How Should We Protect Our Cardiovascular Health?

Millions of people around the world cardiovascular diseasesHe loses his life due to reasons. The cause of 100 out of 39 deaths in our country cardiovascular diseases. Many people heart and vascular problems is alive.

To prevent such serious deaths, cardiovascular healthPassing attention to na. Small changes in our life and diet, to protect cardiovascular health will be effective.

Heart disease risk factors that we cannot change


The risk of heart disease increases as you get older. Men 45 years and older and women 55 years and older are at greater risk.


Some risk factors can affect the risk of heart disease different in women than in men. For example, estrogen offers women some protection against heart disease, but diabetes increases the risk of heart disease in women more than men.

Race or ethnic origin

Some groups have higher risks than others. African Americans are more likely to have heart disease than whites, while Hispanic Americans are less likely to have it. Proportions of some Asian groups, such as East Asians, are lower, but rates of South Asians are higher.

Family history

You are at greater risk if you have a close family member with early heart disease.

What to Do to Protect Cardiovascular Health

Watch your weight

Excess weight, oily, and many heart and vascular problemIt also brings along.


Movement is abundance. Exercise at least three days a week.

Stay away from stress

Stop worrying about the past and worrying about the future. Try to live in the moment. Be at peace with yourself and your environment.

Stay away from smoking

From smoking, which is an enemy to all our organs, because it causes arteriosclerosis cardiovascular health especially should be avoided.

Be careful with animal fats

High amounts of saturated fats such as tail fat and tallow, as they raise cholesterol for cardiovascular health is also dangerous. Olive oil Choose polyunsaturated fats such as.

Avoid fatty foods

White flour foods contain high amounts of fat, even though ready-made foods are not visible. It is necessary to pay attention to invisible oils as well as visible oils.

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Eat vegetables and fruits

Since vegetables and fruits that give health and vitality are rich in vitamins, they are friendly to heart health.

Do not consume delicatessen products

Consume chicken and fish instead of meat products such as salami and sausage. Omega 3 and omega 6 polyunsaturated fats found in fish cardiovascular health is important and should be consumed in abundance.

Pay attention to blood pressure

SaltBecause it causes high blood pressure, get used to eating meals as free of salt as possible.

Take nature walks

Outdoor walk It is good for cardiovascular health both in terms of exercise and because it provides positive energy.

 If your feet swell, your legs hurt, and you get unpleasant purple spots on your legs after standing for a long time, it's because of veins. Due to the slowing of blood circulation, capillaries crack and varicose veins occur in more advanced cases.

Vascular health, which is the basis of the circulatory system for the regular functioning of the body system, is also of great importance for heart health. Protecting vascular health means protecting the body. Request to protect vascular health things to pay attention;

Take vitamin C

Vitamin C deficiency It facilitates the cracking of veins. Vitamin C slows down fat formation in cells by stimulating collagen production. For cardiovascular health Consume regularly the vitamin C found in all fruits.

Eat fresh fruits and vegetables

When vegetables and fruits are cooked, they lose some vitamins and minerals. Try to eat vegetables and fruits in their fresh form whenever possible.

Consume foods rich in zinc

Zincis a mineral that strengthens the cells in the inner walls of vessels. Zinc, which is found in high concentrations in seafood, meat, legumes and mushrooms. to protect cardiovascular health do not neglect it.

Consume omega 3 fatty acids

Omega 3 fatty acids found in significant amounts in oily fish dilute the blood and accelerate blood flow. In addition, sulfur in fish is caused by insufficient blood circulation. cellulite buildup obstacles.


Every step you take will ensure that blood is pumped to the heart. Try to walk for at least 1 hour every day.

Go up and down stairs

An active life is important for the protection of the veins. Instead of using an elevator, go up and down the stairs.

Your face

Swimming boosts blood circulation while working all your muscles.

What to Eat for Cardiovascular Health?

Cardiovascular diseases There are natural ways to prevent it. Nutrients and oxygen entering our body are transported to our heart through a vein. Processed foods loaded with saturated fat, chemicals and toxins can stick to the arteries, triggering serious heart problems such as heart attacks.

