Onion Benefits, Harm, Calories and Nutritional Value

Onion, scientifically Allium cepa are the vegetables of the plants known as underground. Onionare grown around the world, and chives, sarımsak, shallot and it is related to the leek.

OnionIt has many benefits thanks to its high antioxidant content and sulfur-containing compounds. It has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, lowers the risk of cancer, balances blood sugar levels and helps improve bone health.

Onioncan vary in size, shape, and color, but the most common are white, yellow, and red.

In the article "What is onion, what is it good for", "What are the benefits of onion", "Is there any harm to onion", "How and where to store onion" Answers to questions will be sought.

What is an Onion?

Onion Allium are the most commonly grown species of the genus.. Other related vegetables include garlic, leeks, chives, shallots, and Chinese onions. The onion plant has bluish green leaves and onion It starts to swell after a certain period of time.

Onion It is grown and consumed all over the world. It is usually eaten cooked. It can also be eaten raw. Although it is a temperate species, it can be grown in a wide variety of climatic conditions (temperate, tropical and subtropical).

What Are Onion Types?

Onion is used so widely that it is possible to find different uses in every cuisine of the world. Very kind onion There are, the most common ones are as follows;

Yellow onion

It has brown skin and white flesh. It has a strong sulfur-like aroma.

Sweet onion

The vegetable has a lighter skin around its larger and slightly fatty body.

White onion

It has a white skin like paper and is softer and sweeter than its yellow counterparts.

Red onion

It is light and sweet enough to be eaten raw. Its outer skin and flesh is purplish red.


It is smaller, with brown skin and purple flesh.


They are immature onions that have not yet formed onions.

Nutritional Value of Onion

Calories of raw onion It is very low, there are 100 calories in 40 grams. Based on fresh weight, 89% water, 9% carbohydrates and 1.7% fiber, with a small amount of protein and fat.

In the table below onionAll the main nutrients are listed.

Onion, raw - 100 grams

Calorie                                   40
Protein1.1 g
Carbohydrate9.3 g
Sugar4.2 g
Lif1,7 g
Fat0.1 g
Saturated0.04 g
Monounsaturated0.01 g
Polyunsaturated0.02 g
Omega 30 g
Omega 60.01 g
Trans fat~

Onion Carbohydrate Value

Carbohydrate accounts for approximately 9-10% of raw and cooked onions. It consists mostly of simple sugars and fibers such as glucose, fructose, and sucrose.

OnionA 100 gram portion of it contains 9.3 grams of carbohydrates and 1.7 grams of fiber, so its total digestible carbohydrate content is 7.6 grams.

Onion Fiber

OnionIt is a good source of fiber, accounting for 0.9-2.6% of fresh weight, depending on its type.

They are very rich in healthy soluble fiber called fructan. In fact, it is among the main food sources of fructans.

Fructans prebiotic called fiber. In other words, beneficial bacteria in the gut use them as fuel.

This is like butyrate, which can improve colon health, reduce inflammation and reduce the risk of colon cancer. short chain fatty acidsIt provides the formation of.

However, fructans are also known as FODMAPs (fermentable oligo-, di-, monosaccharides and polyols) that some people cannot digest.

FODMAPs can cause unpleasant digestive symptoms in sensitive individuals such as people suffering from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

Vitamins and Minerals

Onion Contains good amounts of various vitamins and minerals. The main ones are listed below:

C vitamin

It is an antioxidant vitamin that is essential in immune function, skin and hair care.

Folate (Vitamin B9)

It is a water-soluble B vitamin that is indispensable for cell growth and metabolism and is particularly important for pregnant women.

Vitamin B6

This vitamin, found in most foods, plays a role in the formation of red blood cells.


This essential mineral has blood pressure lowering effects and is important for heart health.

Other Plant Compounds

Benefits of onionattributed to antioxidant and sulfur-containing compounds. Onion it is also among the major food sources of flavonoids in many countries, especially quercetin Contains a useful compound called.

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OnionBelow is a list of the most common plant compounds in:


Red or purple onionAnthocyanins are powerful antioxidants and onionThey are pigments that give a reddish color.


