Hormone Responsible for Weight Leptin

Leptinis a hormone produced by the body's fat cells. Mostly "Satiety hormone" is called.

Gaining weight, the accumulation of fat in the body, losing weight means burning fat.

Although it is still not valid to lose weight by calculating the calories of foods and taking less calories than we will spend during the day, it has changed with new studies.

With recent studies, it has been revealed that hormones have an effect on slimming, and if these hormones do not work, weight cannot be lost. Many hormones in our body are involved in this process.

Which hormones need to work regularly in losing weight is a separate topic. In this article, we work in sync with insulin in slimming. leptin hormoneWe will talk about.

What does leptin mean?

If you want to lose weight permanently and easily, read the article carefully. In the article “what does leptin mean "," what is leptin hormone "," leptin resistance "," how does leptin hormone work " What you need to know about the subjects and how this hormone manages the slimming process will be explained.

What Does the Hormone Leptin Do?

No matter how much weight you lose, you will be stuck in a certain place. The reason for this congestion is usually leptindir. In the process of losing weight growth hormoneMany hormones you may never have heard of such as adrenaline, cortisone, thyroid and serotonin play a role.

In terms of relationship with each other, leptin, insulin, and ghrelin Let's explain the hormones.

What is Leptin?

Leptin satiety, ghrelin hunger hormone known as. You will understand better with an example like this: Imagine a big slice of cake.

It is the ghrelin hormone that makes you imagine this and whisper in your ear that you need to eat. Anyone who says "enough is enough now" after eating the cake leptin hormoneStop. What about insulin?

Insulin is a hormone secreted in the pancreas that converts blood sugar into energy. What you eat makes the hormone insulin work, and the hormone insulin converts them into energy. 

Those that do not turn into energy are stored as oil for later use.

2 hours after eating, the food you eat starts to be digested and the glucagon hormone comes into play. 

This hormone ensures that the reserve sugar previously stored in the liver passes into the blood and is used in the form of energy required to maintain vital functions.

After the effect of glucagon hormone, which lasts for 2 hours, leptin hormone Activated. The function of this hormone is to burn fat accumulated in various parts of the body in order to maintain vital activities.

To summarize briefly; Insulin stores the unused parts of blood sugar, while leptin burns the fat accumulated in this storage. Thus, weight loss occurs.

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When does leptin come into play?

To lose weight running the leptin hormone is a must. As explained above, after the effect of 2 hours of insulin and 2 hours of glucagon, this hormone is activated 4 hours after eating.

When is leptin released?

If you can spend those 4 hours without eating anything, it will start to oscillate. If you often eat something after eating, your blood sugar will remain constantly high and the fat will be constantly sent to the warehouse.

But if there is a period of 5-6 hours between your meals, after 4 hours leptin hormone He will find time to burn fat.

How Does Leptin Work?

Leptin receptors are scattered all over the body, but this hormone is most active in the brain. When you eat a meal, fat cells all over the body secrete this hormone.

Thanks to the receptors, these signals are transmitted to the hypothalamus, which controls the brain's appetite.

When operated properly, it takes advantage of your oil stocks and helps reduce them. However, when your signals are not working, you continue to eat because you feel like you haven't eaten enough.

This hormone is secreted during the night while you sleep. It increases the levels of thyroid stimulating hormone, which is effective in secretion of the thyroid during sleep.

Leptin Deficiency and Disruption of Signals

Levels of this critical hormone can be impaired in several ways. Low level leptinYou may have been born with.

According to scientists, one of the genes damages production and causes you to be obese since childhood. This is an extremely rare event that you would have noticed by now.

Leptin hormone deficiencyIt also affects what you eat and the amount. Your body gets oiled as you eat, the more fat your body gets, the more leptin you produce.

As the body produces this hormone due to overeating leptin buyers He becomes exhausted and no longer recognizes the signals.

Leptin resistance levels of this hormone are very high in people who have it, but recipients do not recognize them. As a result, you feel hungry as you eat and your metabolism slows down.

Things That Disrupt Leptin

Fat in the abdomen


Eating too many carbohydrates

Nutrition with large amounts of trans fat




Insufficient sleep

- Obesity

- To smoke


Symptoms of Leptin Deficiency

Constant hunger

- Depression

Anorexia nervosa

Leptin Resistance Symptoms

Constant hunger


- Increase in thyroid hormones

- Heart diseases

- Hypertension

High cholesterol

- Increase in inflammation

- Obesity

Diseases Associated with the Disruption of Leptin


Fatty liver diseases


- Heart diseases

- Hypertension

Insulin resistance

Spots on the skin

Testosterone deficiency

What Is Leptin Found?

