What Is Growth Hormone (HGH), What Does It Work, How To Increase It Naturally?

Human growth hormone (HGH), aka growth hormone or as it is popularly known height growth hormone It is an important hormone produced by the pituitary gland. Growth, body compositionplays a key role in cell repair and metabolism.

HGH It also improves muscle growth, strength, and exercise performance, while also helping recovery from injury and illness.

HGH levelsLow levels can negatively affect quality of life, increase the risk of disease, and cause fat accumulation.

Maintaining normal levels is especially important during weight loss, wound healing and athletic training. Nutrition and lifestyle choices, growth hormone It has a great influence on the level.

What is HGH?

HGHstimulates the growth, reproduction and regeneration of cells in the body and helps maintain healthy tissues, muscles and organs.

HGH Without it, growth and development can be seriously delayed and continued repair of damaged tissue may be impossible.

The pituitary gland located at the base of the brain human growth hormone responsible for producing. HGHIt is essential for the proper development of children and adolescents, especially during adolescence.

Causes of Growth Hormone Deficiency?

A deficiency of this important regulatory hormone in children may be caused by a trauma or infection affecting the pituitary gland, a deficiency of pituitary hormones, or genetic factors.

In adults, it may also be the result of treating a benign tumor in the pituitary gland using surgery or radiotherapy.

Doctors and scientists, HGH hormoneThey still do not fully understand the complexity of the mechanism by which is regulated many important body functions.

How Does the HGH Hormone Affect Men and Women?

Both men and women HGH hormone It produces, but women's production begins to slow much earlier than men.

Most women are in their early 20s growth hormone While their production slows down, males generally do not experience this effect until their mid-to-late 40s.

for women low growth hormone Its effects include dry skin, increase in belly fat, noticeable wrinkles and thinning hair.

Suitable for women systems HGH levelsWhen they have what they have, they are more likely to maintain a healthy body fat ratio, the risk of osteoporosis is reduced and the skin becomes supple.

For men growth hormone deficiencycan cause sexual anorexia, hair loss or thinning, memory loss, and muscle weakness. Growth hormonehas a positive effect on testosterone production, which can increase energy and strength in men.

growth hormone deficiency

Effects of Growth Hormone Deficiency

Human growth hormone In case of deficiency, symptoms will vary greatly depending on the age and gender of the person.

HGH deficiency It is important to know the symptoms, as it is a major problem in children and teenagers. Young children who are significantly shorter than their peers and grow less growth hormone deficiency may be at risk.

Physical development is completely different from social development. HGH deficiency Children with cognition should progress at the same rate as their peers and should not be concerned about language development or social skills, as these are separate issues from physical development.

Low growth hormone Common symptoms in children with

Delayed puberty

- Increased fat in the face and abdomen

- Especially if your face looks much younger than its peers

Slow hair growth

Growth hormone deficiencyThe symptoms seen in adults are very different:

Hair loss

- Depression

Sexual dysfunction, including low libido, erectile dysfunction, and vaginal dryness

Loss of muscle mass or strength

Inability to concentrate

High serum triglyceride levels, especially LDL cholesterol

- Loss of memory

Extremely dry skin

- Tiredness

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Sensitivity to temperature changes

- unexplained weight gain, especially in the abdominal area

Insulin resistance

Growth Hormone Benefits

Growth hormone muscle development

Human growth hormonestimulates collagen synthesis in the musculoskeletal system. Collagenprovides additional strength and stamina in muscles and tendons, especially during physical activity.

For those who are deficient, increased levels of this regulatory hormone with long-term compensatory therapy have been shown to normalize muscle strength, improve body composition, increase endurance, and improve body temperature control during physical activity.

Builds strong bones

Growth hormoneIt is released based on signals sent from the pituitary gland and is essential for the growth of bones and muscles, especially during puberty.

Growth hormone It is also responsible for stimulating the production of insulin-like growth factor, or IGF-1, produced in the liver.

IGF-1, also known as Somatomedin C, has a structure similar to insulin and also plays a vital role in childhood development.

As we get older HGH production slows down. This slowdown can cause the cells in the bones to deteriorate as they are no longer regenerated or replaced.

Home growth hormone as well as with proper levels of IGF-1, the body will be able to increase the total bone mass and produce the appropriate amount of bone-forming regenerative cells to have stronger bones in later years.

Heals fractures faster

The body needs several procedures for broken bones to heal properly. In addition to mineral regulation and bone cell metabolism, the right hormone balance and growth factors are needed to repair bone fracture.

