Is Obesity Destiny or Choice? Obesity and Healthy Weight Loss

Obesity emerges as one of the most complex health problems of the modern world. So, is this a genetic line or a result of lifestyle choices? In this article, we will discuss the causes and effects of obesity and healthy weight loss issues. By examining the relationship between genetic predisposition, eating habits and physical activity levels in the light of scientific data, we will question whether obesity is caused only by individual choices or by more complex factors. In this journey, we will provide an in-depth look at what role society and individuals can play in preventing and managing obesity.

What Does Obesity Mean?

Obesity is a health condition characterized by excessive fat accumulation in the body. Generally, individuals with a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or above are classified as obese. BMI is calculated by dividing the weight by the square of the height.

This condition develops as a result of factors such as high-calorie eating habits and lack of physical activity. Obesity leads to various health problems such as diabetes, heart disease and some types of cancer. Therefore, preventing and treating obesity is very important for overall public health.

obesity and weight loss

What are the Types of Obesity?

Obesity occurs in different types depending on a variety of factors. Here are the common types of obesity and their main characteristics:

  1. genetic obesity: You may have noticed that in some families, almost everyone is obese. This indicates that genetic factors have a significant impact on obesity.
  2. Dietary obesity: This is the most well-known type and usually develops as a result of high-calorie eating habits.
  3. Obesity caused by irregular metabolism: It is one of the most difficult types of obesity to treat, which develops as a result of the metabolism not working properly.
  4. neurological obesity: The act of eating gives pleasure to some people, and this binge eating causes behavior. This condition is called neurological obesity.
  5. endocrine obesity: The most common problems are hypothyroidism and hypocortisolism. This type of obesity is caused by hormonal imbalances.
  6. thermogenic obesity: It is caused by the body's low capacity to use energy as heat.

Additionally, obesity is classified by body mass index (BMI) and is divided into three main classes:

  • Class I Obesity: BMI is between 30 and 35.
  • Class II Obesity: BMI is between 35 and 40.
  • Class III Obesity: A BMI is 40 and above and is sometimes referred to as “extreme obesity.”

Each type of obesity has different effects on a person's health and treatment options.

What are the Causes of Obesity?

The causes of obesity are diverse and are often caused by a number of interacting factors. Here are the main causes of obesity:

  1. calorie imbalance: If the calories taken in exceed the calories spent, it will be stored as fat in the body.
  2. low physical activity: A sedentary lifestyle increases the risk of obesity.
  3. Insufficient sleep: Insufficient sleep patterns and duration are associated with obesity.
  4. Gene pool: Individuals with a family history of obesity are more likely to be obese.
  5. Psychological factors: Stress, depression, and other emotional states often lead to overeating behavior.
  6. eating habits: Eating habits such as excessive consumption of high-calorie, processed foods and sugary drinks are one of the causes of obesity.
  7. Socioeconomic factors: Low income levels and education levels are an underlying factor in unhealthy eating habits.
  8. medical conditions: Some health conditions such as hypothyroidism and polycystic ovary syndrome lead to obesity.
  9. Medicines: Steroids, antidepressants and some antipsychotic medications cause weight gain.
  10. Environmental factors: Difficulty accessing healthy foods and the prevalence of processed foods such as fast food are the causes of obesity due to environmental factors.

Each of these factors affects an individual's risk of developing obesity, often creating a combined effect. In order to combat obesity, it is important to be aware of these causes and manage them.

What are the Genetic Causes of Obesity?

In some cases, obesity is caused by genetic differences between individuals that play a role in regulating body weight and fat distribution. Genetic causes of obesity include:

  1. Leptin and leptin receptor: Leptin hormone regulates the feeling of satiety and reduces appetite. Leptin or genetic changes in its receptor lead to a decreased feeling of fullness and overeating behavior.
  2. Melanocortin pathway: This pathway involves a set of genes that regulate appetite and energy expenditure. Mutations in melanocortin pathway genes lead to obesity.
  3. Monogenic obesity: It is a type of obesity that is characterized by the mutation of a single gene and usually begins severely and at an early age.
  4. polygenic obesity: It occurs as a result of the combination of small effects of many genes and is the most common form of obesity.
  5. Syndromic obesity: Certain genetic syndromes, such as Prader-Willi syndrome, cause different symptoms, especially obesity.
  6. Family history: Obesity commonly runs in families. This is an indicator of genetic predisposition.
  7. metabolic factors: Changes in the genes that regulate metabolism lead to energy imbalance and therefore weight gain.
  8. Appetite control: Variations in genes that regulate appetite affect eating behaviors and therefore body weight.

