What is Phytoestrogen, What Are Its Benefits? Foods Containing Estrogens

Phytoestrogenare compounds found in plants, and this group of plant compounds can mimic or inhibit the effects of the estrogen hormone.

Studies, phytoestrogenHe found that there may be some benefits, including reducing the risk of heart disease and helping to maintain bone health.

But in some people, it can reduce fertility and disrupt hormones.

In the article “benefits and harms of phytoestrogens " with, "foods containing phytoestrogens "is mentioned.

What Are Phytoestrogens?

Phytoestrogensis a naturally occurring group found in many plants. Foods containing phytoestrogens include soybeans and flax seeds.

Estrogen is an important hormone for female development and fertility. Men also have estrogen, but they have much lower levels.

Phytoestrogens Because they are structurally similar to estrogen, they can interact with their receptors in the body. Some phytoestrogensWhile mimicking the effects of estrogen, some block its effects.

These effects are particularly important for postmenopausal women. phytoestrogenIt provides various health benefits. These may include reduced skin aging, stronger bones, and a lower risk of heart disease.

The four main phytoestrogen has family:


Most studied phytoestrogen typeStop. Foods containing isoflavones are soy and other legumes.


It is a diverse class of plant estrogens. Foods containing lignan are flaxseed, whole wheat, vegetables, strawberries, and cranberries.


Although there are a variety of sandstanes, only a few mimic the action of estrogen. Foods containing coumaceous are alfalfa sprouts and soybean sprouts.


Resveratrolis the main dietary source of stilbens. Foods that contain resveratrol are grapes and red wine.

In addition, phytoestrogensbelongs to a larger group of plant compounds called polyphenols. Polyphenols have antioxidant effects and neutralize harmful free radicals.

Effects of Phytoestrogens on the Body

Estrogen works by binding to receptors in cells. When this happens, estrogen and its receptor travel to the cell nucleus or command center to alter the expression of several genes.

However, cell receptors for estrogen are not very selective. In some cases, substances with a similar structure can bind and activate them.

Phytoestrogens Since they have a chemical structure similar to estrogen, they can also activate their receptors. Therefore phytoestrogens known as endocrine disruptors. These are chemicals that interfere with the normal function of hormones in the body.

However, phytoestrogens They can weakly bind to estrogen receptors, producing a much weaker response than normal estrogen.

What Are the Benefits of Phytoestrogens?

Phytoestrogen A diet rich in nutrients has some impressive health benefits.

May reduce risk factors for heart disease

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the world. People with higher cholesterol, triglycerides, "bad" LDL cholesterol or high blood pressure have a higher risk of heart disease than others.

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Many studies, foods containing phytoestrogensIt has been shown that the consumption of this medicine can reduce risk factors for these heart diseases.

For example, an analysis of 38 studies found that consuming an average of 31--47 grams of soy protein per day lowered blood cholesterol by 9%, triglycerides by 10% and LDL cholesterol by 13%.

Also, subjects in the study with the highest cholesterol levels (greater than 335 mg / dl) had their cholesterol levels reduced by 19.6%.

Supports bone health

Building healthy bones is incredibly important, especially as we age. Foods containing phytoestrogenscan prevent osteoporosis, which is part of bone loss and porous bones.

Animal studies, phytoestrogensshowed that it can reduce the formation of osteoclasts, a type of cell that breaks down bones. In addition, they can increase the formation of osteoblasts, a type of cell that helps in bone formation.

Also, human studies, phytoestrogens found that people who ate rich in diets had a lower risk of hip fracture

May reduce the effects of skin aging after menopause

Menopauseis a phase a woman goes through when menstruation stops. It causes a decrease in estrogen levels and can cause wrinkles, thinning and dryness of the skin.

Studies phytoestrogensfound that applying in to the skin can reduce the effects of skin aging after menopause.

In a study of 30 postmenopausal women, they had a skin phytoestrogen extractThey found that the application of it helped increase the thickness by about 10%.

In addition, collagen and elastic fibers increased in 86% and 76% of women, respectively.

May reduce chronic inflammation

Inflammation is a process that helps the body fight infections and heal wounds. In some cases, inflammation can continue for a long time at low levels. This is called chronic inflammation and can cause many harmful diseases.

Like isoflavones phytoestrogens It may have anti-inflammatory effects in the body.

Animal studies, such as isoflavones phytoestrogensshowed that it reduced various markers of inflammation including IL-6, IL-1β, nitric oxide and prostaglandin E2.

Likewise, human studies have found that a diet rich in isoflavones can reduce markers of inflammation such as IL-8 and C-reactive protein.

It can reduce the risk of some types of cancer

Canceris a disease characterized by uncontrolled cell growth. Phytoestrogen Diets rich in nutrients have been associated with lower risks of various cancers such as prostate, colon, bowel, endometrial and ovarian cancer.

For example, an analysis of 17 studies found that consuming soy isoflavones was linked to a 23% lower risk of colorectal cancer.

What Are the Harms of Phytoestrogens?

Many studies, phytoestrogensIt shows that it can benefit health. But phytoestrogensThere is some concern that over-consumption of the diet may upset the hormone balance of the body.

May reduce productivity in male animals

Some common items of phytoestrogensGiven its ability to mimic the effects of estrogen, whether some of them are harmful to men is a matter of debate.

