How to Prevent Overeating? 20 Simple Tips

Binge eating often occurs as a symptom of the eating disorder known as binge eating disorder (BED). This condition, also known as binge eating disorder, is a common disorder and a problem that is difficult to control. People facing this problem eat an unusual amount of food, even when not hungry. While this is harmful to health, it causes the person to feel ashamed and guilty. So what can be done to prevent overeating?

How to Prevent Overeating?

desire to binge
What causes the urge to overeat?

1) Stay away from crash diets

excessive restriction of food shock diets it is unhealthy. Being overly restrictive triggers the desire to overeat. Instead of dieting to lose weight, make healthy changes in your diet. Eat natural foods such as more fruits, vegetables and whole grains. This way of eating will reduce cravings for processed and unhealthy foods.

2) Do not skip meals

Eating regularly suppresses the urge to overeat. Skipping meals triggers appetite. Those who eat one meal a day have higher blood sugar and hunger hormone levels than those who eat three meals a day.

3) Stay away from distractions

Eating while working on the computer or watching a TV show is something most people do. While this habit may seem harmless, it can lead to overeating. Because when you are distracted, you eat more without realizing it.

4) Drink enough water

Drinking plenty of water throughout the day is a simple but effective way to curb appetite and prevent overeating. Studies have determined that drinking more water reduces calorie intake. In addition, drinking more water accelerates metabolism and helps to lose weight. The amount of water to drink daily varies depending on different factors. Therefore, it is best to listen to the body and drink as soon as thirst is felt.

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5) Drink water instead of sugary drinks

Sugary drinks, such as sodas and fruit juice, cause weight gain. It also increases the risk of diseases such as diabetes. It triggers the desire to overeat as they are very calorie. Drinking water instead of sugary drinks helps prevent overeating.

6) Do yoga

Yogais an application that uses special breathing exercises to reduce stress and relax, and relaxes both the body and the mind. It has been found to promote healthy eating habits. Studies show that because yoga keeps stress under control, it reduces levels of stress hormones such as cortisol, which prevents binge eating.

7) Eat more fiber

Fiber acts slowly in the digestive system, making you feel fuller for longer. Eating fibrous foods makes you feel full and blunts the desire for food. Fruits, vegetables, legumes and whole grains are fiber-rich foods that make you feel full.

8) Eat the food from the plate

Eating chips from a bag and ice cream from a box causes more food to be consumed. Instead, eat it on a plate in a single serving size to keep the amount you eat in check.

9) Eat slowly

Eating too fast leads to overeating and gaining weight over time. Slow eatingWhile providing satiety, it prevents overeating. Take time to chew food thoroughly. 

10) Clean the kitchen

Having junk food in your kitchen stimulates appetite and makes it easier to overeat. Conversely, keeping healthy foods on hand reduces the risk of emotional eating. Eliminate processed foods such as chips, candy, and packaged convenience foods from your kitchen. Instead, fill it with healthy foods like fruits, vegetables, protein foods, whole grains, and nuts. 

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11) Start the gym

Studies, exercise It shows that doing so will prevent overeating. Also, as exercise reduces stress, it improves mood and prevents emotional eating. Walking, running, swimming, cycling are physical activities you can do to relieve stress and prevent overeating.

12) Have breakfast every day

day a healthy breakfast Starting with a diet reduces the risk of overeating during the day. Choosing the right foods for breakfast curbs the appetite and makes you feel full throughout the day.

13) Get enough sleep

Insomnia affects hunger and appetite and causes overeating. Insomnia raises the level of the hunger hormone ghrelin and provides satiety. leptinlowers the level. Get at least eight hours of sleep a night to keep appetite under control and prevent overeating.

14) Reduce stress

Stress can lead to overeating. Therefore, try to relieve your stress. Chronic stress raises levels of cortisol, a hormone that increases appetite. 

15) Keep a food diary

Keeping a food diary is an effective tool for tracking what you eat and how you feel. So you take responsibility and can identify why you are overeating. In this way, healthy eating habits develop.

16) Talk to someone

Talking to a friend or partner can curb the urge to overeat. Social support reduces stress and prevents emotional eating. The next time you feel the urge to overeat, pick up the phone and call a trusted friend or family member.

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17) Increase your protein consumption

Eating protein-rich foods helps control appetite by keeping you full. A high-protein diet increases the level of GLP-1, an appetite suppressing hormone. Eat at least one protein food at every meal, such as meat, eggs, nuts, seeds or legumes. Consume high protein snacks when you feel hungry between meals.

18) Balance blood sugar

Eating white bread, cookies, candies, and high-glycemic-index carbohydrates quickly raises blood sugar levels and then causes them to drop rapidly. This rapid blood sugar surge increases hunger and causes overeating. Low glycemic index foodsEating i can prevent blood sugar fluctuations. In this way, the desire to overeat is reduced. 

19) Plan your meals

Planning what to eat ensures that you have healthy food on hand. In this way, the desire to consume junk food is reduced. Plan your meals on a weekly basis to prevent overeating.

20) Get help if needed

If the urge to overeat still persists after trying some of the strategies listed above, you can seek help from a professional.

References: 1

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