What is Prebiotic, What are its Benefits? Foods Containing Prebiotics

What is a prebiotic? Prebiotics are special plant fibers that help grow healthy bacteria in the intestines. They are indigestible fibrous compounds that are broken down by the gut microbiota. This makes the digestive system work better.

What is Prebiotic?

Prebiotics are a food group that is broken down by the gut microbiota. It nourishes the gut microbiota. Prebiotic benefits include reducing appetite, relieving constipation, boosting immunity and protecting bone health. Just like other fibrous foods, prebiotics pass through the upper part of the gastrointestinal tract. They remain undigested as the human body cannot fully break them down. After passing through the small intestine, they reach the colon, where they are fermented by the intestinal microflora.

Some foods act as natural prebiotics. Some prebiotic-containing foods are chicory root, dandelion greens, leeks and garlic.

Prebiotic Benefits

what is a prebiotic
What is a prebiotic?
  • Decreases appetite

Fiber gives a feeling of satiety. Because it is digested slowly. Eating fiber and complex carbohydrates prevents a person from overeating. Prebiotics provide regular and safe weight loss in overweight individuals.

  • Relieves constipation

Prebiotics help regulate bowel movements. Fiber increases stool weight. Because constipation It is useful for people who are attracted. Fiber retains water and softens stool. Large and soft stools allow easy passage through the intestine.

  • Strengthens immunity

Prebiotics improve the immune system. Complex fiber classes such as beta-glucan support the immune system. 

fibers such as prebiotics, inflammation, irritable bowel syndromeRelieves diseases such as diarrhea, respiratory disorders, cardiovascular disorders and epithelial injuries. These carbohydrates improve the activity of T helper cells, macrophages, neutrophils and natural killer cells.

  • Good for anxiety and stress
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Prebiotics increase the production of good bacteria. It reduces the bad bacteria that cause disease. Prebiotics have a positive effect on individuals with anxiety regardless of their age, according to a study on rats. This study states that prebiotic foods or supplements can lower cortisol levels.

  • Protects bone health

One study found that prebiotics increase the absorption of minerals in the body, such as magnesium, iron, and calcium. All of these are essential for maintaining strong bones or preventing osteoporosis.

Prebiotic Side Effects

Prebiotics have fewer side effects compared to probiotics. The following side effects may occur not as a result of consuming prebiotic foods, but as a result of taking prebiotic supplements. The severity is dose dependent and varies from person to person. The following side effects may occur as a result of the use of prebiotics:

  • Swelling
  • Abdominal pain
  • Diarrhea (only in large doses)
  • gastroesophageal reflux
  • Hypersensitivity (allergy / rash)

foods containing prebiotics

Foods Containing Prebiotics

Prebiotics are fibers that cannot be digested by our body but can help the growth of good bacteria in our gut. Because our bodies don't digest these plant fibers, they go to the lower digestive tract to be a food source for the healthy bacteria in our gut. Foods containing prebiotics that are beneficial for our body are as follows;

  • Dandelion

Dandelion It is one of the foods containing prebiotics. 100 grams of dandelion greens contain 4 grams of fiber. A high portion of this fiber consists of inulin.

The inulin fiber in dandelion greens reduces constipation. Increases beneficial bacteria in the gut. It strengthens the immune system. Dandelion also has diuretic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-cancer and cholesterol-lowering effects.

  • Jerusalem artichoke
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100 grams of Jerusalem artichoke provides about 2 grams of dietary fiber. 76% of these come from inulin. Jerusalem artichoke increases the number of beneficial bacteria in the colon. In addition, it helps to strengthen the immune system and prevent certain metabolic disorders.

  • Garlic

Garlic About 11% of the fiber content comes from inulin, a sweet, naturally occurring prebiotic called fructooligosaccharides (FOS). It prevents the growth of disease-causing bacteria.

  • Onion

Onion10% of its total fiber content comes from inulin, while fructooligosaccharides are around 6%. Fructooligosaccharides strengthen the intestinal flora. It helps to burn fat. It strengthens the immune system by increasing the production of nitric oxide in the cells.

  • Leek

Leeks come from the same family as onions and garlic and offer similar health benefits. Contains up to 16% inulin fiber. Thanks to its inulin content, this vegetable improves healthy gut bacteria and helps burn fat.

  • Asparagus

Asparagus It is one of the foods containing prebiotics. Inulin content is around 100-2 grams per 3 gram serving. Asparagus grows beneficial bacteria in the gut. It plays a role in the prevention of some cancers.

  • Banana 

Banana Contains a small amount of inulin. Unripe green bananas are also rich in resistant starch, which has prebiotic effects.

  • Harp

HarpA 100-gram serving of cedar contains 3-8 grams of beta-glucan. Beta-glucan is a prebiotic fiber that promotes the growth of beneficial bacteria in the digestive tract.

  • Oat

One of the foods containing prebiotics oattruck. It contains large amounts of beta-glucan fiber and resistant starch. The beta-glucan found in oats feeds healthy gut bacteria. It lowers cholesterol and reduces the risk of cancer.

  • Apple
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Pectin makes up about 50% of the total fiber content of apples. Pectin in appleIt has prebiotic benefits. Butyrate, a short-chain fatty acid, feeds beneficial gut bacteria and reduces harmful bacteria.

  • Cocoa

Cocoa is an excellent source of flavanols. Cocoa containing flavanols has powerful prebiotic benefits associated with the development of healthy gut bacteria.

  • Flax seeds

Flax seeds It is an excellent source of prebiotics. Its fiber promotes healthy gut bacteria. It regulates bowel movements.

  • Wheat bran

Wheat bran Increases healthy Bifidobacteria in the intestine with AXOS fiber in its content.

  • Moss

Moss It is a very powerful prebiotic food. About 50-85% of the fiber content comes from water-soluble fiber. It promotes the development of beneficial gut bacteria. It prevents the growth of disease-causing bacteria. It strengthens immune function and reduces the risk of colon cancer.

References: 1, 2

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