Foods that are good for the skin – 25 foods that are good for the skin

Nutrition is very important for health. While unhealthy diet causes weight gain, it damages the metabolism and organs such as the heart and liver. But the effect of nutrition is not limited to this. It is also important for the health of the skin, which is the organ that takes up the most space in our body. What we eat greatly affects the health and aging of the skin. In this sense, foods that are good for the skin gain importance. Now let's talk about the foods that are good for the skin and their benefits for the skin to make the skin look lively.

Foods That Are Good For The Skin

Foods that are good for the skin
Foods that are good for the skin

1) Oily fish

Salmon, mackerel and oily fish such as herring are excellent foods for skin health. Rich in essential for maintaining skin health omega 3 fatty acids is the source. Omega 3 fatty acids moisturize the skin. In case of deficiency in the body, skin dryness occurs. The omega 3 oils in fish reduce inflammation that causes redness and acne. 

Oily fish is also an important antioxidant for the skin. Vitamin E is the source. Vitamin E is necessary to protect the skin against free radicals and inflammation.

2) Avocado

Avokado It is rich in healthy fats. These oils are essential for many functions in our body, such as skin health. They need to be taken enough to make the skin supple and moisturized. Avocado contains compounds that protect the skin from the sun. UV damage to the skin can cause wrinkles and other signs of aging. Avocados are also a good source of vitamin E, which protects the skin against oxidative damage. Vitamin C is also necessary for skin health. The main structural protein that keeps the skin strong and healthy. collagen needs vitamin C to form.

3) Walnut

WalnutIt has many properties that make it an excellent food for healthy skin. It is a source of essential fatty acids, which are fats that the body cannot make on its own. It is richer in both omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids than many other nuts. Omega 3 oils reduce inflammation in the skin. It contains vitamin E, vitamin C and selenium, which are important antioxidants.

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4) Sunflower

In general, nuts and seeds are skin-boosting food sources. Sunflower The seed is a perfect example. It contains high levels of vitamin E, selenium and zinc. These nutrients are essential for skin health.

5) Sweet Potato

Beta-carotene It is a nutrient found in plants. It functions as provitamin A, which can turn into vitamin A in our body. Beta-carotene is found in vegetables such as oranges, carrots, spinach, and sweet potatoes. Sweet potato It is an excellent source of beta-carotene. Carotenoids such as beta-carotene keep skin healthy by acting as natural sunscreen.

6) Pepper

Peppers are also an excellent source of beta-carotene, which is converted into vitamin A in the body. It contains vitamin C necessary to make collagen that tightens and strengthens the skin. Consuming plenty of vitamin C reduces the risk of wrinkles and skin dryness with age.

7) Broccoli

BroccoliIt contains many vitamins and minerals essential for skin health, such as zinc, vitamin A and vitamin C. It also contains lutein, a carotenoid similar to beta-carotene. Lutein protects the skin against oxidative damage. This prevents the skin from drying and wrinkling. The sulforaphane in its content protects against sun damage. It also protects the collagen level in the skin.

8) Tomato

Tomato It is a great source of vitamin C. It contains important carotenoids such as lycopene. Beta-carotene, lutein and lycopene protect the skin against sun damage. It also helps prevent wrinkles.

It is necessary to consume tomatoes with a source of fat such as cheese or olive oil. Fat increases the absorption of carotenoids.

9) Soy

Soy contains isoflavones that can mimic or block estrogen in our body. Isoflavones are beneficial for the skin. It reduces fine wrinkles. It protects cells from damage and UV radiation. It helps prevent skin cancer.

10) Dark Chocolate

The effects of cocoa on the skin are quite impressive. It keeps the skin moist. Contain at least 70% cocoa to maximize benefits and keep sugar to a minimum dark chocolate must eat.

11) Green tea

Green tea protects the skin from damage and aging. The powerful compounds found in it are called catechins and improve the health of the skin. Green tea, which contains many antioxidants, protects the skin against sun damage. Increases skin moisture and elasticity.

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12) Carrot

CarrotIt is rich in beta carotene. Beta carotene has antioxidant properties that prevent cell and DNA damage. But do not overeat carrots, as it can cause skin discoloration.

13) Olive oil

Olive oilContains vitamin E, which flushes out toxins. Applying it topically protects the skin from UV radiation and reduces the risk of skin cancer. 

14) Milk

Milk Provides calcium, vitamin D and other nutrients. It also contains alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) that help promote skin health. AHA works by stimulating collagen and elastin. It also promotes epidermolysis, which helps to remove the top dead layer of the skin. 

15) Almonds

AlmondIt is rich in alpha-tocopherol, one of the nutrients in the vitamin E family. 100 grams of almonds contain 26 mg of alpha-tocopherol and helps protect the skin from harmful UV radiation. It is also an excellent source of flavonoids that contribute to the reduction of oxidative stress levels.

16) Strawberry

Strawberry it contains good amount of vitamin C, phenolic compounds, flavonoids and fiber. Because of these properties, eating strawberries helps to heal skin-related problems such as skin rashes, acne, itching.

17) Garlic

GarlicIt is a miracle food that has been used as an antibiotic for years. It is rich in vitamins C and B6, iron, magnesium, calcium, potassium. It has antimicrobial, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Therefore, it helps fight skin infections. It reduces swelling and skin rashes and flushes out toxins.

18) Spinach

This dark green leafy vegetable is an expert at solving skin problems. It improves intestinal problems with its fiber content. In this way, it prevents skin rashes. The vitamins and minerals it contains provide nourishment to skin cells.

19) Black pepper

Black pepperIt is widely used as a spice and improves skin health.

20) Orange

OrangeIt contains vitamin C, minerals, fiber, which prevents infections by curing skin diseases. It is one of the best citrus fruits that can be eaten for skin health. Drinking orange juice regularly increases skin carotenoids and the skin's antioxidant level. Antioxidants help protect the skin from harmful radiation, pigmentation and prevent inflammation. It also strengthens immunity, thus protecting the skin from infections and diseases.

21) Eggs

egg It is a source of fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K, minerals and protein. These vitamins help flush out toxins. It has antioxidant properties that reduce the chances of acne, rashes and infections. 

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22) Tuna

Tuna It is an excellent source of vitamins A and D and omega-3 fatty acids. Vitamin A acts as an antioxidant and vitamin D protects the skin from UV radiation. Omega-3 fatty acids reduce inflammation.

23) Kiwi

Kiwi It contains significant amounts of carotenoids, fiber, potassium, vitamins K, E and C, which help strengthen immunity, prevent microbial infections, reduce inflammation and neutralize free oxygen radicals.

24) Yogurt

YoghurtContains good gut bacteria that aid digestion. Digestion and skin health are interconnected. Because digestion and bowel movement reduce the chance of overgrowth of harmful bacteria in the colon. This means less toxic buildup in the body. Applying yogurt topically to the skin greatly improves skin health.


Drinking enough water keeps the body hydrated. This helps skin cells release toxins. Water supports the functioning of every system in the body and benefits the skin in many ways. For example, being moist in the body protects skin cells from damage caused by environmental factors. Also, hydration makes it easier for skin cells to absorb nutrients and release toxins.

Skin Health Considerations
  • Protect your skin from UV radiation by applying high SPF sunscreen or using an umbrella before going outside.
  • Drink water and detox water to help flush out toxins.
  • Do not eat very spicy food.
  • Eat homemade meals.
  • Always remove your makeup before going to bed.
  • Consult a dermatologist if you see discoloration or patches of flaky skin.
  • Do not scratch the rash.
  • Do not pop pimples as it can leave a permanent scar.

References: 1

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