Benefits, Harm, Nutrition and Calories of Garlic

Garlic (Allium sativum)It is used to flavor food, but has also been used as a medicine to prevent and treat a wide variety of conditions and diseases throughout history.

Garlic Allium It belongs to the genus and is related to onions, green onions and leeks. It has been used by humans for thousands of years and was used in Ancient Egypt for both culinary and therapeutic benefits.

It has been used for over 5000 years for its various benefits, from acne-free, shiny and healthy skin to thick and shiny hair.

Garlic; It is rich in minerals such as alicin, sulfur, zinc and calcium, as well as compounds with antibiotic and antifungal properties. Same time selenium It is a rich mineral resource known as.

Selenium is known to fight cancer and works with vitamin E in the body to increase antioxidant power.

GarlicIt is a blood thinner due to its salicylate content. This ensures healthy blood flow and improves circulatory health.

Today garlic The idea that it is a medicinal herb is increasingly common. This is because it has been confirmed by many researchers to be highly effective in preventing and treating a wide variety of health conditions.

It can fight different types of cancer and naturally lower cholesterol levels. 

In the article "Benefits and harms of garlic", "benefits of garlic to skin", "benefits of garlic to hair", "benefits of garlic for face", "benefits of garlic to liver, stomach and heart" Information will be given about.

History of Garlic

Garlic It has been used all over the world for thousands of years. Records say that about 5000 years ago when the pyramids of Giza were built garlic shows that it is being used.

Richard S. Rivlin, In the Journal of Nutrition, the ancient Greek doctor Hippocrates (460-370 BC), known today as the "father of Western medicine", for a wide variety of conditions and diseases. sarımsak He wrote that he had prescribed. 

Hippocrates to treat breathing problems, parasites, poor digestion and fatigue sarımsak used.

Olympic athletes in ancient Greece sarımsak given - probably the oldest example of "performance enhancers" used in sport.

It spread from ancient Egypt to the advanced ancient civilizations of the Indus Valley (today Pakistan and western India). From there he made his way to China.

Throughout history in the Middle East, East Asia and Nepal, bronchitis, hypertension, TB ( tuberculosis ), liver disorders, dysentery, swelling, colic, intestinal worms, rheumatism, diabetes and high fever has been used for.

Garlic The French, Spanish and Portuguese introduced the New World.

The harms of eating garlic

Nutritional Value of Garlic

Garlic it is incredibly nutritious. One clove (3 grams) of raw garlic nutritional content is as follows:

Manganese: 2% of the Daily Value (DV)

Vitamin B6: 2% of the DV

Vitamin C: 1% of the DV

Selenium: 1% of the DV

Fiber: 0.06 grams

It also contains sufficient amounts of calcium, copper, potassium, phosphorus, iron and vitamin B1. This amount contains 4.5 calories, 0.2 grams of protein and 1 gram of carbohydrates.

Garlic it also contains trace amounts of various other nutrients. Actually, it contains a little bit of everything we need. 

What are the benefits of eating garlic

What Are The Benefits Of Garlic For The Body?

Garlic It is good for colds. Raw one garlic peel it off and apply it directly to the throat. You will feel pain for a moment, but you will notice that the pain has decreased.

Improves fungal infections

Garlic Its anti-fungal properties can be used to treat fungal skin infections. To improve the fungal infection in the foot area; Finely chop a few cloves of garlic and cover the affected area with it.

Cover this with gauze and let it stay overnight. After washing your feet in the morning, apply garlic oil to the affected area and put on your socks. Repeat this process for a few days; There may be redness and itching.

Supports body metabolism

Garlic Another great benefit is garlic sulfur, B complex vitamins It works together with and supports the body metabolism.

This in turn helps keep the skin and hair healthy, and also promotes weight loss. 

Mix the juice of half a lemon with lukewarm water and use two teeth twice a day for 2-3 months to see thinning results. sarımsak Consume with it.

Treat hypertension

GarlicIt contains an active ingredient called allicin and it is this substance believed to have the ability to reduce the risk of hypertension or high blood pressure.

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Studies show that allicin relaxes blood vessels while simultaneously reducing damage and pressure affecting the blood.

It can lower cholesterol and platelet aggregation levels by breaking down fibrinolytic activity in the blood. Alisin raw garlicta, but a large percentage disappears when cooked.

Garlic The second reason it can effectively prevent high blood pressure is its ability to stimulate nitric oxide synthase and hydrogen sulfide production.

Experts say these substances help relax blood vessels. 

Garlic It also has natural antispasmodic properties that give it the ability to relieve spasms that may occur in small arteries and prevent blood clot formation.

mouth sore herbal treatment

Controls cholesterol levels

Dry garlic powder consumption or garlic supplementsRegular consumption of 8 to 12 weeks can reduce blood cholesterol levels by 8%.

It can also regulate the presence of triglycerides and LDL (low density lipoprotein) or 'bad cholesterol' in our body.

The use of garlicHere are some things to know about reducing cholesterol levels in our body:

Garlic extract and garlic powder are more effective in lowering cholesterol levels compared to raw garlic.