These genetic factors influence an individual's risk of developing obesity and often work in interaction with environmental factors.

What are the Hormonal Causes of Obesity?

Hormones, which play an important role in regulating body weight and fat distribution, are the cause of obesity in some cases. Here's what you need to know about the hormonal causes of obesity:

  1. Leptin: The leptin hormone produced by fat cells increases the feeling of fullness and reduces appetite. In obese individuals, leptin resistance has developed, which leads to a decreased feeling of fullness.
  2. insulin: Insulin, secreted by the pancreas, regulates blood sugar and promotes fat storage. Insulin resistance is an important factor in the link between obesity and type 2 diabetes.
  3. ghrelin: produced by the stomach ghrelin hormone, triggers the feeling of hunger. Ghrelin levels are low in obese individuals, which affects the feeling of fullness.
  4. Cortisol: Cortisol, known as the stress hormone, increases fat storage and appetite in the body. In case of chronic stress, cortisol levels become high and cause obesity.
  5. Thyroid hormones: Insufficient functioning of the thyroid gland (hypothyroidism) slows down metabolism and causes weight gain.
  6. sex hormones: Imbalances of sex hormones such as estrogen and androgen affect body fat distribution and weight gain. 
  7. Growth hormone: The decrease in growth hormone levels increases fat accumulation and reduces muscle mass.
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These hormones contribute to the development of obesity by affecting the body's energy balance and fat storage.

What are the Endocrine Causes of Obesity?

Endocrine causes of obesity are related to hormones that regulate fat accumulation and energy balance in the body:

  1. Hypothyroidism: Low levels of thyroid hormones slow metabolism and lead to weight gain 
  2. Cushing's syndrome: High cortisol levels increase body fat accumulation and appetite.
  3. Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS): This condition, seen in women, is associated with insulin resistance and weight gain.
  4. Insulin resistance: The body's decreased sensitivity to insulin causes blood sugar to rise and fat to be stored.
  5. Leptin resistance: Leptin regulates the feeling of satiety. Obese individuals develop leptin resistance, which leads to a decreased feeling of fullness.
  6. Ghrelin levels: Ghrelin, known as the hunger hormone, increases appetite. Ghrelin levels are low in obese individuals.
  7. sex hormones: Imbalances of sex hormones such as estrogen and testosterone affect body fat distribution and weight gain.
  8. Growth hormone deficiency: Growth hormoneSecretion of low levels of nutrient increases fat accumulation and reduces muscle mass.

These hormones and endocrine regulators play important roles in regulating body weight and fat distribution. The treatment of obesity aims to correct these hormonal imbalances.

What are the causes of obesity in children?

The causes of obesity in children arise from a number of factors, including genetic predisposition, environmental factors and lifestyle choices. Here are the main causes of obesity in children:

  1. Family history of obesity: If parents have obesity, there is a risk of obesity in children.
  2. low physical activity: If children do not move enough, they consume more calories than they expend and are more prone to obesity.
  3. High calorie diet: Excessive consumption of fast food, sugary drinks and processed foods causes obesity in children.
  4. Psychological factors: Stress or emotional problems lead to overeating behavior.
  5. Socioeconomic factors: Low income levels impact access to healthy foods, thus increasing children's risk of obesity.
  6. Sleep patterns: Since sleep patterns affect metabolism, weight gain is inevitable in children who do not sleep enough.
  7. lack of education: Not having enough information about healthy nutrition and physical activity is also shown as the causes of obesity in children.
  8. Advertisements and marketing: Food and beverage ads targeting children lead them to make unhealthy choices.
  9. school environment: Some schools may offer unhealthy food and beverage options.
  10. Genetic and hormonal factors: Some genetic and hormonal conditions facilitate weight gain in children.

Each of these factors contributes to the development of obesity in children, often creating a combined effect.

What are the symptoms of obesity?

