What's In Vitamin D? Vitamin D Benefits and Deficiency

Vitamin D a fat soluble vitaminis Our body obtains this vitamin from the sun. It is necessary to strengthen bones and teeth, to maintain the function of the immune system, and to facilitate the absorption of calcium and phosphorus. Many people in the world and in our country experience vitamin D deficiency due to various reasons. Vitamin D is the only vitamin our body produces when exposed to sunlight. However, it is present in a limited number of foods. So, "What's in Vitamin D?" Vitamin D is found in seafood such as salmon, herring, sardines, tuna, shrimp, oysters, and foods such as milk, eggs, yoghurt and mushrooms.

What is Vitamin D?

Vitamin D, an essential nutrient for our health, is a fat-soluble secosteroid that helps ensure intestinal absorption of calcium and phosphate. Unlike other vitamins, it is found in very few foods. It is produced by the body itself when exposed to sunlight.

What do you have vitamin D?
What's in vitamin D?

Vitamin D is necessary to support various body processes:

  • Calcium, magnesium, absorption and regulation of phosphate
  • Hardening, growth and remodeling of bones
  • Cellular development and remodeling
  • Immune function
  • Nerve and muscle function

Types of Vitamin D

There are only two types of vitamin D.

  • Vitamin D2: Vitamin D2, also known as ergocalciferol, is obtained from fortified foods, plant foods, and supplements.
  • Vitamin D3: Vitamin D3, also known as cholecalciferol, is obtained from fortified foods and animal foods (fish, eggs, and liver). It is also produced internally by our body when the skin is exposed to sunlight.

Why is Vitamin D Important?

Vitamin D belongs to the family of fat-soluble vitamins, which includes vitamins A, D, E and K. These vitamins are best absorbed in fat and stored in the liver and adipose tissue. Sunlight is the most natural source of vitamin D3. UV rays from sunlight convert the cholesterol in our skin into vitamin D3. D3 is twice as effective at raising blood levels of vitamin D than the D2 form.

The main role of vitamin D in the body calcium ve phosphorus to manage levels. These minerals healthy bones is important for Studies show that vitamin D strengthens the immune system and may reduce the risk of heart disease and some cancers. Low levels of vitamin D have a higher risk of bone fractures, heart disease, multiple sclerosis, various cancers and even death.

How to Get Vitamin D from the Sun

Ultraviolet B (UVB) rays in sunlight are responsible for converting cholesterol in the skin to vitamin D. Exposure to the sun for 2 to 3 minutes, 20 to 30 times a week, is sufficient for a light-skinned person to produce vitamin D. Those with dark skin and older people need more exposure to sunlight for adequate amounts of vitamin D. 

  • Leave your skin exposed throughout the day: Midday is the best time to get sunlight, especially in summer. At noon, the sun is at its highest point and UVB rays are most intense. 
  • Skin color affects vitamin D production: People with dark skin have more melanin than people with lighter skin. Melanin protects the skin against damage from sunlight. It acts as a natural sunscreen. For this reason, these people need to stay in sunlight longer in order for their bodies to produce vitamin D.
  • To produce vitamin D, the skin must be exposed: Vitamin D is made from cholesterol in the skin. This means that the skin must be exposed to a sufficient amount of sunlight. Some scientists state that about a third of our skin needs to be exposed to the sun.
  • Sunscreen affects vitamin D production: Some studies have determined that the use of sunscreen creams with SPF 30 or more reduces the production of vitamin D in the body by approximately 95-98%.

Vitamin D Benefits

  • Strengthens teeth and bones

Vitamin D3 helps regulate and absorb calcium. It plays an important role in the health of teeth and bones.

  • Strengthens the immune system

One of the most important benefits of vitamin D is its role in protecting and strengthening the immune system. It stimulates the production of T-cells. It supports the immune response against viruses, bacteria and fungi that are responsible for various diseases such as colds and flu.

  • Prevents some types of cancer

Vitamin D3 helps prevent the development of certain types of cancer. Vitamin D repairs and regenerates cells, which reduces the growth of cancerous tumors, stimulates the death of cancer-damaged cells, and reduces the formation of blood vessels in tumors.

  • Improves brain function
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There are vitamin D receptors in the brain and spinal cord. Vitamin D plays a role in activating and deactivating the synthesis of neurotransmitters as well as nerve growth and repair.

