Food Removes Inflammation from the Body and Causes Inflammation

Inflammation can be both good and bad. On the one hand, it helps protect the body from infections and injuries. On the other hand, chronic inflammation can cause weight gain and illness. Stress, unhealthy processed foods, and low activity levels can worsen this risk.

Some foods trigger inflammation in the body, while others help reduce inflammation. Request "List of foods that reduce and increase inflammation in the body"...

Foods That Reduce Inflammation

Berry fruits

Berries are full of fiber, vitamins and minerals. Although there are dozens of varieties, some of the most commonly consumed berries are:

- Strawberry

- Blueberries


- Blackberry

Mulberry fruits contain antioxidants called anthocyanins. These compounds have anti-inflammatory effects that can reduce the risk of disease.

The body produces natural killer cells (NK) that help the immune system function properly. One study found that men who consumed blueberries every day produced significantly more NK cells than men who did not.

In another study, overweight men and women who ate strawberries lowered levels of certain inflammatory markers associated with heart disease. 

Fatty Fish

Fatty fish are a great source of protein and long-chain omega 3 fatty acids, EPA and DHA. While all types of fish contain omega 3 fatty acids, oily fish are especially among the best sources:

- Salmon

- Sardines

- Herring

- Tuna

- Anchovy

EPA and DHA reduce inflammation, a condition that can lead to metabolic syndrome, heart disease, diabetes, and kidney disease, among others.

It is formed after the body metabolizes these fatty acids into compounds called resolvins and preservatives that have anti-inflammatory effects.

In clinical studies, people who consumed salmon or EPA and DHA supplements had decreased levels of inflammatory marker C-reactive protein (CRP).


Broccoli It is extremely nutritious. It is a cruciferous vegetable, along with Brussels sprouts and cabbage. Studies show that eating more cruciferous vegetables reduces the risk of heart disease and cancer. This may be related to the anti-inflammatory effects of the antioxidants they contain.

Broccoli is rich in cytokines that trigger inflammation and sulforaphane, an antioxidant that fights inflammation by lowering NF-kB levels.

Benefits of avocado fruit


Avokado It's packed with potassium, magnesium, fiber, and heart-healthy monounsaturated fats. It also contains carotenoids and tocopherols, which have been linked to a reduced risk of cancer.

Additionally, a compound found in avocado reduces inflammation in young skin cells. In one study, when people consumed a slice of avocado with a hamburger, they showed lower levels of inflammation markers NF-kB and IL-6, compared to participants who ate hamburgers alone.

Green tea

Green teahas been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer's disease, obesity, and other conditions.

Most of its benefits are due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, particularly a substance called epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG).

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EGCG inhibits inflammation by reducing the production of inflammatory cytokines and damaging fatty acids in cells.


Vitamin C in bell peppers and chili peppers is an antioxidant with powerful anti-inflammatory effects.

Red pepper, sarcoidosisContains quercetin, an antioxidant known to reduce an indicator of oxidative damage in humans. Chili peppers contain synapsic acid and ferulic acid, which can reduce inflammation and promote healthy aging. 

vitamins found in mushrooms


Mantarare succulent structures produced by certain types of fungi. There are thousands of varieties available worldwide, but only a few are edible and grown commercially.

Mushrooms are very low in calories and rich in B vitamins, selenium and copper.

Contains mushroom lectin, phenol and other ingredients that provide anti-inflammatory preservatives. A special type of fungus called "Lion's Mane" could potentially reduce the low-grade inflammation seen in obesity.

However, one study found that cooking mushrooms reduced a large portion of their anti-inflammatory compounds, so it's best to consume them raw or lightly cooked.


GrapeThere are also anthocyanins that reduce inflammation. It can also reduce the risk of various diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, obesity, Alzheimer's disease, and eye disorders.

Grape is also another compound with many health benefits. resveratrolIt is one of the best sources of flour.

In one study, people with heart disease who consumed grape seeds daily experienced a reduction in inflammatory gene markers, including NF-kB.

Also, adiponectin levels are increased; This is a good condition as these low levels are linked to weight gain and an increased risk of cancer.


Turmericis a strong-tasting spice. It attracts a lot of attention due to its curcumin content, which is an anti-inflammatory nutrient.

Turmeric is effective in reducing inflammation related to arthritis, diabetes, and other diseases. When people with metabolic syndrome took 1 gram of curcumin per day, they experienced a significant decrease in C RP compared to placebo.

However, it can be difficult to get enough curcumin to produce a noticeable effect from turmeric alone. In one study, overweight women who took 2.8 grams of turmeric daily showed no improvement in inflammatory markers.

With turmeric black pepper eating enhances their effect. Black pepper contains piperine, which can increase curcumin absorption by 2000%.

foods that don't spoil immediately

Extra virgin olive oil

Extra virgin olive oil It is one of the healthiest oils you can eat. It is rich in monounsaturated fats and is the most important nutrient of the Mediterranean diet that provides numerous health benefits.

Many studies have analyzed the anti-inflammatory properties of olive oil. It has been linked to a reduced risk of heart disease, brain cancer, and other serious health conditions.

In a Mediterranean diet study, CRP and many other markers of inflammation were significantly reduced in those who consumed 50 ml of olive oil daily.

The effect of the antioxidant oleosantol found in olive oil has been compared with anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen. 

Dark Chocolate and Cocoa

Dark chocolate It is delicious and satisfying. It also contains antioxidants that reduce inflammation. These reduce the risk of disease and ensure healthy aging.

Flavors are responsible for the anti-inflammatory effects of chocolate and also hold endothelial cells that make arteries healthy.

