What are the Occupational Diseases Encountered in Office Workers?

The International Labor Organization has determined that 2 million people die every year due to work accidents and occupational diseases. According to their report, office sickness and accidents cost the global economy $1,25 trillion annually. People working at desk in officeare more prone to have health problems. from back pain stressHowever, these people have different health problems. Perhaps health risks that endanger the body cannot be completely eliminated, but the problems that may occur can be minimized with the right precautions. Now heOccupational diseases encountered in fis employees and what needs to be done to prevent themLet's talk about:

Occupational Diseases Encountered in Office Workers

Occupational diseases encountered in office workers
Occupational diseases encountered in office workers
  • Back pain

Posture disorder is a health problem of almost every office worker. It is due to sedentary working conditions. If you sit at a desk for hours without noticing and bend over, this puts too much pressure on the hips and back, causing back pain. long-term back pain spondylitistriggers me. Seats in the workplace should provide appropriate lumbar support. He should not sit at the desk for a long time, he should move. Short breaks should be given and stretching exercises should be done.

  • eye strain

Working at the computer for a long time dries out the eyes. dry eyes, eye fatigue and eye pain accompanies. Proper lighting of the working desk and adjusting the screen brightness reduce eye strain. The screen brightness should not be at the highest setting. Computer glasses also work well in preventing eye strain and pain.

  • Headache

Undoubtedly, one of the most common problems faced by working people. headached. Stress and poor posture manifest as headaches in the work environment. Taking regular breaks during work will prevent headaches. After an hour of continuous work, a short break will do.

  • Carpal tunnel syndrome

Carpal tunnel syndromeIt is a condition that occurs as a result of compression of the median nerve while passing through the hand. It gets worse over time, leading to nerve damage and worsening symptoms. In order to prevent this common health problem, hand stretching movements should be made by the employees in the work areas.

  • mental health issues

Many factors negatively affect mental health at work.  For example; lack of equipment and organizational support to enable employees to do their jobs successfully. The person has the ability to complete a task, but not enough resources. Such situations trigger mental health problems. Activities such as directing the mind to different activities, getting professional help, doing yoga will help to cope with mental health problems.

  • Obesity

Gaining weightis one of the common health problems among office workers. Sitting is the most important factor in weight gain. Having bad eating habits at work also contributes to weight gain. The main causes of workplace obesity are unhealthy eating habits, lack of exercise, stress and a sedentary lifestyled. Employees can use the gym in the office, if available. Having healthy eating habits will also prevent weight gain.

  • Heart attack

People who work at a desk are twice as likely to have a heart attack. This is due to the weakening of the heart muscles due to sitting for 10 hours a day. It can also be caused by electric shock, extreme stress, or suffocation (loss of consciousness due to oxygen deprivation in a confined space). Employers should have an automatic external defibrillator (AED) in the office. As a medical accessory, the AED monitors the heart rhythm and delivers electric shocks when necessary to bring it back to normal.

  • Colon cancer

Working in the office is not certain to cause colon cancer, but sitting for long periods of time is linked to colon cancer. For example, one study found that people who spent most of their time sitting at a desk and working in an office for more than a decade had a 44 percent increased risk of colon cancer. Moving during the day and eating a healthy diet help reduce this risk. Researchers, broccoliThey determined that it has a preventive effect against colon cancer. Try to eat this vegetable regularly.

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