What Are Good Foods for the Liver?

The liver is an organ that is a powerhouse. It performs a variety of essential tasks, from proteins, cholesterol and bile production, to vitamins, minerals and even carbohydrate storage.

The liver is one of the most important glands in our body and the second largest organ. It works non-stop - aids in detoxification, carbohydrate metabolism, protein synthesis, production of biochemicals necessary for digestion, glycogen storage, bile production, hormone secretion and red blood cell decomposition.

It also breaks down toxins such as alcohol, drugs and natural byproducts of metabolism. Protecting liver health is important for maintaining our overall health.

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What Are the Foods Good for the Liver?

liver-beneficial foods


Coffee is one of the best drinks you can drink to improve liver health. Studies show that drinking coffee protects the liver from disease.

For example, studies have repeatedly proven that drinking coffee lowers the risk of cirrhosis or permanent liver damage in people with chronic liver disease.

Drinking coffee may also reduce the risk of developing liver cancer and has positive effects on liver disease and inflammation.

These benefits of coffee are due to its ability to prevent the accumulation of fat and collagen, two of the major markers of liver disease.

Coffee reduces inflammation and is an antioxidant glutathione increases levels.

Antioxidants neutralize harmful free radicals that are produced naturally in the body and can damage cells.

Çay / Tea

Tea is known to be beneficial for health, and evidence shows that it is particularly beneficial for the liver.

5-10 glasses a day, according to a study conducted in Japan green tea drinking has been associated with improved liver health.

A small study of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) determined that liver enzyme levels improved in patients who drank green tea with high antioxidant content for 12 weeks.

Also, another review found that people who drank green tea were less likely to develop liver cancer. The lowest risk was seen in people who drank four or more glasses a day.

Some studies with mice have shown that black and green tea extracts have beneficial effects.


Grapefruitcontains antioxidants that naturally protect the liver. The two main antioxidants found in grapefruit are naringenin and naringenin.

Various animal studies have found that both protect the liver from injury. Grapefruit provides protection in two ways: by reducing inflammation, by protecting cells.

Studies have also shown that these antioxidants can reduce the development of hepatic fibrosis, a harmful condition in which excess connective tissue builds up in the liver. This is a condition that typically occurs as a result of chronic inflammation.

What's more, in mice on a high-fat diet, naringenin reduced the amount of fat in the liver and increased the number of enzymes needed to help prevent excessive fat accumulation and burn fat.

Finally, studies in rats indicate that naringin improves the ability to metabolize alcohol and combat some of the negative effects of alcohol.

blueberry side effects

Blueberries and cranberries

Blueberries ve cranberry both contain anthocyanins, antioxidants. It also has many health benefits.

Several animal studies have shown that cranberries and blueberries and their extracts or juices can keep the liver healthy.

Regular consumption of these fruits for 3-4 weeks protects the liver from damage. Additionally, blueberries boost immune cell response and antioxidant enzymes.

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Another experiment found that types of antioxidants commonly found in berry fruits slowed the development of lesions and fibrosis (development of scar tissue) in the livers of rats.

What's more, blueberry extract has been shown to inhibit the growth of human liver cancer cells in test-tube studies.

However, more studies are needed to determine whether this effect is reproducible in the human body.


GrapeContains a variety of beneficial plant compounds, especially red and purple grapes. The most famous compound resveratrolhas a number of health benefits.

Many animal studies have shown that grape and grape juice benefit the liver.

Studies have found that it may have several benefits, including reducing inflammation, preventing damage, and increasing antioxidant levels.

A small study with NAFLD in humans showed that using grape seed extract for three months improved liver function.

However, grape seed extract is a concentrated form of grape, you may not see the same effects by consuming the grape itself.

Still, extensive evidence from animal and some human studies reports that grapes are a liver-friendly food.

Prickly Pear

The prickly pear, scientifically known as "Opuntia ficus-indica", is a popular type of edible cactus. It is mostly consumed as fruit juice.

It has long been used in traditional medicine for ulcers, wounds, fatigue, and liver diseases.

A survey conducted in 55 with 2004 people, He found that the extract of this herb reduced the symptoms of what is called a hangover or hangover.

Participants experienced less nausea, dry mouth, and anorexia, and if they consumed the extract of the plant before drinking alcohol, their likelihood of experiencing a severe hangover was halved.

The study concluded that these effects were mostly due to a reduction in inflammation that occurs after drinking alcohol.

Another study in mice found that consuming prickly pear extract helped normalize enzyme and cholesterol levels when consumed at the same time as an insecticide known to be harmful to the liver. Subsequent studies yielded similar results.

A more recent study in rats tried to determine the efficacy of prickly pear juice instead of its extract in combating the negative effects of alcohol.

This study found that prickly pear water reduced the amount of oxidative damage and liver damage after alcohol consumption and helped keep antioxidant and inflammation levels steady.

What is red beet juice good for?

Beet Juice

Beet juiceIs a source of nitrates and antioxidants called "betalains", and this can lead to health effects such as improved cardiovascular health and reduced oxidative damage and inflammation.

It is reasonable to assume that the beets itself will have similar health effects. However, most studies use beet juice.

Several rat studies have shown that beetroot juice reduces oxidative damage and inflammation in the liver and increases natural detoxification enzymes.

Although animal studies seem promising, similar studies have not been done in humans. Other beneficial health effects of beet juice have been observed in animal studies and replicated in human studies.

However, more studies are needed to confirm the effect of beet juice on liver health in humans.

Cruciferous Vegetables

Brussels sprouts, broccoli and cabbage cruciferous vegetables such as cruciferous vegetables are known for their high fiber content and distinctive flavors. They are also high in beneficial plant compounds.