  • Improves mood

Vitamin D is good for seasonal depression that occurs during the cold and dark winter period. It positively affects the levels of serotonin, a mood-regulating hormone in the brain. 

  • Helps to lose weight

Studies show that vitamin D helps with weight loss. This is because vitamin D3 helps keep body fat levels low.

  • Reduces the risk of rheumatoid arthritis

Since one of the benefits of vitamin D is maintaining the immune system and keeping it working properly, its deficiency leads to the development of rheumatoid arthritis. Taking vitamin D reduces the severity and onset of this disease and other autoimmune diseases.

  • Lowers the risk of type 2 diabetes

Recent research shows a link between vitamin D deficiency and the body's insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. Increasing the level of vitamin D in the body overcomes insulin resistance, potentially preventing the development of type 2 diabetes.

  • Lowers blood pressure

People with high blood pressure have been found to have lower levels of vitamin D. Raising vitamin D levels can help lower blood pressure. 

  • May reduce the risk of heart disease

Vitamin D deficiency is a risk factor for the development of high blood pressure, heart disease, congestive heart failure, peripheral artery disease, stroke and heart attack. Improving vitamin D levels reduces the risk of developing heart disease.

  • Relieves symptoms of multiple sclerosis

Studies show that vitamin D can reduce the risk of getting MS. For those with multiple sclerosis, a disease in which the immune system attacks the central nervous system, vitamin D relieves symptoms and even slows the growth of the disease.

Vitamin D benefits for the skin

  • It prevents premature aging of the skin.
  • It reduces skin infections.
  • Supports the healing of psoriasis and eczema.
  • Improves the skin's appearance.

Vitamin D benefits for hair

  • It accelerates the hair growth process.
  • It prevents spillage.
  • It strengthens the hair.

Does vitamin D weaken?

Some evidence shows that getting enough vitamin D can increase weight loss and reduce body fat. Since the amount of vitamin D in the body remains the same when weight is lost, levels actually increase. Studies show that vitamin D can potentially stop the formation of new fat cells in the body. It also prevents the storage of fat cells. Thus, it effectively reduces fat accumulation.

What's In Vitamin D?

daily vitamin D requirement

  • Salmon

Vitamin D is mostly found in seafood. For example; salmon It is a great source of vitamin D. A 100-gram serving of salmon contains between 361 and 685 IU of vitamin D.

  • herring and sardines

Herring is one of the good sources of vitamin D. A 100-gram serving provides 1.628 IU. Sardine fish is also a food containing vitamin D. One serving contains 272 IU.

Halibut ve mackerel Oily fish, such as oily fish, provide 600 and 360 IU of vitamin D per serving, respectively.

  • Cod liver oil

Cod liver oilIt is an excellent source of vitamin D. There are approximately 1 IU in 450 teaspoon. One teaspoon (4.9 ml) of liver oil contains high amounts of vitamin A. Consuming excessive amounts of vitamin A can be toxic. Therefore, you should be careful when using cod liver oil.

  • Canned tuna

Many people prefer canned tuna because of its taste and easy storage method. A 100-gram serving of tuna contains 236 IU of vitamin D.

  • Oyster

OysterIt is a type of clam that lives in salt water. It is delicious, low-calorie and nutritious. A 100 gram serving of wild oyster contains 320 IU of vitamin D.

  • Shrimp

ShrimpIt provides 152 IU of vitamin D and is low in fat.

  • Egg yolk

Eggs are a great nutritious food as well as being a good source of vitamin D. Egg yolk from farm-raised chickens contains 18–39 IU of vitamin D, which is not a very high amount. However, the level of eggs of chickens walking outside in the sunlight is 3-4 times higher.

  • Mushrooms

Except for foods fortified with vitamin D, mushrooms It is the only plant source for vitamin D. Like humans, fungi synthesize this vitamin when exposed to UV light. Fungi produce vitamin D2, while animals produce vitamin D3. A 100-gram serving of some varieties can contain up to 2.300 IU of vitamin D.

  • Milk

Full-fat cow's milk is an excellent source of vitamin D and calcium. Both vitamin D and calcium are essential for building strong bones. A glass of milk provides 98 IU, or about 24% of the daily requirement of vitamin D. You can drink at least a glass of milk in the morning or before going to bed every day.

