Benefits, Nutritional Value and How to Consume Oats

Oat, scientifically Avena sativa It is known as whole grain. It is a very good source of fiber, especially high in beta-glucan and vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

This whole grain is known to have protective effects against heart disease.avenanthramide " It is the only source of a unique group of antioxidants called. It is popularly consumed for its health effects such as lowering blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

It is generally consumed in the form of oatmeal, ie porridge. At the same time, the bran removed from its outer shell is also eaten. In this text "What is oats "," the nutritional value of oats "," the benefit of oats "," the harms of oats " and vehow to make oats " comic information about oats It will be given.

Nutritional Value of Oats

It has a balanced nutritional composition.

How many calories in oats?

One serving (30 grams) oatContains 117 calories.

How many calories in 100 grams of oats?

100 gram oats calories It corresponds to 389 calories. 100 grams of raw in the table below oat content is given in detail:

Oats ingredients         Quantity                
Protein16.9 g
Carbohydrate66.3 g
Lif10.6 g
Fat6,9 g
Saturated1.22 g
Monounsaturated2.18 g
Polyunsaturated2,54 g
Omega 30,11 g
Omega 62.42 g
Trans fat~

Carbohydrate Value of Oats

Carbohydrates make up 66% of this cereal. It is a low-sugar food, only 1% comes from sucrose. Approximately 11% of carbohydrates are fiber and 85% consists of starch.


Starch is the largest component of this grain made up of long chains of glucose molecules. The starch in this food is different from the starch in other grains.

It has higher oil content and higher viscosity (water binding ability). There are three types of starch in this grain. These:

Quickly disintegrating starch (7%)

It breaks down quickly and is absorbed as glucose.

Slow-digesting starch (22%)

It degrades and absorbs more slowly.

Resistant starch (25%)

It is a type of fiber. It escapes from the digestive system and improves intestinal health by feeding the friendly gut bacteria.

Oat Fiber

Oat, It contains 11% fiber, while porridge provides 1.7% fiber. The majority of the fiber is soluble, mostly a fiber called beta-glucan. It also contains insoluble fibers, including lignin, cellulose, and hemicellulose.

Since it contains more soluble fiber than other grains, it slows down digestion, suppresses appetite and increases the feeling of satiety.

Beta-glucans are unique among fibers as they can form a viscous (gel-like) solution at a relatively low concentration.

It is stated that daily consumption of beta glucan lowers cholesterol, especially LDL (bad) cholesterol, and therefore may reduce the risk of heart disease.

Oat Protein Value

It is a quality protein source ranging from 11-17% by dry weight, which is higher than most other grains.

The main protein here is called avenalin (80%), which is not found in any other grain but similar to legume proteins.

Fat in Oats

It contains more oil than most other grains and is between 5-9%. It consists mostly of unsaturated fatty acids.

how to use oats

Oats Vitamins and Minerals

This whole grain is high in many vitamins and minerals. The highest amounts are listed below.


This trace mineral, usually found in high amounts in whole grains, is important for development, growth and metabolism.


It is an essential mineral for bone health and tissue maintenance.


It is an antioxidant mineral and important for heart health.

Vitamin B1

Also known as thiamine, this vitamin is found in many foods, including grains, beans, nuts, and meat.


As a component of hemoglobin, a protein responsible for the transport of oxygen in the blood ironIt is very important that i get food.


It is an antioxidant that is important for various processes in the body. Low selenium has been associated with an increased risk of premature death, immune system and mental dysfunction.


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This mineral is important for numerous processes in the body.


It is a mineral that participates in many chemical reactions in the body and is important for general health.

Other Plant Compounds Found in Oats

This healthy grain is rich in antioxidants that may provide various health benefits. The main plant compounds are listed below.


Just oatavenathramide is a powerful antioxidant family. It can reduce arterial inflammation and regulate blood pressure.