Symptoms of obesity include a variety of physical and psychological effects associated with excess fat accumulation in the body. Here are some common symptoms of obesity:

  • excess body fat: Excessive fat accumulation, especially concentrated around the waist.
  • Shortness of breath: Experiencing shortness of breath during physical activity or while resting.
  • increased sweating: Sweating more than usual, especially during physical exertion.
  • Sleep problems: Sleep disorders such as sleep apnea are associated with obesity.
  • Skin problems: Skin infections and irritations occur due to moisture accumulated in the skin folds.
  • Fatigue: Feeling of tiredness ranging from mild to severe.
  • Joint and back pain: Pain and discomfort occur in weight-bearing joints, especially the knees.
  • Psychological effects: Psychological problems such as negative self-esteem, depression, shame and social isolation.

These symptoms significantly affect the person's daily activities and quality of life.

Methods Used in Obesity Treatment

Obesity is a common health problem around the world, and various methods are applied for its treatment. Here are some common methods used to treat obesity:

Lifestyle Changes 

Lifestyle changes are one of the cornerstones of obesity treatment. It includes elements such as diet, exercise, and behavioral therapy.

  1. Diet: Acquiring healthy eating habits, creating a regular nutrition program and weight control play an important role in the treatment of obesity. The aim is to reduce daily energy intake and implement a balanced diet program.
  2. Workout planner: Regular physical activity helps control body weight and accelerate metabolism. Different types of exercise, such as aerobic exercises, resistance training and stretching exercises, are used in the treatment of obesity.
  3. behavioral therapy: In obesity treatment, psychological support and behavior change techniques are applied to change the individual's eating behaviors and encourage healthy lifestyle choices.


In some cases, under the supervision and recommendation of a doctor, drug therapy is applied to control appetite or reduce fat absorption.

Surgical Methods 

Obesity surgery is the preferred method when other treatment methods are inadequate or unsuitable. Surgical treatment is applied to individuals whose body mass index (BMI) is above a certain value and pose serious risks to health.

Obesity treatment should be tailored to the individual needs of the person and must be guided by a specialist healthcare professional. During the treatment process, factors such as the individual's health status, lifestyle and motivation are taken into consideration. Obesity treatment is not limited to just losing weight. It also aims to adopt and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Obesity Pharmacological Treatment

Pharmacological treatment plays an important role in obesity management and is often used in conjunction with lifestyle changes. Here are some pharmacological agents used in the treatment of obesity and their properties:

  • Lorcaserin: This drug, a serotonin receptor agonist, helps with weight loss by reducing appetite.
  • Liraglutide: Administered via daily injection, this medication functions as a glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agonist and increases the feeling of fullness.
  • Orlistat: It works by reducing fat absorption, which allows some of the calories consumed to be excreted without being digested.
  • Phentermine-Topiramate: This combination drug contributes to weight loss by suppressing appetite and increasing energy expenditure.
  • Naltrexone-Bupropion: This combination medication helps control appetite by affecting the central nervous system.
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Each of these drugs has certain indications, contraindications and side effects. For example, orlistat can cause abdominal pain, oily stools, and decreased absorption of fat-soluble vitamins, while liraglutide pancreatitis increases the risk. Therefore, it is important to consult a healthcare professional before starting any pharmacological treatment.

The use of pharmacological agents in the treatment of obesity should be individualized, taking into account the patient's current health status, body mass index (BMI), and any accompanying health problems. There are also ongoing clinical studies to learn more about the effectiveness and safety of these drugs.

Obesity treatment requires a complex and multifaceted approach. Pharmacological treatment can be an important tool in this process, but the best results are often achieved when combined with lifestyle changes such as diet, exercise, and behavioral modifications. It is essential for each patient to collaborate with healthcare professionals to create a treatment plan that suits their needs.

Obesity Nutrition Treatment

Obesity is a complex health condition characterized by the accumulation of excess body fat and is often caused by an imbalance between caloric intake and energy expenditure. Nutritional therapy is a key approach to obesity management and is designed to help the individual maintain a healthy weight. Here are the basic components of obesity nutrition treatment:

  • Adequate and balanced nutrition: It is important to get all the nutrients the body needs in sufficient quantities. This includes carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals.
  • calorie control: To lose weight, calories consumed must be less than calories expended. This is achieved by portion control and choosing low-calorie foods.
  • regular meals: Eating regular meals regulates metabolism and reduces the desire to overeat.
  • Healthy snacks: Healthy snacks help maintain energy levels throughout the day and keep hunger in check.
  • Water Consumption: Adequate water consumption ensures proper functioning of body functions and prevents thirst, which is sometimes confused with the feeling of hunger.
  • Physical activity: In addition to nutritional therapy, regular physical activity supports the weight loss process by increasing calorie burning.

