What is flaxseed oil, what is it for? Benefits and Harm

Flax seedsIt provides many benefits such as providing a healthy dose of protein and fiber, reducing appetite and helping weight control.

Considering the soft nutritional profile, linseed oilNot surprisingly, it has similar benefits. Linseed oil, flax oil also known as; It is made from ground and pressed flax seeds.

This healthy nourishing oil has a wide variety of uses.

"What are the benefits of linseed oil", "How to use linseed oil", "Does linseed oil weaken", "How to consume linseed oil?" Here are the answers to the questions ...

Nutritional Value of Flax Seed Oil



Total lipid (fat)g13.60
Vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol)              mg                          0,06
Tocopherol, betamg0.07
Tocopherol, gammamg3.91
Tocopherol, deltamg0.22
Tocotrienol, alphamg0.12
Tocotrienol, gammalmg0.12
Vitamin K (phylloquinone)ug1.3

Use of flaxseed oil in pregnancy

Linseed oilis a vegan oil that can be used as a substitute for fish oil. Fish oil, linseed oilIt carries a risk of mercury contamination, which is not found.

Linseed oil for slimmingIt is thought to help either. However, there is little research on this subject. Linseed fibers can suppress appetite when taken as a supplement. This also helps to lose weight.

What Are the Benefits of Flax Seed Oil?

High in omega 3 fatty acids

Flax seeds as, linseed oil It is also loaded with heart-healthy omega 3 fatty acids. One tablespoon (15 ml) contains an impressive 7196 mg of omega 3 fatty acids.

Linseed oilcontains aloe linolenic acid (ALA), specifically a form of omega 3 fatty acids. For those who cannot get enough DHA and EPA from their diet, most experts recommend 1600 mg of ALA omega 1100 fatty acids for men and 3 mg for women daily.

Just a tablespoon kethen seed oil It can meet and even exceed daily ALA requirements.

Omega 3 fatty acidsis crucial to health and has been associated with benefits such as reduced inflammation, preserving heart health and protecting the brain against aging.

If you cannot get enough fish oil from food or if you cannot consume two servings of fish once a week, linseed oil It can be a good solution to help fill the deficiency with the omega 3 fatty acids you need.

Helps prevent cancer cell growth

While current research is mostly limited to test-tube and animal studies, linseed oilThere is some evidence that may help reduce the growth of cancer cells.

In an animal study, mice received 40 ml for 0.3 days. linseed oil was given. It has been shown to prevent the spread of cancer and the growth of lung tumors.

In another small animal research, linseed oilhas been shown to block the occurrence of colon cancer in rats.

Also, test tube studies, linseed oil produced similar findings with many studies showing that it reduces the growth of breast cancer cells.

Has heart health benefits

Few studies, linseed oilfound that it benefits heart health. In a study by 59 participants, linseed oilThe effects of safflower oil were compared with the effects of safflower oil, a type of oil high in omega 6 fatty acids.

In this study, one tablespoon (15 ml) linseed oil Supplementing with for 12 weeks resulted in lower blood pressure levels than supplemented with safflower oil.

High blood pressure can harm heart health because it puts extra pressure on the heart, forcing it to work.

Linseed oil It can also increase the flexibility of the arteries. Both aging and increased blood pressure are often linked to decreases in elasticity. 

These benefits are likely linseed oilIt is due to the high concentration of omega 3 fatty acids in the oil because consuming this oil significantly increases the amount of omega 3 in the blood.

What's more, numerous studies have shown that omega 3 fatty acids improve heart health and provide benefits such as lower inflammation and lower blood pressure.

Helps treat constipation and diarrhea

Linseed oil, both constipation as well as diarrheaIt can be effective against. A recent animal study linseed oilshowed that while acting as an antidiarrheal agent, it also acts as a laxative for bowel regularity.

In another study, 50 hemodialysis patients with constipation, linseed oil or olive oil was given. Four weeks later, linseed oilimproved the frequency of bowel movements and stool consistency. also olive oil was found to be as effective.

