Benefits and Harms of Caffeine – What Is Caffeine, What Is It?

Caffeine is a stimulant substance. This natural stimulant is one of the most commonly used ingredients in the world. Negative effects are frequently mentioned. But there are also studies that reveal that caffeine has benefits.

What is caffeine?

Caffeine; commonly used in tea, coffee and KakaoIt is a natural stimulant. It stimulates the brain and central nervous system. It helps to stay awake and provides energy.

benefits of caffeine
benefits of caffeine

It is thought to have been discovered by an Ethiopian shepherd who noticed the energy that coffee gives to his goats. Caffeinated soft drinks hit the market in the late 1800s, followed by energy drinks. Today, 80% of the world's population consumes a caffeinated product every day.

What does caffeine do?

When caffeine is consumed, it is rapidly absorbed, passing from the intestine into the bloodstream. From there it goes to the liver and is converted into compounds that will affect the function of various organs.

The effect of this stimulant substance is seen in the brain. It blocks the effects of adenosine, a neurotransmitter that stimulates the brain and makes you feel tired. Adenosine levels increase during the day. This causes the person to feel tired and want to sleep.

Caffeine binds to adenosine receptors in the brain, enabling you to stay awake without activating them. In other words, it reduces fatigue by inhibiting the effects of adenosine.

It also affects the brain activity of dopamine and norepinephrine neurotransmitters by increasing the level of adrenaline in the blood. Because it affects the brain, caffeine is often called a psychoactive drug.

Additionally, caffeine, shows its effect very quickly. For example, the amount in a cup of coffee reaches the bloodstream in 20 minutes. It takes about an hour to reach full effectiveness.

What's in Caffeine?

This stimulant substance is found naturally in the seeds or leaves of some plants. These natural resources then caffeinated foods and drinks harvested and processed to produce What's in caffeine?

  • Espresso
  • Coffee
  • mate tea
  • Energy drinks
  • Çay / Tea
  • Soft drinks
  • Decaffeinated coffee
  • cocoa drink
  • Chocolate milk
  • Prescription and over-the-counter medications, such as cold, pain relievers, and allergy medications
  • Nutritional supplements to aid weight loss

Benefits of Caffeine

Improves mood

  • One of the benefits of caffeine is its ability to inhibit the brain signaling molecule adenosine. This causes an increase in the signaling molecules of dopamine and norepinephrine.
  • This shift in brain messaging benefits mood and brain function. 
  • Drinking 3 to 5 cups of coffee a day reduces the risk of brain diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's by 28-60%.

Helps to lose weight

  • Weight loss is another benefit of caffeine. 
  • Caffeine, with its ability to stimulate the central nervous system, accelerates metabolism. 
  • Consumption of 300 mg of caffeine per day provides an additional 79 calories burned per day. This amount may seem small, but it makes a difference in the long run.

Improves exercise performance

  • The benefits of caffeine also appear during exercise.
  • During exercise, it allows fats to be used as fuel. 
  • It also improves muscle contractions. It reduces fatigue. 

Protects against heart disease and type 2 diabetes

  • Studies have determined that those who drink 1 to 4 cups of coffee each day have a 16-18% reduced risk of heart disease.
  • The benefits of caffeine also come to the fore with its protective effect on diabetes. Studies have found that those who drink more coffee have a 2% lower risk of developing type 29 diabetes.

Relieves dark circles under the eyes

  • Dark circles It is caused by various factors such as dehydration, allergies, insomnia or genetics. 
  • While the benefits of caffeine do not affect inherited dark circles, its anti-inflammatory properties reduce the puffiness and inflammation associated with dark circles. 
  • Caffeine also reduces the accumulation of blood under the eyes that accentuate dark circles.

Supports the treatment of rosacea

  • Caffeine reduces redness by constricting blood vessels. 
  • When applied topically, it works as a diuretic. It helps blood circulation. It is also a powerful antioxidant. 
  • Thus, it soothes the irritation and reddened skin caused by sun damage and rosacea.

