What Is Barley, What Does It Do? Benefits and Nutritional Value

Harpis a grain that has been grown in temperate climates around the world and has been grown since ancient civilizations. Archaeological findings, harpIt shows that it existed in Egypt 10,000 years ago.

It grows naturally in the regions of Western Asia and Northeast Africa, but is also cultivated for human and animal food, used in the production of beer and whiskey.

2014 million tons produced in 144 harp; It is the fourth most produced product worldwide, after corn, rice and wheat.

In the article "What are the benefits of barley?", "Does barley weaken", "What vitamins are there in barley", "how to eat barley", "how to make barley tea" questions will be answered.

Nutritional Value of Barley

Harpis a whole grain full of nutrients. It swells while cooking and doubles in size, so keep that in mind as you read the nutritional information. Half a glass (100 grams) uncooked, shelled nutritional content of barley is as follows:

Calories: 354

Carbs: 73.5 grams

Fiber: 17.3 grams

Protein: 12,5 grams

Fat: 2.3 grams

Thiamine: 43% of the Reference Daily Intake (RDI)

Riboflavin: 17% of the RDI

Niacin: 23% of the RDI

Vitamin B6: 16% of the RDI

Folate: 5% of the RDI

Iron: 20% of the RDI

Magnesium: 33% of the RDI

Phosphorus: 26% of the RDI

Potassium: 13% of the RDI

Zinc: 18% of the RDI

Copper: 25% of the RDI

Manganese: 97% of the RDI

Selenium: 54% of the RDI

HarpThe main type of fiber in is beta-glucan, a soluble fiber that forms a gel when combined with liquid. Beta-glucan, also found in oats, helps lower cholesterol and improve blood sugar control.

In addition, harpVitamin E, beta-carotene, which also helps protect and repair cell damage caused by oxidative stress. lutein and zeaxanthin such as antioxidants.

What Are the Benefits of Barley?

benefits of barley

It is a healthy whole grain

Harp It is considered a whole grain because only the edible outer shell is removed during processing. Eating whole grains has a lower risk of chronic disease.

In a large study of over 360.000 people, those with the highest intakes of whole grains had a 17% lower risk of death from all causes, including cancer and diabetes, compared to those with the lowest intake of whole grains.

Other studies have shown that eating whole grains can reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes and obesity.

Wholegrain benefits of barleyis not only due to its fiber content, but also to its herbal compounds that have beneficial health effects.

Provides blood sugar control

HarpIt can help lower blood sugar and insulin levels, which can reduce the risk of diabetes.

Whole grain barleyIt is a good source of fiber, including beta-glucan, which is soluble fiber, which slows the absorption of sugar by binding to the digestive system.

Harp In a study of 10 overweight women who ate glucose or oats in addition to this, both oats and harp lowered blood sugar and insulin levels. However, harp It was much more effective, reducing levels by 29-36% compared to 59-65% with oats.

Another study in 10 healthy men found that at dinner harp It was found that those who ate had 100% better insulin sensitivity after breakfast the next morning.

In addition, a review of 232 scientific studies, harp has linked the consumption of whole-grain breakfast cereals to a lower risk of diabetes, including cereals such as cereals.

In a study in 17 obese women at increased risk of insulin resistance, harpA breakfast cereal containing 10 grams of beta-glucan from the diet significantly lowered post-meal blood glucose levels compared to other types of cereals.

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Moreover, the glycemic index (GI) of barley low - a measure of how quickly a food raises blood sugar. Harp With 25 points, it is the lowest of all grains.

Improves digestion

Half a cup (100 grams) uncooked barleyContains 17.3 grams of fiber. Dietary fiber increases stool and makes it easier for it to pass through the digestive system.

Harp helps relieve constipation. In a study in 16 people with chronic constipation, 10 grams of sprouted per day for 9 days harp The dose, which doubled over 10 days following its administration, increased both the frequency and the volume of bowel movements.

The second reason to use the harphas been noted to improve symptoms of ulcerative colitis, an inflammatory bowel disease. In a six-month study, 21 people with mild ulcerative colitis compared 20-30 grams harp He experienced relief when he received it.

HarpIt also promotes the growth of good bacteria in the digestive system. HarpThe beta-glucan fiber in it helps to feed healthy gut bacteria, increasing their probiotic activity.