Fresh garlic oil can reduce the triglyceride levels in the body.

- Garliccan reduce total cholesterol, LDL and triglycerides by as much as 20 mg / dL.

- It has no effect on HDL (high density lipoprotein) or good cholesterol.

- Effects dosage or taken every day sarımsak It is proportional to the amount.

- Little or no side effects compared to similar or other cholesterol-lowering drugs.

Common cold treatment

Garliccontains a sulfuric enzyme known as allicin, which blocks pathogens and plays an important role in fighting viral and bacterial infections.

Alicin, a biologically active compound, sarımsak offers preventive effects for More importantly, it prevents the transfer of germs by keeping people away from you with its strong odor.

Eliminates ear infection

GarlicAntiviral and antibacterial ingredients, such as allicin, help kill germs that cause ear infection and subsequent pain.

It also reduces inflammation caused by such infections. Ideally, you should prepare garlic oil at home to get the best results in this regard.

You can also use chopped garlic directly around the ear to treat the infection. 

Most of the people garlic it is uncomfortable with its sharp and strong odor. When the oil is prepared with other natural oils, it no longer has that pungent odor.

What are the benefits of garlic

What Are The Benefits Of Garlic For The Skin?

Garlic It contains large amounts of allicin and allicin has benefits such as antifungal, anti-aging and skin smoothing. It is also known to increase the antioxidant levels of the skin and the body.

Garlicfound in sulfurprevents infections and helps reduce inflammation. It also increases blood flow and gives the skin a natural glow.

Here sarımsakways to get clean and radiant skin

Acne, pimples and blemishes

Alicin has antifungal properties that can be used to get rid of acne.

- a tooth is fresh raw garlic cut it and mash it to extract the juice. Garlic Apply the pulp to the acne affected area. Wait 5 minutes and wash off with cold water. You will see a reduction in redness and swelling during the day. It also helps prevent pimples from leaving marks on your skin.

- Garlic Another simple technique to get rid of acne using 2-3 teeth garlic juicenu, equal amount white vinegar to apply to the affected area. The white vinegar helps maintain the skin's pH level while the garlic fights the infection.

When used alone raw garlic Peel and crush a few cloves of garlic for those who cannot bear the pain it causes. Add half a teaspoon of honey and 2 tablespoons of yogurt. Apply this mask all over the face and wash off within 20 minutes. Raw garlic You can also use garlic oil or garlic powder instead. Both versions are readily available on the market. Do not use more than 2-3 drops of garlic oil and half a teaspoon of garlic powder.

- 4-5 teeth are peeled off to get rid of acne and blemishes garlic crush it. Boil 250 ml of water and garlic add. Boil for 30-35 minutes. Garlic When the boiling time is over, wait until it is warm. GarlicUse the knob of the garlic crush to make a paste and apply this paste all over your face. Boiling, garlic It makes it become stronger for the skin.

Cleaning white and black spots

One of the most common skin problems black Points. If you have oily skin, they are very likely to occur.

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2-3 teeth garlic crush it. Add 1 tablespoon of oatmeal, 1-2 drops of tea tree oil and half a teaspoon of lemon juice. Mix these ingredients with honey to form a thick paste.

Spread this paste in a thin layer on clean skin. After waiting for 2-3 minutes, gently peel off the mixture on your face and then rinse with warm water. Use this mask three times a week for a visible reduction in blackheads.

Anti aging and reducing pores

The beauty benefits of garlic There is also anti aging. GarlicThe powerful antioxidants found in the skin help reduce the formation of free radicals in the skin, so the skin stays firm and youthful. Same time sarımsak contains sulfur, which combats wrinkles in the body collagen Helps production.

Garlic Contains many skin-protecting polyphenols. Garlic crush it and add the water to regular face masks to prevent premature aging.

Enlarged pores are a common problem in aging skin. Half tomato and 3-4 teeth to minimize pores garlic crush together to make a paste. Spread it over your face in a thin layer. After 20 minutes, wash your face with warm water and finally wash with cold water to close the pores. Tomato and sarımsakIt has antiseptic qualities that help open the skin, minimize pores and tighten the skin.

- Pill-sized sarımsak Consuming its parts every day is also a good method to protect the skin from free radicals, oxidation and environmental stress damage, which helps prevent wrinkles.

Hair Benefits of Eating Garlic

Garlic It is an excellent food for hair growth. Hair lossIt helps to reduce hair follicle regeneration, removes harmful toxins in the scalp, improves hair texture and strengthens hair follicles.

GarlicAllicin in jewelry helps to increase blood circulation in the scalp, reducing hair loss and promoting hair growth.

Garlic It also has antibacterial and anti-fungal properties that help treat dandruff and itchy scalp. GarlicThe sulfur contained in the dandruff reduces the density and prevents it from coming back.

- For hair sarımsak The simplest way to use is with shampoo or conditioner. sarımsak to add. However, using excessive amounts can cause hair dryness twice a month. garlic shampoo or use conditioner. Disturbing smell and garlic Add it to the shampoo or conditioner with honey to eliminate the slight tingling sensation it causes. Honey will also act as a natural conditioner for your hair.