It is effective in the treatment of hair loss.

  • Men often suffer from the effects of the male hormone DHT, which affects their sensitive hair follicles. hair loss lives. 
  • As a result, the follicles shrink and eventually disappear, causing baldness. 
  • This condition, known as the weakening of hair follicles, adversely affects the growth phases of the hair.
  • In this sense, the benefits of caffeine appear when applied topically. It penetrates the hair roots and stimulates them. 
  • In addition to preventing baldness and hair loss in men, it also stimulates hair follicles in women's scalps.

Protects the liver

  • Coffee reduces the risk of liver damage (cirrhosis) by 84%. 
  • It slows the progression of the disease, increases the response to treatment and reduces the risk of early death.

Extends life

  • The benefits of caffeine are good for many things, from prolonging life. For example; It has been determined that drinking coffee reduces the risk of premature death by up to 30%, especially for women and diabetics.
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Reduces cancer risk

  • 2-4 cups of coffee a day reduces the risk of liver cancer by 64% and the risk of colorectal cancer by 38%.

 Protects skin

  • The benefits of caffeine also show its effect on our skin. Drinking at least 4 cups of coffee a day reduces the risk of skin cancer by 20%.

 It reduces the risk of MS

  • Coffee drinkers have up to 30% lower risk of developing multiple sclerosis (MS).

 Supports intestinal health

  • Drinking 3 cups of coffee a day for at least 3 weeks increases the amount and activity of beneficial gut bacteria.

Relieves inflammation

  • One of the benefits of caffeine is that it reduces inflammation and redness in the skin.
  • Using caffeine in skin care products prevents inflammation and redness.

Amount of Caffeine Required Daily

Both the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) state that 400 mg of caffeine per day is safe. This equates to 2-4 cups of coffee a day.

However, it is said that taking 500 mg of caffeine at one time can also be fatal. Therefore, the amount you consume at one time should not exceed 200 mg. Pregnant women, on the other hand, should limit their daily caffeine consumption to 200 mg.

The Harms of Caffeine

We talked about the benefits of caffeine. But in the back of our minds, "Is caffeine harmful?" the question remains.

Studies show that caffeine is safe when consumed in low to moderate amounts. But high doses of caffeine can cause dangerous side effects.

Studies have shown that our response to caffeine is influenced by our genes. Some may consume caffeine without experiencing its adverse effects. Those who are not accustomed to caffeine may experience some negative symptoms even after consuming moderate levels. Now let's talk about the harms of caffeine.

May cause anxiety

  • Excessive caffeine consumption can cause serious anxiety problems.
  • People with anxiety problems experience irritability and restlessness even under normal conditions. Caffeine makes this situation worse.

It can trigger insomnia

  • The most well-known feature of caffeine is that it helps people stay awake. However, consuming large amounts of caffeine makes it difficult to sleep.
  • Studies indicate that high caffeine intake increases the time it takes to fall asleep.
  • However, low or moderate consumption of caffeine does not have such an effect.
  • Caffeine takes several hours to take effect. Therefore, its consumption late in the day triggers insomnia. It is necessary to pay attention to the amount of caffeine taken and its timing so that it does not disturb the sleep pattern.

Affects digestion

  • Drinking a cup of coffee in the morning promotes intestinal motility.
  • The laxative effect of coffee accelerates the activity of the gastrin hormone produced by the stomach in the colon.
  • Caffeine stimulates bowel movements by passing food through the digestive tract. 
  • Given this effect, it's not surprising that large doses of caffeine can cause diarrhea in some people.

May be addictive

  • Despite the benefits of caffeine, it should not be overlooked that it becomes a habit. 
  • It can cause psychological or physical dependence, especially in high doses.

