What Is Pectin, What Does It Do? Benefits and Harm

Pectinis a unique fiber found in fruits and vegetables. It is a soluble fiber known as a polysaccharide, which is the long chain of indigestible sugars. When the liquid state is heated, it expands and turns into a gel, making it a great thickening agent for jam and jelly.

It has some benefits for the digestive system due to its gel formation.  Most pectin productMade from apple or citrus peels that are rich sources of this fiber.

What is Pectin Nutritional Value?

It contains almost no calories or nutrients. It is an essential ingredient in jams and jellies and is used as a soluble fiber supplement.  29 gram nutritional content of liquid pectin is as follows:

Calories: 3

Protein: 0 grams

Fat: 0 grams

Carbs: 1 grams

Fiber: 1 grams

The powdered ones have a similar nutrient content. Neither liquid nor powder form contains significant amounts of vitamins or minerals, and all carbohydrates and calories come from fiber. 

How to Use Pectin?

It is primarily used as a thickener in food production and home cooking.

It is added to commercially produced and homemade jams, jellies and marmalades. Similarly, it can be incorporated into flavored milk and drinkable yogurt as a stabilizer.

Pectinis also used as a soluble fiber supplement, often sold in capsule form. Soluble fiber can help relieve constipation, lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels, improve blood sugar, and lose weight in a healthy way.

What Are the Benefits of Pectin?

Taking pectin in supplement formhas a variety of health benefits. 

how to eat pectin

Improves blood sugar and blood fat levels

Some studies in mice show that this type of fiber He noted that it lowers blood sugar levels and improves the function of the insulin hormone, which can help manage type 2 diabetes. However, studies in humans have not observed the same strong effects on blood sugar control.

It reduces the risk of colon cancer

In test tube studies pectinkilled colon cancer cells. Additionally, this fiber helps reduce inflammation and cellular damage that triggers colon cancer cell formation, thereby reducing the risk of colon cancer.

Test-tube studies have also shown that it kills other cancer cells, including breast, liver, stomach, and lung cancer cells.

Helps to lose weight

In human studies, increased fiber intake has been linked to a reduced risk of overweight and obesity. This is because fiber is full and fiber foods are less calorie than low fiber foods.

Additionally, animal studies supplementsshowed increased weight loss and fat burning in rats with obesity.

Helps with gastrointestinal issues

As it is a soluble fiber with unique gelling properties, it aids digestion in many ways.

Soluble fibers turn into gel in the digestive tract in the presence of water. Therefore, it softens the stool and speeds up the transit time of waste through the digestive tract, thus reducing constipation.

Also, as it is soluble fiber, it is a prebioticThat is, it is a food source for healthy bacteria living in the intestines. It creates a protective barrier around the intestinal lining to prevent harmful bacteria from entering the body. 

Is Pectin Harmful?

PectinThere are several side effects. Given that it can affect digestion, it can cause gas or bloating in some people.

Also, if you have a food allergy, you should avoid it. Most commercial products and supplements, elma or made from citrus peels.

How to Take Pectin?

The safest way to consume this fiber, like an apple pectin-rich foodsi eat.  Almost all fruits and vegetables contain some, so their consumption can be increased by eating a variety of plant foods.

Although jam and jellyEven though you will get from these pectin it is not very healthy. These products contain only small amounts of fiber, but are also high in sugar and calories. Therefore, it should be eaten in moderation. 

PectinYou can buy the i capsule in supplement form as well. These supplements are usually made from apple or citrus peels.

What is Apple Pectin? Benefits and Usage

A type of fiber in the cell walls of plants pectinhelps to give structure to plants. Apple pectinis extracted from apples, one of the richest sources of fiber. Roughly 15-20% of the pulp of this fruit consists of pectin.

It is also found in citrus peels, quince, cherries, plums and other fruits and vegetables. Apple pectinIt has several health benefits such as lowering cholesterol and blood sugar control.

apple pectin

What Are the Benefits of Apple Pectin?

Good for gut health

Intestinal microbiomefor the flour to be healthy prebiotic as well as probioticsIt needs s.

Probiotics are healthy bacteria in the gut that break down certain foods, kill dangerous organisms, and create vitamins. Prebiotics help feed these good bacteria.

As it stimulates the growth and activity of beneficial bacteria apple pectin is also prebiotic. Moreover, Clostridium ve Bacteroides It helps prevent the growth of harmful bacteria in the digestive system.

Apple pectin helps to lose weight

Apple pectin, It helps to weaken by delaying gastric emptying. Slow digestion makes you feel full for longer. This helps to lose weight by reducing food intake.

Controls blood sugar

Pectin Like soluble fiber, it lowers blood sugar levels. In a small 4-week study, 2 people with type 12 diabetes had 20 grams per day. apple pectin took it and experienced improvement in blood sugar responses.

Good for heart health

Apple pectinProtects heart health by lowering cholesterol and blood pressure levels. This substance binds to bile acids in the small intestine, which helps improve cholesterol levels.

An analysis of 2.990 studies with 67 adults determined that pectin reduced LDL (bad) cholesterol without affecting HDL (good) cholesterol. Overall, pectin reduces total cholesterol by 5-16%.

This is important as high, total, and LDL (bad) cholesterol levels are a risk factor for heart disease.

Moreover, apple pectin, It affects blood pressure, which is another risk factor for heart disease.

Relieves diarrhea and constipation

Constipation ve diarrhea are common complaints. Approximately 14% of people worldwide deal with chronic constipation.

Apple pectin It relieves both diarrhea and constipation. As a gel-forming fiber, pectin easily absorbs water and normalizes stool.

Increases iron absorption

Apple pectinestate iron absorption There is some research showing that it can improve.

Iron is an essential mineral that carries oxygen in the body and makes red blood cells. This is particularly important for people with anemia caused by iron deficiency.

Acid improves reflux

When stomach acid gets into the esophagus, it can lead to heartburn or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Pectin acid reflux improves symptoms.

Good for hair

Hair loss It affects millions of people and is difficult to treat. Apple pectin strengthens the hair. It is even added to cosmetic products such as shampoo with the promise of fuller hair.

Has anticancer effects

Nutrition plays a role in cancer development and progression, while increased consumption of fruit and vegetables potentially lowers the risk.

Test tube studies, pectinIt can fight prostate and colon cancer cells. A rat study, citrus pectinhas been shown to reduce the spread of prostate cancer.

Where is apple pectin used?

Pectin is an ingredient used in jam and cake fillings as it helps to thicken and stabilize foods. Apple pectin Also available as reinforcement. Naturally, it can be taken by eating apples.

As a result;

Pectinis a soluble fiber with strong gelling property. It is mostly used to thicken and stabilize jams and jellies.

Although it has many potential health benefits, more research in humans is needed to better understand how it affects health.

Eating a variety of fruits and vegetables is a great way to increase your intake of this fiber.

Apple pectin ise It is a type of soluble fiber with various potential health benefits. It is beneficial for cholesterol, blood pressure, intestinal health. It is added to foods such as jam and jelly.

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