Harms of Junk Food and Ways to Get Rid of Addiction

Junk food It is found almost everywhere. It is sold in markets, grocery stores, workplaces, schools and vending machines.

Despite being consumed so widely, these practical foods are expressed as unhealthy in research.

In the article, "What is junk food", "junk food damages", "getting rid of junk food addiction" Everything you need to know about the subject will be explained.

What Does Junk Food Mean?

Everybody's snack While its definition varies, it is a concept generally used for unhealthy snacks.

Processed snacks are high in calories - especially in the form of fat and sugar - with very little vitamins, minerals or fiber. This kind List of junk foods is as follows:

- Soda


- Candy

- Cookies

- Donut

- cake

- Pastries

junk food list

Junk Food Addiction

Junk food addiction does. This addiction is due to the sugar and fat content. Sugar stimulates the reward mechanism in the brain in the same way as drugs such as cocaine.

Sugar alone is not always addictive in humans, but when combined with fat, its lure becomes harder to resist.

A review of 52 studies found that the foods most associated with addiction symptoms were highly processed, containing sugar and high amounts of fat and refined carbohydrates.

Regular and even intermittent consumption of highly processed food stimulates the cravings and habit formation center in the brain.

This causes excessive consumption of unhealthy foods and weight gain over time. 

Junk Food Consumption It is quite common among obese or overweight people.

binge eating disorder

Does Junk Food Make You Weight?

Obesityis a complex and multifactorial disease, and does not depend on a single cause. Junk foodTheir ease of access, taste and low cost, together with other conditions such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes, cause obesity.

Junk Food and Its Loss


This type of food has a low satiety value, which means it does not keep you full. Liquid calories, especially from soda, sports drinks and specialty coffees, are considered empty calories.

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A review of 32 studies found that for each serving of sugary drinks consumed, people gained 0.12-0.22kg in one year. Although it may seem insignificant, this will lead to weight gain over time.

Other reviews, snackpoints to similar results showing that flour - especially sweetened drinks - is significantly associated with weight gain in both children and adults

Heart disease

Heart disease is the leading cause of death worldwide. Sugar intake is one of several risk factors for this disease.

Added sugar increases the amount of triglycerides in the blood and increases blood pressure, which is an important risk factor for heart disease.

Type 2 diabetes

Type 2 diabetes occurs when the body becomes insensitive to the effects of insulin, the hormone that lowers blood sugar.

Excess body fat, high blood pressure, low HDL (good) cholesterol, and a history of heart disease or stroke are the leading risk factors for type 2 diabetes.

Eating fast food Excess body fats are associated with high blood pressure and low HDL cholesterol - all of which increase the risk of type 2 diabetes.

Harm of Junk Food on Skin

The foods we eat affect the health of the skin. Pizza, chocolate, and fatty foods acneIt triggers. The main factor here is carbohydrate.

Carbohydrate-rich foods cause blood sugar spikes, and this sudden jump in blood sugar levels triggers acne breakouts.

Children and adolescents who eat fast food at least three times a week are more likely to develop eczema, according to one study. Eczema is a skin condition that causes inflamed, itchy patches of skin that are irritated.

Junk Food Allergy

Scientists have noted that allergic reactions have increased in the last 20 years, and this junk foodHe says it depends on the increase in. Accordingly, high sugar and fatty foods reduce the number of healthy bacteria in the intestines.

consumption of junk food

Differences between Junk Food and Healthy Food

Basically, the difference between healthy and unhealthy foods often depends on calorie and fat content. The main differences that distinguish healthy foods from unhealthy junk foods are as follows;

Fat difference

There are so many types of cooking oils on the market today that choosing the healthier ones is really confusing. The key difference between unhealthy and healthy fats is the amount of saturated and unsaturated fats they contain. 

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Unsaturated fats are healthy. For this reason, oils with a higher percentage of unsaturated fat are considered a healthier option. 

Olive oil is a healthy option because it is low in saturated fat.

Nutrient capacity

Healthy foods are calcium, fiber, potassium, vitamin D, etc. It is rich in nutrients such as. Vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts, and whole grains provide fiber. 

Leafy vegetables and low-fat dairy products contain calcium. Vegetables and fruits such as bananas, avocados, strawberries, apricots, and cucumbers are rich in potassium.

Eggs, fish, orange juice, and milk are good sources of vitamin D. Junk foodcontains very few of these nutrients.

Refined and unrefined foods

A lot of enzymes, vitamins, and fiber are lost during the refining process, making refined foods unhealthy. Vegetable oils are good initially for health if consumed in moderation.

It is partially hydrogenated to extend the shelf life of the oil and is then used for cooking and baking. After the hydrogenation process, the formerly good fat turns into less healthy trans fat.

Processed fat has negative long-term effects on the body. Therefore, try to use unrefined and unprocessed ingredients to maintain health.

Healthy foods are rich in antioxidants

Antioxidants are necessary to protect the body from free radicals that can cause cancer. Healthy foods such as vegetables, fruits, and beans are rich sources of antioxidants.

Healthy snacks

Choosing healthy snacks is very important because we consume the most unhealthy foods while snacking. It is healthier to consume crispy vegetables such as low-fat sauced celery and carrots instead of potato chips or onion french fries. Nuts and popcorn are healthier than processed foods like chips.

Disease risk

Unhealthy eating increases the risk of many health problems. It increases the likelihood of heart disease, obesity, and type 2 diabetes. 

According to the World Health Organization, around 2,7 million people die each year from a lack of nutrient-rich vegetables and fruits in their diets.

Rich in healthy foods, complex carbohydrates and fiber

Carbohydrates are categorized as simple and complex according to the structure of their molecules. Simple carbohydrates mainly contain sugar, while complex carbohydrates include starch and foods with high fiber content. 

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A diet rich in fiber improves the digestive process and provides energy. Simple carbohydrates provide energy but also cause some side effects such as mood swings and obesity.

what not to eat for breakfast

Getting Rid of Junk Food Addiction

How to stop junk food?

Not eating junk food First of all, you should keep them away from your home. When you go to the market shopping for junk food I recommend you stay away from that aisle to avoid doing it.

Do not eat chips or other snacks directly from the sachet. Instead, take some in a bowl and consume it that way.

The second reason to use the junk food products Replace with healthier options. Here are some healthy snacks you can consume instead:


Apple, banana, orange and other fruits


Green leafy vegetables, peppers, broccoli and cauliflower

Whole grains and starches

Oats, brown rice, quinoa and sweet potato

Seeds and nuts

Almonds, walnuts and sunflower seeds


Beans, peas, and lentils

Healthy protein sources

Fish, shellfish, steak, and poultry


Yoghurt, cheese and kefir fermented dairy products such as

Healthy Oils

Olive oil, nut butter, avocado, and coconut

Healthy drinks

Water, mineral water, green tea and herbal teas

As a result;

Junk Foods; It's high in calories, sugar, and fat, but lacking in important nutrients like fiber, vitamins, and minerals. 

These are a driving factor for obesity and some chronic diseases. Junk foodThe fat and sugar in together are addictive and easy to consume. 

Considered unhealthy snackYou can choose healthy snacks instead of s.

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