May increase blood pressure

  • People with hypertension should be careful about the amount of caffeine they consume daily.
  • Caffeine is known to raise blood pressure for a short time. 
  • Although it has no such effect in the long term, it is thought to worsen the condition in people with irregular heart rhythm. 

Rapid pulse

  • Consuming too much caffeine causes the heart to beat faster due to its stimulating effect. 
  • It also contains high doses of caffeine. energy drinks Atrial fibrillation, that is, changes the heartbeat rhythm in young people who consume it. 


  • Caffeine gives energy. However, after leaving the system, it has the opposite effect by causing fatigue.
  • To maximize the benefits of caffeine on energy and prevent fatigue, consume moderate rather than high doses.

Frequent urination

  • Frequent urination is a side effect of consuming too much caffeine. 
  • You may have noticed that when you drink more coffee or tea than usual, you need to urinate frequently. 

May cause stomach upset

  • The acids in caffeine stimulate the stomach to produce more acid. It can trigger gastroesophageal reflux. 
  • Too much caffeine can cause stomach upsets such as nausea, cramps, diarrhea and bloating.

May cause miscarriage

  • Excessive caffeine consumption can lead to miscarriage and other prenatal complications. Therefore, pregnant women should consume caffeine with caution.
  • Caffeine passes easily through the bloodstream. Because it is a stimulant, it can cause a rapid increase in the heart rate and metabolism of the baby. 
  • One of the side effects of too much caffeine is that it delays the development of the baby in the womb.
  • Breastfeeding mothers should not consume more than two cups of coffee per day. Because it directly affects the baby by causing physical irritability.

Increases risk of osteoporosis

  • Consuming large amounts of caffeine increases the risk of osteoporosis.
  • It can cause bone thinning, especially in older women with low calcium consumption.

Increases risk of breast tissue cysts

  • According to a published study, women who consume more than 500 mg of caffeine per day have twice the risk of developing breast tissue cysts than those who take 31-250 mg of caffeine.

Affects diabetics

  • In the case of diabetes, caffeine should be consumed in a limited way. 
  • It increases the risk of diabetes complications. It disrupts glucose metabolism.

Inhibits collagen production in the skin

  • Caffeine in human skin collagen found to reduce production. 
  • Limiting the amount consumed easily solves this problem.
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worsens acne

  • Excessive coffee consumption causes acne. Caffeine increases stress hormones. Stress is a cause of acne.

May cause allergies

  • Although caffeine allergy is extremely rare, hypersensitivity may occur in some people. 
  • Allergic symptoms such as rashes, hives and pain may occur.

How is Excess Caffeine Eliminated?

The effects of caffeine last for several hours. Once it's in the body, there's not much you can do to get rid of caffeine. The only way to get rid of it is to wait for it to clear itself naturally. However, you can do some things to reduce the side effects seen.

  • Stop taking caffeine as soon as you notice its side effects.

If you notice bothersome symptoms such as tremors, stop drinking caffeine immediately.

  • Wait

The stimulating effects of caffeine are noticeable within the first 45 minutes. Its effect can last 3-5 hours. It takes 10 hours to completely clear it from the system. To avoid trouble sleeping, stop consuming caffeine 6-8 hours before bedtime.

  • For water

Studies indicate that drinking water can alleviate caffeine-induced irritability, albeit with little effect. Therefore, drink plenty of water while you wait for the caffeine to be flushed out of the system.

  • Move

Go for a light walk to relieve anxiety and tension.

  • Breathe deeply

If you're feeling anxious, take slow, deep breaths for 5 minutes.

  • Eat foods rich in fiber

Eating slows the release of caffeine into the bloodstream. Eat slow-digesting, fiber-rich foods such as whole grains, beans, lentils, starchy vegetables, nuts and seeds.

Does Caffeine Cause Iron Deficiency?

Caffeinated foods and beverages are among the indispensables of today. Foods containing caffeine, a natural stimulant, are thought to inhibit iron absorption. For this reason, people who are at risk of iron deficiency should consume caffeine with caution. Now “does caffeine cause iron deficiency?” Let's answer the question.