A handful for a week to reduce hair loss garlic soak in olive oil. After a week, massage this oil into your scalp and leave it overnight and wash your hair as usual. Use this oil once a week and you will see a reduction in hair loss.

- For graying hair, heat some coconut oil and a few dry black pepper seeds and 3 cloves sarımsak add. When it cools, apply this oil to your hair. Use this hair oil for a few days to see the difference.

garlic vitamin

Benefits of Garlic for Nails

Benefits of garlic it is not limited to skin and hair only. It can also help get rid of dull and brittle nails. It also helps prevent any type of cuticle infection, as it has antibacterial properties.

To get rid of yellow nails, you can: Garlic crush and massage your nails with these crushed pieces. Repeat twice a week; you will have long and strong nails in a short time.

Also regularly add a few drops of garlic oil or garlic juice to your cuticle cream or lotion. You can enjoy the benefits of garlic to nails every time you apply the cream or lotion.


When using garlicRemember that allicin begins to degrade immediately; Therefore, use it immediately. 

Microwave oven completely destroys allicin and eliminates the health and beauty benefits of garlic, don't microwave any of these home remedies.

The second reason to use the garlic use it very carefully. It is a very powerful antioxidant, so its overuse can cause swelling and redness.

Garlic Due to their powerful effect, these skin and hair masks are not recommended for people with very sensitive skin.

Is Garlic a Vegetable?

Since it is used primarily as a spice, classify garlic it is difficult. Therefore "Is garlic a vegetable?" he is wondering. 

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Botanical classification

Botanically, garlic ( Allium sativum ) is considered a vegetable. shallot, It belongs to the onion family, along with leeks and chives.

Plants whose roots, stems and leaves are eaten are botanically classified as vegetables; garlic is also included in this group. 

Although the leaves and flowers of the plant are edible, their bulb-shaped head, usually consisting of 10-20 teeth, is eaten. 

Kitchen classification

Garlic It is used in the kitchen as a spice or herb rather than a vegetable. 

Unlike other vegetables, it is rarely consumed in large quantities or on its own. Instead, it is often added to meals in small amounts due to its strong flavor. 

Garliccan be crushed, peeled, or baked whole. It is most often used roasted or sautéed. 

Before only raw garlic Although thought to have health benefits, nowadays research cooked garlic shows that it can be just as useful as raw ones.

What Are the Harms of Garlic?

Benefits of eating garlic it does not end with counting. But excessive consumption of garlic It may cause some side effects. These include liver damage, nausea, vomiting, heartburn, diarrhea, and bleeding.

May cause liver damage

Excessive garlic consumption may affect the liver. Raw garlic Although it has antioxidant potential, excessive intake can lead to liver toxicity.

According to rat studies, at high doses sarımsak (0.5 grams per kg of body weight) can cause liver damage.

However, at a low dose daily sarımsak (0.1 grams to 0.25 grams per kg of body weight) safe for the liver.

May cause bad smell

Breath and body odor, according to an Italian report sarımsakare two of the most common side effects associated with the disease. Lack of personal hygiene is not the only cause of body odor because garlic consumption it can also cause this.

Garlic fragrancefound to remain in the mouth long after brushing. Some experts, sarımsakHe thinks that the chemicals that contribute to bad odor are the same chemicals that also provide their benefits.

May cause nausea, vomiting and heartburn

On an empty stomach consuming fresh garlicMay cause nausea, vomiting, and heartburn. 

Some observational studies, garlic He also stated that taking it by mouth can cause heartburn and nausea. Extreme garlic consumptioni can cause GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) in some people.

May cause diarrhea

Extreme fresh garlic consuming it can cause diarrhea. Garliccan also trigger diarrhea, as it can cause gas.

Lower blood pressure

Garlic can lower blood pressure. However, if you are already taking medication for high blood pressure, it can lead to hypotension (low blood pressure).

Therefore, when using blood pressure medications garlic supplementsi should not be taken. Garlic Taking it by mouth will also reduce blood pressure modestly.

It can aggravate the bleeding

Garlic may increase the risk of bleeding. For this reason, it should not be taken with blood thinners such as warfarin.

This is especially fresh garlic valid in case of use. also sarımsak It is better to stop its consumption at least 7 days before a scheduled surgery. It has antithrombocyte effects and may increase bleeding during surgery.

May cause sweating

According to some studies, sarımsak It may cause excessive sweating in some people.

May cause dizziness

Extreme garlic consumption May cause dizziness. The mechanism behind this action has not yet been studied.

May cause eczema or rashes

GarlicProlonged contact with may cause skin irritation. GarlicSome specific enzymes may cause this irritation. According to anecdotal evidence, eczema may also be one of the conditions that accompany this allergy.

Frequent use can cause a rash, according to one study.

May interact with some medications

According to a study, sarımsak It interacted with drugs such as chlorpropamide, fluindione, ritonavir and warfarin.

May cause headache

GarlicIt can trigger migraines, especially when taken in its raw form. Although it does not directly cause a headache, it activates the process responsible for it.

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