Ferulic Acid

The most common of these in grains are polyphenol antioxidants.

Phytic Acid

It is an antioxidant that can impair the absorption of minerals such as phytic acid, iron and zinc, which are mostly found in dandruff.

What Are the Benefits of Oats?

Eating oatslowers cholesterol levels, which in turn reduces the risk of heart disease. It also lowers blood pressure, reduces the risk of obesity and type 2 diabetes. Request oat ve oat plantbenefits of ...

Lowers cholesterol

Blood cholesterol, especially oxidized LDL-cholesterol, is an important risk factor for heart disease. Numerous studies have demonstrated the efficacy of this cereal in lowering blood cholesterol levels, which is mainly attributed to its beta-glucan content. 

Beta-glucan is responsible for these cholesterol-lowering effects. Because beta-glucan slows the absorption of fat and cholesterol by increasing the viscosity of digestive contents.

Lowers the risk of type 2 diabetes

The incidence of type 2 diabetes has increased in recent years. Type 2 diabetes is characterized by abnormal regulation of blood sugar, usually as a result of a reduced sensitivity to the hormone insulin.

Oat consumption, It has shown beneficial effects on blood sugar control in patients with type 2 diabetes, due to beta-glucan, which is the soluble fiber it contains.

Studies show that beta-glucan can positively alter insulin sensitivity, delaying or preventing the onset of type 2 diabetes.

Improves heart health

Oatcontains a powerful fiber called beta-glucan that helps lower cholesterol levels. Beta-glucan is the main component of oats soluble fiber and lowers bad cholesterol without affecting good cholesterol levels.

OatAntioxidants (avenanthramides and phenolic acids) also work in conjunction with vitamin C to prevent LDL oxidation that can cause heart disease.

According to an Australian study, oat fiber is more effective at lowering cholesterol levels than wheat fiber. The study also states that oatmeal or bran may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Oat bran also helps by blocking the absorption of these substances in the gut, which can contribute to heart disease.

Helps relieve constipation

Since oatmeal is rich in fiber, it can also help relieve constipation. Oats have also been found to increase stool weight and hence treat constipation. It may play a protective role against colorectal cancer.

Another study, oat found that dandruff improved constipation and bioavailability of B12 in older adults.

OatIt is rich in insoluble fiber. This is mainly for steel cut and old style oat applies to. Insoluble fiber is very good for gut health, and one of its benefits is the treatment of constipation.

However, some people have reported constipation symptoms after eating oatmeal. This may be because oatmeal causes intestinal gas in certain situations. Oat it also contains high amounts of soluble fiber, which can cause excessive gas.

It can help fight cancer

OatAntioxidants can help fight cancer. OatFiber can prevent rectal and colon cancers. 

800.000 studies involving more than 12 people found that eating a large bowl of porridge a day could reduce the risk of death from cancer by up to 20 percent. Consuming fiber can reduce the risk of bowel cancer.

oat bran calories

Helps treat hypertension

It was found that consuming oats reduced systolic blood pressure by 7,5 points and diastolic blood pressure by 5,5 points. It not only lowers blood pressure but also reduces the risk of heart disease by 22 percent.

Oatmeal is also known as a comforting food. It decreases the levels of stress hormones and increases serotonin - this causes a feeling of calmness. All of these also contribute to low blood pressure.

Strengthens immunity

Rolled oatsThe beta-glucan in it can strengthen immunity. Most of the immune cells in the body have special receptors designed to absorb beta-glucan.

This increases the activity of white blood cells and protects against disease. Oat It is also rich in selenium and zinc, which play a role in fighting infections.

According to a study conducted in Norway, oatbeta-glucan in jewelry, echinaceais much more powerful than. The compound can speed up wound healing and make antibiotics more effective in humans.

It was also found that beta-glucan intake increased immunity after exercise stress. 

Beta-glucan also chronic fatigue syndrome or to improve immunity in individuals suffering from physical or emotional stress. It also improves immunity levels during intense treatments such as chemotherapy or radiation.

