What is the gut microbiota, how is it formed, what does it affect?

Our bodies contain trillions of bacteria, viruses and fungi. To these microbiota or microbiome It called. What are impacted teeth? When one or more teeth fails to grow in the correct position and is therefore held below the normal gum line, it is called an impaction. This can be complete, such as completely unerrupted (buried) third molars (wisdom teeth) or partial when just part of the tooth is visible in the mouth. Why are impactions important? For best function and appearance the teeth should grow in a healthy alignment. When one or more teeth is impacted, this can affect the function of that tooth but also the function and appearance of other teeth. Whether all impactions should be treated is still controversial and your dentist and oral and maxillofacial team can explain the advantages and disadvantages or treatment for you, which is usually surgical. Microscopic organisms in the intestines intestinal microbiota is called. They are the most abundant microscopic living bacteria in the intestines. There are more bacteria in our body than human cells.

Bacteria in the intestinal floraWhile some of them cause disease, some of them play a direct role in the health of the person, such as the immune system, heart, weight. From this because helpful bacteria ve harmful bacteria is called.

What is the effect of the gut microbiota on the body?

Intestinal microbiotaIt begins to affect our body as soon as we are born. A baby who has passed through the mother's birth canal is first exposed to germs. As I was growing up intestinal microbiota begins to diversify. So it contains many different microbial species. Having more microbial diversity is actually beneficial for health.

intestinal microbiota

the foods we eat bacteria in the gutiaffects the diversity. This, in turn, plays a major role in regulating various processes in our body. Bowel microbiotaWe can state the effects on the body as follows:

  • Affects weight

Intestinal disease occurs when there is an imbalance in the number of beneficial and harmful bacteria. This causes weight gain. Probiotics bowel microbiota It is like medicine and helps to lose weight. 

  • Affects gut health

Microbiotaaffects gut health. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and plays a role in intestinal diseases such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Bifidobacteria ve Lactobacilli Taking certain probiotics that contain vitamins can reduce the symptoms of these conditions.

  • Good for heart health

Intestinal microbiota directly affect heart health. Supporting HDL cholesterol and triglycerides intestinal microbiota plays an important role. Intestinal microbiotabacteria, especially lactobacilliIt helps lower cholesterol when taken as a probiotic.

  • Affects brain health

Some types of bacteria help produce chemicals in the brain called neurotransmitters. For example, serotonin is an antidepressant neurotransmitter made in the gut. The gut is physically connected to the brain via millions of nerves. Hence, intestinal microbiota By helping control the messages sent to the brain through these nerves, it affects brain health.

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Studies have shown that people with psychological disorders have different types of bacteria in their guts compared to healthy people. This too relationship between brain and gutexplains it clearly.

What should we do for a healthy gut microbiota?

Gut microbiota and nutrition There is a direct relationship between The food we eat, the life in our body regulates the bacterial flora. Disruption of the intestinal flora It adversely affects the health of the heart, brain, intestines and brings about the weakening of the immune system. Intestinal bacteriaWe can list the things that should be considered for the health of the person as follows:

  • Nutrition with different types of food, microbiota diversitywhat leads.
  • Fiber is digested by bacteria in the intestines and allows them to grow. Eat fiber-rich foods such as fruits, vegetables, and legumes.
  • Fermented foods are foods modified by microscopic organisms. A type of bacteria that can benefit health in fermented foods such as yogurt, sauerkraut, and kefir. lactobacilli vardır.
  • Artificial sweeteners intestinal microbiotanegatively affects. It makes it difficult to lose weight, increases the insulin response by causing blood sugar to deteriorate. It is useful to stay away from these artificial products, which are used as sweeteners instead of sugar for intestinal health.
  • Eat prebiotic foods. Prebiotics, beneficial gut bacterianutrients that stimulate growth.
  • Babies need to suckle for at least 6 months. A baby microbiotaIt begins to develop properly at birth. in the first two years of life baby's microbiota It is constantly evolving and breast milk is rich in beneficial Bifidobacteria that can digest sugars. Many studies show that formula-fed babies have less weight than breastfed babies. Bifidobacteriaand a modified microbiotahas shown that either.
  • Eat whole grain foods as they stimulate the growth of bacteria in the gut.
  • polyphenolscannot be digested by human cells. When they enter the intestinal tract intestinal bacteria can be digested. Therefore, consume foods rich in polyphenols such as cocoa, grapes, green tea, almonds, onions, broccoli.
  • Regulating the intestinal flora and you can use probiotic supplements to increase the number of beneficial bacteria.
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