Benefits of Avocado – Nutritional Value and Harms of Avocado

The benefits of avocados include improving digestion, reducing the risk of depression, protecting against cancer. Its rich fiber content, potassium, heart-healthy fats and powerful antioxidants are the compounds that give this food its benefits. Avocado, also called alligator pear, is actually a fruit, although it is known as a vegetable. There are more than 80 varieties.

Benefits of avocados
benefits of avocado

What is Avocado?

The avocado, scientifically called Persea americana, originated in Southern Mexico and Colombia about 7.000 years ago. The fruit, which has a mild flavor, has a creamy texture. It has a large nucleus in the middle. There are dozens of avocado varieties that vary in size, color, and texture. This fruit grows in tropical climates. 

Nutritional Value of Avocado

The nutritional value of avocado is different from other fruits. While most fruits are rich in carbohydrates, this fruit is high in healthy fats.

How many calories in avocado?

  • Calories in 100 grams of avocado: 160 calories
  • Calories in 1 avocado: 224 calories

Avocado is a very nutritious fruit. It contains a wide variety of nutrients along with 25 different vitamins and minerals. The nutritional value of 100 grams of avocado is as follows: 

  • Vitamin K: 26% of the RDI
  • Folate: 20% of the RDI.
  • Vitamin C: 17% of the RDI.
  • Potassium: 14% of the RDI.
  • Vitamin B5: 14% of the RDI.
  • Vitamin B6: 13% of the RDI.
  • Vitamin E: 10% of the RDI.

The fruit also contains small amounts of magnesium, manganese, VirginIt contains iron, zinc, phosphorus, vitamin A, B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin) and B3 (niacin). This amount contains 2 grams of protein and 15 grams of healthy fat. 

  • Avocado carbohydrate value

Most of the carbohydrates in avocados come from fiber. A whole avocado provides about 17 grams of carbohydrates and 13.4 grams of fiber. There is very little sugar in an avocado, and the rest of the carbohydrate in the fruit comes from starch. The glycemic index of avocado is estimated to be around zero, making it a low glycemic index food.

  • Fats in avocado

A whole avocado provides roughly 30 grams of fat, 4.2 grams of saturated fat, almost 20 grams of monounsaturated fat and 3.6 grams of polyunsaturated fat. So, while most of the calories in an avocado come from fat, it's mostly in the form of the healthier monounsaturated fat.

  • Avocado protein value

Half an avocado provides about 2 grams of protein. Although it is not a high protein food, it helps meet protein intake.

  • Vitamins and minerals found in avocado

A whole avocado is a good source of vitamins K, E, and C. It also contains folate, riboflavin, niacin and pantothenic acid. Minerals in avocados include magnesium, potassium, copper, manganese and magnesium.

Benefits of Avocado

Benefits of avocados

  • Good for the heart

Studies indicate that eating avocado is beneficial for the heart as it raises good cholesterol. According to studies, it is more beneficial to eat ripe fruit. While the saturated fat content decreases as it matures, oleic acid (monounsaturated fatty acid) level increases. 

The fruit also contains potassium, which helps regulate blood pressure levels. This is another benefit for heart health.

  • Reduces cancer risk

Avocados contain avocado B, a lipid that has been shown to fight leukemia stem cells that can cause a rare and deadly form of cancer.

It has monounsaturated fat content, which reduces the risk of cancer. Phytochemicals in the fruit inhibit cancer cell growth. In addition, it stimulates apoptosis (cell death) in cancer cell lines.

  • Helps to lose weight

Avocado contributes to slimming waist circumference thanks to its monounsaturated fatty acids and fiber content. Studies have determined that this fruit exhibits hypolipidemic activity that accelerates fat burning. The monounsaturated fatty acids it contains help to lose weight by reducing appetite. 