Some recommendations to consider in obesity nutritional treatment are:

  1. Whole grains: Whole grain products should be preferred instead of white bread.
  2. A diet based on vegetables and fruits: Vegetables and fruits should be emphasized in daily nutrition.
  3. Healthy Oils: Instead of solid fats olive oil Healthy oils such as should be used.
  4. Prebiotic foods: Foods containing prebiotics should be consumed to support digestive health.
  5. Slow eating: Eating food slowly and by chewing it well increases the feeling of fullness and prevents overeating.

Nutrition in obesity treatment should be personalized according to individual needs. Therefore, working with a dietitian or nutritionist is important to create a healthy and sustainable weight loss plan. Since each individual's lifestyle, health status and nutritional preferences are different, the treatment plan should be customized according to these factors. 

Obesity Treatment in Children

Obesity in children is an increasing health problem today and requires an effective treatment approach. Here are some basic strategies for treating obesity in children:

  • Healthy eating habits: Children should be encouraged to acquire healthy eating habits. This includes steps such as increasing consumption of fruits and vegetables, avoiding processed foods, and drinking water or milk instead of sugary drinks.
  • Physical activity: It is important to increase children's daily activity levels. This should be achieved through fun activities such as walking, cycling or dancing.
  • behavioral changes: Strategies should be developed to help families and children change their eating behaviors. This includes issues such as portion control and regulating eating habits.
  • Training and support: Both children and their families should be educated about obesity and healthy lifestyles. Support from families is critical for children to adopt healthy habits.
  • medical follow up: It is important to monitor children's growth and development regularly and apply medical interventions if necessary.

In the treatment of obesity in children, the use of medication is generally not recommended and is considered only in certain cases and under the supervision of a doctor. The basis of treatment is lifestyle changes, including healthy eating and physical activity. Additionally, it is important to consider children's psychological and social needs. Obesity treatment should be individualized according to the child's age, gender and general health condition.

What are the foods that cause obesity?

Foods that lead to obesity usually have high calorie content and low nutritional value. Foods that can be given as examples are:

  1. Soda: Soda contains high amounts of sugar and is poor in important nutrients. Additionally, it leads to weight gain when consumed in large amounts on a regular basis.
  2. Coffee with sugar: Coffee, kafein and rich in antioxidants, but if sugar or syrup is added, it contains as high a sugar content as soda. These types of drinks are a leading cause of weight gain.
  3. Ice cream: Commercially produced ice creams often contain high amounts of sugar and fat.
  4. Pizza: Pizza becomes a high-calorie food, especially when made with processed meat and high-fat cheese.
  5. Cookies and donuts: These sweet snacks often contain lots of sugar, fat and calories.
  6. French fries and chips: These foods contain high amounts of fat and salt and cause weight gain when consumed in excess.
  7. Sugary breakfast cereals: Some breakfast cereals contain high amounts of sugar and are not nutritious.
  8. Chocolate: Due to its high sugar and fat content, it causes weight gain, especially when consumed excessively.

Each of these foods contributes to weight gain and therefore obesity, especially when consumed in high amounts. For a healthy diet and weight management, it is necessary to limit the consumption of such foods and choose more nutritious alternatives.

What are the diseases that cause obesity?

Some diseases and health conditions that can lead to obesity include:

  1. Hypothyroidism: Insufficient production of thyroid hormones slows metabolism and causes weight gain.
  2. Cushing's syndrome: Causes excessive cortisol production in the body Cushing's syndrome It increases fat accumulation and appetite.
  3. Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS): This condition, seen in women, causes weight gain due to insulin resistance.
  4. Gut microbiome: Intestinal microbiomeIts imbalance affects energy metabolism and causes obesity.
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These health conditions affect the body's energy use and fat storage, leading to weight gain. Management of these diseases plays an important role in the fight against obesity.

