What is the Difference Between Vitamin K1 and Vitamin K2?

Vitamin K is an essential mineral due to its role in blood clotting. It consists of several groups of vitamins that have many health benefits beyond helping blood clot. There are two main forms of vitamin K. Vitamin K1 and K2.

  • Vitamin K1, called "phylloquinone," is mostly found in plant foods such as green leafy vegetables. It makes up about 75-90% of all vitamin K consumed by humans.
  • Vitamin K2 found in fermented foods and animal products. It is also produced by intestinal bacteria. It has several subspecies called menaquinones (MKs) based on the length of its side chain. These range from MK-4 to MK-13.

Vitamin K1 and K2 There are some differences between them. Let's examine them now.

Vitamin K1 and K2
The difference between vitamin K1 and K2

What are the differences between vitamin K1 and K2?

  • The main function of all types of vitamin K is to activate proteins that play an important role in blood clotting, heart health, brain function, and bone health.
  • However, due to absorption, body and tissue transport differences, Vitamin K1 and K2 have very different effects on health.
  • In general, vitamin K1 found in plants is less absorbed by the body.
  • Less is known about the absorption of vitamin K2. However, experts think that vitamin K2 is better absorbable than vitamin K1 because it is often found in fat-containing foods.
  • This is because vitamin K is a fat-soluble vitamin. Fat soluble vitaminsIt is absorbed much better when eaten with oil.
  • In addition, the long side chain of vitamin K2 allows longer blood circulation than vitamin K1. Vitamin K1 can remain in the blood for several hours. Some forms of K2 can remain in the blood for days.
  • Some researchers think that the longer the circulation time of vitamin K2, the better it can be used in tissues found throughout the body. Vitamin K1 is primarily transported and used to the liver.
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What are the benefits of vitamins K1 and K2?

  • It facilitates blood clotting.
  • In the body Vitamin K1 and K2Low blood pressure increases the risk of breaking bones.
  • It has an important role in preventing heart disease.
  • It reduces menstrual bleeding by regulating the function of hormones.
  • It helps fight cancer.
  • It improves brain functions.
  • It helps keep teeth healthy.
  • It improves insulin sensitivity.

What causes vitamin K deficiency?

  • Vitamin K deficiency is rare in healthy people. It usually occurs in people with severe malnutrition or malabsorption, and sometimes in people taking medication.
  • One of the symptoms of vitamin K deficiency is excessive bleeding that cannot be easily stopped.
  • Even if you do not have a vitamin K deficiency, you should be getting enough vitamin K to prevent heart disease and bone disorders such as osteoporosis.

How to get enough vitamin K?

  • The recommended adequate intake for vitamin K is based on vitamin K1 alone. It is set at 90 mcg/day for adult women and 120 mcg/day for adult men.
  • This can be easily achieved by adding a bowl of spinach to an omelet or salad, or by consuming half a cup of broccoli or Brussels sprouts for dinner.
  • Also, consuming them with a source of fat such as egg yolk or olive oil will help the body absorb vitamin K better.
  • Currently, there is no recommendation on how much vitamin K2 to take. Adding various vitamin K2-rich foods to your diet will definitely be beneficial.

For example;

  • Eat more eggs
  • Eat some fermented cheeses like cheddar.
  • Consume the darker parts of the chicken.
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References: 1

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