face thoroughly with lemon juice before going out in the sun.
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Benefits of Lemon for Hair

The secret of beauty lies in healthy and shiny hair. One of the most used natural ingredients in hair care is lemon. Lemon has many benefits for hair. We can list the benefits of lemon for hair as follows;

  • Antioxidant content: Lemon contains vitamin C, flavonoids and other antioxidants that fight free radicals that damage hair cells. Protects hair from UV radiation, daily wear and tear. Antioxidants prevent oxidative stress and reduce the risk of premature graying and hair loss.
  • Anti-microbial: Lemon contains anti-microbial, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal agents. Therefore, it relieves itching on the scalp and prevents dandruff.
  • pH value of hair: The pH level of the scalp is between 4.5-5.5. If the numbers on this scale change, the hair becomes weak. Lemon balances the pH of the scalp.
  • Hair elasticity: Lemon contains vitamin C, which is necessary for the formation of collagen in the hair. collagenIncreases the flexibility of hair follicles.
  • Bran: Antioxidants in lemon eliminate the problem of dandruff. 
  • Hair shine: Regularly applying lemon to the hair prevents various hair problems. It makes the hair thick and shiny. 
How to Apply Lemon to Hair?

rubbing lemon on hair 

  • Squeeze the juice of half a lemon.
  • Massage your scalp with lemon juice for 5 minutes.
  • Wash with shampoo after 10 minutes.
  • You can do the application once a week.

It is an effective care for oily hair in terms of providing collagen reinforcement. 

lemon shampoo 

  • Mix 5 tablespoons of henna powder, 1 egg and 1 cup of warm water.
  • Add the juice of half a freshly squeezed lemon to the mixture.
  • Apply to your hair and scalp. Wait for it to dry.
  • Wash with cold water.
  • It can be applied once a month. 

It is an effective method to cover the whites in the hair. 

Castor oil, olive oil and lemon oil 

  • Mix 2 tablespoons of olive oil, 1 tablespoon of castor oil and 5 drops of lemon oil.
  • Heat until slightly warm.
  • Apply the mixture to the scalp for about 15 minutes.
  • Let the oil stay in your hair for another half hour.
  • Wash off with shampoo after half an hour.
  • You can do the application two or three times a week.

Indian Oilpromotes hair growth. Together with olive oil, it repairs the damage in the hair. Minimizes breakage. It improves the overall health of the hair. 

Hair rinse with lemon juice 
  • In a bottle, dilute 1 tablespoon of lemon juice with 2 glasses of water.
  • Wash your hair with shampoo.
  • Pour the diluted lemon juice on your hair as a final rinse.
  • Do not rinse your hair any further.
  • You can do this once a week. 

Lemon juice cleanses the scalp. It provides collagen supplement and strengthens hair follicles. 

Lemon juice and aloe vera 

  • Mix 2 tablespoons of aloe vera gel and one tablespoon of lemon juice.
  • Apply the mixture to your scalp.
  • After waiting for half an hour, rinse with shampoo.
  • You can apply it once or twice a week.

Aloe veraIt is anti-microbial and effective in hair care.

Lemon and honey hair mask 

  • Mix 1 tablespoon of lemon juice, 2 tablespoons of honey, 2 teaspoons of olive oil, 4 drops of rosemary oil.
  • Apply the mixture to the scalp. Wait 20 minutes and wash with shampoo.
  • You can apply once a week.

Lemon, together with honey, makes an excellent combination for hair care.

Onion and lemon juice for hair growth

  • Mix 2 tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice and 2 tablespoons of onion juice.
  • Apply to the entire scalp, especially to areas without hair. Massage for 2 minutes.
  • After waiting for half an hour, wash your hair with shampoo.
  • You can apply this three or four times a week for two months.

This application is not recommended for sensitive scalp.

Yogurt and lemon mask
  • Mix 2 tablespoons of yogurt and 1 tablespoon of lemon juice.
  • Apply to the entire hair, covering the roots.
  • Wash it with shampoo after waiting for half an hour.
  • Apply conditioner.
  • You can use it twice a week.
  • Those with open cuts or bruises on their scalp may experience a slight burning sensation.

This mask is used for problems such as dirt, damage, dryness and thinning in the hair.

Fenugreek and lemon for hair loss

Cemen grass It is rich in phytoestrogens that promote hair growth. Provides excellent hydration to keep hair smooth and supple. When combined with lemon juice, fenugreek cleanses the scalp cells and strengthens the roots.

