What is laxative, does it weaken laxatives?

Most people occasionally laxative to lose weight It refers to items such as. But, weight loss with a laxativeThere are serious concerns about its safety and effectiveness.

In the article, "What does laxative mean", "what does laxative medicine do", "does it weaken laxative medicine", subject titles will be mentioned.

What is a laxative?

Aka laxative medicationsThey are medicines used to help people to induce bowel movements or to loosen stool to make it easier to pass. 

They are often used to treat constipation caused by infrequent, painful or difficult bowel movements.

Also The Turkish slimming with laxatives It has become a popular method. Many people think that the use of these substances can increase the frequency of bowel movements and help fast, easy and effortless weight loss.

However, as will be mentioned in the rest of the article, there are some concerns about the safety of this. First of all, working in different ways laxative Let's talk about classification.

Will the laxative weaken

How Are Laxatives Classified?

Stimulant laxatives

These work by speeding up the movement of the digestive system.

Osmotic-type laxatives

These substances keep the colon more water, increasing the frequency of bowel movement.

Volumizing laxatives

They add volume to the stool by passing through undigested intestines, absorbing water.

Saline laxatives

With these, water is drawn into the small intestine and bowel movement is provided.

Lubricating laxatives

This type of laxative coats the surface of the stool and the intestinal lining to facilitate bowel movements.

Stool softeners

They allow stools to absorb more water and pass easily.

How Do Laxatives Work?

When a person has a normal bowel movement, stool is formed by the absorption of waste, unwanted nutrients, electrolytes, and water in the gut.

These normally combine to form a soft but solid substance that can easily pass through the digestive system.

Most of the nutrients in the foods we eat are actually absorbed in the small intestine, not the stomach. The large intestine or colon mostly absorbs water. After moving through the stomach and intestines, waste moves into the colon when it's ready to go out.

Each laxative typeIt works a little differently as a remedy for constipation. Some of the ways it works are to draw water into the intestines, soften stools, and allow the muscles in the digestive tract to contract and expel waste.

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irritable bowel syndrome constipation

Constipation and Laxatives

Constipation symptoms vary from person to person.

In general, if you have difficulty emptying your bowels and have fewer than three bowel movements per week, you are likely to be constipated.

If these sparse bowel movements and difficulty passing stool persist for several weeks or longer, it is considered chronic constipation.

Laxativeis a drug that stimulates or facilitates bowel movements. There are different types of laxatives that do not require a prescription.

Although these laxatives are available at the pharmacy, it is helpful to ask your doctor about your needs and which type might be best for you.

Does Laxative Weaken?

Use of laxativeshas become incredibly common among those who want to lose a few pounds quickly. It is estimated that more than 4% of the population use laxatives for this purpose.

Weight loss with laxative pillsIt is true, but the results are only temporary.

A few laxative typeBy drawing water from the body into the intestines, it aids the passage of stool and allows it to absorb more water. With this method, the only weight you will lose is the water you excrete from your stool.

One small study found that self-vomiting or vomiting to avoid eating large amounts of food followed by weight gain laxative having a type of eating disorder that involves using methods such as bulimia nervosaHe measured the daily food intake and eating habits of 30 patients.

Compared to other methods used by these patients, the researchers use of laxativesThey found that it is an ineffective method for controlling body weight.

Another study is also use of laxativesHe concluded that laxative use was more common among overweight and obese adolescents than children with normal weight.

Until now, there have been no studies to support the idea that the use of these substances can lead to permanent weight loss.

Those who lose weight with laxatives dehydration electrolyte imbalance and possibly dangerous side effects such as addiction. 

What are the Harms of Laxative Medicine?

laxative harms

May cause dehydration

One of the most common side effects is dehydration. This is because many laxativework by drawing water from other tissues into the intestines and causing dehydration through feces.

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If you are not careful to replace the lost water, dehydration can occur. Common symptoms of dehydration include headachedecreased urine output, increased thirst, fatigueinclude dry skin and dizziness.

May cause electrolyte imbalance

Electrolytes are substances that dissolve in body fluids and are important for the normal functioning of cells and tissues.

Some common electrolytes are chloride, sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, and phosphate. 

If the balance of these essential electrolytes is disturbed, dangerous side effects can occur, including seizures, confusion, and coma.

Laxativescan result in the loss of important electrolytes. Electrolyte imbalance can occur, which is one of the most dangerous side effects of using these substances.

A small study of 24 patients, use of laxativesshowed that the participants caused significant changes in sodium and potassium levels.

Another study in 2.270 people showed that laxatives commonly used to prepare for colonoscopies increase the risk of electrolyte disturbances.

Symptoms of electrolyte imbalance are thirst, headache, heart palpitations, fatigue, weakness, and muscle aches.

Overuse can be addictive

Laxative pill or herbs that have a laxative effect it is generally safe for short-term use, but some may cause addiction over long-term use. 

Stimulant that works to start a bowel movement by accelerating the movement of the intestinal tract purgativeThis is especially true for l items.

However, laxative addiction Most of his reports are anecdotal.

Stimulant laxativesDespite some reports of developing tolerance to or becoming dependent on them, there is little evidence to suggest that these effects actually occur.

In fact, some researchers stimulant laxativesThey stated that tolerance was rare and the chance of addiction was minimal.

Long-term use of laxativesMore research is needed to evaluate the effects of and addiction risk.

Other Possible Side Effects of Laxative Use

In addition to causing dehydration, electrolyte imbalances and possible addiction, use of laxativeshas been associated with a number of other dangerous side effects, including the following.


In one case study, it has been shown that with prolonged use, it can induce rhabdomyolysis, causing rapid breakdown of muscle tissue and the release of a harmful protein into the bloodstream.

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Gastrointestinal damage

One small study found that patients with anorexia experienced changes in gastrointestinal function and pancreatic damage as a result of long-term use of laxatives. 

Liver damage

In one case study, it was reported that the use of laxatives contributed to liver damage in one patient.

Kidney failure

Another case study revealed that excessive use of laxatives led to severe kidney failure requiring dialysis.

Interaction with other drugs

Laxatives May interact with certain heart medications, antibiotics, and bone medications.

Information on which drugs it may interact with is usually written on the label.

why drinking water weakens

Healthier Ways of Weight Loss

Those who lose weight with laxatives or a those who lose weight with laxative medication Instead of using unhealthy methods, they should try to lose weight with healthy methods that can get long-term results. 

You can seek professional help or try these simple and proven ways to do this:

Eat more fruits and vegetables

They are low in calories and rich in fiber. Increasing the consumption of fruits and vegetables helps to lose weight.


Doing aerobic exercise several times a week helps to lose weight.

Reduce portion sizes

Smaller portions mean fewer calories. One study found that just using smaller plates caused participants to eat less.

Eat a high protein breakfast

Starting the day with a protein-packed breakfast reduces appetite and nutrient intake throughout the day.

Cut down on sugar consumption

Sugary foods and beverages are high in calories, low in nutrients, and cause weight gain.

As a result;

Natural laxativecan be an effective remedy to increase bowel movements and prevent constipation. However, prolonged use does not undermine and can lead to many dangerous situations.

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