  • It is beneficial for eye health

Lutein, zeaxanthin and other carotenoids contained in avocado improve eyesight. These compounds are age-related macular degenerationPrevents cataracts and other eye diseases. One of the benefits of avocado is that it increases the absorption of these carotenoids. This also protects the eyes.

The fruit is rich in vitamin E, another important antioxidant for eye health.

  • Improves brain function

Monounsaturated fats in fruit promote cognitive function. These effects are due to the vitamin E content of avocado. This antioxidant nutrient has been found to reduce cognitive impairment in the elderly. Studies also state that vitamin E may provide antioxidant protection against Alzheimer's disease.

  • Protects bones

Another benefit of avocado is that it contains boron, a mineral that increases calcium absorption and is beneficial for bones. It also plays an important role in bone health. Vitamin K rich in terms of This vitamin increases bone formation.

  • Good for digestion

The fiber content of avocado has a great effect on facilitating digestion. It is also known to support healthy digestion. potassium It contains. 

Since it is low in fructose, it is also less likely to cause flatulence. Fruit is a preferred food in the fight against diarrhea. The potassium it contains helps replenish lost electrolytes. In case of diarrhea, you can sprinkle salt on the fruit and eat it.

  • Useful for diabetic patients

Although avocado is high in calories, it contains fiber and is low in carbohydrates. Therefore, it is one of the ideal foods for diabetics.

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The fiber in avocados plays a role in diabetes management. Studies show that in people with diabetes, fiber can lower fasting blood sugar.

  • Useful in the treatment of psoriasis

Avocado oil psoriasishas been used in the treatment of One study found that a vitamin B12 cream containing avocado oil was highly effective in treating psoriasis.

The monounsaturated fats in the fruit fight inflammation. Therefore, it helps in the treatment of psoriasis.

  • Increases fertility

Avocado heals the uterine lining, as it is a rich source of vitamin E. Therefore, it is one of the best foods to eat to increase fertility.

  • Lowers high blood pressure

Avocados contain low amounts of sodium and high amounts of potassium. This keeps blood pressure stable. Thus, it reduces heart problems. 

  • Relieves Arthritis Symptoms

Avocado contains compounds that reduce the effect of osteoarthritis.

Benefits of avocado for skin

  • It moisturizes the skin by preventing it from drying out.
  • It reduces inflammation in the skin.
  • Provides soothing and skin-healing nutrients.
  • It gives flexibility to the skin.
  • It protects the skin against external toxins. 
  • It helps to improve skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis and acne.
  • Avocado oil reduces the symptoms of sunburn.
  • The essential fatty acids (EFAs) in avocado delay the signs of skin aging. EFAs are important for the synthesis of tissue lipids. It also prevents the formation of wrinkles.

Avocado benefits for hair

  • Vitamin E in avocado strengthens hair and promotes hair growth. 
  • Vitamin E also helps repair damage to the scalp.
  • It reduces hair breakage.
  • It is a natural moisturizer. It provides the moisture that the hair needs.
  • It acts as a sunscreen and protects the hair from the sun.
  • It reduces electrification.
  • It prevents hair loss. 

Benefits of avocado during pregnancy

Avocados are rich in both potassium and folate. Therefore, it is beneficial for pregnant women. The benefits of avocado during pregnancy are as follows;

  • It is rich in fiber and aids digestion. Therefore, it prevents excess weight gain.
  • Because it is rich in minerals, it provides vital minerals to the body. Calcium, potassium, zinc, copper, manganese and phosphorus are essential for the health of both mother and baby.
  • It supports the brain development of the baby.
  • It keeps cholesterol and blood sugar levels under control during pregnancy.
  • It is a good source of folic acid. Folic acid is a vitamin that pregnant women must consume to prevent birth defects.

It is recommended that pregnant women eat half an avocado a day.

How to Eat Avocado

Avocado is a delicious fruit. It is used in both sweet and savory recipes. This fruit, which many people love to eat, is different from other fruits. It can be combined with many foods. Let's take a look at delicious avocado recipes.