  • Soak 2 tablespoons of fenugreek seeds in water overnight.
  • Grind it into a paste.
  • Add 1 tablespoon of lemon juice to this paste.
  • Apply the mixture all over the scalp.
  • Wash it with shampoo after waiting for half an hour.
  • You can apply it once a week.
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Moisturizing mask with lemon 

  • Beat 1 egg.
  • Add 1 tablespoon of olive oil and two tablespoons of fresh lemon juice.
  • Mix the ingredients well.
  • Apply to your hair and scalp with a hairbrush.
  • After drying, wash with shampoo.
Where is Lemon Used?

You can use lemon in the following ways:

  • Use lemon peel to clean kitchen surfaces, including microwaves.
    Add lemon juice to hot water and drink it in the form of lemon tea.
    You can add lemon to the marinade.
    Use lemon zest to add flavor to foods.
    Lemon helps keep fleas away. Rub a cut lemon on your pet's skin. You can also apply it using a dropper.

Harms of Lemon

Lemon, which is generally a well-tolerated fruit, may be allergic to some people, although it is not common. Those with a lemon allergy should not consume the fruit itself or its juice. Although it is a healthy fruit, lemon also has its disadvantages.

  • Tooth erosion: Studies show that drinking lemon juice can cause tooth erosion. It's a beverage with benefits, but if you don't take precautions like brushing your teeth after drinking it, your teeth may wear out.
  • Mouth sores Sores inside the mouth (or the base of the gums) are painful. The citric acid in this fruit can worsen wounds. Because, mouth soresIf you have, do not consume this fruit until you recover.
  • Heartburn and ulcer: According to research, lemon can trigger and even aggravate heartburn. Backflow of digestive juices in the stomach; activates inactive pepsin molecules in the esophagus and throat. This causes heartburn. The juice of the fruit can also worsen peptic ulcers. Some experts use lemon juice reflux He thinks it can trigger his symptoms. In these cases, you should not consume the fruit or its juice.
  • May cause nausea and vomiting: The vitamin C found in the fruit can cause nausea and, in some cases, vomiting if taken too much. Excessive consumption of lemon juice provides excessive amounts of vitamin C. While this may not pose a serious threat, your body will try to excrete the excess vitamin C, causing vomiting.
  • Frequent urination can lead to: Lemon juice can act as a diuretic, especially when mixed with warm water. It can increase urine output, and even excess can cause thirst. Acidic fruits like this can irritate the bladder. This increases the urge to urinate frequently.
  • Excessive iron accumulation in the blood can cause: Vitamin C provides iron absorption in the body. Too much of this leads to an increase in blood levels. Too much iron in the body is dangerous. Excessive iron in the blood can damage internal organs.
  • Migraine can trigger: Although there is little research, some experts say that lemon migrainethinks i can trigger it.
  • Sunburn can cause: Some studies show that sun exposure with lemon juice on the skin can cause blisters and blackheads.

How to Store Lemon?

Despite its acidity, lemon spoils like any other fruit. A wrinkled, soft, spotting and dull color is a sign that the fruit is starting to lose its flavor and juice. So how to store lemons correctly?

  • If you plan to use it within a few days of purchase, store it away from direct sunlight. It stays fresh for up to a week at room temperature. After this point, it starts to wrinkle, lose its vibrant color and develop spots.
  • If you are going to use it for a long time, place it in ziplock bags and take the air out of the bag as much as possible. In this case, it will retain most of its flavor for four weeks.
  • The ideal temperature for storing mature (yellow) varieties is between 4º and 10ºC. In most refrigerators, the middle shelves or door shelves are around this temperature.
  • To store the cut lemon; reduce water loss and oxidation by protecting the cut side from air. You can do this by placing the half side on a plate and turning it upside down or wrapping it in plastic wrap. Although it can last longer than most other cut fruits, cut ones will spoil within 2-3 days.

To summarize;

Lemon is low in calories. Contains vitamin C, antioxidants and fiber. Thanks to this rich nutritional content, the benefits of lemon are revealed. The benefits of lemon include boosting immunity, improving heart and skin health, reducing the risk of kidney stones, fighting cancer, increasing iron absorption and weight loss. As much as it has benefits, lemon also has disadvantages when used too much. It can cause nausea and vomiting, mouth sores, tooth erosion and sunburn.

References: 1, 2, 3

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