Men also have estrogen, but significantly elevated levels are not normal. Increasing estrogen levels associated with testosterone can reduce male fertility.

Studies on animals such as cattle, sheep and cheetahs are regularly conducted. phytoestrogen has shown that its consumption is linked to lower fertility in men.

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Affects some people's thyroid function

The thyroid gland helps regulate metabolism, growth, and development. Unfortunately, some such as isoflavones phytoestrogenscompounds that can interfere with the function of the thyroid gland goitrogens can act like

Several studies in animals and humans, phytoestrogensfound that it can affect the function of the thyroid gland.

However, soy foods have been found to affect thyroid function in people with hypothyroidism or iodine deficiency.

So phytoestrogen consumptionwill not affect thyroid function in people who do not have a thyroid problem or iodine deficiency.

What Are Foods Containing Estrogen?

Estrogen is a hormone that supports sexual and reproductive development. While it is found in both men and women of all ages, it is found at much higher levels in women of reproductive age.

Estrogen performs a variety of functions in the female body, including regulation of the menstrual cycle, breast growth and development.

During menopause, women's estrogen levels drop, which can lead to symptoms such as hot flashes and night sweats.

Also known as dietary estrogen phytoestrogensThey are naturally occurring plant compounds produced by the human body that can act in a similar way to estrogen.

Here foods that increase estrogen hormone...

What Are Foods That Increase Estrogen Hormone?

estrogen-increasing foods

Flax seeds

Flax seedsare small, golden or brown colored seeds with potential health benefits. 

These phytoestrogens It is incredibly rich in lignans, a group of chemical compounds that function as an ingredient. Flax seeds contain 800 times more lignans than other plant foods.

Studies show that found in flax seeds phytoestrogensin postmenopausal women, it can play an important role in reducing the risk of breast cancer.

Soybeans and edamame

Home soybean as well as edamame It provides many benefits and is rich in protein and many vitamins and minerals. Also known as isoflavone phytoestrogens rich in terms.

Soy isoflavones produce estrogen-like activity in the body by mimicking the effects of natural estrogen. They can increase or decrease blood estrogen levels.

Dried fruits

Dried fruits They are nutrient-rich, delicious snacks. Also, various phytoestrogensThey are the powerful source of. Dateprunes and dried apricots, phytoestrogen It is one of the highest dried fruits.


Sesameis fibrous small seed. As well as other important nutrients phytoestrogens It is also very rich in terms. Interestingly, one study found that sesame seed powder consumption can affect estrogen levels in postmenopausal women.

What are the benefits of garlic


Garlicis a popular spice that adds a sharp flavor and aroma to dishes. It is famous not only for its culinary properties, but also for its health properties. 

Although studies on the effects of garlic in humans are limited, numerous animal studies have shown that it can affect blood estrogen levels.

Additionally, a one-month study involving postmenopausal women noted that garlic oil supplements may offer protective effects against bone loss due to estrogen deficiency. 


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Peach It is a sweet fruit with yellowish white flesh and cloudy skin. Known as lignans with vitamin and mineral content phytoestrogens It is also rich in terms of

Berry Fruits

Berries are a group that includes blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, raspberries and similar fruits with impressive health benefits.

Vitamins, minerals, fibers and phytoestrogens They are full of beneficial plant compounds, including. Strawberry, cranberry and raspberries are particularly rich sources.

Wheat bran

Another concentrate of wheat bran phytoestrogen source, especially lignans. Some human studies show that high-fiber wheat bran reduces serum estrogen levels in women.

broccoli and cauliflower

Cruciferous vegetables

Cruciferous vegetables are a large group of plants with different flavors, textures and nutrients. Members of this family cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts phytoestrogen-rich vegetablesd.

Cauliflower and broccoli, a type of lignan phytoestrogen rich in secoisolariciresinol. Brussels sprouts and cabbage are rich in coumestrol, another type of phytonutrient with estrogenic activity.


Pistachio nutsthe highest amount of all nuts phytoestrogen It contains.

Walnutis one of the healthiest nuts. PhytoestrogensBesides, it is rich in protein, omega 3 fatty acids and a wide variety of essential nutrients.

Peanut It is a good source of phytoestrogens and one of the most consumed nuts.

Alfalfa Sprouts and Mung Bean Sprouts

These are some of the best options for increasing estrogen levels. These sprouts are very low in carbohydrates and calories and are extremely healthy.

It is a great combination with other nutrients such as folate, iron, vitamin B complex, and fiber. phytoestrogen is the source.

dried bean values

Haricot bean

Haricot bean is extremely healthy - phytoestrogensIt is rich in nutrients such as fiber, iron, folate, and calcium. This helps balance estrogen levels in the body.

Black Beans

Black beans with phytoestrogensSince it is rich in r, it increases fertility in women. It is also a rich source of protein, fiber, antioxidants, and various vitamins and minerals.

Red wine

Red wine is a product called resveratrol that increases estrogen levels in the body and also reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease when you overdo it. phytoestrogen It contains. 

As a result;

Phytoestrogensis found in a wide variety of plant foods. Phytoestrogen To increase your intake, you should eat the nutritious and tasty foods listed above. 

In most cases, this estrogen-containing foods and drinksThe benefits of eating i outweigh the potential health risks.

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