In one study, smokers showed significant improvement in endothelial function two hours after eating chocolate with a high flavanol content. To get anti-inflammatory benefits, it is necessary to eat dark chocolate with at least 70% cocoa.

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Is the tomato healthy


TomatoIt is high in vitamin C, potassium, and lycopene; It is an antioxidant with impressive anti-inflammatory properties.

Lycopene is particularly useful for reducing pro-inflammatory compounds associated with various types of cancer.

One study found that drinking tomato juice significantly lowered inflammatory markers in overweight women.

In a review of studies analyzing different forms of lycopene, the researchers found that tomatoes and tomato products reduced inflammation more than lycopene supplements.

Cooking tomatoes in olive oil maximizes the absorption of lycopene. This is because lycopene is a fat-soluble carotenoid.


KirazIt is a fruit rich in delicious antioxidants such as anthocyanins and catechins that fight inflammation. In one study, CRP levels decreased after people ate 280 grams of cherries per day for a month and stopped eating cherries, and remained that way for 28 days.

 Foods That Cause Inflammation

foods that cause inflammation in the body

Sugar and high fructose corn syrup

Table sugar (sucrose) and high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) The two basic types of added sugar. Sugar consists of 50% glucose and 50% fructose, while high fructose corn syrup is made up of about 55% fructose and 45% glucose.

One of the consequences of sugar consumption is increased inflammation that can cause illness. In one study, when mice were given high sucrose, they developed breast cancer that partially spread to the lung due to diabetes inflammation.

In another, the anti-inflammatory effect of omega 3 fatty acids was disrupted in mice fed high-sugar foods.

In a randomized clinical trial given regular soda, diet soda, milk, or water, only people in the normal soda group increased their uric acid levels, resulting in inflammation and insulin resistance.

Sugar can be harmful because it contains excessive amounts of fructose. Although fruits and vegetables contain small amounts of fructose, the sugar in these natural foods is not as harmful as the added sugar.

Consuming excessive amounts of fructose can cause obesity, insulin resistance, diabetes, fatty liver disease, cancer, and chronic kidney disease.

Researchers have found that fructose causes inflammation in the endothelial cells that line the blood vessels.

Artificial Trans Fats

Artificial trans fats, It is made by adding hydrogen to liquid unsaturated fats, resulting in a more solid oil.

Trans fatsare often listed as "partially hydrogenated" oils on ingredient lists on food labels. Many margarines contain trans fats and are often added to processed foods to extend their shelf life.

Unlike the natural trans fats found in milk and meat, artificial trans fats are known to cause inflammation and increase the risk of disease.

In addition to lowering beneficial HDL cholesterol, trans fats have also been shown to impair the function of endothelial cells lining arteries.

Consumption of artificial trans fats has been associated with high levels of inflammatory markers such as interleukin 6 (IL-6), tumor necrosis factor (TNF), and C-reactive protein (CRP).

In a randomized controlled study of underweight elderly women, hydrogenated soybean oil significantly increased inflammation from palm and sunflower oil.

Studies in healthy men with high cholesterol have shown similar increases in inflammation markers in response to trans fats.

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plant oils

Vegetable and Seed Oils

It is not very healthy to consume vegetable oil. Unlike extra virgin olive oil and coconut oil, vegetable and seed oils are usually obtained by extracting nutrients using solvents such as hexane, a component of gasoline.

Vegetable oils; Includes corn, safflower, sunflower, canola (also known as rapeseed), peanut, sesame and soy oils. Vegetable oil consumption has increased excessively in recent years.

These oils tend to be damaged by oxidation due to the nature of polyunsaturated fatty acids. In addition to being highly processed, these oils promote inflammation due to their very high omega 6 fatty acid content.

Refined carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are known to be bad. However, the truth is that it would not be right to call all carbohydrates bad. Consuming refined carbohydrates can cause inflammation and therefore disease.

Refined carbohydratesMost of the fibers have been removed. Fiber aids satiety, improves blood sugar control and feeds beneficial bacteria in the intestines.

Researchers report that refined carbohydrates in the modern diet can stimulate the growth of inflammatory gut bacteria, which can increase the risk of obesity and inflammatory bowel disease.

Refined carbohydrates have a higher glycemic index (GI) than unprocessed carbohydrates. High-GI foods raise blood sugar faster than low-GI foods.

In one study, older adults who consumed large amounts of high-GI foods were 2.9 times more likely to die from an inflammatory disease such as COPD.

In a controlled study, young healthy men who ate 50 grams of refined carbohydrate in the form of white bread increased blood sugar levels and responded to an increase in the inflammatory marker Nf-kB.

Excessive alcohol

Consuming large amounts of alcohol can cause serious problems. In one study, the inflammatory marker CRP was increased in people who consumed alcohol. The more alcohol they consume, the more their CRP increases.

People who drink alcohol often have problems with bacteria that come out of the colon and out of the body. Often leaky gut This condition, called this condition, can cause widespread inflammation that leads to organ damage.

Processed meat

The risk of heart disease, diabetes, stomach cancer and colon cancer increases in consumption of processed meat. Processed meat varieties include sausage, bacon, ham, and smoked meat.

Processed meat contains more advanced glycation end products (AGEs) than most other meats. AGEs are created by cooking meat and other foods at high temperatures.

It is known to cause inflammatory changes that can cause disease. The colon cancer association of all diseases related to the consumption of processed meat is strong.

While many factors contribute to colon cancer development, one mechanism is thought to give an inflammatory response to processed meat from the colon to cells.

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