Human growth hormoneIt can promote the regeneration of a broken bone and make it a useful ingredient while recovering from an injury.

IGF-1 also helps support bone healing. In animal experiments, the injury site growth hormoneAdministration of u injections has been shown to improve the healing of bone fractures.

For the repair of cells and tissues in muscles, tendons, ligaments and bones required by normal wear and tear in addition to the healing of fractures human growth hormone is necessary.

As we get older and HGH production the less, even the smaller injuries will heal more slowly.

Decreases sexual dysfunction

Recent research with male reproductive function growth hormone It shows that there is a strong link between the levels.

Growth hormone deficiency Those with erectile dysfunction, decreased libido, and other sexual dysfunction are more likely to experience.

Evidence from German researchers suggests that penile erections stimulate the smooth muscle of the penis growth hormoneIt suggests that it may be caused by the release of.

Improves weight loss

HGH hormone It can help those who are obese to lose weight. Participants in a research study compared to those treated with placebo HGH They were able to lose one and a half times more weight when treated with

Growth hormoneThe most important effect is on visceral adipose tissue, which is fat accumulated in the umbilical region. This excess fat is also a risk factor for heart disease.

HGH hormoneIt is also known to help increase lean muscle mass, which is beneficial in promoting weight loss.

Those who follow a low calorie diet in the study group, growth hormoneAs a result of increased secretion, he experienced accelerated fat loss, greater muscle gain and increased weight loss.

growth hormone deficiency

Improves mood and cognitive function

Growth hormone deficiency for adults with HGH therapy It can increase mood, psychological well-being, and even cognitive function. Participants in one study experienced an increase in concentration, memory, and mood with supplementation.

Therefore, with further research, it is possible that this could become a useful therapy for those suffering from a cognitive decline or mood disorders.

Reduces the risk of heart disease

Appropriate growth hormone Maintaining levels can help keep the heart healthy for longer.

Researchers, growth hormone deficiency states that those with cardiovascular disease are more likely to present various risk factors for cardiovascular disease.

Among them more high triglyceride levels and increased body mass. Regulating the level of HGHmay reduce the risk for cardiovascular problems and improve overall heart health.

How to Increase Growth Hormone?

Reduce body fat

The amount of fat in the body is directly HGH productionIt affects. Those with higher body fat levels or more belly fat HGH production and the risk of disease is likely to increase.

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Interestingly, studies show that excess body fat in men HGH levels show that it affects more. However, reducing body fat is an important factor in both sexes. secretion of growth hormone is very important for.

A study of obese individuals HGH hormoneas well as lower levels of IGF-1, a protein associated with growth. After losing a significant amount of weight, levels returned to normal.

Belly fatis the most dangerous type of stored fat and can cause many diseases. Reduction in belly fat, HGH levelIt will positively affect the health and other aspects of health.

Try the intermittent fasting method

Studies have shown that intermittent fasting growth hormone It shows that it provides a significant increase in levels.

In a study, intermittent fasting Those who apply the method, HGH levelsOver 300% increase was found within three days. After fasting for a week, an increase of 1250% was achieved.

Intermittent fasting is a dietary approach that limits eating for short periods of time. However, it is not sustainable in the long term.

There is more than one method in intermittent fasting. The most preferred method is the 16/16 method, which includes eating eight hours a day by fasting for 8 hours a day. 8 hour dietdir. Another one recommends consuming only 500-600 calories two days a week. 5: 2 dietd.

Intermittent fasting, growth hormone levelsIt can help you optimize your system in two main ways. Firstly, HGH productionIt directly affects the body fat.

Second, it will keep the insulin level low throughout the day because it is only when you eat that insulin is released. Research shows that insulin is too low and too high. natural growth hormone productionshows that it can spoil.

Try arginine supplements

Arginine when taken alone growth hormone can increase the level. Although most people use amino acids such as arginine with exercise, many studies HGH levelsIt shows little or no increase in nd. However, when arginine was taken on its own without any exercise, there was a significant increase in this hormone.

Other non-exercise studies increase growth hormone levels supports the use of arginine for

One study investigated the effects of taking 100, 250 mg per kilogram of body weight per day, or about 6-10 or 15-20 grams per day.

They found no effect for the low dose, but participants who took the high dose growth hormone levelsIt showed an increase of 60%.