It is an antioxidant flavonoid that can lower blood pressure and improve heart health.

Sulfur compounds

The main sulfides and polysulfides that can have protective effects against cancer.


Sulfur-containing compounds that can inhibit the growth of harmful microorganisms and prevent blood clots from forming.

Red and yellow onions are richer than other antioxidants. In fact, yellow onions may contain almost 11 times more antioxidants than white onions. Cooking the onion can significantly reduce some antioxidants.

Are Onions Healthy?

Whether raw or cooked, onionhas many benefits. Onions are an excellent source of vitamins C and B6, folate, iron and potassium. It is also rich in manganese that protects against colds and flu.

OnionTwo phytochemicals, allium and allyl disulfide, are converted to allicin after entering the body. Allicin has cancer and diabetes-fighting properties, according to certain studies.

It can also reduce the stiffness of blood vessels and lower blood pressure levels. Chives and shallots other like onion specieshas similar benefits.

Onion It also contains quercetin, another antioxidant that fights inflammation. Cooking the oniondoes not reduce the value of quercetin, it transfers the antioxidant from the vegetable to the water of the food.

OnionMay provide greater benefits when combined with garlic. They are known to be effective antidepressants, pain relievers, anticoagulants, and anti-inflammatories together.

What Are the Benefits of Eating Onions?

OnionIt is known to have powerful antioxidant properties, reduce inflammation and suppress the growth of harmful microorganisms.

Has an anti-microbial effect

There are many microorganisms in our body as well as in our environment. Some of them can hurt. Onion extracts and essential oils suppressed the growth of harmful microorganisms such as bacteria and yeasts.

Balances blood sugar

Diabetes is a common disease characterized by high blood sugar levels. Animal studies, onionIt has shown that it can balance blood sugar levels.

The same effect has been found in humans. A study in diabetics, 100 grams per day raw onionfound that it caused a significant decrease in blood sugar levels. Raw onionmay be beneficial in the management of both type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

It is beneficial for bone health

Osteoporosis is a common health problem, especially in postmenopausal women. Healthy eating is the biggest measure to prevent this ailment.

Animal studies, onionIt has shown that it has protective effects against bone deterioration and can even increase bone mass.

A very large observational study in women over the age of 50, eating onionsrevealed that it is linked to increased bone density.

In a recent controlled study, eating selected fruits, herbs, and vegetables, including onions, reduced bone loss in postmenopausal women.

Helps prevent cancer

Canceris a common disease characterized by the uncontrolled growth of cells in the body. It is one of the world's leading causes of death.

Observational studies, onion It has been associated with increased consumption of it and a reduced risk of various types of cancer such as stomach, breast, colon and prostate cancer.

Improves heart health

Red onionThe flavonoids in it are beneficial for heart health. Onion It is also rich in organosulfur, which can help prevent heart disease.

According to an Argentine study, intake of organosulfur compounds found in vegetables may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. OnionContains thiosulfinates that act as natural blood thinners, reducing the risk of heart attack and stroke.

OnionQuercetin in has the potential to fight heart disease. It offers both antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that support heart health. 

Onioncan improve cholesterol levels, which ultimately benefits the heart. According to a report published by Cambridge University Press, onionThe flavonoids in obese people help lower LDL (bad cholesterol) levels.

Onion It also prevents blood platelets from sticking together, which can lead to clotting and eventually a heart attack. It also prevents high blood pressure. Another study done on rabbits, onionshowed that can prevent atherosclerosis. 

Promotes digestion

Digestive benefits of onionscan be attributed to inulin, a fiber found in vegetables. Inulin acts as a food source for beneficial bacteria in the intestines. Consuming this fiber helps the body maintain healthy levels of bacteria. 

OnionOligofructose (a subgroup of inulin), another soluble fiber in Inulin, has been found to prevent and treat different types of diarrhea. Phytochemicals in vegetables can reduce the risk of stomach ulcers.

OnionThe natural prebiotics in it can also help relieve constipation. It is also thought that it may help treat stomach pain and stomach worms, although more research is needed.

