How to Lose 5 Kilos in 5 Days with the Apple Diet?

Do you need to lose at least 5 kilos to get into the dress you're planning to wear to a party? Do not worry! We have a plan for you to lose 5 kilos in 5 days! Apple diet…

AppleIt helps to lose weight, fights cancer, reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes, prevents the formation of gallstones, strengthens immunity and prevents the development of cataracts. It is one of the nutrient-dense fruits.

In the apple diet, apples are eaten in most of the meals.

How to lose weight with apple diet?

Apple, which is the main food of this diet; It is rich in minerals, vitamins and fiber. It has about 80 to 100 calories, or very few calories, depending on fruit size.

An effective laxative The apple is nutritious and beneficial for the nervous system, so it is included in many diet lists.

The fiber in apples is bound to fat molecules that prevent fat absorption. Fats to which fiber is bound are excreted from the body. Apple also makes you feel full for longer.

what is the apple diet

5 day apple diet list

In the 5-day apple diet, apples should be eaten and fluids should be taken on the first day. For the remaining four days, you will be allowed to eat apples, mostly with other nutrient-dense foods, but 1200 caloriesYou will not be allowed to exceed.

the 1.G


  • 2 apples


  • 1 apples


  • 3 apples

Breakfast, lunch and dinner consist of apples and only up to 1.5 kilos of apples should be consumed. Drink enough detox water and water throughout the day to keep your body hydrated.

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the 2.G


  • 1 apples
  • 1 glass of skimmed milk


  • Salad of 1 apple and 2 carrots (You can prepare it with mint leaves, olive oil, salt and pepper and a light salad dressing)


  • 2 apples

On the second day, vegetables are eaten with apples for lunch. You get other essential nutrients from vegetables. Olive oilIt is a rich source of fat that will help maintain the integrity of the cell membrane. Drink enough water throughout the day.

the 3.G


  • 1 apples
  • 1 slice of grain bread
  • Boiled egg


  • 1 apples
  • Tomato, cucumber, onion, mint and salty salad


  • 1 bowl of low-fat yogurt


  • 1 apples
  • Lentil soup

The third day of the apple diet can be called a protein day. Proteins are the building blocks of the body.

Since you ate mostly apples for two days, your body will not have enough energy for digestion. So don't overeat. Fill yourself with water and detox drinks.

the 4.G


  • 1 apples
  • Cabbage smoothie


  • 1 apples
  • Vegetable meal


  • 1 small bowl of watermelon or 1 orange

Evening snack

  • 1 cup of green tea


  • 1 apples
  • 1 celery smoothie

Today, there is a small snack in the afternoon. Drink a glass of freshly squeezed juice or eat a whole fruit.

The green / black / white tea you drink before dinner is highly recommended as it contains antioxidants and will help the body flush all toxins.

the 5.G


  • 1 apples
  • 1 boiled eggs


  • 1 apples
  • Vegetable soup
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After lunch

  • 2 almonds or 1 peach

Evening snack

  • 1 cup of green tea
  • 1 diet biscuit


  • 1 apples
  • Baked fish and asparagus

On the last day, when you eat a complex combination of foods, your metabolism will stay active and continue to burn calories. You may feel sluggish and exhausted.

Should you exercise on the apple diet?

Exercise is absolutely essential, especially if you are overweight. However, try not to exercise hard as you will eat very low calories in the first two days. Yoga ve meditationGive weight.

From day 3, you can exercise regularly or start walking, climbing up and down stairs, jogging, jumping rope, doing yoga, dancing, swimming and pilates. Make sure you lose weight and build muscle first. You can try strength exercises to build muscle.

What are the benefits of the apple diet?

"Is the apple diet healthy?” I know you are wondering about the answer to the question. Here are the benefits of the apple diet;

  • Eating apples every day helps prevent the risk of chronic diseases such as stroke and heart disease.
  • This diet is pocket friendly and super simple.
  • The apple diet helps to speed up the metabolism slowly and steadily.
  • This diet is a balanced diet that includes vegetables, fruits, protein, dairy, good fats, good carbohydrates, micronutrients and dietary fiber.
What are the harms of apple diet?

Those who lose weight with the apple diet may experience some side effects.

  • You may have trouble eating an apple right before every big meal.
  • Apple diet harmsOne of them is that for those who have excessive calorie eating habits, they may experience difficulties and mood swings in the first two days of this diet.
  • You may feel sluggish and sleepy.
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  • The first two days are very important for those who lose weight with the apple diet. Drink enough water or detox water with the apple.
  • Also, if you feel sluggish, you may experience muscle pain, joint pain, etc. at any time during the diet. If you experience it, stop dieting immediately.
  • Before starting a diet, follow the advice you get from your doctor or dietician. Lose weight; It depends on several factors such as age, height, body type, current weight, activity level, medical history, and genes. Therefore, the amount of weight loss will not be the same for every individual.

References: 1

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