Caffeine may interfere with iron absorption

Studies of caffeinated beverages iron absorptionfound that it could reduce For example; The stronger the caffeine content in coffee or tea, the less iron absorption. However, caffeine alone does not prevent iron absorption. Other factors must also come into play. 

Other substances affecting iron absorption

CaffeineIt is not the only substance that inhibits iron absorption. Polyphenols in coffee and tea also inhibit iron absorption. Also found in black tea and coffee tanninshas such an effect. These compounds bind with iron during digestion, making it difficult to absorb.

Its effects on iron absorption are dose-dependent. In other words, as the polyphenol content of the food or beverage increases, iron absorption decreases.

Caffeinated beverages highly affect the absorption of iron from plant foods. However, it has no effect on heme iron found in animal foods. 

Ultimately, your food choices and the type of iron you consume determine the effect of coffee and caffeinated beverages on iron absorption.

Should those with iron deficiency consume caffeine?

Studies have shown that caffeine can be used in healthy people who are not at risk of iron deficiency. iron deficiencyShows why not. However, those who are at risk of iron deficiency should be careful. However, these people do not need to cut out caffeine completely. People at risk are advised to pay attention to these helpful tips:

  • Drink coffee and tea between meals.
  • Wait at least an hour after a meal before drinking coffee or tea.
  • Increase heme iron intake through meat, poultry or seafood.
  • Increase vitamin C consumption at mealtimes.
  • Eat foods high in iron.

These limit the effects of caffeinated beverages on iron absorption.

Effect of caffeine on vitamin absorption

The effect of caffeine on iron absorption was mentioned above. Caffeine affects the absorption of some nutrients when taken together. Especially those who take daily multivitamin supplements are at risk in this regard.

Many people are unaware that taking vitamins at the same time with a cup of coffee or tea can interfere with the body's absorption of essential nutrients. Here are the vitamins and minerals that are prevented from being absorbed when taken with caffeinated foods and beverages.


  • Caffeine causes calcium to be excreted in the urine and faeces. This effect occurs even hours after caffeine consumption. 
  • It also prevents the amount of calcium absorbed from the intestinal tract and reduces the amount held by the bones. 

Vitamin D

  • Caffeine, which limits the amount to be absorbed Vitamin D block their receptors. Vitamin D is important in the absorption and use of calcium in bone formation. 
  • In this case, the risk of osteoporosis increases as the bone mineral density decreases. 

B Vitamins

  • Caffeine has a mild diuretic effect that increases urination. 
  • Water-soluble vitamins, such as B vitamins, can be depleted as a result of fluid loss. 
  • In addition, it interferes with the metabolism of some B vitamins, such as vitamin B1. 
  • The only exception to this rule is vitamin B12. Caffeine stimulates stomach acid production, which helps the body absorb B12.

Other Vitamins and Minerals

  • Caffeine can reduce the absorption of manganese, zinc, and copper. It also increases the excretion of magnesium, potassium, sodium and phosphate minerals.
Caffeine Withdrawal

Caffeine is the most consumed psychoactive substance in the world. It acts as a central nervous system stimulant. It affects neural activity in the brain and increases alertness while reducing fatigue.

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If the body has become addicted to this substance, withdrawal symptoms appear within 12-24 hours after quitting. Caffeine withdrawal is a recognized medical diagnosis. It affects anyone who regularly consumes caffeine.

What is caffeine withdrawal?

Caffeinechanges the levels of certain neurotransmitters such as adenosine and dopamine. Changes in these neurotransmitters affect alertness, attention, and mood.

People who regularly consume caffeine develop a tolerance to its effects. It is even physically and behaviorally addictive.