Promotes bone health

Oatoffers a range of minerals essential for bone health. An important mineral rich in oats is silicon. This mineral plays a role in bone formation and maintenance. Silicium can also help treat postmenopausal osteoporosis.

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Improves sleep quality

Oatamino acids and other nutrients, a sleep-aid chemical melatonin provides production. And when mixed with milk or honey, oats make a great bedtime snack.

Whole Grain OatsIt also promotes insulin production, which helps nerve pathways take tryptophan. tryptophanis an amino acid that acts as a sedative for the brain.

Oat It is also rich in vitamin B6, which helps reduce stress (a major cause of insomnia). OatCombining it with milk and banana can help the body relax further.

Relieves the symptoms of menopause

Increased fiber intake can relieve nervousness that occurs during menopause and oat It is very effective in this respect.

However, there is a contradiction here - oatContains lignans, a type of phytoestrogen. Research on the beneficial effects of phytoestrogens during menopause is not conclusive. 

Gives energy

Since carbohydrates are the body's primary source of energy and oat Since it is rich in carbohydrates, it provides an energy boost when consumed in the morning. 

Slimming with Oats

Oatis full of fiber. It helps to feel full for longer. Researches, oat found that eating a diet rich in whole grains such as whole grains can help regulate body weight. High consumption of whole grains is inversely related to body mass index.

Oats can also absorb water, which adds to its filling properties. And the beta-glucan in oats can delay stomach emptying.

Skin benefits of oats

Helps treat acne

Oatmeal absorbs excess oil from the skin and acne Helps treatment. Boil half a glass of oatmeal with cup of water and let it cool.

Apply the thick paste on the affected areas of your face. Wait for about 20 minutes, then rinse it off with lukewarm water. 

Rolled oats Contains zinc that reduces inflammation and kills acne-causing bacteria. Zinc supplements can also help reduce acne lesions.

However, some reports indicate that oats can aggravate acne. Consult a dermatologist before using oats for this.

Treats dry and itchy skin

According to a research Rolled oatsdirectly exhibits antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, and this can help treat the itching associated with dry and irritated skin.

Moisturizes skin

Oatcleanses dead skin cells and acts as a natural moisturizer. The beta-glucan it contains creates a thin layer on the skin. It also penetrates deep into the skin and provides the needed moisture.

2 cups oatMix 1 cup of milk and 1 tablespoon of honey. Apply it on your skin and let it sit for about 15 minutes. Rinse it off with cold water.

It is a natural cleaner

OatContains compounds called saponins that act as natural cleansers and remove dirt and oil from pores. These do not cause irritation.

You can prepare oat milk, which acts as a natural cleanser and tonic. After washing your face, apply the milk to your face with a cotton pad.

Protects skin

Rolled oatsThe proteins in it protect the natural barrier of the skin. It protects the skin from harsh pollutants and chemicals. 

Benefits of oats for hair

Fights hair loss

Oat helps prevent hair loss. 1 tablespoon to make an oatmeal hair mask that treats hair loss Rolled oatsYou need fresh milk and almond milk. 

Mix all the ingredients to create a smooth paste. Apply it gently to your hair and wait for about 20 minutes. Rinse it off with lukewarm water.

This mask strengthens the hair follicles. Oat It is also rich in omega 6 fatty acids that help repair damaged hair.

Improves the appearance of the hair

The appearance of the hair is as important as its strength. Use 3 tablespoons of plain oats, cup of milk and 1 tablespoon of coconut oil and honey to improve the appearance of the hair.

Mix all the ingredients well. Apply the mask to your hair and scalp and wait 30 minutes. Shampoo your hair as usual.

This mask makes your hair shine and at the same time gives your hair a silky look. It also moisturizes your hair.

Is oats gluten free?

