Benefits of Walking Barefoot

probably at home barefoot you are walking. “And on the ground?” "Why bare feet on the ground Shall we walk?" you may ask.

I will give you many reasons for this below. First of all, know that; walking barefoot on the ground it will definitely be good for you.

in a natural setting walking barefoot, puts you in touch with the earth. This provides therapeutic effects by transferring the earth's electrons to your body. This has many benefits, from reducing inflammation to relieving stress and pain, regulating mood and sleep.

What are the Benefits of Walking Barefoot on the Ground?


  • Direct contact of the skin with the ground is called grounding. Grounding has been found to produce measurable differences in cytokines, i.e. compounds involved in the inflammatory process. 
  • Skin contact with the soil surface facilitates the diffusion of electrons from the earth to the human body. These electrons enter the body through specific acupuncture points and mucous membranes.
  • In our body antioxidantsIt is made of electrons that help neutralize free radicals and eventually fight inflammation.

Heart health

  • Studies, barefoot walkingExamined the physiological effects of heart health in improving heart health. 
  • It has been determined that there may be a decrease in blood viscosity levels. This too hypertensionIt is an effect that can reduce it.

Stress and anxiety

  • walking barefoot on the ground, anxiety ve stress It cures mental problems such as 
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boosting immunity

  • Walking barefoot on the ground sends the transferred electrons to areas of the body that need immune support.
  • Weak immunity causes many diseases. Especially inflammatory diseases… walking barefoot, can fix it.

improve chronic pain

  • barefoot walkingOne of its effects is pain relief. Some research barefoot walkingIt shows that leukocyte can reduce pain by changing the number of circulating neutrophils and lymphocytes. 
  • walking barefoot on the groundIt quickly resolves chronic pain caused by inflammation. 

Improving sleep quality

  • walking barefoot, It provides better quality sleep. Electrons taken from the earth spread throughout the body and cause beneficial psychological changes such as regular sleep every night.

Eye health

  • There is a pressure point in the feet that is believed to be connected to the optic nerves. 
  • walking barefoot this stimulates the pressure point and eye healthIt heals.

Gives energy

  • Benefits of walking barefoot on the groundOne of them is that it gives energy and activates the pressure points in the feet. 
  • You may have trouble walking on the ground for a few days. As your feet get used to it, your legs and body will gain more strength. 

Is it harmful to walk barefoot?

walking barefootcan have potential dangers, especially for beginners. 

  • The most important risk is the risk of infection. Studies barefoot walkingshows that it can cause diabetic foot disease in susceptible individuals.
  • you walk barefoot The surface is also important. Dirty walking barefoot on the ground, can cause hookworm infection. 
  • Larvae (immature worms) found in contaminated soil can penetrate human skin.
  • Do not walk barefoot in areas where you can get a fungal infection. Swimming pool, changing rooms, gym, beach, etc.
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Things to consider when walking barefoot

barefoot walkingThere's a rule too. Like everything else, it takes time and patience. Start by considering the following points:

  • Start slow: Give your feet and ankles time to adjust to the new environment. Start by walking for about 10 minutes each day on a newly introduced surface. As your feet get used to it, you increase the time and distance.
  • Walk indoors: inside before going out barefoot try walking. your home barefoot walkingIt is the safest place to start.
  • Take a break: If you feel any pain or discomfort, stop. Get some rest and continue more carefully the next day.
  • Do foot balancing exercises: These strengthen your feet and barefoot ready to walk outdoors. You can do foot balancing exercises at home. You can balance yourself on one leg and even flex and lengthen your feet.

While walking and exercising walking barefootIt is a useful activity as long as you follow the safety precautions and act in moderation.

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