Diseases Caused by Obesity

While some diseases can cause obesity, there are also some diseases that occur as a result of being obese. Diseases caused by obesity affect various systems of the body and significantly reduce the quality of life. Here are some health problems that obesity can cause:

  • Metabolic syndrome: Obesity increases the risk of metabolic syndrome, a combination of factors such as high blood pressure, high blood sugar levels, abnormal cholesterol levels and excess belly fat.
  • Cardiovascular diseases: Cardiovascular diseases such as heart disease and stroke have been associated with obesity. Excess body fat has negative effects on cardiovascular health.
  • Type 2 diabetes: Obesity contributes to insulin resistance and ultimately the development of type 2 diabetes.
  • Breathing problems: Breathing problems such as sleep apnea and asthma are linked to obesity. Excess fatty tissue blocks the airways, making breathing difficult.
  • Musculoskeletal problems: Obesity causes pain and discomfort in joints and muscles. Knee and hip joints in particular are damaged due to excess body weight.
  • digestive system diseases: Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and gallbladder diseases are among the digestive system problems associated with obesity.
  • Psychological effects: Obesity also causes psychological problems such as depression and anxiety. It has also been linked to social and emotional problems such as social isolation and lack of self-confidence.

How to Prevent Obesity?

Preventing obesity is possible by adopting a healthy lifestyle and changing individual habits. Here are some basic recommendations for preventing obesity:

  • Balanced diet: A healthy and balanced diet is vital in preventing obesity. It is necessary to focus on fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean protein sources.
  • Physical activity: Regular physical activity is important for burning calories and maintaining a healthy body weight. It is necessary to exercise for at least 30 minutes every day.
  • Portion control: Reducing food portions and slowing down the speed of eating keeps overeating habits under control.
  • Water Consumption: Drinking plenty of water increases the feeling of fullness and prevents unnecessary calorie intake.
  • Healthy snacks: Choosing healthy alternatives instead of sugary and fatty snacks helps reduce calorie intake.
  • emotional eating: Instead of resorting to eating habits to cope with stress or emotional situations, it is necessary to develop healthier coping methods.
  • Sleep patterns: Adequate and quality sleep has positive effects on appetite control and metabolism.
  • Training:: Receiving education about healthy nutrition and physical activity helps individuals make informed choices.

Preventing obesity requires support at the social and political level as well as individual efforts. Public health policies should facilitate access to healthy foods and encourage physical activity, providing healthy lifestyle options in schools and workplaces. Fighting obesity will be more effective with the joint efforts of individuals, families, health professionals and community leaders.

Is Obesity Destiny or Choice?

Obesity occurs as a result of the complex interaction between genetic predisposition and lifestyle choices. 

Just like a seed falling to the ground, a person's life journey begins with birth. Our genetic inheritance determines the type of this seed. However, external factors such as soil fertility, water abundance and the sun's warming rays affect its growth pattern and speed. Obesity presents a similar paradox; While our genetic codes signal potential risks, our lifestyle choices determine how these codes are expressed.

For some, obesity seems like a genetic destiny. Individuals with a family history of obesity are more likely to see this condition in their own lives. However, this is not an inevitable end. Science shows that genes only create a tendency, but the outcome is in the individual's own hands.

Lifestyle choices make up the other half of the obesity equation. Healthy eating habits, regular physical activity and adequate sleep play a key role in preventing obesity. In the modern world, where fast-food culture is rapidly spreading and a sedentary lifestyle has become the norm, making healthy choices has become a challenge.

Fighting obesity starts with individual choices but requires social effort. Public health policies should facilitate access to healthy foods, encourage physical activity and raise individuals' awareness. Education systems should teach and support children with healthy lifestyle habits at an early age.

Well; Obesity is neither completely fate nor merely a choice. It is a dance of genetic and environmental factors; and each step of this dance is shaped by the individual's own choices. For a healthy society, each of us must participate in this dance and take responsibility.

As a result;

Obesity is a complex condition that occurs as a result of the interaction of many variables, from genetics to environmental factors, from lifestyle to psychological factors. As we see in this article; While there are factors that the individual can control about obesity, there are also uncontrollable factors such as genetic predisposition. But in every situation, we have the power to make healthy choices and create a supportive environment. By combining individual responsibility and social support mechanisms in the fight against obesity, we can build a healthier and more balanced future. This is a profitable investment not only for individuals but also for the overall health of society.

References: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

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