Oat gluten but does contain a similar type of protein called avenin. Clinical studies have shown that when consumed in moderation, it can be tolerated by most patients with celiac disease.

The biggest problem with a gluten-free diet is contamination with wheat, as this grain is often processed in the same facilities as other grains. For this reason, it is important for celiac patients to only eat those that are certified as "pure" or "gluten-free".

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What Are the Harms of Oats?

It is generally a well tolerated grain and has no negative effects on healthy individuals. Individuals sensitive to Avenine may experience similar adverse symptoms as gluten intolerance, so they should not consume it.

This whole grain can be contaminated with other grains such as wheat, and this is not suitable for people with celiac disease (gluten intolerance) or wheat allergies.

It can cause gas and bloating in some people, such as pregnant and breastfeeding women. 

If you have trouble chewing, avoid oats Poorly chewed oats can clog the gut and cause problems.

If you have digestive discomfort, avoid consuming oat products. In some people, the condition may be aggravated.

What does oat mean?

Oat Allergy

Is oats allergic?

If you experience a rash or runny nose after eating a bowl of oatmeal, you may be allergic or sensitive to a protein found in this grain. This protein is avenin.

Oat allergy and sensitivitytriggers the immune system response. This results in the formation of antibodies designed to combat a foreign substance that the body perceives as a threat, such as prey.

If you are hypersensitive to high fiber foods, You may also experience stomach discomfort while eating.

Oat allergy it is not common but can occur in infants, children and adults. Oat allergy symptoms is as follows:

- Blemished, irritated, itchy skin

Redness or skin irritation in the mouth and lips

- Tingling in the throat

Runny or stuffy nose

Eye itching

- Nausea

- Vomiting

- Diarrhea

Abdominal pain

Difficulty breathing


The only treatment if you are allergic to the avenin protein found in this cereal. oat avoiding foods that contain it. This oat skin-based products are also included.

is it healthy to eat raw oats

How to Select and Store Oats?

- It is recommended to buy small quantities of oats because this grain has a higher fat content than other grains and therefore molds more quickly.

When purchasing oatmeal, review the ingredient list on the package to make sure the product does not contain salt, sugar or other additives.

Proper storage is an important factor in ensuring that the product retains its freshness and flavor until it is used.

Like all other grains, oats should be kept in an airtight container to prevent moisture and vermin from entering.

- It should be stored in a cool, dark cupboard for up to three months or in a refrigerator for up to six months.

Oat bran has a high fat content and should therefore be refrigerated.

Oats have a slightly longer shelf life compared to wheat flour as it contains a natural antioxidant that prevents bitterness.

Oatmeal must be cooled and used within three months. Consume the oatmeal within the expiry date printed on the package.

How to Eat Oats?

It is usually eaten as oatmeal or porridge. The most preferred meal is breakfast. You can find recipes prepared with different fruits and vegetables. Prepared with the following palm oat recipeYou can try.

Oat Recipe


  • 1 cups oat
  • ½ cup palm
  • 1 teaspoon of cinnamon

How to prepare oats?

OatSoak in water overnight. The next day, drain the water and put it in the pot with a glass of water. Boil the mixture over medium heat. Reduce the fire and let it simmer for 5 minutes. Mix the oatmeal and dates well in the blender. Finally add cinnamon.

Bon Appetit!

Oat Banana Smoothie


  • ¼ cup of oats
  • Cup plain low-fat yogurt
  • 1 banana, halved
  • ½ cup of skim milk
  • ¼ teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 2 teaspoon of honey

How is it prepared?

Mix and puree all the ingredients until you get a smooth mixture. Serve immediately. 

Bon Appetit!

As a result;

Oat It is among the healthiest grains in the world. It is a good source of many vitamins, minerals and unique plant compounds. It also contains large amounts of unique fibers called beta glucans, which provide many health benefits. 

In addition to all these, it helps to lose weight due to its low calorie content and reducing appetite.

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