  • Yoghurt

Yoghurt It is a good source of calcium and vitamin D. It also contains good gut bacteria that aid digestion. Therefore, for overweight people with intestinal problems, eating yogurt is beneficial. A glass of yogurt provides about 80 IU, or 20% of your daily need. 

  • Almond
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AlmondIt is a healthy nut containing omega 3, protein, calcium and vitamin D. 

Daily Vitamin D Needs

Adults aged 19-70 years are recommended to take at least 600 IU (15 mcg) of vitamin D per day. However, some studies indicate that the dosage may vary according to body weight. Based on current research, a daily intake of 1000-4000 IU (25-100 mcg) of vitamin D is ideal for most people to achieve healthy vitamin D blood levels. 

What do you have vitamin D?

What is Vitamin D Deficiency?

While most of us are busy hiding ourselves from the sunlight in the summer, we forget how important that same sunlight is to our lives and our bodies. Sunlight is a direct source of vitamin D. That's why it's called the sunshine vitamin. Vitamin D deficiency is incredibly common, and many people don't even realize they're deficient.

It is estimated that vitamin D deficiency affects approximately 1 billion people worldwide. Dark-skinned and elderly individuals, as well as overweight and obese people, have lower vitamin D levels.

What Causes Vitamin D Deficiency?

Insufficient levels of vitamin D in the body cause vitamin D deficiency. Even with plenty of sunlight, it's really surprising that vitamin D deficiency is a worldwide problem. The causes of vitamin D deficiency are as follows:

  • Limited sunlight exposure: People living in northern latitudes see less sunlight. Therefore, they are at risk of vitamin D deficiency. 
  • Insufficient consumption of vitamin D: People on a vegetarian diet are more likely to consume insufficient vitamin D. This is because most natural sources of this vitamin are found in animal foods.
  • Being dark skinned: Dark-skinned people are at risk for vitamin D deficiency. These people need three to five times more sun exposure to produce vitamin D.
  • Obesity: People who are overweight have lower vitamin D levels.
  • Age: With age, the body's ability to synthesize vitamin D from sun exposure decreases. Therefore, older people experience higher rates of vitamin D deficiency.
  • Inability of the kidneys to convert vitamin D to the active form: With age, the kidneys lose their ability to convert vitamin D into its active form. This increases the risk of vitamin D deficiency.
  • Bad absorption: Some people cannot absorb enough vitamin D. Crohn's disease, cystic fibrosis and celiac disease Some medications adversely affect the gut's ability to absorb vitamin D from the food we eat.
  • Medical conditions and medications: Chronic kidney diseases, primary hyperparathyroidism, chronic glaucoma-forming disorders and lymphoma often cause vitamin D deficiency. Similarly, a wide variety of drugs, such as antifungal drugs, anticonvulsants, glucocorticoids, and drugs used to treat AIDS/HIV, stimulate the breakdown of vitamin D. Thus, it can lead to lower levels of vitamin D in the body.
  • Pregnancy and lactation: Pregnant or breastfeeding mothers need more vitamin D than others. Because the body's store of vitamin D is depleted during pregnancy and it needs time to build up before another pregnancy.
Vitamin D Deficiency Symptoms

Bone pain and muscle weakness are the most common symptoms of vitamin D deficiency. However, some people experience no symptoms. Symptoms of vitamin D deficiency are:

Symptoms of vitamin D deficiency in infants and children

  • Children with vitamin D deficiency are at risk for muscle spasms, seizures, and other breathing difficulties.
  • The skull or leg bones of children with high deficiency may be soft. This causes the legs to appear curved. They also experience bone pain, muscle pain, or muscle weakness.
  • In children neck lengtheningIt is adversely affected by vitamin D deficiency.
  • Irritability for no reason is another symptom of vitamin D deficiency in children and infants.
  • Children with vitamin D deficiency have delayed teeth. Deficiency negatively affects the development of milk teeth.
  • Weakness of the heart muscle is an indication of extremely low vitamin D levels.