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Prevents inflammation and other allergies

OnionQuercetin (and other flavonoids) in it may help prevent inflammation. Onion It also treats allergies by preventing cells from secreting histamine.

Vegetable also has antibacterial properties. According to a research, onion extracts, It was effective against Streptococcus mutans and Streptococcus sobrinus, the bacteria responsible for dental caries and other allergies. The vegetable also has antibiotic effects that can speed up wound healing.

Improves immune system

Onionstimulating immune function selenium includes. The mineral prevents the excessive immune response that can have adverse effects.

Selenium-deficient immune cells develop and multiply inefficiently. Such cells also have difficulty producing important proteins and transporting calcium.

OnionIt is also accepted as a herbal medicine in Russia where it is used to treat colds and flu.

Some sources say it eliminates infection and moisturizes the body. Doing this also strengthens the immune system.

For the treatment of the common cold onion tea you can drink This tea enhances immunity and helps prevent ailments.

To make the tea, cut an onion, boil it in water and drink the juice. This is a quick remedy for colds and other illnesses. You can also add other ingredients like ginger.

OnionIts anti-inflammatory properties can also help improve asthma. This effect can be attributed to quercetin (an average onion contains 50mg).

Promotes respiratory health

OnionIts anti-inflammatory properties can help alleviate respiratory ailments. 

Improves sleep quality

OnionContains prebiotics that can improve sleep and even reduce stress, according to a study. When beneficial bacteria in the gut digest prebiotic fiber, it multiplies and improves gut health and more importantly releases metabolic byproducts. These byproducts can affect brain function and cause sleepiness.

Improves eye health

OnionThe sulfur in it improves the health of the lens. Acting as an antioxidant glutathione It stimulates the production of a protein called.

Higher glutathione levels, glaucoma, macular degeneration and a reduced risk of cataracts.

OnionThe selenium in the eye supports the vitamin E in the eye (which protects the cells in the eye). Onion extracts It can also help prevent corneal clouding from developing.

Good for oral health

OnionContains thiosulfinates and thiosulfonates (sulfur compounds) that help reduce the bacteria that cause tooth decay.

Vegetables are also rich in vitamin C, which can keep teeth healthy. 

Ancak disadvantage of onionis that it can cause bad breath. Therefore, rinse your mouth thoroughly after eating onions.

Prevents blood clots

OnionIt contains a compound called rutin that can help prevent blood clotting. In numerous mouse studies, rutin has been found to be the most potent anti-thrombotic compound.

OnionThe routine in Routine helps block an enzyme (protein disulfide isomerase) that is released too quickly when blood clots form.

Gives energy

Fiber in onionslows digestion and keeps energy levels steady. The inulin in vegetables helps maintain the endurance level.

Improves brain health

Researches, onionIt shows that the antioxidants in the brain bind with harmful toxins in the brain and remove them from the body. Sulfur-containing compounds in onions can also slow age-related memory loss. Onion extractshas been found to protect the hippocampus.

Another sulfur compound in vegetables called di-n-propyl trisulfide improves memory impairment.

Reduces oxidative stress

According to a study in China, drinking onion juicecan help regulate oxidative stress. Quercetin found in vegetables can prevent diseases related to oxidative stress. It also protects DNA against damage caused by oxidative stress.

Skin Benefits of Eating Onions

Brightens the skin

OnionIt is full of vitamins A, C and E that contribute to skin health. It protects the skin against premature aging caused by free radicals.

Because the vegetable is a powerful antiseptic, it can also protect the skin from bacteria that cause problems. Vitamin C adds shine to the skin.

Fights the effects of aging

Onionhas tremendous anti-aging benefits. Antioxidant vitamins A, C and E fight the damage caused by harmful UV rays and prevent free radical damage that causes premature aging of the skin.

OnionIt is one of the richest sources of quercetin, the strongest antioxidant that keeps skin wrinkle-free. Vitamins and sulfur protect the skin and keep it soft and supple. The anti-aging properties of onions are attributed to the presence of sulfur-rich phytochemicals.

Massaging the skin with spring onion juice helps increase blood circulation and improves the overall appearance of the skin by giving it a younger and radiant appearance.