Those who quit abruptly after consuming caffeine regularly experience symptoms such as headaches and irritability. Doctors call this caffeine withdrawal syndrome. The severity and duration of caffeine withdrawal varies from person to person. Symptoms appear within 12-24 hours of quitting caffeine and can last up to 9 days.

Caffeine Withdrawal Symptoms


  • Headacheis the most common symptom of caffeine withdrawal. Caffeine consumption allows blood vessels to open and increase blood flow to the brain. 
  • Caffeine withdrawal triggers a headache, as the brain cannot adapt to the change in blood flow due to this sudden change in blood flow.


  • Coffee is often drunk to give energy. Consuming caffeine gives energy, while quitting causes fatigue.


  • Caffeine is a stimulant that increases heart rate, blood pressure, and the stress hormones cortisol and epinephrine.
  • AnxietyIt is a common symptom in people who stop their regular caffeine consumption. 
  • Anxiety is worse in those who drink caffeinated beverages with sugar, such as coffee or tea.

Difficulty concentrating

  • People's coffee, tea or energy drinks One of the most important reasons why they prefer to consume caffeine is to increase concentration. 
  • Caffeine increases heart rate and blood pressure. By activating the brain, it provides increased alertness and better focus.
  • Caffeine withdrawal negatively affects concentration as your body tries to get used to working without caffeine.

Depressed mood

  • Caffeine improves mood.  
  • When left, the risk of depression arises. Your mood is negatively affected by this situation.
  • It is common for regular coffee drinkers to be cranky before drinking their morning coffee.
  • Caffeine in coffee is the stimulant that contributes to this nervousness. 


  • While not as common as other symptoms, those who are severely dependent on caffeine may experience tremors in cases of caffeine withdrawal.
  • Tremors associated with caffeine withdrawal often occur in the hands. It takes two to nine days. 

Low energy

  • Caffeinated drinks provide the energy that a person needs throughout the day. A cup of coffee or energy drink increases concentration, speeds up the heart rate and raises blood sugar.
  • These effects lead to caffeine addiction. Therefore, low energy is a common complaint of people who reduce or quit caffeine.


  • Caffeine stimulates contractions in the colon and intestines. These contractions help transport food and waste materials out of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • People who regularly consume caffeine may feel mild after reducing their caffeine intake. constipation viable.

How to Reduce the Symptoms of Caffeine Withdrawal?

Caffeine withdrawal symptoms appear 24-51 hours after caffeine withdrawal. The intensity of symptoms lasts from two to nine days. Although these symptoms are usually short-lived, they are uncomfortable and affect a person's daily life. To avoid these unpleasant situations, try these tips to relieve caffeine withdrawal symptoms.

Cut caffeine slowly

  • Quitting caffeine suddenly shocks the body. Causes withdrawal symptoms to worsen. 
  • Withdrawal symptoms are less common if you go by gradually reducing caffeine.

Cut down on caffeinated beverages

  • If you're a heavy coffee drinker, switch to lower-caffeinated tea first. 

For water

  • It is very important to drink enough water while cutting out caffeine. Dehydration worsens withdrawal symptoms such as headaches and fatigue.

Get enough sleep

  • Try to sleep seven to nine hours a night to reduce the fatigue caused by caffeine withdrawal.

Raise your energy naturally

If your energy has dropped after quitting caffeine, try to make up for it by exercising and eating nutrient-dense foods.

To summarize;

Caffeine is the most consumed stimulant in the world. Caffeine's benefits include giving happiness, helping weight loss, increasing attention, and protecting against heart disease. It should not be forgotten the harmful effects that need attention as well as the benefits. Caffeine can be addictive, and withdrawal symptoms such as headache, fatigue, and irritability are seen when quitting.

Everything should be consumed in moderation. So is caffeine. If you want to see the benefit, it is enough to consume a maximum of 400 mg of caffeine per day. Too much will be harmful. Daily caffeine intake in pregnant women should not exceed 200 mg.

References: 1, 2, 3, 4

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