Avocado Recipes
  • Flavored

Sprinkle a pinch of salt and pepper over the avocado. You can also try other seasonings and toppings such as chili, cayenne pepper, balsamic vinegar or lemon juice. Slice the avocado and mix it with some olive oil, balsamic vinegar, black pepper and salt.

  • At breakfast

Cut the avocado in the middle, fill it with eggs and bake in the oven at 220℃ until the egg white is fully cooked. You can also use other ingredients like chicken, vegetables and fruit instead of eggs.

  • Add to the egg

If you are looking for a different egg recipe for breakfast, add avocado to the egg while cooking it in the pan. To prevent the avocado from burning, add the egg when it is half cooked and continue cooking until the avocado is hot. Garnish the plate with some grated cheese and season with salt and pepper last.

  • On toast

Instead of butter and margarine, you can spread avocado on your bread. Using fried avocado as a spread on toast and sandwiches adds extra vitamins and minerals to your meal. You can use the avocado sandwich recipe below.

  • Spread the mayonnaise evenly on a slice of bread. Do the same on the other bread.
  • Put a piece of lettuce, 1 slice of avocado, 1 slice of tomato, 1 slice of cheese and 3 slices of cucumber on the bread. You can also grate cheese.
  • Close the other bread and cut it diagonally.

Your avocado sandwich is ready.

  • You can use it instead of mayonnaise

Avocado can be used as an alternative in dishes that use mayonnaise as a binder. For example, you can use avocado to make a tuna, chicken or egg salad.

  • In salads

Research shows that the extra calories from the fat and fiber in avocados can help you feel full for longer, thereby reducing calorie intake at subsequent meals. You can increase its nutritional value by adding avocado to your salad and eat it as a meal.

  • Can be used instead of sour cream

Avocado can be used in dishes made with sour cream. For example, you can decorate mashed potatoes in the oven with avocado and grated cheese.

  • In sushi rolls

sushiIt is a staple of Japanese cuisine. It is usually made using rice, seaweed, fish or shellfish. Avocado is also widely used in sushi rolls. It has a creamy feel and can be used to fill the roll.

  • Grid

Avocado can be grilled, making it a great side dish, especially for barbecued meats. Cut an avocado in half and remove the core. Drizzle lemon juice over the avocado and brush with olive oil. Place the cut side on the grill. Cook for two or three minutes. Finally, sprinkle with salt and pepper or any seasoning you prefer.

  • Avocado Pickles

Avocado chutney is delicious. To do this, put a glass (240 ml) of white vinegar, a glass (240 ml) of water and a tablespoon of salt in a saucepan and bring the mixture to a boil. Then pour the mixture into a jar and add three chopped, unripe avocados. Finally, cover it with a lid and let it sit for a few days before eating. The acidic solution can be flavored with different ingredients such as garlic, fresh herbs, mustard seeds, black pepper or chili.

  • As a roast
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Avocado fries can be used as a side dish instead of french fries. You can slice it and fry it in oil. You can cook it in a baking tray. Flavor it with sauces such as ketchup and mustard.

  • As inner material

You can slice the avocado and add it to sandwiches, burgers and pizza.

  • You can make smoothies

You can combine avocado with green leafy vegetables such as cabbage and fruits such as bananas and pineapple. You can also add protein powder, yogurt or milk for a protein-containing drink. Here is a smoothie recipe you can prepare with avocado;

  • Blend ½ cup of diced avocado, ½ cup of sliced ​​green apple, 1 peeled banana, 1 peeled orange and 1 large bunch of parsley in a blender.
  • Add a glass of water and mix slowly, gradually increasing the mixing speed.
  • Blend until you get a smooth consistency.

Avocado smoothie is ready.

  • As ice cream

Avocado ice cream is healthier and more nutritious than regular ice cream. It can be made by combining avocados with lemon juice, milk, cream, and sugar. As a lighter option, instead of milk almond milk You can use honey instead of sugar.