Helps treat acne

Onion It is a powerful antiseptic that protects the skin from acne-causing bacteria and other skin infections. The vegetable can be used to treat acne and acne.

For this purpose, you can mix 1 tablespoon of onion juice or apply 1 tablespoon of olive oil extract to your face. Let it sit for 20 minutes and then wash it off. 

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Treat insect bites and bites

OnionCan be used to soothe insect bites and bites. In this case, put an onion slice on the sting or bite. The anti-inflammatory properties of the vegetable help reduce the burning, itching and swelling caused by insect bites.

Hair Benefits of Onions

Promotes hair growth

Onion juice promotes hair growth due to its sulfur content. Keratin is rich in sulfur and is essential for strong hair.

When applied to the scalp, onion juice provides that extra sulfur for stronger and thicker hair. Sulfur can also stimulate collagen production, which aids in the production of healthy skin cells and hair growth.

Apply the scallion juice by massaging your scalp and hair. Leave it on for 15 minutes, wash as usual using a shampoo.

Helps treat dandruff

Onion juice kIt can kill bacteria that support epec growth. Bran outside onionIt can also help treat other scalp infections. 

Preserves hair color

You can apply onion juice to your hair to give it a nice copper color as well as brighten the hair. 

How to Store Onions?

Both dried and green onions are available all year round. Onion When buying, choose those that are clean, well-shaped, and whose neck is not open. 

Onioncan be stored for several months. It should be stored in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place. They should not be stored under the sink, as they absorb moisture. 

Often, part of the onion remains after the dish has been prepared. These onions can be stored for reuse. It should be wrapped in plastic or placed in a tightly closed container and refrigerated for use within 2 to 3 days.

Besides convenient storage, onion should be checked regularly. Slimy or discolored onions should be discarded. Fresh onioncan be refrigerated for up to a week.

What Are the Harms of Eating a Lot of Onions?

Eating onionsmay cause a bad breath odor and an unpleasant body odor. 

Onion intolerance and allergy

Onion allergy It is rare, but intolerance to raw onion is quite common. Onion intolerancesigns of; digestive symptoms such as heartburn and gas. Some people onionMay also experience allergic reactions when touched.


Onion consisting of short-chain carbohydrates that many people cannot digest FODMAPIncludes. It can cause irritating digestive symptoms such as bloating, gas, cramps, and diarrhea. People with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) are often sensitive to FODMAPs and onionThey cannot digest.

It is dangerous for animals

Onion While healthy for humans, it can be fatal for some animals such as dogs, cats, horses and monkeys.

Responsible for this condition are compounds called sulfoxides and sulfides that cause a disease called Heinz body anemia.

Heinz body anemia is characterized by damage to red blood cells that causes anemia. If you have a pet at home, onion do not give.

Large drop in blood sugar levels

Onion It lowers blood sugar, so diabetics should check their blood sugar before consuming because it can lower blood sugar too much.


Onion Although used in the treatment of various gastrointestinal ailments, its excessive consumption may cause stomach irritation, vomiting, nausea and burning. If you encounter such situations regularly due to onion use, consult your healthcare professional.

Skin irritation

Some people may experience facial or skin irritation and redness when applying onion juice to the skin. For this reason, it is recommended to test it on a small area of ​​your skin before applying.

Pregnant and breastfeeding women

Pregnant and lactating women should limit the amount of onion consumption, as it often causes heartburn during these stages.


Uncontrolled onion consumption can cause heartburn. It may cause adverse effects in people with heart conditions. In such cases, immediate medical attention is required.

Bad breath

OnionOften leaves a bad breath after consumption due to its strong aroma, which can be attributed to its high sulfur content.

Blood pressure

Onioncan lower systolic and diastolic blood pressure. Therefore, those who take medication for blood pressure should be careful in their consumption.

Anticoagulant property

The use of onionsDue to its anticoagulant properties, it can prevent blood clotting. OnionSupplementing with other anticoagulant drugs may increase the risk of bleeding and bruising. One should be aware of this serious side effect of onion consumption.

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