The role of leptin It is a signal to the brain that you are full and that you should stop eating. It also sends signals to the brain for metabolism to work.

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Extreme leptin level Obesity It is linked with. As appetite increases, metabolic function decreases. Leptin and insulin works together. Since insulin is the hormone that regulates blood sugar, it regulates food intake and metabolism together.

When you eat a meal containing carbohydrates, your blood sugar rises and the messages go to the pancreas to release insulin.

The presence of insulin in the bloodstream triggers the body to send signals to the brain to reduce food intake. Leptin hormone to reduce appetite and insulin has a combined effect and affects the brain in terms of food intake.

Foods Containing Leptin

This hormone is not taken by mouth. Foods containing the hormone leptin If they did, they would not have any effect on gaining or losing weight because the body does not absorb this hormone through the intestines.

Since it is a hormone produced in adipose tissues containing leptin nutrients there is no. However, there are foods that will increase its level and reduce its sensitivity.

If this hormone does not function properly, foods that work the leptin hormone Eating can send signals to the brain that cause appetite and fat burning.

Eating less and eating effective foods has an effect on your metabolism and triggers weight loss. This hormone cannot be obtained from foods, but there are also foods that you can balance when you eat.

Cod liver

- Salmon

- Walnuts

- Fish oil

Linseed oil

- Tuna

- Sardines


- Cauliflower

- Pumpkin


Canola oil

- Cannabis seeds

Wild rice

When you look at the list above, most of the foods omega-3 fatty acids You will notice that it contains. Omega-3 fatty acids are important for keeping hormone levels in balance, along with numerous benefits such as lowering bad cholesterol.

Foods That Disrupt Leptin

Eating excessive carbohydrates or eating junk food is the biggest enemy of this hormone's work.

Sugar and high fructose corn syrup Along with processed foods that contain a lot of carbohydrates and starch, eating foods such as potatoes and white flour reduces their sensitivity.

Eating large portions at meals and eating too often also cause a decrease in sensitivity.

generally secretion of leptin hormoneWe can list the foods that will reduce the consumption as follows:

- White flour

- Pastries

- Dishes such as pasta and rice

Candy, chocolate and sweets

Artificial sweeteners

- Fabricated foods and beverages

Carbonated drinks

- Popcorn, potatoes

- Processed delicatessen products

Powdered milk, cream, ready-made sauces

Foods That Don't Degrade Leptin

Foods that trigger the leptin hormone food helps it send signals back to the brain. For this, it is necessary to consume protein at breakfast first.

In addition, foods rich in fiber and green leafy vegetables should be consumed. Fish also regulates the functioning of this hormone.

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Sounds very nice and easy, theoretically. Leptin hormone i will run and lose weight. Actually, it's not that easy.

This critical hormone does not work when you say work. Being in harmony with the hormones that are effective in weight loss, insulin and leptin resistanceIt depends on many factors such as not developing.

The quality of what you eat and drink affects the most. Of course, its time too ... So how to increase leptin hormone?

How to Work Leptin Hormone?

"Leptin hormone is the most critical hormone in weight loss.Canan Karatay says. If resistance has developed, we need to be careful about what we eat and when we eat to break it and lose weight.

- Do not eat often. Let there be 5-6 hours between your meals.

- Finish your dinner at the latest around 6-7 o'clock and do not eat anything after that time. This hormone is especially effective at night and during sleep. You must have finished eating at least 3 hours before sleep to ensure secretion at night.

- Be sure to sleep between 2-5 at night. Because it is secreted at the highest level during these hours. Not sleeping between these hours interrupts your task and leptin effects decreases.

- Foods with a low glycemic index Consume. These don't make blood sugar fluctuate too much and help break resistance.

- Eat 3 meals a day. Skipping meals or fasting for a long time causes the metabolism to slow down and the function of this hormone.

- Reduce your portions in meals. Large portions, especially those rich in carbohydrates, make it difficult for the hormone to come into play.

Increase the amount of protein you eat. Quality proteins allow you to control your hunger and help you stay 5-6 hours between meals.

Avoid processed foods and sugar. It is necessary to protect your health and break resistance.

- Eat organic.

Drink at least 2 liters of water a day.

- Prefer an active life. Pay attention to exercise every day. For example; It's like a 45-minute walk.

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