What Is Trans Fat, Is It Harmful? Foods Containing Trans Fats

We stay away from fats because it causes weight gain and triggers some chronic diseases. However, not all types of fat have the same effect on the body. oils; It is one of the three macronutrients classified as carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. It is necessary for both our nutrition and our health. Fats are also divided into healthy fats and unhealthy fats. healthy fats; omega-3 fatty acids, monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats. Omega-3, mono and polyunsaturated fats are healthy. Unhealthy fats are trans fats and saturated fats. These are unhealthy as well as cause many diseases in the long run. 

After classifying the oils, let's talk about trans fats that fall into the unhealthy fat group. “Why are trans fats harmful, which foods are there?” “How do we reduce trans fat consumption?” Let's explain everything that is curious about this.

What is trans fat?

Trans fatty acids are a type of unsaturated fat. It is the conversion of liquid vegetable oils into solid oils with hydrogen gas and a catalyst. It is a kind of unhealthy fat made by the hydrogenation process. Unlike saturated fats, unsaturated fats have at least one double bond in their chemical structure. 

Some animal products, such as beef, lamb, and dairy products, naturally contain small amounts of trans fat. These are called natural trans fats and are healthy. 

But artificial trans fats in frozen foods and processed foods like fried margarine raise bad cholesterol. Therefore, it is unhealthy.

trans fats
What are trans fats?

Natural and artificial trans fats

We can classify trans fats in two different ways. Natural trans fats and artificial trans fats.

Natural trans fats are fats from ruminant animals (such as cattle, sheep, and goats). Natural trans fats have been part of our diet since we started eating meat and dairy. It occurs when bacteria in the stomach of animals digest grass.

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These natural fats make up 2-5% of dairy product fat, 3-9% of beef and lamb fat. Although its name is trans fat, it is healthy because it enters our body naturally.

The most well-known among natural trans fats, conjugated linoleic acid (CLA). It is extremely healthy and reduces the risk of heart disease. It is found in high amounts in milk fat obtained from cows grazing on the pasture.

The positive properties we mentioned for natural trans fats cannot be said to be valid for artificial trans fats. Artificial trans fats are industrial oils or known as "hydrogenated oils". 

These oils are obtained by pumping hydrogen molecules into vegetable oils. This process changes the chemical structure of the oil. It turns a liquid into a solid. This process involves high pressure, hydrogen gas, a metal catalyst, and is pretty bad.

Once hydrogenated, vegetable oils have a longer shelf life. These oils are preferred by the manufacturers as they extend the shelf life. It is solid at room temperature with a consistency similar to saturated fats.

Are trans fats harmful?

As we mentioned above, these oils are obtained as a result of an unhealthy process. Studies indicate the negative effects of trans fats on health as follows:

  • It raises LDL (bad) cholesterol.
  • It lowers HDL (good) cholesterol.
  • It increases the risk of atherosclerosis, or fat and cholesterol accumulated in the arteries.
  • It activates apoptosis or programmed cell death.
  • It causes inflammation.

Harms of Trans Fats

Increases the risk of heart disease

  • Trans fats are a known risk factor for heart disease. 
  • It raises LDL (bad) cholesterol.
  • It significantly increases the total / HDL cholesterol ratio.
  • It negatively affects lipoproteins (ApoB / ApoA1 ratio), which are both important risk factors for heart disease.

Causes insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes

  • Trans fats increase the risk of diabetes. 
  • as a risk factor for diabetes insulin resistanceWhat causes it and raises blood sugar?
  • In animal study, excess consumption of trans fats was found to cause adverse effects on insulin and glucose function.
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Increases inflammation

  • Excessive inflammation in the body, heart disease, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, arthritis triggers many chronic diseases such as
  • Trans fats increase inflammatory markers such as IL-6 and TNF alpha.
  • In other words, artificial oils trigger all kinds of inflammation and cause many diseases.

Damages blood vessels and increases the risk of cancer

  • These unhealthy fats damage the inner lining of blood vessels known as the endothelium.
  • In a study on cancer, trans fats menopause Taking it before menopause has been associated with an increased risk of breast cancer after menopause. 
Foods Containing Trans Fats

  • Popcorn

When it comes to cinema, the first thing we think of popcorn income. But some varieties of this fun snack, especially microwaveable popcorn, contain trans fat. Best to pop the corn yourself.

  • Margarine and vegetable oils

“Is margarine trans fat?” The question baffles us. Yes, margarine contains high levels of trans fat. Some vegetable oils also contain this unhealthy oil when hydrogenated.

  • fried fast food

If you eat out, especially in fast food style, you are likely to encounter these unhealthy fats. Fried chicken and fish, burger, french fries and fried noodle Fast food, such as fried foods, contain high levels of trans fat.

  • baked goods

Bakery products such as cakes, cookies, pastries are made with vegetable oils or margarine. Because a more delicious product emerges. It is cheaper and has a longer shelf life.

  • Non-dairy coffee creamer

Non-dairy coffee creams, also known as coffee whiteners, kahveIt is used as a substitute for milk and cream in tea and other hot drinks. Most non-dairy creamers are made from partially hydrogenated oil to extend shelf life and provide a creamy consistency. 

  • Potato and corn chips

Most potatoes and corn chips contain trans fat in the form of partially hydrogenated oil.

  • Sausage

Some contain trans fat. Pay attention to the content on the label. 

  • Sweet pie

Some may have this unhealthy fat. Read the label.

  • Pizza
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Some brands of pizza dough contain trans fat. Be especially careful with frozen pizzas for this ingredient. 

  • Cracker

Some brands of crackers contain this oil, so don't buy without reading the label.

How do we avoid trans fats?

These unhealthy fats are found in many processed foods. Read food labels carefully to avoid consuming these oils. Do not buy foods with the words "hydrogenated" or "partially hydrogenated" in the list.

Unfortunately, reading labels is not enough in all cases. Some processed foods (like regular vegetable oils) may contain trans fats without being labeled or listed on the ingredient list.

The best way to avoid these fats is to eliminate processed foods completely. For this, pay attention to the following.

  • Natural instead of margarine butter use. 
  • Use olive oil instead of vegetable oils in your meals.
  • Eat home cooked meals instead of fast food.
  • Use milk instead of cream.
  • Eat baked and boiled foods instead of fried foods.
  • Before cooking meat, remove fat.

Trans fats are a type of fat found naturally in dairy and meat products. These are natural trans fats and are healthy. Unhealthy are industrially produced artificial trans fats used in processed and packaged foods. These are a form of unsaturated fats.

Trans fats have harmful effects such as raising bad cholesterol, lowering good cholesterol, increasing the risk of heart disease and triggering diabetes. To avoid trans fats, read food labels carefully and avoid processed foods.

References: 1

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