Flaxseed oil benefits for the skin

Linseed oil It helps to improve the health of the skin. In one small study, 13 women over 12 weeks linseed oil used.

At the end of the study, while the smoothness and moistening of the skin were improved, the sensitivity to skin irritation and roughness decreased.

In a recent animal study linseed oil gave similar positive results.

To mice with dermatitis for three weeks linseed oil was given. Fat, such as redness, swelling and itching atopic dermatitis It was stated to reduce the symptoms.

Reduces inflammation

Thanks to some researches omega 3 fatty acid content, linseed oilmay help reduce inflammation in some populations.

However, an analysis of 20 studies, linseed oilshowed no effect on inflammation for the general population.

However, it significantly lowered levels of C-reactive protein, a marker used to measure inflammation, in obese people. An animal study also linseed oilfound that it has potent anti-inflammatory properties.

Helps heal eye diseases

A lack of dietary fats can cause inflammation in different areas of the eye, including the cornea, conjunctiva, and lacrimal glands.

It can also affect the quality and quantity of tears. Dry eye disease is the most common eye disease affected by these conditions.

Studies say that taking omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids orally can reduce such a deficiency. This is because these fatty acids are responsible for the synthesis of anti-inflammatory compounds.

Linseed oilIt counteracts the inflammatory effects of arachidonic acid and its derivatives. It triggers the synthesis of non-inflammatory mediators, PGE1 and TXA1.

These molecules reduce inflammation of the lacrimal glands (glands that secrete the aqueous layer of the tear film in the eye), cornea, and conjunctiva.

In rabbit studies, linseed oilOral and topical administration of the drug improved dry eye disease and restored visual functionality.

Relieves menopausal symptoms and menstrual cramps

Flax seeds contain a good amount of compounds that turn into lignans. The predominant part of these is secoisolariciresinol diglucoside (SDG). SDG is converted into enterodiol and enterolactone.

These lignans phytoestrogens functions as. They are structurally and functionally similar to estrogen in the body. They can interact poorly with estrogen receptors in the liver, brain, heart, and bones.

Linseed oil It can help relieve menopausal symptoms, menstrual cramps, and treat infertility.

Some research states that these compounds may prevent bone diseases (osteoporosis) and breast, ovarian and prostate cancers to some extent. 

Is flaxseed oil applied to the face?

What Are the Harms of Flaxseed Oil?

Linseed oilSmall amounts of flax seeds and supplements are well tolerated. Linseed oildoes not have many proven side effects.

Ancak linseed oil When using or supplements, the following points should be considered:

- Avoid consuming flax seeds and oil during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Because flaxseed has phytoestrogens, the oil may have mild yet adverse hormonal effects.

- in large quantities linseed oil It may cause intestinal obstruction by triggering constipation. 

- Linseed oil The phytoestrogens in it can affect fertility in young men and women.

- Linseed oil Only 0.5-1% of ALA in it is converted into EHA, DPA and other essential fatty acids. You should consume a lot of this oil to meet the body's fatty acid needs. Such high doses cause adverse effects.

- Flax seeds and derivatives can affect blood thinners, anticoagulants and similar medications. Therefore, use the oil under medical supervision.

Using Flax Seed Oil

Linseed oil One of the best features about it is its versatility. It can be used in salad dressings, sauces, and instead of other types of oil.

One serving of drinks you prepare, such as smoothies linseed oilYou can add (a tablespoon or 15 ml).

Since it does not have a rich smoke point and can form harmful compounds when combined with heat, linseed oil should not be used in cooking.

In addition to its use in food, linseed oilcan be applied to the skin to keep the skin healthy and increase skin moisture.

Alternatively, some people use it to promote hair growth and add shine. linseed oiluses it as a hair mask.

As a result;

Linseed oilIt is high in omega 3 fatty acids and has been found to have many health benefits such as lowering blood pressure and improving bowel movements.

Moreover, linseed oil It can be used in a variety of ways. It can be used in place of other types of oils added to foods or applied to the skin and hair.

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