What Are the Benefits of Walking? Benefits of Walking Every Day

Walk It is a great aerobic exercise and an effective way to boost metabolism. It helps reduce the prevalence of chronic diseases. The benefits of walking for human healthWe can list it as follows;

What Are the Benefits of Taking a Walk?

Walking helps weight loss

Walkis an effective way to burn calories and lose weight.

The researchers designed an experiment involving obese patients walking together in and around the city. After eight weeks their weight was checked and more than 50% of the participants lost an average of 5 kg.

Walksaves energy and is an effective and inexpensive way to burn calories.

Improves heart health

Walkhelps improve heart health. A study on adult women, walk and improved biomarkers of cardiovascular health.

Many studies, your march It shows that it reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease by 31%. According to the American Heart Association guidelines, every adult should get at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise (such as brisk walking) five days a week, a day.

Regulates blood pressure

Walk It helps to reduce blood pressure by improving blood circulation.

Researchers at Japan's Wakayama Medical College conducted an experiment on individuals with mild hypertension, and 83 participants walked 12 steps per day for 10000 weeks. After 12 weeks, they showed a significant decrease in blood pressure and increased stamina.

Even if you can't complete 10000 steps a day, walk for at least 30 minutes every day to keep your blood pressure levels in check.

Regulates blood sugar level

Taking regular short walks helps improve fasting and post-meal blood sugar levels.

Scientists recommend at least 2 steps a day to help manage type 5000 diabetes - more than 3000 of these steps should be brisk walking.

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A small study in inactive elderly people with a blood glucose level of 105-125 mg / dL showed that short-term walking for 15 minutes or 45 minutes (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) after meals controlled the post-meal glucose response.

Strengthens bones and facilitates joint movement

Regular walkingstrengthens bones by improving lubrication between joints and strengthening and toning muscles.

Increases lung capacity

Walkincreases lung capacity. When you walk, you get more oxygen than when you are standing still. This larger volume of oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange can help increase lung capacity, thus improving endurance and exercise performance.

A published study found that aerobic fitness can help increase lung volume.

Increases immune function

Walkhelps reduce infections that cause frequent sickness and strengthens immunity. A study was conducted on 12 sedentary adults with stable rheumatoid arthritis at Duke University School of Medicine.

Participants were asked to walk on the treadmill for 10 minutes three times a week for 30 weeks. At the end of the study, they showed improvement in immune function and risk of infection.

Improves gastrointestinal function

In combination with healthy eating habits, to improve gastrointestinal function to walk must.

Studies have shown that low-intensity exercise has a protective role in gastrointestinal disorders. It improves gastrointestinal motility and blood flow in the gastrointestinal tract. However, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and there is limited evidence of its effect on constipation.

Gives energy 

When tired go for a walkis more effective at boosting energy than drinking a cup of coffee.

Walkincreases the oxygen flow in the body. It also increases cortisol, epinephrine, and norepinephrine levels. These are hormones that help increase energy levels.

Improves mood

Many scientific studies show that physical activity depressionIt has proven that it can help prevent this. WalkHighly recommended by doctors and psychiatrists for mood boosting.

It reduces stress

Walkproviding nutrients and oxygen to cells, improving circulation stress It helps to reduce their levels. It also stimulates nervous system receptors and reduces the production of stress hormones.

Improves memory

It is necessary to walk every day to increase memory power. Japanese scientists your march They found that it can help improve the memory of older patients.

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While a sedentary lifestyle narrows the hippocampus, physical exercise has been found to help increase the size of the hippocampus.

Decreases the death rate

The duration and intensity of walking affect the mortality rate. A study of 1239 men found that 1-2 hours a day your marchfound that it reduced the risk of mortality by 70% in men with cardiovascular disease, cerebrovascular disease, or cancer. However, walking for more than 2 hours did not show any significant benefit in these men.

Hues her legs

Walkstrengthens the muscles in the legs. Walk on a hilly area or on an incline treadmill to build more strength. Or use staircases.

You can walk with other cross training activities such as cycling or jogging. 

Improves creative thinking

Walkhelps clear your head and think creatively.

A study of four experiments compared people trying to think of new ideas while walking or sitting. Researchers found that participants, especially those who walked outdoors, performed better when thinking.

The researchers concluded that walking provides a free flow of ideas and is also a simple way to increase creativity and do physical activity.

What Do You Need to Start the Hike?

For a walk you need a few basic things. Here is the list of ingredients needed while walking:

- Walking shoe

- Comfortable clothes

- A bottle of water for long walks

- If you walk into your office, wear your office clothes and a pair of comfortable shoes. You can change your shoes later at the office.

- Motivation - Absolutely necessary, at least for the first 5 days.

- A pedometer to track your walking goals.

How to be Motivated for Walking?

- Ask a friend to join you as you start your hike.

- Walk with your dog in the morning or evening.

- Take a stroll with friends or family after dinner or dinner.

- Walk to the nearest grocery store or a nearby location.

Think about the money you can save by walking.

- Finding the best walking route, counting heart rate, calories burned, steps etc. Use a walk planner for

- Explore different ways every day.

- Join a walking group.

- Go on hiking trips.

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- Walk for a social purpose.

How does the number of calories burned while walking increase?

Beyond weight and speed, other factors can increase calorie burning while walking. March Here are ways to make it stronger:

- Walking on uneven hills, walk Include it in your route or try walking incline on a treadmill.

- Even if you cannot have a fast pace during the whole walking time, speed up your pace in short intervals.

Spending more time on your feet will increase calorie burning. Even if you can't do it for the week, try long walks like an hour or more on the weekend.

- wearing a backpack to walkcan increase the number of calories burned. For example, a 155-pound person burns about 232 calories while walking at moderate pace on a flat surface for an hour. The same person wearing a weighted backpack in a more mountainous area by walking it can burn 439 calories per hour.

Helpful Hint !!!

if to take a walk If you have just started, you cannot walk long distances right away. Walk Divide your routine into sections. Start by walking for 10 minutes each day.

Gradually increase this time to 30 minutes a day. You can then walk for 30 minutes in the morning and 30 minutes in the evening.

The second reason to use the your walking speed gradually increase. After walking, stretch your leg and calf muscles for 20 seconds to cool the active muscles.

As a result;

Walkis an excellent aerobic exercise that offers health benefits. Start with a slow walking and try to go up to 10000 steps a day. Always do warm-up and cool-down exercises before and after walking to avoid injury to muscles and tissues.

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