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A diet made with fresh fruits and vegetables (preferably organic) cardiovascular diseases Besides, it helps prevent many life-threatening diseases. Healthy foods are a source of healing to keep the body strong. Request List of foods that should be eaten to maintain cardiovascular health...


Adding flavor to salads and meals garlic You should consume at least one tooth a day. Studies have shown that regular consumption of garlic reduces cholesterol and prevents blood clots from forming. Since ancient times, garlic has been used in the treatment of heart diseases and hypertension.


Red seedless grapes help reduce the risk of early atherosclerosis (a disease that affects the arteries, commonly referred to as "hardening of the arteries"). It is a good source of lutein, a carotenoid. Lutein reduces LDL cholesterol inflammation in vessel walls.


This small but powerful fruit contains 17 compounds that help open clogged arteries. KirazThere is anthocyanin, which gives the fruit its red color.

Anthocyanin protects cells by delaying cell aging and reduces the risk of developing heart diseases. It contains powerful antioxidants rich in vitamin C and vitamin E. Moreover, there is fiber that facilitates the absorption of nutrients.


It is loaded with antioxidants including vitamins C and E, ellagic acid, various carotenoids and anthocyanins. Tidy Strawberry consumption lowers cholesterol levels. Be careful to consume organic strawberries. Because non-organic ones lose their properties and benefits because they are sprayed against insect venoms.

Apple and Grapefruit

These fruits are a soluble fiber that lowers cholesterol. pectin Contains substance. This substance slows the progression of atherosclerosis and the occlusion of the vessels. Apples are a source of quercetin that contains minerals potassium and magnesium that keep blood pressure in check. According to a study by the French, eating two apples a day helps prevent hardening of the arteries.

Sweet potato

Containing fiber, potassium, beta carotene, folate and vitamin C, sweet potato has blood pressure and cholesterol lowering properties.

Green tea

Drinking a cup of green tea a day provides antioxidant protection. Flavonoids, polyphenols in green tea are powerful antioxidants. Green tea prevents blood clots from forming and contains procyanidins, which are needed through the blood vessels to keep the heart healthy.

Olive oil

Studies show that not all oils are suitable for health. Olive oil, which is one of the monounsaturated oils, is on the list of good oils. Other monounsaturated fats include avocado and nut oil.

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Studies have shown that monounsaturated fats are less likely to oxidize LDL cholesterol particles. This is important because oxidized cholesterol can adhere to the arterial walls and form plaque. Using cold pressed organic olive oil reduces the risk of coronary heart disease in almost half.


Omega 6 and omega 3 are both fatty acids; The former has inflammatory effects, while the latter fights inflammation. Omega 6 fatty acids are obtained from vegetable sources such as soybean and corn oil.

Fatty fish such as salmon, herring and tuna, for cardiovascular health They are good sources of beneficial omega 3 fatty acids.

It is recommended that you consume one of these fish at least once or twice a week. Salmon grown in its natural environment is a very rich source of omega 3 fats and reduces the risk of blood clotting in the veins, thus preventing the oxidation of cholesterol. Farmed salmon is not recommended because they are packed with toxins and contain less omega 3.


Spinach It is a vegetable full of vitamin C and vitamin A. Both of these vitamins help prevent the oxidation of cholesterol and prevent the plaque layer from sticking to the vessels.


Rich in vitamin E chardIt is rich in antioxidants that prevent free radicals from forming. The abundant vitamin E content reduces the risk of clogging of the veins.


Tomatocontains lycopene, a carotenoid that cuts the risk of ateosclerosis in half. Rich in antioxidants, tomatoes minimize the risk of vascular occlusion causing LDL cholesterol.


Rich in soluble fiber, these legumes help to remove cholesterol-containing bile from our body. also cardiovascular diseasesIt is known to help prevent.

Dark chocolate

Dark chocolateContains heart-healthy flavonoids. These compounds help reduce inflammation and the risk of heart disease. Choose those that contain 70% cocoa and eat in moderation.

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