Animal studies have shown that Brussels sprouts and broccoli sprouts extract increase detoxification enzyme levels and protect the liver from damage.

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A study in human liver cells found that this effect remained even when Brussels sprouts were cooked.

In a new study in men with fatty liver, broccoli sprout extract, high in beneficial plant compounds, reduced liver enzyme levels and oxidative stress.

The same study found that broccoli sprout extract prevented liver failure in rats.


Nuts They are high in fats, nutrients and beneficial plant compounds, including vitamin E, an antioxidant.

This composition is particularly healthy for the heart but also potentially beneficial for the liver.

An observational study with people with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease found that men who ate small amounts of nuts had a higher risk of developing NAFLD.

Fatty Fish

Fatty fish contain omega 3 fatty acids, which are healthy fats that reduce inflammation and lower the risk of heart disease.

The oils found in fatty fish are also very beneficial for the liver. In fact, studies have shown that they help prevent fat buildup, keep enzyme levels normal, fight inflammation, and increase insulin resistance.

While consuming oily fish rich in omega 3 is beneficial for the liver, consuming more omega 3 oil positively affects many aspects of health.

what is cold extra virgin olive oil

Olive oil

Olive oil It is considered a healthy fat due to its many health benefits, including positive effects on heart and metabolic health. However, it also has positive effects on the liver.

A small study in 11 people with NAFLD found that consuming a teaspoon of olive oil a day improved liver enzyme and fat levels.

Also increased levels of protein, which is associated with positive metabolic effects. Participants also had less fat accumulation and better blood flow in the liver.

Several recent studies have found that olive oil consumption has similar effects in humans, including less fat accumulation in the liver, improved insulin sensitivity, and improved blood levels of liver enzymes.

Fat accumulation in the liver is part of the initial stage of liver disease. Therefore, the positive effects of olive oil on liver oil as well as other aspects of health make it a valuable part of a healthy diet.


Detoxification is important for keeping the liver healthy. GarlicIt is rich in allicin, an antioxidant that protects the body from oxidative damage. It also exhibits hepatoprotective (liver protection) effects that stimulate the liver to activate enzymes that can expel harmful substances.

At Advanced Biomedical Research A published study noted that 400mg of garlic powder can reduce body weight and fat mass among people with nonalcoholic fatty liver disorder (NAFLD) without impairing lean body mass.


TurmericCurcumin is the main bioactive substance with hepatoprotective effect. It helps protect the liver from liver disease and injury by reducing inflammation, minimizing oxidative stress, and improving lipid metabolism and insulin sensitivity.

Scientists from Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center in Israel conducted an experiment on mice in which liver cirrhosis was induced. It was supplemented with turmeric for 12 weeks. The anti-inflammatory property of turmeric inhibited the development of liver cirrhosis in rats.


GinsengIt is a medicinal herb found in the roots of the Panax ginseng plant (not to be confused with American or Siberian ginseng).

It contains compounds known as ginsenosides that are thought to be responsible for its medicinal properties. Ginseng contains about 40 ginsenosides. It has been found to protect against liver damage, liver toxicity, cirrhosis, and fatty liver.


CarrotNonalcoholic fatty liver and may reduce the risk of liver toxicity. Scientists from Jamia Osmania National Nutrition Institute, Hyderabad, India conducted a study by supplementing rats with carrot juice for eight weeks.

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They found that carrot juice significantly reduced DHA, triglyceride, and MUFA (Monounsaturated Fatty Acids) levels in the liver.

Green Leafy Vegetables

Green leafy vegetablescan protect the liver from oxidative damage and other diseases. Vegetables such as kale, spinach, lettuce, radish, arugula spinach contain good amounts of vitamins A, C and K, calcium and antioxidants and have anti-inflammatory properties.

Consuming green leafy vegetables may help protect the liver from developing fatty liver in rat studies.

avocado varieties


This fruit has many health benefits, and protecting the liver is one of them. AvokadoIt is rich in healthy fats that have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

Since non-alcoholic fatty liver stems from poor lifestyle choices, avocado's anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties can help reduce the risk.

Japanese scientists have found that adding avocados to lab subjects can suppress liver damage.


The hepatoprotective effects of lemon juice are due to the vitamin (especially vitamin C) and mineral content it contains.

At Biomedical Research A published mouse study states that lemon juice intake can help reduce alcohol-induced liver damage and lower liver enzyme levels for overall liver protection.


Scientists studied the effect of dried apple products on liver and serum lipid levels. After three months, apple products were found to successfully lower serum and liver lipid levels.

Chinese researchers also elma They confirmed that their polyphenols play an important role in protecting against immunological liver damage from concanavalin (a legume family lectin) in mice.


Asparagusis an excellent source of vitamins A, C, E, K, folate, choline and minerals such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and dietary fiber.

Scientists from Korea Jeju National University found that young shoots and leaves of asparagus can help suppress hepatoma cell growth (cancerous liver cells) and reduce oxidative stress to protect liver cells.

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Whole Grains

Amaranth, rye, barley, brown rice, quinoa, etc. Like whole grains, they are rich in dietary fiber, which helps burn fat and lower cholesterol. Therefore, whole grains can also help protect against nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.


TomatoIt contains a good amount of antioxidants that help reduce liver inflammation and damage and protect against liver cancer.

A study on rats showed that tomato extract supplementation could help reduce the risk of liver damage.


In the Journal of Food and Chemical Toxicology a published research, dandelion showed that its roots are protective against alcohol-induced liver damage due to their antioxidant properties.

As a result;

The liver is an important organ with many basic functions. The foods listed above show beneficial effects on the liver.

These include lowering the risk of liver disease and cancer, increasing antioxidant and detoxification enzyme levels, and protection from harmful toxins.

Eating these foods is a natural way to keep the liver healthy.

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