  • In salad dressing

To prepare a creamy vinaigrette, use the following recipe:

  • Half avocado
  • Half a glass (120 ml) of water
  • 3/4 cup (12 grams) chopped cilantro
  • juice of a lemon
  • A clove of garlic
  • 1/4 cup (60 grams) of yogurt
  • Half a teaspoon of salt 
  • 1/4 teaspoon of black pepper

Whisk the ingredients together and pour over the salad.

  • In desserts

Avocado can be used as a substitute for butter, eggs and oil in desserts. In this way, the calories of the dessert are reduced. For example, two tablespoons (30 grams) of avocado butter It contains only 200 calories, compared to 48 calories for Since the green color of the avocado will be hidden in the dark chocolate color, it is used to make chocolate cakes, muffins, creams and puddings. You can make avocado pudding as follows;

  • 2 ripe avocados, ⅔ cup of milk, 3 tablespoons of sugar, 1 tablespoon of lemon juice, 1 pinch of salt.
  • Put these ingredients in the blender and mix them well.
  • Make sure there are no lumps.
  • Leave it in the refrigerator for an hour. 

Your avocado pudding is ready.

  • You can use it in hummus

Humus; It is a nutrient-rich dish made with chickpeas, olive oil and tahini. Chickpea It is an excellent source of protein and fiber. Tahini and olive oil provide monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. Adding avocado to this mix boosts the meal's fiber and healthy fat content. Plus, avocado gives hummus a creamy texture.

  • In pasta sauces

Avocados can be used to make delicious and creamy sauce for pasta dishes. Vegetables that go well with this sauce include tomatoes and Egypt located.

  • In pancakes

The crepe is high in carbohydrates, but adding avocado can provide extra nutrients, vitamins and minerals. The pancakes will also be green in color and thick in consistency.

Is Avocado Fruit or Vegetable?

Avocado is a fruit. Botanists describe it as a fruit. While not as sweet as many other fruits, it fits the definition of fruit, which is defined as "the sweet and fleshy product of a tree or plant that contains seeds and can be eaten as food."

Culinary classification is slightly different. Those that are botanically classified as fruits are often consumed as vegetables in the kitchen. One of them is avocado. Other foods that fit this feature are cucumber, zucchini, okra, eggplant, tomato and pepper.

avocado varieties

Avocado Varieties

Although avocado varieties vary, hundreds of varieties are grown around the world. Many are hybrids, meaning they consist of two varieties combined to form a new variety.

Avocado varieties, most grown in Guatemala, Mexico, or West India, find hundreds of numbers. Avocados are classified as type A or B varieties. The difference lies in the opening times and pollination behavior of avocado tree flowers. 

The fruit is self-pollinated in a process called dichloma. A-type flowers bloom like females in the morning and shed pollen like males in the afternoon. B-type flowers receive pollen in the afternoon and shed it in the morning.

Many varieties share similar characteristics with slight differences in size, color, flavor, shape, and growing seasons. Here are 15 of the most common avocado varieties.