In a four-week study in 28 healthy individuals, 60 grams per day harpincreased a beneficial bacterium in the gut that may help reduce inflammation and improve blood sugar balance.

Barley helps to lose weight

Since the human body cannot digest fiber, foods high in fiber add value to nutrition without increasing calories. This high fiber food is beneficial for people trying to lose weight.

In two studies, at breakfast harp People who ate experienced less hunger at lunch and ate less at later meals.

Another study, a type particularly high in beta-glucan fiber harp rats fed with less beta-glucan harp they ate 19% less than those who ate food. Containing higher beta-glucan harp animals that ate it lost weight.

Harp, a hormone responsible for feelings of hunger ghrelinto reduce the in level.

Helps to lower cholesterol

Some studies, eating barley It has shown that it can have beneficial effects on cholesterol.

High in soluble fiber and harp A diet containing 5% has been shown to reduce total cholesterol and “bad” LDL cholesterol by 10-XNUMX%.

In a five-week study of 18 men with high cholesterol, harp Eating a diet that included reduced total cholesterol by 20%, lowered "bad" LDL cholesterol by 24%, and increased "good" HDL cholesterol by 18%.

In another study in 44 men with high cholesterol, rice and harplowered "bad" LDL cholesterol compared to a control group eating rice alone, and belly fatreduced.

Good for the health of bones and teeth

HarpContains several essential vitamins and minerals such as phosphorus, manganese, calcium and copper. All these nutrients are important for keeping bones and teeth healthy.

Barley water is extremely high in calcium and contains 11 times more calcium than milk. This helps maintain the overall health and strength of bones and teeth.

Scientists say drinking barley water helps prevent osteoporosis. It may not cure osteoporosis completely, but barley water helps treat symptoms related to it and reduces the risk of developing osteoporosis.

Prevents gallstones

HarpIt is known that it prevents the formation of gallstones in women quite effectively. Because it is rich in fiber, it reduces the secretion of bile acids, thus increasing insulin sensitivity and lowering the level of triglycerides in the body.

It is known that women who eat fiber-rich diets have a lower risk of developing gallstones compared to those who do not consume fiber.

Harpis known to prevent kidney stones and support kidney health by cleansing and detoxifying the kidneys, but there is no strong research to support this statement.

Strengthens immunity

Harpcontains beta-glucan, a type of fiber rich in antioxidants. It also contains a rich amount of vitamin C, a nutrient known to boost the immune system. Regularly consuming barley It helps speed up wound healing and the body resists cold and flu.

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Taken together with antibiotics, barley increases the function and effectiveness of the drug.

Protects against atherosclerosis

Atherosclerosis is a condition in which the artery walls narrow due to the build-up of plaque (such as fatty foods and cholesterol) around the wall. This is one of the leading causes of heart attack.

HarpIt can help by providing a vitamin B complex that reduces cholesterol and lipid levels in the body.

A 2002 study in Taiwan investigated the efficacy of barley leaf extract on rabbits with atherosclerosis. The results suggested that the antioxidant and hypolipidemic properties of barley leaf extract are very beneficial in the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases, including atherosclerosis.

Prevents urinary tract infections

HarpKeeps the urinary tract healthy by preventing urinary tract infection (UTI). It can be a powerful diuretic when consumed in the form of barley juice.

Skin Benefits of Barley

Has healing properties

Harpalso found zinchelps to heal the skin and repair wounds, if any. 

Improves skin elasticity

The presence of large amounts of selenium helps maintain skin elasticity, preserves its tone, and prevents free radical damage. Selenium It is also important for the proper functioning of the pancreas, heart and immune system.

Brightens the skin tone

HarpIt has anti-inflammatory properties. When you apply barley water to the skin, it reduces acne and fights skin infection. Harp It can also brighten skin tone by acting as a gentle exfoliant and controlling oil secretion.

Moisturizes skin

As a dietary supplement for 8 weeks in Korea harp and a study was conducted to evaluate the hydration effects of soybeans.

At the end of the period, a significant increase in hydration levels was noticed on the participants' face and forearms. This increase in skin hydration has been claimed to delay aging.

Treats clogged pores

Regularly drinking barley water helps reduce acne on your face. You can also apply barley water topically. Barley contains azelaic acid that works as an anti-inflammatory agent to fight acne and treat clogged pores.

what vitamins are in barley

What Are the Harms of Barley?