Cut down on sugar consumption

Insulin increase growth hormone it may decrease its production. Refined carbohydrates and sugar raises insulin levels the most, so reducing their consumption, growth hormone levels helps balance. 

In one study, healthy individuals were 3-4 times higher than individuals with diabetes. growth hormone levels were found to be.

Although it directly affects insulin levels, excessive sugar consumption, HGH levelsIt is an important factor in weight gain and obesity. A balanced diet has an important effect on this.

Do not eat before bed

The body naturally, especially at night, growth hormone secretes. Considering that most meals cause an increase in insulin levels, not eating before bed must.

In particular, a high-carb or high-protein meal raises insulin and is released at night. growth hormonepotentially blocks some of the.

However, insulin levels normally decrease 2-3 hours after a meal, so eat carbohydrate or protein-based meals 2-3 hours before bedtime.

Take GABA supplements

GABA is a non-protein amino acid that acts as a neurotransmitter and sends signals around the brain.

As a well-known sedative agent for the brain and central nervous system, it is often used as a sleep aid. Interestingly, growth hormone levelIt also helps to increase ni.

One study found that taking GABA supplements growth hormoneIt has been found to lead to an increase of 400% and a 200% increase following exercise.

GABA, by regulating sleep, growth hormone can increase their level because all night long growth hormone release It depends on sleep quality and duration.

However, this increase is short-lived and GABA's growth hormone levels The long-term benefits for them remain uncertain.

growth hormone muscle growth

Exercise at high intensity

Exercise, growth hormone level It is one of the most effective ways to increase significantly. The increase depends on the type of exercise, intensity, food consumption before and after training, and body characteristics.

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Due to its metabolic nature and lactic acid increase, high-intensity exercise secretion of growth hormoneIt is the type of exercise that increases the most. However, all forms of exercise are beneficial.

Increasing the release of growth hormone and you can do repetitive sprinting, interval training, weight training or circuit training to maximize fat loss.

Take beta alanine or consume sports drinks during exercise

Some exercise supplements can optimize performance and growth hormone releaseIt can increase.

In one study, 4,8 grams taken before a workout beta alanineIncreased the number of exercise repetitions by 22%. It also doubled the peak performance and compared to the non-supplemented group growth hormone levelsni increased.

Another study involves the use of a sugary sports drink towards the end of a workout. HGH levelshas shown to increase the

However, if you're trying to lose fat, you'll need short-term benefits because of the beverage's extra calories from sugar. HGH it will not benefit your ups and downs.

Get quality sleep

Growth hormoneMost of them are released while sleeping. This oscillation is based on the body's internal clock or circadian rhythm. The time it is most secreted is before midnight; It is secreted less in the early hours of the morning. Studies show that poor sleep the body produces HGH It has shown that it can reduce the amount.

Getting enough sleep, long term HGH productionIt is one of the best strategies for developing mini. Here A few simple strategies to help improve sleep quality:

Avoid blue light exposure before going to bed.

- Read a book in the evening.

- Make sure your bedroom is at the right temperature.

- Do not consume caffeine during the day.

what does growth hormone do

Try melatonin supplements

Melatonin It is an important hormone that helps sleep. Melatonin supplements have become a popular sleep aid that can increase both sleep and duration.

Quality sleep growth hormone While it may benefit levels, further research suggests that melatonin supplementation HGH productionIt has shown that it can also increase directly.

Melatonin can be used very safely and is non-toxic. However, brain chemistry can change in some ways, so it would be helpful to consult a doctor before using it.

To maximize its effects, take 30-1 mg about 5 minutes before going to bed. To assess your tolerance, start with a lower dose, then increase the dose if necessary.

You can try other natural supplements

Some herbal supplements, including: human growth hormone production may increase:


A single 2 gram dose can increase up to 78% in the short term. 


20 grams creatine dose, 2-6 hours growth hormone levelshas increased significantly.


One study gave participants ornithine 30 minutes after exercise and growth hormone levelsIt has found a higher peak in N.

The dopa

In patients with Parkinson's disease, 500 mg L-dopa for up to two hours growth hormone increased their level. 


Studies, glycineimprove gym performance and growth hormonefound that it provided short-term spikes in

All of these natural dietary supplements growth hormone levelWhile it may increase the amount of time, studies show that they are only effective in the short term.

Need to balance growth hormone levels

As with other hormones - like testosterone and estrogen -  growth hormone levels are also important for health. It helps metabolism, cell repair and other vital functions in the body.

By following the tips above, growth hormone levelIt can be balanced forward.

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