A Type Varieties

  • Choquette: The choquette has a smooth, shiny rind with juicy flesh that oozes when the fruit is cut.
  • Squid: Lulan has less natural oil and contains more water than many other varieties. It is resistant to cold but very sensitive to fungi. Lula grows to weigh up to 450 grams.
  • Hass: Hass is one of the most popular avocado varieties. It can be used all year round and has a spherical shape. The bark changes from dark green to dark purplish black and matures.
  • Reid: Reed grows only in summer. It has a milder flavor. As the reed matures, its shell stays the same green color unlike other species.
  • Pinkerton: Pinkerton is rectangular in shape, easy to peel, has a rough crust and small core inside a creamy flesh. This species grows to 225–680 grams.
  • Gwen: Gwen is similar to the Hass type in terms of flavor and appearance. This is a wider Guatemalan variety with a dark green rind that is easy to peel off.
  • Known: Maluma is a deep purple avocado discovered in South Africa in the 1990s. This species grows slowly but its tree bears a lot of fruit.
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B Type Varieties
  • Ettinger: Ettinger is best grown in Israel and has a bright green crust, large core, and mild flavor.
  • Sharwil: Sharwil is an Australian variety of avocado with a hard green rind and yellow flesh. It is very oily and sensitive to frost.
  • zutano: Zutano is covered with a lighter, yellow, green crust and has a mild flavor unlike many other oily varieties. It is about 225-450 grams.
  • Brogden: Brogden is a dark-purple hybrid of West Indian and Mexican varieties. Although it is very resistant to cold, it is difficult to peel and therefore it is not a highly preferred type.
  • Strong: Fuerte is pear shaped and can be used for eight months of the year. Its name means "strong" in Spanish and has an oily texture.
  • Cleopatra: Cleopatra is a small dwarf avocado that is relatively new to the consumer market.
  • Bacon: Bacon has a milder flavor than other varieties. The light brown skin is easy to peel off.
  • Monroe: Monroe is a large variety of avocado that can weigh over 910 grams. It is a harder variety and the flesh is not very juicy.

harms of avocado

Harms of Avocado

Avocado is rich in 25 vital vitamins and minerals along with essential nutrients beneficial for skin and hair health. Not only that. It is also a rich source of dietary fiber, protein and many important phytochemicals. However, it is a fruit that can be harmful if consumed excessively. Let's list the harms of avocado as follows;

  • Stay away during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Eating avocados during pregnancy and lactation is not recommended. It can reduce milk production. It can also damage the mammary gland. If the nursing mother eats too much avocado, the baby will have stomach upset.

  • Those who are hypersensitive should not eat

Harms of avocado such as skin reaction or vomiting in those with hypersensitivity may occur.

  • Avocado damages to the skin

Avocado can cause an allergic reaction on the skin. Symptoms of allergy are skin rash, itching, skin rash or eczemad.

  • Adverse effects

Some people who consume avocados may experience adverse effects such as flu, paralysis, nausea, gastrointestinal upset, vomiting, migraine, fever, lethargy, and asthma.

  • Liver damage

One of the harms of avocado is its negative effect on liver health. Some that can damage the liver avocado oil There are types. Avoid avocados that contain estragole and anethole. These elements have been tested for carcinogenic reactions. Therefore, their consumption can harm the liver. If you are suffering from dangerous liver function, do not eat this fruit to avoid the side effects of its oil.

  • Latex sensitivity

People sensitive to latex should avoid eating avocado as it increases the level of serum IgE antibodies which can cause an allergic reaction in the body.

  • Lowers cholesterol

It is a positive effect that avocado reduces cholesterol levels. But if you eat a large amount, it will harm the body as it is rich in beta - sitosterol, which absorbs the necessary cholesterol from your body.

  • Eating too much can gain weight

This fruit is high in calories. Eating too much can cause weight gain. Therefore, if you are on a diet, avoid eating it daily.

  • May cause mouth allergies

Avocados can cause oral allergies such as itchy mouth and swelling of the tongue.

  • Interaction with medications

Eating excessive avocados can reduce the effect of anti-inflammatory drugs. Therefore, its excessive consumption causes blood thinning.

  • Gastrointestinal irritation

If you eat too much avocado, your stomach will be upset. Sometimes it can cause gastrointestinal irritation.

To summarize;

The benefits of avocado, called alligator pear, come from its rich nutritional content. Among the benefits of avocado are curing depression, protecting from cancer, improving brain function, and weakening.

A delicious and versatile fruit, avocado can be used in different recipes, both sweet and savory dishes. There are more than 80 varieties of avocado, including type A and type B. 

Although avocado is used as a vegetable in the kitchen, it is actually a fruit. It can cause some side effects such as nausea, vomiting, allergies when eaten excessively. 

References: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

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