Whole grains are generally available to everyone, but some people harpmay need to stay away from.

First, it is a whole grain that contains gluten, such as wheat and rye. Therefore, celiac disease or for those with wheat intolerance.

In addition, harpcontains short-chain carbohydrates called fructan, a type of fermentable fiber. Fructans can cause gas and bloating in people with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or other digestive disorders.

Therefore, if you have IBS or a sensitive digestive system, harpYou have a hard time consuming.

Finally, since barley has a strong effect on blood sugar levels, if you have diabetes and are taking blood sugar-lowering medications or insulin, harp You have to be careful while eating.

What Is Barley Tea, How Is It Made?

Barley teais a popular East Asian drink made from roasted barley. Widely consumed in Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and China.

It is served both hot and cold, has a slightly amber color and is somewhat bitter. In traditional Chinese medicine barley tea It has been used for diarrhea, fatigue and inflammation.

Harpis a gluten-containing cereal. Dry barley grainsUsed like many other cereals - it is ground to make flour, baked whole, or added to soups and vegetable dishes. It is also used in tea making.

Barley tea, roasted barley grainsbrewed in hot water, but ground roasted harp Pre-made tea bags containing tea can be found easily in East Asian countries.

HarpIt is rich in B vitamins and minerals iron, zinc and manganese, but how much of these nutrients are consumed during the brewing process. barley teaIt is not clear that it was given.

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Traditionally barley teaAlthough milk or cream can be added to it, it is not sweetened. Similarly, in South Korea, tea is sometimes mixed with roasted corn tea for sweetness. It is also bottled with sugar in Asian countries today. barley tea You can also find products.

Benefits of Barley Tea

Traditional medicine to combat diarrhea, fatigue and inflammation barley tea used. 

Low in calories

Barley tea it is essentially calorie free. Depending on the strength of the brew, it may contain trace amounts of calories and carbohydrates.

That's why it's a healthy and tasty alternative to water, especially if you're trying to lose weight - provided you drink it plain without adding milk, cream or sweeteners.

Rich in antioxidants

Barley tea It is rich in antioxidants.

Antioxidants are plant compounds that help prevent free radical damage in cells. Free radicals are harmful molecules that, if they accumulate in our body, can cause inflammation and increase cellular dysfunction.

Barley teaVarious antioxidants, including chlorogenic and vanilic acids, have been identified that can aid weight management by increasing how much fat our body burns at rest. These antioxidants also show anti-inflammatory effects.

Barley tea which is also a powerful antioxidant that can improve heart health, blood pressure and brain health quercetin is the source.

May have anti-cancer properties

Being a whole grain rich in antioxidants harpPotentially offers cancer prevention benefits.

A study on regional barley cultivation and cancer deaths in China observed that the lower the cultivation and consumption of barley, the higher the cancer mortality rate. However, this is low to cancer harp does not mean that the intake is the cause.

After all, barley teaMore human studies are needed on the potential anti-cancer benefits of.

Skin benefits of barley

The Harm of Barley Tea

Despite its potential anti-cancer benefits, barley teaContains a potentially cancer-causing anti-nutrient called acrylamide.

Although studies have yielded mixed results, research continues to better understand the health effects of acrylamide.

A meta-analysis found that dietary acrylamide intake was not associated with the most common cancer risks. Another study showed a higher risk of colorectal and pancreatic cancer with higher acrylamide intake among certain subgroups.

Barley tea bags and lightly roasted harpmore acrylamide is released than. Therefore, to minimize the acrylamide in your tea, before brewing harpRoast the mixture yourself to a deep dark brown color.

What's more, if you drink the tea regularly, you should limit the sugar and cream you add to the drink so that the unnecessary calories, fat and sugar additions to the drink are reduced.

In addition, harp for people on a gluten- or grain-free diet, as it is a gluten-containing grain barley tea not suitable.

As a result;

Harpcontains fiber, especially cholesterol and beta-glucan, which can reduce blood sugar levels. It also helps with weight loss and digestion. Wholegrain, shelled barleyis more nutritious than refined barley.

Barley tea, on the other hand, is a popular drink in East Asian countries. It has some applications in traditional medicine but is also widely consumed as a daily drink.

It is generally calorie-free, rich in antioxidants, and has some anti-cancer benefits.

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