Symptoms of vitamin D deficiency in adults

  • Adults with a deficiency feel a lot of fatigue and vague aches and pains.
  • Some adults experience cognitive impairment due to vitamin D deficiency.
  • It becomes sick and susceptible to infections.
  • Pains such as bone and back pain occur.
  • Wounds on the body heal later than normal.
  • Hair loss due to vitamin D deficiency visible.
Diseases Caused by Vitamin D Deficiency

The following health problems can be caused by vitamin D deficiency:

  • Diabetes
  • Tuberculosis
  • Rickets
  • Grip
  • Osteomalacia
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • schizophrenia and depression
  • Cancer
  • Periodontal disease
  • Psoriasis
Vitamin D Deficiency Treatment

The best way to prevent vitamin D deficiency is to get enough sunlight. However, foods rich in vitamin D should be eaten. If these are not effective, vitamin D supplements can be taken with the advice of a doctor. Vitamin D deficiency is treated as follows;

  • Eating foods containing vitamin D
  • get enough sunlight
  • using a vitamin D injection
  • taking a vitamin D supplement
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What is Vitamin D Excess?

Vitamin D excess, also called hypervitaminosis D or vitamin D poisoning, is a rare but serious condition that occurs when there is an excess of vitamin D in the body.

Excess is usually due to taking high doses of vitamin D supplements. Exposure to the sun or eating foods rich in vitamin D does not cause excess. This is because the body regulates the amount of vitamin D produced as a result of sun exposure. Foods also do not contain high levels of vitamin D.

The result of an excess of vitamin D is calcium buildup in the blood (hypercalcemia), which causes nausea, vomiting, weakness and frequent urination. An excess of vitamin D can progress to bone pain and kidney problems such as the formation of calcium stones.

The maximum recommended daily requirement for healthy adults is 4.000 IU. Taking more than this amount of vitamin D every day can cause vitamin D poisoning.

What Causes Vitamin D Excess?

Excess is caused by taking too much vitamin D supplements. 

Symptoms of Vitamin D Excess

After taking too much vitamin D, at least two of the following symptoms will appear after a few days:

  • unexplained exhaustion
  • Loss of appetite and weight
  • Constipation
  • Dry mouth
  • Skin that is slow to return to normal after compression
  • Increased thirst and urination frequency
  • constant headache
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Decreased reflexes
  • Mental confusion and attention deficit
  • Irregular heart beat
  • Weakening of the muscles
  • Changes in gait
  • extreme dehydration
  • Hypertension
  • slow growth
  • difficulty breathing
  • temporary loss of consciousness
  • Heart failure and heart attack
  • Kidney stones and kidney failure
  • Hearing loss
  • Tinnitus
  • Pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas)
  • gastric ulcer
  • Koma
Vitamin D Excess Treatment

For treatment, it is necessary to stop the intake of vitamin D. Also, dietary calcium intake should be limited. The doctor may also prescribe intravenous fluids and medications such as corticosteroids or bisphosphonates.

Vitamin D Harms

When taken in appropriate doses, vitamin D is generally considered safe. However, taking too much vitamin D in supplement form is harmful. Children aged 4.000 years and older, adults, and pregnant and breastfeeding women who take more than 9 IU of vitamin D per day may experience the following side effects:

  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Loss of appetite and weight
  • Constipation
  • Weakness
  • Confusion and attention problem
  • heart rhythm problems
  • Kidney stones and kidney damage
Who should not use vitamin D?

Vitamin D supplements are not suitable for everyone. Supplements can interact with some medications. People taking any of the following medications should consult their doctor before taking a vitamin D supplement:

  • Phenobarbital and phenytoin, which can treat epilepsy
  • Orlistat, a weight loss drug
  • Cholestyramine, which may reduce cholesterol

Also, some medical conditions increase vitamin D sensitivity. People with any of the following conditions should consult a doctor before using vitamin D supplements:

To summarize;

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble secosteroid that aids in the absorption of calcium, magnesium, and phosphate. It is produced by the body when exposed to sunlight. Foods containing vitamin D are found in small amounts. It is found in foods such as seafood, milk, eggs, mushrooms. There are two types of vitamin D. Vitamin D2 and Vitamin D3.

This vitamin prevents the body from getting sick often, strengthens bones and teeth, allows the immune function to function. Vitamin D deficiency can occur due to insufficient exposure to sunlight or absorption problems. To prevent deficiency, one should be exposed to the sun, eat foods rich in vitamin D or take vitamin D supplements.

Taking vitamin D supplements above 4000 IU daily is harmful. It can cause an excess of vitamin D. As a result, very serious situations can occur.

References: 1, 2, 3, 4

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